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Anonymous 128502

How many hours of sleep a night do mermaids need?

Anonymous 128507

I heard from a friend that its eight hours a day, but they sleep like dolphins, half awake half asleep.
They can split it up like 4 hours of full asleep, or like 3 hours of full sleep and 2 of half sleep

Anonymous 128513

As many as they want but they also sleep like sharks: eyes open monitoring movement, and mouth against a stream of water in a catatonic state.

Anonymous 128570

I can get by with 6

Anonymous 128654

oof, im part mermaid and usually get less, like 3 or 4, but I'm tired a lot so it would make sense if it's more

Anonymous 128681

I wouldn't think many, since they probably don't exist.

Anonymous 128682

I saw one when I was a child

Anonymous 128687

Wrong. I am a mermaid.

Anonymous 128764

Why do you think they don't exist?

Anonymous 128772

Calling something …

0 they consume people for energy

Anonymous 128777

thats a big probably

Anonymous 138804


5, i think they’d lie on the surface like sunfish with one eye open for any surface or water dwelling foes. maybe if a pack of them manage to capsize a fairly large boat they can have a hibernation session after gorging on all the sailor filet.

Anonymous 138955



Anonymous 143879


I agree, I imagine them doing a semi sleep. Like one side of the brain is asleep but the other side is awake so they can be aware of any dangers

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