
Pink pill #10 Anonymous 129384
Vent about society, men, etc.
Last thread
>>123844Anonymous 129388

Saw these 2 comments under a comedy skit about straight women “dressing gay.” Second comment pisses me off. Women dressing comfortably instead of wearing pink frilly dresses isn’t “dressing gay” and it’s not “invalidating” anyone. FFS.
Anonymous 129395
anon that posted
>>129316 in the last thread which board was that from? I thought /tttt/ but couldn't find in archive
Anonymous 129396
>>129395nvm found it
on /v/ for the other miners who also wanted to know, search crystal cafe in a /v/ archive
Anonymous 129398
>>129388What kind of clothes/outfits do they mean in this context?
Anonymous 129399

Men are so fucking annoying. Low IQ subhuman coom apes
Anonymous 129413
>>129399because male dominated societies are doing so great
Anonymous 129414
>>129413Moid societies do so awful because they literally bastardise society and create complex but useless little hierarchies that accomplish nothing just to make it so trash scrotes pass on their genes, ruining the gene pool an society with it. That's why we have so many violent autists now.
Anonymous 129415
>>129413All societies are me dominated, I think you mean to what extent
Anonymous 129419
I'm sick of the world rewarding shitty (predominantly moid) behaviour.
>You cleared all the land first and extracted its resources? Billionaire, and your children, and their children, and so on. >You chose to just take what you need and nothing more? Poor. And your children. And everyone after you.>You're amassing more and more power and fame? Snowball effect, now you have even more power and fame as a result of your power and fame. No one will ever try stop you!>You're a nobody? Why should I ever listen to what you have to say!>You get a career stripping people down to nothing and reducing them to a mere blip on a screen? Millionaire.>You get a career in nursing, or education, or anything that has a mote of compassion for your fellow human? If you're lucky, you can afford rent this week.>You murder, kill, pillage, and ruin other societies? War hero. >You provide for, protect, love, and embrace those around you struggling? They'll hiss at you the moment you stopMaybe I'm exaggerating, but it just feels so… hopeless. Somewhere along the way, we as a society got our priorities mixed up, and it just seems like now the worst aspects of men are what we reward. Greed, lust, wrath, and avarice. Look at most popular things today (music, tv, film, basically anything outside of literature), these are what shape the peoples' minds. Having any kind of values rooted in something beyond yourself is unheard of, but being a disgusting, self-obsessed scrote is idolised. Not caring about other peoples' feelings is "tough", violence is "badass", and if you're a horny coomer that does all the sex, then you'll sing it to the mountains, valleys, and plateaus.
I don't want feminism to be "women should become just as disgusting as men", I don't feel empowered by the messages I'm getting at all. I want to be empowered for being compassionate and caring, for being a decent human being. I don't want a reward, I don't want a pat on the back or a thank you; I want society to acknowledge that there's good people and bad people. Sorry for getting off topic
>>129388>Compare this to things like black cultureIt's like these people come online looking for trouble. A harmless skit that is related to LGBT without being homophobic, and still people manage to fit in discussions about race.
Why would you want to be perceived differently from straight people anyway? Isn't a necessity of "lgbt acceptance" basically the condition that most people can't distinguish between gay people and straight people? It's not really like race or gender; theoretically, someone can be gay and you won't know until they kiss someone of the same sex.
Anonymous 129458
TW for child abuse and suicide.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/27/russian-soldiers-raping-and-sexually-assaulting-women-says-ukraine-mpA Ukrainian MP has raised alarm about Russian soldiers raping and sexually assaulting women during its invasion, and said Ukraine would “not be silent” about the crimes.
In a TV interview, Maria Mezentseva referenced one case in Brovary, an eastern suburb of Kyiv, where a woman was raped in front of her child.
On Wednesday, the prosecutor general, Iryna Venediktova, said the attack was being investigated by the authorities and Ukraine had told Russia that an arrest warrant had been issued for the serviceman.
Speaking on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Mezentseva said: “There is one case which was very widely discussed recently because it’s been recorded and proceeded with [by] the prosecutor’s office, and we’re not going into details, but it’s quite a scary scene when a civilian was shot dead in his house in a small town next to Kyiv.
“His wife was – I’m sorry but I have to say it – raped several times in front of her underage child.”
After the attack, the soldier is believed to have threatened the child.
Mezentseva, the head of Ukraine’s permanent delegation to the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, said that cases needed to be recorded, as “justice has to prevail”. Rape and sexual assault are considered war crimes and a breach of international humanitarian law.
She said cases were being underreported, and added that she hoped that the UK could pass on expertise on how to support victims in the aftermath of crimes.
“There are many more victims rather than just this one case which has been made public by the prosecutor general,” she said. “And of course, we are expecting many more of them, which will be public once victims will be ready to talk about that.
“That’s why you know, when we’ve been talking to Boris Johnson, when we will be talking to your Home Office, when we’ve been talking to MPs of UK, we’ve also raised this issue that this aftermath, which we are dealing with right now, the aftermath of war, has to be taken very cautiously, very seriously, and to take into account the UK experience and experience of other countries, which can help us in dealing with psychologists, and how to help these people to actually live over these cases, to keep going afterwards, to keep living.”
She added: “We will definitely not be silent.”
Her words echoed those of fellow Ukrainian MP Lesia Vasylenko, who addressed UK MPs earlier in March and said Russian soldiers were sexually assaulting and raping women.
She said: “We have reports of women being gang-raped. These women are usually the ones who are unable to get out. We are talking about senior citizens. Most of these women have either been executed after the crime of rape or they have taken their own lives.”
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/one-soldier-raped-me-then-the-other-as-my-son-cried-7xbqwzdqwhttps://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-woman-raped-by-russian-soldiers-sexual-violence-investigation-2022-3"I cried out, 'Where is my husband?'" she said. "Then I looked outside and I saw him on the ground by the gate. This younger guy pulled gun to my head and said: 'I shot your husband because he's a Nazi.'"
The woman told The Times she told her 4-year-old son to hide in the boiler room where they had been sheltering. She said the two soldiers then took turns raping her as her son cried in the next room.
The Russian occupiers tell their relatives by phone about the atrocities their fellow servicemen commit on Ukrainian territory. Thus, two more cases of rape were reported. The recording of the intercepted telephone conversation was published by the SBU press service.
The invader told his interlocutor that Russian soldiers raped a woman and a 16-year-old girl in a village in Ukraine, but he did not specify which village. The occupant himself admits over the phone that he believes the rapists should be shot. "In a neighbouring village, some kids got concussed, or I don't know what. They just went and raped a grown woman and a 16-year-old girl. They should just be shot," the occupant said.
https://society.comments.ua/news/accidents/iznasilovali-zhenschinu-i-16-letnyuyu-devchonku-sbu-perehvatila-razgovor-rossiyskogo-okkupanta-696440.htmlEleven cases of rape committed by Russian occupants in Ukraine have now been confirmed in Kherson. According to Yevhen Karabelesh, a doctor at the local polyclinic, only five victims have survived; one of them is known to be 17 years old.
"Russian occupants are raping women in Kherson. The girls are asked to stay at home and not to go out in the street. This is what the locals said."
https://www.polskieradio.pl/397/7836/Artykul/2913583Russian occupants continue to terrorize peaceful Ukrainians in the occupied territories by killing, maiming and torturing people, raping women and girls.
One such terrible story was shared by a Facebook user - she relayed the words of an acquaintance who works as a doctor. The woman said that she had recently received people who had been captured by the occupants, including girls aged 15 to 20. According to the woman, these girls were repeatedly raped by the Russians and showed signs of ill-treatment. She noted that the victims were bleeding.
https://apostrophe.ua/ua/news/society/accidents/2022-03-26/iznasilovannyim-devushkam-po-15-20-let-ukrainskaya-medsestra-rasskazala-pro-zverstva-orkov/263949Russian occupants commit sexual crimes against Ukrainian women in Kyiv, Kherson and Chernihiv regions.
Evacuees reported the facts of mass rapes.
Among the victims is an 18-year-old girl who was raped by the occupiers for eight days.
https://censor.net/ru/news/3328608/okkupanty_vosem_dneyi_nasilovali_18letnyuyu_devushku_a_pravozaschitniki_uprekayut_ukrainu_v_razglasheniiA doctor from Zaporizhzhia reports that a group of girls from Mariupol were admitted to their hospital. The oldest one is 10 years old. They have recto-vaginal tears.
https://twitter.com/olya_rudenko/status/1510304622816251909Lyuba (28) lived with her mom near Kharkiv. They couldn’t evacuate as mom didn’t walk.
One day Russians came for food. One stayed. He raped her for a week. When running, he offered to go with him. She said she couldn’t leave mom. So, he shot the mom in front of her.
https://twitter.com/olex_scherba/status/1510627534249070599https://www.facebook.com/denisovaombudsman/posts/517529726394971The level of brutality of the army of terrorists and executioners of the Russian Federation knows no bounds - raped children…
A 14-year-old girl was raped by 5 occupying men. She is pregnant now. Bucha.
An 11-year-old boy was raped in front of his mother - she was tied to a chair to watch. Bucha.
A 20-year-old woman, raped by three occupiers in all possible ways at once. Irpen.
Anonymous 129459
>>129458Samefag but sorry about the sloppy formatting, I copy+pasted it from another site.
Anonymous 129467
>>129458It is no wonder we fear moids when moids, in situations where they have complete monopoly of force, rape and kill us like the rabid dogs they are. my heart breaks for the women and children suffering at the hands of these subhumans
Anonymous 129477

Recently I learned there's quite a number of moids who get off on girls cutting themselves and shit, some of them even blackmail/threaten girls to do degrading shit for them, I think some of them might've been underage too.
I'm not gonna go into great detail but it repulses me that a bunch of edgelord moids who see it as a competition of who can get the most girls to do the most stuff for them, ruining their lives in the process and selling their nudes to other moids who also get off on that.
I know it sounds over the top and kind of fake but it's real, and I have proof of it, I've seen these girls nudes and it's honestly so sad. At first, I thought those girls were pathetic for wanting to be a part of some edgy retard's harem that they haven't even seen the face of, I only learned about the blackmailing part later.
I hope I don't live to see this shit becoming more common, with pornsickness getting stronger, I don't want to see more vulnerable girls getting groomed into doing depraved shit for moids.
Anonymous 129478
>>129477It also repulses me to realize I would've been a good target for them, with how easily I was groomed when I was younger.
Anonymous 130022

men are truly subhuman and their only real goal in life is sexually pleasuring themself
they will do this with animals, inanimate objects, children, nonconsenting women
the y chromosome is a disease
Anonymous 130057

Why do males always punctuate every argument they have with a woman with "hm if u disagree with me i bet u were raped as a child"
all xys, troons included.
Anonymous 130059
>>130058I don't think they themselves were raped I just think they have monkey brained impulses that categorize women they dislike as tainted and undesirable, and the most undesirable woman is one who was sexually conquered as young as possible. Which is to say, another man tainted her long before he ever even got the chance. To a monkey male, an already claimed female is useless as a vessel to carry his parasite sperm.
Anonymous 130064
>>130057>Why do males always punctuate every argument they have with a woman with "hm if u disagree with me i bet u were raped as a child"Ever since the enlightenment and Freud's psychoanalysis people don't believe in essence anymore.
They believe all behaviour is the consequence of socialisation.
Anonymous 130069
>>130059They most likely weren't but they clearly have some sort of obsession regarding molestation which they project on everyone else
Moid in your pic is clearly rapist material by the way he uses "sissy," which he obviously got from porn
Anonymous 130070
>>130069O ok, that makes even more sense. they're just sex perverts. I'm overcomplicating moids again.
Anonymous 130075
>engineer tradwives out of imageboard lurkers
not at all in this argument, but absolutely I've seen similar behavior around here (not sure if the end goal is trad wives though it usually is similar). it's super disturbing and I'd highly advise people to keep a look out for it. also I'm pretty certain it's not all men doing it.
they tend to come out during arguments like this in order to manipulate women into being "ok" with a certain type of male (while carefully making sure to pull the wool over womens' eyes in terms of the myriad of problematic, sneakier behaviors average men often do).
Anonymous 130083
>Yes moid, I would filter you.
Even if I were a moid I don't think you're in the position of filtering anyone, your ugliness is clear from the venomous words you've been spouting.
You're like a female version of an incel, complete with a grandiosely delusional perfect society where the opposite sex is enslaved
Anonymous 130103
>>130083If I admit 1 is a bigger number than 0 would you consider your gatekeeping successful and fuck off
Anonymous 130144

moids have the biggest victim complexes.
Anonymous 130166
>>130083>Woman is mean therefore she is ugly and doesn't date and doesn't fuck!!! Finally I have more reproductive value than a woman because I'm definitely not mean or toxic or anything like that Anonymous 130171
>>130144>she will be repulsed and I get no sex.Everytime it just boils down to this uh ? Pathetic.
Anonymous 130175
>>130144This is so weird. There is a difference between being intimately vulnerable and then just being a crybaby. In the dating market there's massive amounts of men that are actually heavily depending on women to be their sole therapist and caretaker (do most the domestic labor/childcare even in situations where she pays half for everything), like, weaponized incompetence is disgusting. Look up the data on how much a woman's workload goes up with a man around. It's actually nuts.
It's why so many rush moving in. Why older ladies are in general less eager to move in than older men. It's why on average men get the most support from their spouse…while the same trend isn't as common for women.
Why the most successful marriages tend to feature mutual interest, caring, and paying attention to the little things the other does. It's not about being "weak." It's about being emotionally well-adjusted people.
I'm not at all surprised scrotes like this see woman saying, "I don't want to mommy a guy!"
and then think it's time to devolve into a caveman.
Anonymous 130178
>>130175Oh, also, men in general don't actually treat female vulnerability all that well in general and I find it weird failed males act otherwise. There's many, many proxies of this that end up disportionately affecting women in long-term relationships.
Vaguely "tolerating" female weakness isn't the same as actually caring about women at their lowest points, it's why so many men jump ship when their spouse gets terminally ill, why women are more likely to go out of their way to help an ailing spouse even at their ugliest/weakest, etc.
Anonymous 130184
>>130083>Oh yeah?? Well, u ugly!!!Males really do value having sex and looks above everything else huh
Anonymous 130261
>>129399Moids say shit like this while living with their mommies and being dependant on them. Pathetic behaviour
Anonymous 130262
>“Having a choice wouldn’t benefit me, personally, so other women should not have a choice :)”
so tired of this rhetoric. you want to wear dresses and heels, you want to get married, you aren't interested in secondary education, you want to carry any possible pregnancies to full term? go for it. women who want to live their lives differently from you should not have their choices taken away because it wouldn't be what you personally choose for yourself.
Anonymous 130264
>Usually adult males who are unable to make emotional connections with the women they choose to be intimate with are frozen in time, unable to allow themselves to love for fear that the loved one will abandon them. If the first woman they passionately loved, the mother, was not true to her bond of love, then how can they trust that their partner will be true to love. Often in their adult relationships these men act out again and again to test their partner's love. While the rejected adolescent boy imagines that he can no longer receive his mother's love because he is not worthy, as a grown man he may act out in ways that are unworthy and yet demand of the woman in his life that she offer him unconditional love. This testing does not heal the wound of the past, it merely reenacts it, for ultimately the woman will become weary of being tested and end the relationship, thus reenacting the abandonment. This drama confirms for many men that they cannot put their trust in love. They decide that it is better to put their faith in being powerful, in being dominant.
>When men lie to women, presenting a false self, the terrible price they pay to maintain "power over" us is the loss of their capacity to give and receive love.
Both quotes from bell hooks.
Anonymous 130269
Low value men seen any woman they get as “earned” not that they got lucky. They then think that they deserve an even higher value woman and begin to resent the one they have for not being that.
Never ever even consider a low value man. He’s low value because he chooses to be that way, not because he is unlucky.
Anonymous 130278
I really do think a big part of misogyny is people believing that men have an extra layer of deep emotions that women don’t feel or understand. even though women are thought of as emotional our emotions are also seen as very shallow
Anonymous 130308
>>130264So it was just mommy issues all along.
Anonymous 130327
>>130316How is having sex with someone he finds unattractive a "win" for him?
Anonymous 130331
>India has highest number of rapes in world
Anonymous 130333

>>130331Nta but here's a source. Looks like it's not only India but a bunch of other 3rd world countries too.
Anonymous 130340
>>130333How does one even adjust for taboos? I contested anon's claim that the
number is highest.I just want source citing that 3rd world countries or India for that matter has highest number of rapes per capita or in general. This map isn't it chief
Anonymous 130344
>>130340>needs a source that 3rd world countries have high rates of rapeIt's just common sense, even without the stats. Btw the website is in the bottom left.
Anonymous 130353
feeding into incel rhetoric, using meme language, sharing the messages they have with these girls, judging objectively attractive girls bodies like they're trash? i know its tinder but jeez this video is so incredibly retarded
Anonymous 130426
>>130333Nuke all orange and below tbqf famalam
Anonymous 130427
>>130333Sweden has the same rape rates as the UK. You're looking at Norway.
Anonymous 130435
>Everybody wants to be like incels
Not even close.
Anonymous 130490
>>130435nta but i've seen so many guys try so hard to be like the incel stereotype so >>130431 isn't 100% wrong
Anonymous 130491
>>130490Its a very online male thing of embracing the worst things you are criticized for. Like the excitement on 4chan when the news said that the alt right were mostly single men who masturbate to anime.
Anonymous 130498
>>130353Most men have the same interests at the core and are on some level misogynistic, so yeah.
Anonymous 130499
>Everybody wants to be like incels but nobody would actually want to be an incel
It's because incels are unashamedly and openly misogynistic, which most 1st world moids aspire to be.
Anonymous 130500

>You know. Despite claiming that i hate women, i secretly wish one of you loved me.
We do know.
Anonymous 130501
So.. Noise? Or EDM? Kek
Anonymous 130705
>Thalidomide was introduced as a sedative and medication for morning sickness without having been tested on pregnant women. While initially deemed to be safe in pregnancy, concerns regarding birth defects were noted in 1961. An FDA reviewer named Frances Oldham Kelsey is largely responsible for blocking use of the drug in the United States. The scandal lead to stricter drug laws, including amendments that, for the first time, also recognized that "effectiveness [should be] required to be established prior to marketing."
cool lady
Anonymous 130707
yeah but that's not about the color of their skin. there's go gene in indian men that makes them more likely to rape.
Anonymous 130757
>some troll posts pms sex in an unrelated thread to be edgy
>a retard comments how "whoa, swollen" her labia appear to be, but she looks completely normal
And here I used to think male inexperience was a cute thing, but then shit like that just comes off totally cringe and unattractive.
Anonymous 130829
One of many factors that exacerbates the "gender pay gap" (a phrase I have my problems with, but that's neither here nor there) is that it's simply expected that women will be doing unpaid child rearing or familial labor. Keep in mind that the reason far more women than men pause their careers to do unpaid labor caring for children or other family members (e.g. disabled and/or elderly relatives) is due to sexist social and financial pressures. Her job is worth less, so she can quit it more easily. In my country, for example, female teachers make less money than male ones and there's no negotiation about salary involved. They can just have more classes because they're not expected to take care of children. What about lesbians, childfree women, women who otherwise don't want children, women who never plan on marrying, women without extended families to care for? Well, they just don't exist. Dontchya know.
Anonymous 132612
the cultural trope of the perfect woman being a robot trains women to see ourselves as replaceable. men specifically want robot partners BECAUSE they are inherently subservient. all humans are replaceable.
Anonymous 132615
>>130316wow her keys flew over my house
>stories that didn't happen for 500 Anonymous 132649
probably because of porn brain rot, since alot of porn starts from what i know get surgery to cut a bit of their labias
Anonymous 132660
>Honestly pretty understandable lol.
Maybe if you're a porn-addicted scrote.
Anonymous 132665
Friendly wolverine…

What is a good comeback to this kind of retarded discourse?
Anonymous 132667
>>132665>letting a girl be stalked/possibly murdered just because you want to pwn feminists (?)moids who think this way are broken therefore are not fit to be fathers or healthy enough to be husbands
Anonymous 132669
>>132665Why would he implied she seeks a protection just because he is male and not because he is a convenient passerby
Anonymous 132676
based, normalize shooting moids in the head when they're following you around
Anonymous 132677
>>132665If I was in the scenario I would only approach another woman if needed. If there's only another scrote around I would continue going by myself. In general I don't ask men for help.
Anonymous 132679
>You want men when you need them and expect them to fight your fights, but they're disposable any other moment.
Unironically yes. Men are the ones violent towards women, the least men could do is fight back against their fellow scrotes. And yes, men are evolutionarily disposable lol. Die mad about it
Anonymous 132692
>>132665This is nonsense, of course thay can hypothetically be this edgy when only a hypothetical woman would be near them or regard them as helpful. Also this:
>>132677 Anonymous 132721
>>132665Isn't that something you quietly ask? "Hey, I'm being followed, can I stick by you for awhile to scare them off/make them reconsider?"
Why would it be demanded?
These idiots can't even set up a realistic hypothetical, not that they have experience to know better.
Anyways, women should carry.
Anonymous 132776
most men are necrophilies
Anonymous 132777
autocorrect did me dirty
Anonymous 132924
>>132665they just have 0 altruism. where are these men helping other people? i have been involved in volunteering and rescuing for a long time, i can count on one hand the amount of men i have encountered in my spaces. and almost all of them were gay. males do nothing for no one without something in return.
Anonymous 132940

>>132938thanks nona! i have more but they're more meme tier but still ill dump bc why not
Anonymous 132948
>>132941All that meme tells me is what he means by "his 20s" is that he's 28 and the girls he's "trying to date" are 20
Anonymous 132950
Lol no. I'm bi but I don't even like women that much, there's nothing to be horrified about pussies. Unless you're a gay male I guess.
Anonymous 132967
>>132935lmao best meme in the thread, author really gets it
Anonymous 132983
This is oddly adorable. It cheered me up to read it.
Anonymous 132991
>>132940anyone know what anime this is from? reverse image search didn't work for me
Anonymous 133002
yeah looks like that's the one, thanks nona
Anonymous 133007

>Pakistan: Unidentified men dig up the grave of a teenage woman and rape her corpse, 17 accused being interrogated, investigation underway
A girl died in village Chak Kamala, Gujrat on 2nd day of Eid and today. Men dug up her grave and raped the dead body. Not only her body was completely covered but also she was almost 8ft under the ground. It's really tough to be a Woman in Pakistan.
Anonymous 133012
>hate moids
>love penises
It's not fair…
Anonymous 133029
>>133007Everyday, I lose more hopes for humanity, and the reason was never a woman.
Anonymous 133035
>>129402>Don't like to wear dresses? That means you're actually a man.>You wear shirts and a hat? That means you're gay.These people are so obsessed with signalling, archetypes, and compartmentalizing it just takes over everything, huh.
>>133007If it stays still long enough, men will find a way to stick their dick into it. I'm honestly surprised we don't trip over men digging holes in the ground after a rain to fuck the mud.
Anonymous 133054
>>133007If only there was a women's only country in order to accept South Asian women as refugees.
It is so bad down there, no wonder the best feminists I know IRL are South Asian women.
>>133012>thinking about d*cks in a time and place like thisKind of inappropriate, nona.
Take it to the you-know-where board and discuss about male ryona or whatever makes you horny there.
Anonymous 133055
>>133035No I doesn't if they're overbearing assholes walking into it you can pretty easily tell them off. Remember they're the ones agonizing over and obsessing over you enough to comment. Its like they can't let it go. Don't you ever wonder why lmao
Anonymous 133084
Men find it really, really hard to hear accounts from a woman accusing a man of sexual harassment or assault and visualize themselves in the place of a woman with a credible allegation instead of in the place of a man being falsely accused.
“Well, I would never. And surely, most guys are like me,” he thinks, “wait, but I touched a coworker's butt accidentally at a work party twenty years ago… will she accuse me of harassment? I hugged a young woman and her breasts touched me, will she accuse me of pedophilia?”
Even men who are extremely empathetic about other issues not directly affecting them will jump to talking about “not wanting to sentence someone in the court of public opinion” or identifying with some small part of the accused’s testimony even if they intellectually agree that the accuser is credible. They ask, “wait, when you say harassment, do you mean… harassment, or flirting that got out of hand?”
Even when the men are uninterested in women sexually they still have a fundamental inability to imagine something so widespread.
Some of the most empathetic men genuinely see nothing wrong with some forms of sexual harassment and assault. They think that, sometimes, women deserve abuse because they’ve misbehaved, and it’ll teach them to correct themselves in future. Or that it’s funny to torment women because it’s just a game to them and they think it’s silly that women overreact.
Sometimes, you will see men largely (but not entirely) agree the woman’s side is in the right. Like in the recent Chak Kamala necrophila case. Where the woman’s side is her family, and the woman herself is dead. She is blameless, in death. She did nothing to provoke the men. She was eight feet under, in her funerary clothes.
Anonymous 133088
>You have ‘concluded that I favour matrimony.’ Well, so I do, for the men. I regard the pure and lovable wife as the best safeguard for a man’s honour and purity; the comfortable and happy home as his rightful and natural resting place; and every loving environment that springs from such a tie one step nearer the heart of earth’s dearest and best. That’s for the man. And for every such home some woman is the sacrificial flame that feeds the altar. I take notice that my girl friends who have been engaged a year and those who have been married a year look vastly different, and it sets me to pondering on the differences between a man’s engaged love and his married love.
I thought this quote was interesting. In the latter part of the 19th century Gene Stratton-Porter, a famous U.S. naturalist, wrote this in a letter to her future husband (during their courtship). She's very clear-eyed about a value women have always seen in marriage: which is to say it's inevitable women will love men, and women will want the people they love to be happy, healthy; home. Yet, she's also very clear-eyed about the weight of the man's world on women's shoulders. The way she described all of the great, holy, venerable benefits men receive from having a wife in a home followed by the metaphor of women as the sacrificial flame… made me stop and think.
Anonymous 133092
>>133055I meant it takes over everything in their lives, minds and all interpretations thereout. (Or I guess therein since that's where it's happening.)
Anonymous 133111
>>133088BASED. she is completely right. very based lady so ahead of her time, unfortunately.
Anonymous 133631
Turkmenistan is a totalitarian dictatorship in Central Asia. Right now, the new president (who was installed by his father's government back in March) is imposing more restrictions on women.
https://www.rferl.org/a/turkmenistan-restrictions-women-appearance-travel/31834476.htmlSo far:
- women are forbidden to ride in cars with men who aren' their relatives
- forbidden to ride in the front seat
- forbidden to ride in cars after 8 PM
- prohibited from wearing any form-fitting clothing
- any kind of beauty enhancements such as manicures, false lashes or lip fillers are forbidden
- forced to sign agreements that they will be fired if they are caught with the above even outside of work
- are being stopped by police officers in the street and have their faces inspected, fined if they're wearing make-up or nails
It's not in effect yet, but the government is also discussing a law forbidding female citizens from leaving the country for any reason.
Anonymous 133645
>>133088Virtually NOTHING has changed, we just have great home and kitchen appliances now. Every woman I once knew, who married seems to have completely lost herself. I do NOT envy the situation. They completely changed, became shells of the people they were before.
Instead of running a homestead or household we work and chase kids and a manchild around for 18 years.
People who try to see the et positive and take a chance with it are INSANE to me. Its not worth throwing away 18 or 25 years to me.
Once you're in it with a kid there is no going back from that hell.
Anonymous 133646
>>133012It's fucking EASY to live without them my god.
Anonymous 133658
How the hell can anyone be a hopeless romantic these days? It defies all perceptible logic. You only have to be on the internet for 2 minutes to realize men are filth. They lay it out for the univers to see. Kicking choking spitting at you during sex being the new thing. Laying in bed with a porcupine seems less revolting
Anonymous 133659
You say this but I just do NOT understand how it's even possible. Are you an alien?
Anonymous 133664
>>133662That sounds impossible to keep going for a long period but ok
Anonymous 133672
>>133658It's weird, I'm actually pretty depraved but all the guys I talked to and dated were vanilla. It seems like the guys with extreme perversions are just typical obvious psychopath dudes and 4chan freaks. Most normie guys are really boring.
Anonymous 133687
Same. I'd always been kind of wary of moids. But I think talking to, dating them and lurking manosphere boards and realizing how many of them are pedos was the final nail in the coffin.
Anonymous 133699

Imagine if it was the norm for men in mass to yeet themselves into male-dominated circlejerks objectifying or talking shit about women in order to argue for hours and hours in defense of women.
Anonymous 133708
nta but they get shouted down and laughed at by other men and their words are dismissed as coming from a dumb simp. So what if 1 out of 500 male posters defend women?
Anonymous 133711
>>133699You meant it as a means to amuse oneself, no?
Because the schizos are right that there are entire teams of researching and implementing deradicalization stuff. Homeland security is one hell of an academic field.
Anonymous 133751
browsing reddit innuendo subreddits made me realize how undesirable and gross 99% of the male population is.
Anonymous 133754
stuff like this is so ingrained in our culture. the idea that ~*women don't understand that they're being degraded, only men Understand Le Epic Sex Joke*~ is 99% of the joy moids get from doing random degrading shit to women or making them the butt of perverse jokes.
Anonymous 133791
Good morning
Males should die
I wish every lurking and/or posting scrote a very kill yourself (that includes trans """""women""""" and moids who say "based" only because they mistakenly believe that TERFs are just like their white supremacist fantasy tradwives)
Anonymous 133793
>>133791 We need to take hints from Sri Lanka and BURN IT ALL DOWN.
Anonymous 133795
>>133791I hate men so much it's unreal.
Anonymous 133825
>>133791i'm a woman and say "based". trying to connect language to gender is a very troony thing to do.
Anonymous 133830
>>133827well then she should be more explicit
Anonymous 133843
Are all moids psychopaths? Asking unironically. Never met one that said it "felt" anything other than anger or being sad about no girlfriend.
Anonymous 133845
>>133843Yes. The situation in Russia reveals it very clearly. The only reason moids don't run around raping and killing everything is because they don't want to go to jail. Men are psychopaths and the best way to protect yourself as a woman is to not exist in proximity to them.
Anonymous 133850
men are inferior to women in every way, id be a petty insecure retard too if i had to feel hopelessly attracted to people out of my league since birth everyday
Anonymous 133851
>>133843Yes, men are driven only by ego and sex
Anonymous 133852
The reason men get so angry about places like this is because they're mad they have been found out.
Men are too lazy to stop watching porn and come up with some new strategy to take advantage of women, and they're pissed their tricks don't work on us anymore.
If something you say about men makes them mad, crying to ""prove"" you wrong with manosphere riged statistics and zombie pornbrain retoric, know you've hit the nail on the head and go your merry way.
Anonymous 133853

>>133851i-i-i i..
gets ed from porn and writes on r9k why all women are whores Anonymous 133856
>>133791I am rooting for reappropriating “based” for anything tradtards are loathing
So I am using it for that matter
Anonymous 133858
>>133850>men are inferior to women in every wayReminder that all males literally have a sad defective chromosome so them being inferior comes from their genetics.
>>133825>moids who say "based" only because they mistakenly believe that TERFs are just like their white supremacist fantasy tradwivesI didn't say there's anything wrong with saying "based" for other reasons.
I've seen several scrotes call TERFs "based" when they shit on trannies, as if those same TERFs didn't hate non-tranny males as well or consider them both as part of the same. It's pathetic and only shows how egocentric and clueless males are.
Anonymous 133859
>>133856how is it "reappropriating" if it wasn't created by you anyway? if you mean that thing where normies will take any piece of original slang from online communities and repeat it ad nauseam in their mainstream platforms until they stop being funny then it already happened lol.
Anonymous 133866
>>133852I think many men also think women only use the internet for posting selfies on instagram and such things. When they find out women also use the internet for things like anonymous discussions it’s hard for them to understand that. They think the non social media part of the internet is a male domain.
Anonymous 133868
i dont mind when mediocre men (so basically all of them) think theyre the shit i mean its annoying sure but i love laughing at how they make a fool out of themselves and give everyone second hand embarrassment
Anonymous 133886
It makes me sad how easily incel opinions spread out from the incel-o-sphere.
I see it as a two-pronged path to diffusion:
In many online spaces, pointing out obvious misogynistic propaganda is dismissed as white-knighting or simping. (If the simp is revealed to be female, their points are dismissed because obviously they're taking it too personally.)
At the same time, women are more likely to give weight to men’s opinions than vice versa. (Especially when men state their opinions as fact.)
Post incel memes and slang on normier and normier internet spaces, rinse, repeat.
Anonymous 133913
I was reading this interesting thread on a forum frequented by older women. They reflect on the free love movement in the 60's and 70's. Some of the responses were pretty interesting. A peak at history—what's changed, and what hasn't.
>Q: Elder[posters] who lived through the sexual revolution, how wild were the 1960s-1970s?
>A: You know those guys who say they want to be in an open relationship but actually they just want to fuck a bunch of women and expect their girlfriends/wives to stay home doing chores and get pissy if those women sleep with other guys? Imagine that but home is an RV and it's not just your guy but all the guys.
>A: My mother doesn't recommend it. Her first husband was actually a minor but significant enough member of the free love movement to have been interviewed on a few talk shows, and she says it really did fairly depressingly often break down to "the guy can fuck around on the woman as much as he likes and if she's ever unhappy, then she's just a total square downer".
>R: Yeah, never forget that there were signs back then for "Free Land, Free Love, and Free Women." Nobody bothered to ask the women how they felt about that, of course.
>R: I'd be all for that slogan! …if "Free" was a verb instead of an adjective. D:
>A: A bit later than you are asking, but I went to the Stonehenge Free Festival, the last gasp of the UK hippie culture, in 1984, the year before the Festival was broken up by the police in the Battle of the Beanfield. I was a teenager with a couple of other teenage friends. We stopped by a small encampment with a sign that said "apple drinks 10p" and a woman came out to serve us. She was literally barefoot, buck naked, and heavily pregnant. She was hauling drinks and sorting the site while the (fully clothed) menfolk were strumming their fucking guitars by the campfire. I hated that whole scene so fucking much. I literally hitched away from that site the same day to go and live in an all-woman community, I hated it so much.
>A: According to my mother, fantastic. I think it can be hard for us some of us younger people who grew up with it being a common thing to fathom the incredible, previously inconceivable freedom that came with birth control pills. You could just fuck around and not worry about getting pregnant! You could do the thing men had always been doing without the all the medical, financial, social etc. risks of pregnancy!
>R: This is kind of weird, but I feel like in the modern day many people take birth control so much for granted that they have completely forgotten why slutshaming among women was a thing. Obviously, misogyny and double standards has always played into it as well, but the sex positive attitude of "go have sex, be free, own your body," and all that has really only been possible for women since the advent of birth control. Before that, when women shamed and sheltered their daughters and other younger women in their charge, warning them against dalliances with men and so on, it was as much about protecting them from the consequences of pregnancy as it was about regular old misogynist double standards.
>R: Definitely. And I think they also forget the incredible fear and danger of (consensual, wanted) sex before reliable birth control. Of desiring someone and wanting to be intimate with them and knowing that it was impossible to do this safely, without potentially risking social and financial ruin.
>A: My mom said it was great if you enjoyed getting crabs a lot.
>A: My mom was raised in a cult in the 60s through the mid 70s which she ran away from as a teenager. She then spent the rest of the 70s hitchhiking through the southwest until she reunited with her family, but then her aunt tried to kill her with a knife because she thought my mom was sleeping with her husband (her husband was actually sleeping with a witch – a literal witch – who lived down the street and had previously had multiple husbands of her own die suspiciously which is like, another story) so she left again, met a guy who got her pregnant with my older sister and married him only to divorce him right before the 80s when he stole all her money to buy cocaine. She says these were the best years of her life though.
>A: I do think my mom definitely expected my brother and I to be more promiscuous than either of us turned out to be based on her own experiences, but at the same time I've heard more about her dealing with jerks than having fun. She's also explicitly told me that she found out the hard way that she can't have sex without getting attached after, and that the one time she went out with a guy just because he was pursuing her super hard he dumped her right after sex and she realized she was just a notch on his bedpost.
Anonymous 133925
>>133859Kk, “appropriating” then
Anonymous 133926
>>133866Lol, most of them really do think women on internet are either instahoes(sexy) or tumblrinas(ew unsexy) - that’s it
Anonymous 133927
>>133913Well, pretty much what one could expect, thanks for sharing this
Anonymous 133937
>>133936Why do they have to make those absolutely idiotic anime girl teehee~ poses? Are they trying to pass as women or as weeaboo porn addicts?
Anonymous 133943

>>133937For most men anime is the only representation of womanhood they have in their lives, so when the their fetish demands they mimic it, they start to mime their favorite characters
Anonymous 133966
How to redpill my bf on abortion rights and troons?
Anonymous 134001
>>133966why does he support trannies but not abortion
Anonymous 134003
>>133966No abortions hurts the economy. Cycle of poverty, poor people have more abortions leading to higher crime rates and the degradation of society. In the US, over 56% of abortions are done by minorities.
There is a reason why successful 1st world countries have abortions while poor 3rd world countries don't. No abortions are what help them stay 3rd world.
Anonymous 134007
You ought to judge yourself rather than look at statistics.
Anonymous 134011
This is the single most civilized imageboard in the world. And I think It's no coincidence.
Moids are violent. Violence and chaos Is hard-wired into moid culture.
Anonymous 134012
>>133843Just take a peek at crime statistics. Most violent crime is just moids being moids.
To anyone here that has been mugged, did you get mugged by a girl even once? Of coure you weren't.
Anonymous 134014
>>133012Sucks to be you then, It's not worth it.
Imagine there's a chimpanzee that may feel like raping or killing you anytime for any reason real or imagined, but you still own it because it sometimes does something that makes you feel good.
That'd be stupid as fuck right?. Just as stupid as being with a scrote.
Anonymous 134029
>>133966why are you dating someone that doesn't believe you have the right to autonomy? why would you want to sleep next to such a creature?
Anonymous 134059
Why do moids seethe so hard about women preferring tall guys? Men do nothing but nitpick the way women look. They make their preferences very well known to the point where all women feel they need to look the same to please men. Yet, when women have even ONE preference that's even kinda universal, moids foam at the mouth. Vid related, it makes for great trolling. Guaranteed scrote rage every time.
Anonymous 134061
>>134029NTA, but my bf is also anti-choice and he says it's because it's "ableist" (lol) especially when the fetus is aborted due to disability like down syndrome. He has a genetic disability so he empathizes with the fetus more than the mother (still sociopathic to me).
I almost thought about leaving him over this but it felt silly since it's just 1 political disagreement..
Anonymous 134066
>>134061>I almost thought about leaving him over this but it felt silly since it's just 1 political disagreement..Not all political disagreements are created equal. He's literally denying your fundamental rights as a human being and you should not tolerate it. Imagine what other things he's going to reveal down the line of you stay with him.
Anonymous 134067
>>134061Pretend that you might be pregnant and see how he reacts. My bf used to be the same, but I got late once and he absolutely panicked and told me he would get me any pills I needed to end it. But this was less than a year into dating so it might not work anymore if you already plan on staying together.
Anonymous 134071
>>134061>ableismAnon it's not just that you "politically" disagree with him.
He's actually retarded. Are you going to date a tard?
You're better than that.
Anonymous 134075
>>134066I know you're right but i feel like I excuse moids' behavior because I honestly don't have high standards for their intellect in the first place.
>>134067He said if I ever got an abortion he'd break up with me but I'm on pills and refuse to have sex without a condom so I don't think it would come up.
>>134071>He's actually retarded.I know. It's just hard when he's a fine and loving person otherwise.
Anonymous 134076
>>134075You should still try it imo. Even better if you're on pills and condoms. He can say that because he has a double safety net and thinks it will never fail.
Anonymous 134122
>>134061Yikes. I wonder how he feels about people with genetic disabilities who specifically choose not to have children? Like couples who meet due to their disability and decide to have a childfree marriage. Are they being ableist against themselves, or the (potential, nonexistent) children?
Anonymous 134123

But someone is a baby if they get a hang up over it. There's 100s of reasons why someone might be turned down for a job interview…a relationship..a friendship…half of it might be out of their control or current circumstances.
Hundreds of millions of women have been turned down over their age and other things they can't change (or just pumped and dumped). It's just how the cookie crumbles.
There's a difference between being hurt by something and moving on, and then getting a hang up on something. Men being weirdly preoccupied on who they can and can't fuck is a failing. And yeah, that gets 100x worse if a guy still has a hang up over the idea of a lot of women not being open to dating him if he finds a woman that likes him.
I think you saying "control" is interesting because it does make insecure men feel less in control over women, yeah. Entitlement cancelled, I suppose.
Anonymous 134127
>>134123That type of man just loves to blame his shortcomings on things he cannot change to make himself feel better. Those guys have a "height complex" because being short is the most common and simple "undesirable trait," so when a girl doesn't like them they can just say "Stupid whore wants a Dimitrescu wife, ridiculous standards!" rather than dress better, shower, or not be an asshat. That way it's her fault and not something he can change.
Just look at 4ch/ic/, 100 threads every day going "I can't improve at art. I have no talent. No asian genes!"
Anonymous 134154
Is this a moid? You should know that most women don't give a shit about men being super tall. Most of the time you just have to at least be as tall as the girl.
Obviously nobody likes being rejected over physical traits they can't control, but that's not how to world works. There's no reason to seethe over it, get used to rejection like the rest of the world.
Anonymous 134158
Nobody likes being rejected period. Not everyone wants to fuck you. Get over it.
Anonymous 134177
As you should, seethe harder moid
Anonymous 134178
Ok, go date an ugly girl then. She can't control being ugly, you shouldn't reject people for things they can't change.
Anonymous 134203

>>134059There's also the consideration that men get triggered over height preferences because it makes all of their self-improvement journey "
void." All of their time spent at the gym, reading and watching pick-up and hustle sophistry, building social status either by aggression or arrogance, and making money as a functioning adult is, to them, "gone" in the moment of the rejection; hence their mantrums, autistic screeching, and
the obvious on how truly vapid they have to be if they did not enjoy their self-improvement journey as it is.
Little do they know some women don't mind height differences at all–it is seen as cute for some women too, even if the moids don't like it when women call them cute–but the moment they open their mouths and start being overtly misogynistic and begin shitting on women,
instead of the impossible patriarchal standard of men always having to be 6' tall, is the moment women unmatch and block them, simple as.
Anonymous 134204

>>133852I don't want to sound schizophrenic, but I think moids' obsession with women-only spaces is rooted in some kind of Freudian awe of women having vaginas instead of pps, and them wanting to "explore" the vagina as if it were a cave, and they were the next Indiana Jones trying to discover the Ark of Covenant inside every biological woman.
Anonymous 134215
I went back to the male-dominated site I used to frequent before discovering CC and LC, and now I notice just how puke-inducing their misogyny is. I remember why I left that shithole. Males are massive hypocrites and their whole existence revolves around sex and seeing women as objects. You can even see it in their support for trannies, they would rather "support trans rights and our trans sisters!!" than stop making pornographic rape jokes involving women because their COOM is more important than supporting actual women (obviously they don't see troons as women either, that's why they support them and their AGP fetish so strongly).
Anonymous 134258
>>134215God this.
I went and made a thread asking what men’s ideal women is and all I got are meme answers like 6ft black man with 8 inch penis or quick one liners like 5’9+ long legs big rack.
Meanwhile on female ideal partner threads you have a long detailed list about things other than appearance like characteristics, personality traits, hobbies, skills, etc.
Proof women take relationships more seriously
Anonymous 134340
>>134203Tbh, someone who is only capable of feeling good at self-improvement if they get a blowjob or eaten out is already dead in the water to me.
Anonymous 134400
i hate this fucking woman who pities the dumbass men who consume this content but demonizes the streamers, theyre both disgusting groups of people who deserve to be shot but shes all like
"evil women! poor baby lonely men aweee come here"
she simultaneously blames women for infantilizing themselves for making this content but then infantilizes and pities the gross pedophiles consuming this
they are literally grown ass men who are responsible for their own actions and dumbass decisions, quit fucking babying them
Anonymous 134401
>>134061whats the disability? is it mental or physical? is it something lime aspergers or are you literally dating a guy with downs. I hear downs people are super sweet.
Anonymous 134404
>>134075>He said if I ever got an abortion he'd break up with meHoly shit dude, leave him. He clearly doesn't love you if he's willing to drop you just like that.
Anonymous 134407
>>134400why to men loneliness is not having an irl inflatable doll to have on demand sex with? aka a ""girlfriend""
they could have a loving family, a cute pet and a group of nice friends, but they would still cry about muh loneliness because there's not an underappreciated girl to be their bangmaid in the picture.
they're not lonely, they just want a sexual partner. which is totally fine, but the lack of it doesn't necessarily make you muh lonely :(((
Anonymous 134411

>>134400Her channel has always had massive pickme vibes. I remember watching some videos from her concerning trannies but I didn't dwelve deeper into her other content. I'm not that surprised that she hates and blames women in favor of muh men which is probably all of her pathetic audience.
Anonymous 134417
>>130431>>130435No, no, this is true. For reasons like
>>130499 stated and because they
really think it makes them a maverick and "not like the soy bois", It's hilarious because so many moids are jumping on the bandwagon thus making it popular and trendy, the exact thing they wish to not be.
It's EXTRA hilarious because on one side, you have normies who use incel memes, terminology etc. but will instantly bully the actual people they parrot, often attacking how many bitches they get, being ugly and mentally ill and on the other side, the males who really want to be seen as "one of the rejects of society" don't even get accepted as one because they have had sex and aren't really that socially inept, they get classified as "failed normies". Clown world.
Anonymous 134431
so men are retarded?
Anonymous 134435
scrotes are absolutely outraged women can make good money barely putting any effort (at least in their limited perspective) because they are so coomchimped they equal horniness with being as impairing as being mentally disabled.
try being less of a disgusting coomer? lmaooo
where is their """victim""" blaming here? oh i guess the rational and logical sex only does that when its a woman being killed or assaulted lol
Anonymous 134436
The rock-peddler is a true capitalist and American hero and should be lauded.
Anonymous 134443
Intentional, as you can also see I also used the word normies for satirical effect.
Anonymous 134498
Imagine if, tomorrow, a third sex appeared on Earth.
It's a miracle! YY chromosomal babies are possible. One-third of all babies born, starting tomorrow, belong to this third sex. Let's call them 'thirdies'.
Thirdies are indistinguishable from other children until puberty, at which point they grow twice as big as males, twice as strong, and twice as aggressive.
Thirdies are almost exclusively attracted to males, and are capable of impregnating men by laying a clutch of third-sex-gametes in a man's scrotum. The baby comes to term after nine months, at which point they're birthed through the penis. During this process there's a 80% chance of tearing, and a 60% chance of death.
How would the world change?
Anonymous 134523
>>134498crime would skyrocket that's for sure. The world will be a much worser place but at least men would know what the fuck women are going through.
Anonymous 134527
Whats with men online backpatting eachother about how much women are worthless and all whores, while also crying cause no gf
Anonymous 134528
>>134527Its the same as nonas on here.
They are all scrotes this and moids that yet who posts in the 'tfw no bf' thread?
Anonymous 134531
>>134012A woman won't mug you (meaning robbery through force), she will swindle you instead.
Anonymous 134557
>>134528there's way less fixation on fucking moids on here than the other way around for sure.
not to mention cc is way less gross than any scrote filled imageboard.
Anonymous 134560

Moids get so offended over not getting sex. It's annoying. I mean it's also very predictable that this shit would offend them but I just want to slap the shit out of moids when they moan and cry about not getting their cocks sucked. Moids should become second class citizens and removed their rights to sex. It's just fucking annoying.
Anonymous 134561
>>134557I give you that it's a less gross imageboard though I think it's like that because the rules have banned anything gross.
And there is less fixation on bf's because most nonas on here actually have one, which is not the case on r9k etc.
Anonymous 134562
Using a gun is a stick up, not a mugging.
Anonymous 134565
Bokusatsu Tenshi D…

why do scrotes always side with the man no matter how obviously in the wrong he is? i always see men trying to defend other men when the guy is "against" a woman, even when
it's murderers and rapists.
where is their so called protection instinct towards women?
they must be secretly gay, conditioned by media to get erections on boobs and interpret that as being straight.
where is their logic, when they know men are the most violent sex, yet keep repeating how all women are evil whores one should guard themselves from? (even though they're obsessed with us and do all but ignore us)
to add insult to the injury, women do side with men when they're the legitimately hurt party in a situation.
Anonymous 134616
When you think about it logically, who has more discerning taste than (women, labeled by men to be) whores? They have the most experience, they're not satisfied with just some rando dick who pays attention to them because they've surely had better, and they can spot a selfish misogynist a mile away because they're not new to this shit. That's why they're so insistent on young women without much sexual or life experience. They know any woman who has had sex with someone else will find them disappointing, and any woman over the age of 25 has enough life experience to see through their bullshit.
Anonymous 134617
>>134565>where is their so called protection instinct towards women? It only exists when they see women assailed by blank-faced dehumanized flunkeys. If the presence attacking the woman is men with faces and identities, the man will automatically side with the men, because he inherently sees the men as fully-formed humans while the woman is a mere ephemeral concept.
>where is their logic, when they know men are the most violent sex, yet keep repeating how all women are evil whores one should guard themselves from? (even though they're obsessed with us and do all but ignore us)Men do their best to beat their female partners into literal or figurative submission, destroying her identity and self-esteem, controlling her finances, raping her with impunity, and so on and so forth, and want to keep doing so. Any woman who gets her own out of a relationship challenges their ooga-booga instincts to use, destroy, and discard women.
Anonymous 134684
>>133631I hope somebody kills this man as soon as possible. Why put all these restictions but not even one for men?
Anonymous 134689
I hate how gay men feel like they're somehow exempt of their sex and go all ''uggh men are so tiring 🙄🙄 why can they shut up'' (n general complaining about men, you get me) like dude YOU ARE MEN…. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM….
And also i hate how random people expect me (and other lesbians) to be like besties with them. I hate all men, I can't stand them, what you like to put on your mouth doesnt matter, a man is a man….. they dont even care about us and 100% side with other men (gay or not) first than with women anyways, why would i be friends/in solidarity with them
Anonymous 134692
i feel like most men in relationships are in for the status and easy sex and dont actually give a damn about the girl they're with, and would happily cheat. their gentleman or affection actions feel performative to me like they're playing a role just to mantain the relationship and the lie that they care. i dont know if im cynical or what. i hope there are good men out there, but i doubt it more with each passing day.
Anonymous 134758

>>134565>where is their so called protection instinct towards women? It was never there. If it were, there wouldn't be any rape, murder, and abuse against women, at all. Women would have had rights and equal status to men from the beginning of human history, and pretty much the history of (wo)mankind would be matriarchal in nature as men would still kill each other in war and die en masse, but women wouldn't be harmed and killed if such instinct existed, so the ratio of men to women would be something like 1:3.
>where is their logic, when they know men are the most violent sexThey hide it with rampant racism and ethnic discrimination specific to every country (e.g. the Roma people in Spain). But they know damn well that non-violent crimes like fraud are still being done by men rather than women, but they remain 1) ignorant or 2) refuse to talk about it.
>>134692Marriage is slowly becoming prestigious in the social sphere due to the propaganda of the divorce rate being 50% of all marriages (and increasing). So now we have seen married men obtain plenty of benefits, directly and indirectly, like job promotions, better chances to get a raise, greater overall happiness and quality of life, etc., but not so with women, like always,
unless the husband in particular is of high value like him being engaged in child rearing, doing half or more house chores, etc.
>i hope there are good men out there, but i doubt it more with each passing day.I want to believe they do, but it is pretty hard to find one that is single and not gay.
Anonymous 134759
>>134758Did you know the women and children first rule, was never an actual policy on ships. It was rarely enforced and on most ships, women and children died first
Anonymous 134760
>>134759>moids use the one time women and children came first to justify years of oppression Anonymous 134764
>>134762Imagine having to live with a whiny perpetual victim lmao
Anonymous 134772
>>134565on the topic of scrotes defending their kind, one time i said how most moids dont care about girls feelings especially when sex is somehow involved.
this moid jumped in bringing the anecdotal evidence that his brother's friend had a girlfriend and he found a condom in the guy's backpack. that proved he cared about her.
so much to unpack, if someone wants to go ahead. i got tired just remembering this.
Anonymous 134774
Why do straight scrotes hate gay moids? Shouldn't they be grateful there's less competition?
They idolize chads though, who supposedly steal all the women. what?
Anonymous 134818
On what planet
Anonymous 134820
>>134818on the same planet where porn is real, the moid dimension…
Anonymous 134856

Woke liberals are literally just male rights activists now, but I know most of you losers will vote blue no matter who anyway.
Anonymous 134860
>>134856At least the blue party isn’t trying to force women to give birth.
Anonymous 134868

>>134856wow who could've seen the complete implosion of liberal identity politics? it's almost like it's a tool of division or something
Anonymous 134869
>>134860They will make prostitution legal but keep abortion banned. Any woman voting for this future is a retard.
Anonymous 134879
What the fuck are you on retarded scrote? Go look at the Amber/Johnny thread, most people either side with Deep or neither. There's like 1 or 2 posters supporting Amber.
Go on TikTok for 5 minutes and you'll see endless videos of women making fun of Amber and supporting Deep as well. Your hate makes you so disgustingly delusional.
Anonymous 134881
Yeah I cringe a little when I see these women saying shit like "protect johnny". The smart thing to do here is realize they are both fucked up millionaire actors and we will never know the full truth. The only thing people should care about is how this affects their entertainment. I'd rather Deep wins only because I liked his acting/movies more.
Anonymous 134903
>>134498>have to compete with giants to get a bfbeyond over
Anonymous 134911

After I saw republicans and conservatives takes on rape now what trannies do doesn't seem that bad at all. Still hate them for their degenerate fantasies.
Anonymous 134913
>>134911What makes those statements worse is that those people will think rape is the rarest crime on Earth and if the victim isn't beaten half to death and totally mentally shattered by the experience, it wasn't
really rape.
Anonymous 134916
>>134911>>134913Can't say I like the RP but stop conflating republicans with conservatives. Its like conflating dems with libs they often agree on issues yes but its for different reasons.
Anonymous 134917

>>134916>conflating republicans with conservatives Anonymous 134918
>>134911Trannies are not better. They literally tell you the same thing when it comes to lesbians sucking girldick or exposing themselves in female places.
It's like choosing between a shit sandwich and a shit sundae.
Anonymous 134919
>>134917the DP and RP both have 3 main sects all with differing ideas on how things should be run.
in the DP there are the liberals, neolibs, and the more radical sects which tend to band together for their own benefit.
In the RP there are conservatives, neocons, and the radical right wing sects which also tend to band together as well. Neocons and neolibs are interchangeable because they work for their own benefit and try to subvert anyone who they perceive as a threat to their power. These are the people you're quoting just like how conservatives often quote neolibs when it suits them ignoring the actual legitimate arguments of the sects that care. But idk im just some conservatard nona don't listen to me.
Anonymous 134925

>>134911At least these people are honest.
Democrats and woke liberal men will hide behind the concept of BDSM to abuse, beat and rape women. And then gaslight the entire population that she consented or it was her choice or that all women enjoy rape and being submissive to men. They are grooming women to like sexual violence so they technically don't have to rape in the classical sense but the violence is still on the same level.
Democrats want to legalize prostitution and pretend there is nothing wrong with men that buy women for sexual use.
The wokes are waging a massive psychological warfare against women the end goal is that patriarchy and womens subordination will never end, because women will perceive patriarchal oppression as their individual choice.
Anonymous 134937
>>134919>>134916>noooo not the poor American mainstream politiciansCringe, honestly. Imagine defending either of the two main American parties. Fuck American politicians. Not only do they make your life hell in the US (look at how they're trying to make abortion illegal) but also for people elsewhere.
Anonymous 134994
>>134911Republicans also want far harsher penalties for rape. Regarding the last example, polls show most republicans support abortion rights.
It's not that bleak.
Anonymous 134996
>They couldn't care less about who they mate with and the wellbeing of society as long as they see their shitty genes be infinitely propagated
To be fair, reproductive drive is the underlying factor that motivates people to do most things.
Anonymous 135004
>>134996just because moids are motivated by sex only doesnt mean actual humans cant genuinely enjoy lots of things simply for what they are <3
Anonymous 135007
>>135004Of course, but most of our behaviour is indirectly geared towards propagation. Status, social networks, material wealth, appearance. It permeates almost all of our actions without us being aware of it. Neither moids or real humans have free will in the strictest sense of the word.
Anonymous 135008
I'm pretty sure left leaning moids are more rapey
Anonymous 135013
Support who you want. I'm just saying left leaning moids are more rapey
Anonymous 135020
Enjoy taking your kids to drag queen hour with a sex offender I guess.
Anonymous 135037
Neoliberal is a term used to decribe a specific branch of the democratic party. Sure they have beliefs but all of them are opportunists who would easily switch parties if it was for their benefit. That's why they are interchangeable with neoconservatives who would do the same thing. The beliefs don't matter as much as their actions.
Anonymous 135040
>>135037If you want to discuss the beliefs of a neolib then the correct term is neoliberalism. Neoliberal is specifically a term used to describe proponents of neoliberal ideology not the beliefs themselves. You can say Ronald Reagan is a neoliberal all you want but he was relevant 40 years ago honey this is 2022 political dynamics are different.
Anonymous 135055
>>135020The thing is, we all agree it's creepy. But we have the option to not go do that. Whereas conservative moids genuinely want women to be forced into marriages, raped, and forced to birth their spawn. One of these is clearly worse than the other.
Anonymous 135063

Gentlewomen:Are any of you doing your duty on immersing yourself, and giving your support of, women-created film, art, literature, etc., out of support for your fellow woman?
I am asking out of reconsideration of >>134856's post about men attempting to divide and conquer all of us via identity politics and related bullshit. So I strongly believe that, given this exact appropriate time of ours,
this is the best time to support women before men start using feminine pseudonyms and do unacceptable shit like this:
>https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/17/carmen-mola-spain-gender-reveal-female-writer-three-men/However, what I personally fear the most is that perhaps
we are already there, but with biological women
supposedly writing them themselves instead.
Considering that there has been some alarming attempts to artificially create some form of conflict between women via intersectional "feminist" books, I have no doubt the authors do know what they are writing and doing, but they have sadly sold out for those thirty pieces of silver.
Thankfully, said books have never been widely sold nor discussed, as it is obvious those numbers about how much it sells and is praised are as artificial as the attempted conflict. Yet, I can not help but dread about a future, well-written book that could destroy the entirety of feminism as we know it, leaving it stagnated for decades to come.
Anonymous 135067
>>135063The female authors I read are mostly dead. I have some radfem books on PDF that I downloaded for free on the author's webpage and they are still alive luckily!
Anonymous 135072
>>134498I wonner what their crotch would look like. Do they also have dicks or is it something else
Anonymous 135073
>>134528Is it really the same? They lie about just wanting an average looking gf (read: young and cute) to play video games with (read: have sex)
At least I'm being honest when I say I want a good looking boyfriend who I would fuck and I don't pretend it's all about uwu we will read books together and he'll cook me breakfast uwu and it's harder for a woman to find a decent boyfriend than vice versa tbh.
Anonymous 135074
>>134531Even then it's a lesser chance of that happening.
Anonymous 135075
>>134565They only "protect" or defend women when they know they will get something out of it. Even then, those men are called simps who worship women (because doing favors for someone expecting something in return is what worship is…)
Anonymous 135615

>>135073whats up with scrotes really wanting to paint themselves as innocent romantics and free from sexual desire recently?
cringe pic rel
Anonymous 135628
>>135616Everything they do is a manipulation. They can't help it lol
Anonymous 135630
i know this is a pinkpill thread and i hate to shit talk women but what the fuck is wrong with mothers of m*les. the texas school shooter mom said he "had his reasons" and she hopes people wont judge him and that he wasnt a violent person. ive noticed similar overprotectiveness and pandering that they dont have for daughters. the fuck. scrotes will always be trash but perhaps if their moms held them more accountable instead of constantly justifying and pampering them theyd grow up better
not even talking about the fathers bc we all know dads barely play a role in kids lives anyways lmao
Anonymous 135633
>>135630She’s trying to cope with a horrendous situation. Probably doesn’t help she is too poor to move out of that small town and probably gets constantly berated by people she’s known her entire life. I bet she can’t even go outside to get groceries
Anonymous 135703
>>135630>>the texas school shooter mom said he "had his reasons" and she hopes people wont judge him and that he wasnt a violent personCan you provide a link ?
Anonymous 135767
>>135703as for the wasnt violent part
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/mother-of-18-year-old-texas-school-shooter-says-he-wasnt-a-violent-person/amp/ more downright defending
https://abcnews.go.com/US/mother-texas-gunman-son-monster-aggressive/story?id=84986088this is why calling scrotes out on their bullshit is important. we need to raise a better generation of men (nearly impossible) by stopping the pandering and the endless justification of their disgusting behavior.
Anonymous 135984
>>133913Do you have a to the thread? I'm curious to read it
Anonymous 135988
>>135633>>135630The "shooter" didn't do it, he was a patsy. Almost all mass shootings are carried out by feds and they usually present a drugged boy as the perpetrator. lmao @ you if you believe an untrained drugged kid can use a gun let alone mow down several people in a matter of minutes
Anonymous 136020
>>135988okay, men are still violent retarded apes tho :)
Anonymous 136025
>>135615Many women also want this, but it's hard to cooperate when men act like children.
There's no problem if I boyfriend/husband is sad and cries if his family member/pet dies, if he loses his job, if he's in a bad situation, if he enters a hospital, if he loses a friend etc - I even find it for respectfull that they see me as a person they can share that with.
But if he cries because of a video-game, something didn't go as he expected, because he's mad - that's just childish behavior.
Men must learn not to act like children.
Anonymous 136042
i'm about to get kicked out of my parents' house for being bisexual, right in the middle of doing research for my degree
just applied for public housing and maybe i'll apply for food assistance too but i don't think it's gotten that bad yet, I still have 5K in savings and a job but it basically pays $7.5/hr. I don't want to be homeless so for now maybe I can suck it up but I wish someone could tell me it will get better. For context I live in a city with one of the most expensive rents in the US
Anonymous 136043
>>136029why are you posting characters that trannies like
Right this time 136044
>>129384>>135988you are absolutely right, don't take the meds and don't listen to the other guilible girls who thinks government ask in their own interest.
Anonymous 136049
Why does my male roomate come out of the shower and fifteen minutes later, when I want to use the shower (shared flat), it smells like pure horse shit? A new flatmate came last week and his room was cleaned and painted before he arrived, well, that evening his room already smelled like hamster food. The odor is so fucking bad and strong. And I haven't seen him shower (this new one) since the weekend started. Do men not use soap?
Anonymous 136052
>>136049Have you checked the shower for literal shit? Lots of males wupe their ass with their hand in the shower instead of using toilet paper. No I am not joking.
Anonymous 136056
In that case I would say its more like 100% of them rather than alot. Alot would be that alot of them don't wash their hands after peeing either.
Anonymous 136058
>>136052They do cut and leave their toenails there, ugh. The odor was really condesed body sweat that came from the butt.
>>136055>>136056This is true
Anonymous 136060
>>136025There are inbetween situations that are still acceptable moments to cry. Sometimes when I'm particularly stressed out, or shit has been piling up, I can burst into tears over very trivial things.
If your bf suddenly started crying because of something dumb, it might be because something has been weighing on him and that little thing just happened to tip him over the edge. Works this way for me at least, i'd bet it's the same for a lot of men too
Anonymous 136075
>I dont wipe my ketchup bottle
Too bad
Anonymous 136076
>>136073They nake memes about how their are droplets of piss left on their penis and they try to shake it off but then get it on their pants. This could be avoided by just wiping it off.
https://youtu.be/6AAodXRrD30 Anonymous 136105
My nephew is 11 and already got a girlfriend. I wish I could kick him down the staircase.
Anonymous 136113
>>135615In all fairness, I think it's genuine. Their more straightforward sexual desires are mostly satisfied by an endless stream of pornography, but as of now there's no substitute for genuine intimacy, so that's the one remaining thing they can't get.
Anonymous 136545
>>136042Did you fell to the coming out to your parents meme?
Anonymous 136573
NTA but probably not. I can't speak for men but judging by how lonely porn addicts come across I'd say most would prefer to have a girlfriend than an endless supply of porn even if they say "I don't need women hurr durr"
Anonymous 136575
>>136042Ignoring the fact the bisexual isn't real, why would you come out at all? Your love life isn't their fucking business. I'm sorry but you're really fucking retarded. You can date moids anyways so what does it matter.
Anonymous 136576
>>136575Also why is this in the pinkpill thread
Anonymous 136579
>>136575Lonely moid hands typed this post
Anonymous 136581
>>136579Nope, just telling you how it is. You don't like women because you tried something once or could stomach the idea of it or because you like the LGBT aesthetic and want attention.
No one likes to talk about how gay they are more than a 90% straight woman with a boyfriend.
Also "moid" isn't a catch all for "posts I don't liek"
Anonymous 136584
>>136581Good thing thats not the definition of bisexual
Anonymous 136585
>>136581Bitter malding lesbian, many such cases
Anonymous 136593
>>136575>>136581>yfw the hostile lesbian recruiter meme is real Anonymous 136688
this is my first time coming back to this thread. i am
>>136042and i'm not going to be homeless. i talked to my parents and basically threatened to put them on blast to our family if they kicked me out during pride month. also I have applied for other jobs and some other people know about my situation so I have a safety net of sorts. happy pride month to everyone even people who don't think I exist ;)
Anonymous 136705

>>136593Always has been. But they come out seasonally.
Perhaps it has to do with the gay mating season in this month and her hormones?
>>136688So you have one month? Then move things ASAP!
Anonymous 136780

why are men like this unrelentlessly pushed as lookers by media?
hes not remotely handsome. his features are all over the place, weird and he looks objectively bad.
that doesnt mean its wrong to find him attractive, everyone has their taste. it's good everyone has a chance to be loved. but if a woman looked like that, she would never be plastered on billboards as a model of beauty and sexiness, as ive seen him and males like him multiple times.
society is extremely lenient on men's look so i'm going to say this another time: he doesnt look good.
Anonymous 136784
being loved doesnt mean he looks good though lol. you can be loved for a multitude of reasons, especially if you're a moid. and even when they're ugly, they will still be pushed as handsome.
Anonymous 136785
>>136780>why are men like this unrelentlessly pushed as lookers by media?To set lower standards for women
Anonymous 136790

i agree that he is deemed attractive but a good facial ratio isnt be the reason, since his face looks quite busted up. its something else like good acting skills, charisma and whatever else.
a woman with a face that quirky and unpleasant would never be a sdc symbol. just compare his nose to megan fox's for example. she's considered very attractive and her face is objectively much more pleasant to look at than his.
if anyone wants to disprove this by posting a sex symbol woman with a humongous nose and wonky face, go on lol
Anonymous 136793
>>136790Incels will say "men find a variety of women attractive, women like all the same type of men" but thats a projection like everything they claim kek. Driver's features on a woman would not only not make her a model, she would also struggle to find love.
Anonymous 136794
It’s plain to anyone with eyes how ugly he is. People are fangirling over the actor he was when he played their favorite roles.
Anonymous 136799
Idk nona i genuinely find him ugly and know plenty of next door guys who are way, way cuter than him. If you like him that's no problem. I don't think it's weird to find him attractive, I even stated so in the op. But the point is that women would never have fanboys (and way less fangirls) with features as strong and asymmetric as his. People are just less mean to how men look. Except for me because I'm sick of that.
Anonymous 136801
Incels really need to leave the house. “Everyone is only dating ultra attractive men”
Leave the house moron and see all the normal people in normal relationships
Anonymous 136802

If Adam is oh so good looking whats the stance on DiCaprio's golden age then?
Even if I don't find him attractive because he's not my type, that yes is a well proportioned face. I can't see how anyone can say Driver has a super good looking face when male faces like picrel exist.
As for finding Adam attractive, I don't doubt that and it's fair. One can be attractive for a lot of reasons. Hell you can even like his face, but let's not lie saying his face proportions are beautiful and model tier because that's just not true.
Anonymous 136803
>>136802Almost like theres not one universal standard of beauty
Anonymous 136805
The fact there are so many nonas claiming a moid like that is hyper handsome disproves incels single handedly
Anonymous 136810
>>136809Being tall is considered universally handsome in men.
Anonymous 136811
>>136810I can think of several tall goofy mofos who are not handsome and several short ones who are so no. If we are using celebrities as reference think of Tom Cruise. Sex symbol of the late 90s despite being short and having a centertooth.
Anonymous 136813
>>136811Being tall is just one trait. The fact that he can be tall and still be ugly doesn't make being tall a neutral trait. If those goofy looking guys had the exact same proportions and overall look but were shorter did they become better or worse looking? And vice versa with the Tom Cruise example(who btw wore shoe lifts).
Anonymous 136814
>>136813No because there is no universal standard of beauty. There may be a large share of people who do prefer taller over short and magically making someone taller might make them more attractive to them, but again it wont be for everyone.
To make this concept a little more abstract, there are people who are literally attracted to other people in giant fursuits. That alone should be evidence enough that theres no one single thing for everyone.
Anonymous 136817
>>136811Even the ugly ones can do very well if they're tall. This balding, tattooed, crooked teeth guy does pretty well for himself.
>Tom CruiseIt's definitely a negative for him being short. He's handsome, incredibly famous, made a lot of great movies. And like the other nona mentioned, a lot of women don't realise how short he is
Anonymous 136819
>>136814Specifically its men here. I mean, let's be real. Maybe there's 1 in a 1000 women who like guys because they are short, but it's negligible. IIRC in surveys, 1% of women said they'd be willing to date a man shorter than them, and 99% said they wouldn't.
Anonymous 136820
>>136814This is a short male cope. Even if you find the 0.01% of women who prefer shorter men (lol), it still doesn't disprove the general principle that being tall is objectively more attractive. You will never in your entire life see a male of normal height and hope he was shorter.
Anonymous 136821
The worst part about short moids is how they wont shut up about how sad, weak and pitiful they are due to their height. Woe is meeeee im short reeeee
The second worst part is that they can’t reach the rafters to tie their noose.
Anonymous 136825
>>136820I dont normally see moids and wish them to change to something. Why are incels so obsessed with height. We get it. Youre alone and the thing youve decided to blame it on is your height. Youll spend your whole lives closing your eyes every time you walk by the millions of people in relationships with short and normal sized men and continue with the cope that your height is your one and only short coming. Weak willed men love to blame externalities on their own personal shortcomings (heh), because it lets them avoid responsibility. But make no mistake. Its them and them alone to blame for their endless loneliness. Not womens preferences
Anonymous 136826
I dont care if a man is short unless he looks like hes 15yo
Also im 160cm so shorter than me is 1) hard to be as a man 2) gnomus
Anonymous 136827

>>136825They aren't entirely wrong on this one. Especially the zoomer generation. They're obsessed with height. The profileration of social media and comparisons with everyone else has made a huge issue of it.
Anonymous 136828
>>136827I knew this incel would eventually drop this meme graph.
The graph entirely excludes women who dont have the filter set, which is the lions share of women on the app, and thus it becomes moid outrage porn
Fuck off. No longer replying to such an obvious moid. Glad to know you will continue to dwell on your height and die alone rather than poison a womans life with your vampiric presence. No one needs you and no one ever will. Go wallow elsewhere.
Anonymous 136831
>>136828I'm not trying to illustrate that. I'm trying to illustrate for women with height preferences, it is relatively stark.
Incels have infiltrated the narrative so far that now even women react with anger at mentioning height as a standard. It's sad how they have (successfully) invalidated women's preferences with their hate filled speech.
Anonymous 136832
>>136831The thing is no one said height isnt “A” standard. Its just not a universal standard. The graph even proves that. Theres women out their deliberately setting down to 5’4”, thus disproving this incel concept that height is a universal standard of beauty.
Anonymous 136833
>>136832Are you arguing that because you think it's true that there's a substantial amount of women who prefer short men, of because you feel it's something that's morally right?
Incels demand everything from ridiculous breasts to underage girls. Don't let them police our standards. We can't choose what we're attracted to. There's nothing morally wrong with wanting taller men. Trying to convince other women - and yourself - otherwise is giving in to the moid bullying.
Anonymous 136836
>>136833Im arguing neither. Im arguing the idea of a universal concept of beauty is bullock and the idea that height is one is bullock and also likely pushed by incels who NEED an externality to blame their personal failures on. Debunking their scapegoat takes a powerful weapon away from their “the world isnt fair reeee” arsenal.
Anonymous 136844
>>136827Women have preferences and I'd say most women want someone with a compatible personality. If you're a dull man with nothing going for him, not in style, sass, compassion and you have a "woe is me" attitude to a point where you're just a pushover and never go after what you want, nobody finds that attractive. Nobody thinks an angry pornsick dweeb with a video game addiction is appealing. If you don't take care of yourself, hygiene wise, no will find you attractive. I can't even count fat out of the picture because I see plenty of fat dudes with women and vice versa. If anything I see more couples that are similar in height. Like the girl is 5'4 and her boyfriend is like 5'7, I see that so fucking often I'm surprised men think height is even a fucking issue.
The truth is incels don't care about love, instead just endlessly seething that they can't fuck and dump women like "Chads" can. These men don't try and don't care too. My ex-boyfriend was shorter than me, but it didn't matter. What made me lose my attraction to him was revealing more and more that he just didn't give a fuck. All the spark and energy he had dwindled to reveal his true "ho hum, meh meh" attitude and I couldn't stand fucking that kind of man. Incels just seethe that they're literally goblin-esque unfuckable and they are, totally, because they just have the stinkiest personalities known to mankind.
Anonymous 136858
>>136575>the bisexual isn't realSo what, is everyone who claims to be attracted to both men and women just lying or mistaken? You know this how exactly?
Anonymous 136859
>>136819That would cut down my dating pool significantly since I'm ~178cm.
Anonymous 136862
>>136859Unless you're from some 3rd world brownoid hellhole it would only cut your dating pool by around 40%.
Anonymous 136887
>>136836Your standard for something to be considered universal is absurd and also if followed precludes any thought from being universal. If you want to say there is no one thing literally everyone one earth prefers that is true but it is also an empty and meaningless statement. We could say men dislike getting kicked in the balls, but by your literal 100% standard the fact that some small minority of masochistic men get off to that means the statement is untrue.
Anonymous 136889
>>136887The statement would be untrue. Is your lizard brain capable of understanding the world without false absolutes?
Anonymous 136890
I just pondered about the relationship between my parents, and it made me realize that in addition to traditional femcels, there are femcels who don’t know that they are femcels.
The type that moids use as practice gfs and/or breeding mares, all the while still hunting for a Stacy behind her back, always standing ready to cheat and/or dump without remorse (such as by turning Tinder on when she’s out of town). My mom is one. It makes me sad that she’s wasting all of her life on someone who doesn’t love her back, and likely never did. I would much rather be alone than deceived like that.
Moid incels have it good, because at least they’re not at risk of getting gaslighted into being a free 24/7 babysitter, cleaner, cook, and a prostitute.
”Golddiggers” ain’t shit compared to that, because at least most moids feel more powerful and masculine for providing for his pussy, and they get that pussy, at least. There’s a reason why OF is hot shit.
Anonymous 136891
>>136889This is just vapid category denialism
Anonymous 136892
Incels don't care if women will date 5'7 men. They know and keep complaining about "heightism". They care that their height isn't considered the most attractive. They want to feel like hot shit at all costs because they're spoiled, immature and narcissistic crybabies.
Anonymous 136902
Short men are not human. I laugh literally every time I see one. There was a manlet in the debate club at school who would try his hardest to be taken seriously using big words. “The huxor product of the ad hominem straw man calicifed cartesian dipol principality proves im right because……”
Sorry dude not listen to little babies on booster seats.
Anonymous 136904
>>136902Big word syndrome is very common in little men
Anonymous 136906
>>136902Short men tend to be annoying and try to compensate for their shortness and percieved unmasculinity. Don't get me wrong, my bf is shorter, shorter than me so I don't hate them because of their height, but they can be annoying at trying to accentuate other aspects of their manhood, napoleon complex.
I remember in HS I signed up for a weight lifting class as my PE credit, I walkes in there and the first day this manlet of a teachee tells me
"you don't look like you want to be here, why don't you go get your schedule changed" (really I was just confused because I couldn't hear anything he said because he mumbled and there was a powerful fan on, and I was absent the 1st 2 days)
So I went to guidance. They informed me there was no openings in any other PE class. I came back and he said
"What are you still doing here?"
Then he basically went on to tell me he didn't care if there was no other openings, he wanted me out of his class and I could just not get my PE credit then. Even accused me of lying.
Short men try really hard to be assertive to make up for their height but end up looking like screaming toddlers throwing tantrums, yeah. Its laughable.
Anonymous 136939
Why do any of you care what moids think? Moids are all trash, and hypergamy is based because if you're stupid enough and respect yourself so little that you would even go near a moid or marry one (LOL), at least make them work for it and only go after "high-value" moids.
Women need to stop making things even easier for moids who are just going to fuck up your life, beat, or rape you or someone else at some point anyway.
Anonymous 136940
I really do wonder why out of all the dillusions one could have, why being a tranny is the most accepted.
If I told everyone I've decided that I'm a princess and they should treat me as such, I'd be laughed at.
If I told everyone that my husbando is real and we're getting married, I'd be ridiculed.
Yet if I told everyone I am a man and they should address me by he/him, I'd be respected.
Anonymous 136941
I hate it when people say "the world is so fucked up", "humanity is so messed up!" when in reality they are talking about moids 99% of the time. Moids aren't people, and everyone should learn to separate them from women and stop lumping women in with them. Do you not see women as people? Why do you say "humanity is horrible" and 99% of the time you are talking about something fucked up that a moid did but you never make the connection?
I wish people would question this more whenever they talk about "people." Question whether or not you are talking about both gender, or just moids, because it's usually just moids. And moids shouldn't be considered people at this point.
Anonymous 136943
>>136939Not saying that all women are good, either. Some of you are really out there trying your best to be honorary moids.
inb4 I get banned for saying that
Anonymous 136944
>>136940Because trannyism is mostly pushed by mentally ill moids and pedophiles who are also moids. Everytime someone talks about LGBT shit in the media or trannies they are usually talking about gay men or MtF troons.
They don't care about women, the narrative hasn't been about feminism for awhile. I wonder why?
Anonymous 136945
>>136944And don't forget that you can't even talk about feminism these days without some ugly, mentally ill man in a dress butting his deformed head in and insisting you have to be inclusive to troons as well and let them in your bathrooms so they can rape women or something.
Anonymous 136956
jennifer anniston, billie eilish, and meg the stallion are examples of women with unconventional looks that are seen as sex symbols but admittedly have nice bodies to make up for it.
men do tend to like the same things in a woman: light skin, straight/wavy hair, curvy and slim. they're actually not super picky about facial features if she has the skin color, hair, and body type altho small nose is a plus.
Anonymous 136982
>>136956i wouldnt say any of them are unconventional, especially not billie eilish, and you yourself said they have bodies that make up for it (i dont think there's anything to make up for, okay aniston's chin is a bit big but thats nothing compared to driver's wonky ass face).
Anonymous 137013
theory: men judge women's looks more because we're better people on average and they don't really have to vet women for safety reasons. it's also why they can "fall in love" at first sight because of the confidence of a pretty woman not being as shitty of a person as the average man. men prioritizing looks just shows how privileged they are not having to worry about a woman being a serial killer or pedo or creep.
Anonymous 137015
Beards are fucking ugly to me but to each their own. Plus, they don't suit every man.
Anonymous 137023
They are a deal killer for me , it's like wtf you keeping under there
Anonymous 137032
>>137023Well it isn't a chin that's for sure
Anonymous 137061
Men without beards are way better, plus they can't hide weak chins with a clean face
Anonymous 137062
Beards are fucking grotesque to me. Immediate dealbreaker.
Anonymous 137111
Thanks for validating every lurking tranny right now
t. someone who prefers facial hair
Anonymous 137142

>>136890IMO, the bottom 50% of women can easily be classified as femcels according to moids as long as these women do not wear makeup whatsoever, with the bottom 10% of women having the immediate enlightenment of femceldom, explicitly or implicitly, given the treatment they receive throughout their lives, all because of their unconventional attractiveness.
Unironically, from what I have learned about male-female relationship politics, moids are pretty much attracted to makeup and photoshop in women rather than the women themselves; if they truly loved women as they say when they get romantic after their balls are empty from their masturbation addiction, there wouldn't be any problems related to inceldom, declining birth rates, and a big chunk of misogyny that stems from the treatment of women who are not attractive. I especially say so given how I have noticed that the women who are considered "ugly" in my country are the most targeted for domestic violence, femicide, and rape.
>The victims are typically poor women between the ages of 10 and 30 with reddish–brown skin, slender body types, and dark flowing hair.[2]Many, but not all, of the women victims were employed in one the many maquiladorasin Cd. Juárez, factories on the U.S.–México border run by foreign companies. The common social, economic, and physical characteristics of the victims suggest that the perpetrators specifically target women who fit this description. >https://nicholemflores.com/2011/03/31/the-pink-cross-resisting-feminicide-in-ciudad-juarez/#_ftn2And no, I don't want this to be
le ebin intersec feminism that hates light skin women, but I want this to be more related to lookism and the probability of being victim of a crime.
"Gold digging" and hypergamy is justified in a patriarchal society, by the way. I almost concur with
>>136939, but I support hypergamy on the basis of our collective lack of power in all forms instead of making moids "high value" via competition–seeing, of course, not all high value moids, as perceived by society, are truly good and honorable men; money doesn't make you moral, spiritual, nor interesting and empathetic to date by itself.
Anonymous 137143

>>136890>>137142I also wanted to add a specific article that talked about dark skinned "ugly" girls being specifically targeted for human trafficking and prostitution, but I didn't bookmarked it and lost it.
Picture sort of related if you want to know what is considered "ugly" here.
But you get my idea. Perhaps even the other one I want to say but don't know how to write it via deductive reasoning that insane beauty standards create more femcels depending on each country. South Korea, in my opinion, being
the country of femceldom, but we sadly don't know much other than WOMAD and Korean femcel writings not being translated, for the obvious reason of being a threat to the beauty industry.
Anonymous 137146
>>137142Which is why I won't tolerate men who fail the looks test I'm sorry but. Women who don't uphold one are nutjobs to me.
Anonymous 137149
>>136956All of them are not unconventional
Anonymous 137174
literally only moids like beards
>le ebin badass facial hair!
Anonymous 137183

>>137062>>137023I've seen too many videos of girls getting chin infections from making out with men with beards. They don't even wash their ass, how can you trust them to wash their beard.
Anonymous 137188
I’m not going to lie and say he looks ugly, because he looks decent, but beards look disgusting on the average man. And I definitely wouldn’t kiss him no matter how attractive he is because I like having my skin free of beard rash, thank you.
Anonymous 137230
>>137143But nona that girl is not ugly at all, she has uneven complexion and acne but literally just some foundation will hide that and she is a solid 7 then.
Anonymous 137272
>>137142>I support hypergamy on the basis of our collective lack of power in all forms instead of making moids "high value" via competition–seeingWhen I said women should at least make moids work for it if they are going to be dumb enough to get involved with one, I meant they should at least have the highest standards in every category, not just being rich and successful. Old and ugly rich men are not high-value. I'm talking about being genetically high-value as well, so no manlets or uggos or old creeps. The latter could never "compete" or climb the ladder no matter how hard they try, and that's as it should be because on top of being trash moids, they are also genetically inferior so why the fuck would any woman waste her time? You're literally throwing yourself in the dirt at that point.
All moids should die alone and womanless, I'm just saying if there was even a hint of justice in the world women would at least have some fucking standards.
Anonymous 137274
>>137272Actually, every moid is already genetically inferior, I was talking about the physical appearance part. And I meant "standards" as in for moids, not in general, as in you're basically picking "the best of the worst", but even the "best" moid is still trash. If anyone actually had any real standards, they wouldn't even go near moids in the first place.
Anonymous 137280
>>137142>moids are pretty much attracted to makeup and photoshop in women rather than the women themselvesthis is true. in patriarchy, men are attracted to whoever performs the role of femininity. i know a tim that has guys thirsting over him like crazy because he bathes in makeup and has fake tits, a fake ass, and hair extensions. i see it with my own eyes on video. i know for sure most men would choose him over a plain looking woman with no makeup on and no implants.
in clown world, what people are conditioned to see as feminine by men>>biology. it's homoerotic because men base a woman's value/attractiveness on standards set by other men instead of the woman herself.
Anonymous 137446
>>136939So based. They're literally not human.
Anonymous 137485
do all men suffer from some sort of condition similar to tourettes and heavy autism combined where they cant form coherent, reasonably complex thoughts?
because when someone posts a pic of something they just have like a standardized answer to it- the name of the thing.
most notably?
the stupid "booba" 4chin meme, saw men repeating that unironically whenever a female chest and torso was in any way depicted
Anonymous 137486
>>137485My friend posted a portrait of an internet celebrity and got 6 moids in the comments mindlessly stating the name of said celeb.
Anonymous 137488

>i got complimented once and it still makes my day (or smth else)
I can't tolerate moids whining that they are unloved and not complimented enough. Men are literally coddled by every single creature on earth and they still have the audacity to cry that they are opressed. I do not believe that women are complimented all the time. Maybe I'm ugly af, but I never was complimented on my physical appearance, but rather on how i presented myself with style or on my skills etc. Compliments are meant to be deserved. How do you expect compliments when you are a skinnyfat shorthaired (ew ew ew) skilless coomer playing vidya most of your free time?
Anonymous 137493
>>137488This so much. Reddit is saturated in this mentality, it's unreadable these days. Apart from (male) partners complimenting me (because I shower them in compliments first though I never get near as many back) I can probably count the number of compliments I've had in my life in one hand, including those from family members.
Anonymous 137509
>>137146I know, right?
A woman not caring about looks whatsoever is the greatest form of insanity that there is. It is no different than someone who doesn't care at all if a moid may or may not have a myriad of mental illnesses and personal issues that he has to fix himself, as no one else can do so.
But alas, there has to be women that you and I are describing that sadly exist IRL.
>>137183>pictureWHAT THE FUCK?!IT LOOKS LIKE FUCKING HERPES!Literal nightmare fuel. Unbelievable.
>>137230That's the saddest thing.
Both of us know she is very cute and only has a few things to fix. But sadly, to most Latino men, she is a 3/10 at best in terms of looks. Latina women like I consider her a 7/10 at least like you, however.
Anonymous 137510
>>137488All they want with receiving compliments is sex from women, though.
If that weren't the case, they wouldn't be so homophobic and triggered when a gay guy-someone who objectively knows how to rate, enhance, and appreciate male beauty-compliments them.
Anonymous 137552

>It's about a reddit post
I'm just going to stop ya right there
Anonymous 137556
"not allowed" BULLSHIT
We need to stop coddling women who victimize themselves.
She CHOSE to marry him.
She CHOOSES to follow his rules, if she wants to go out she absolutely can.
She CHOOSES to let him control her money.
Not allowed my ass.
Anonymous 137565
Since its so easy and such a great gig, all these scrotes should be aiming for stay at home dad life for themselves
Anonymous 137566
>>137556yes, and even if there were laws against her freedom, she could still leave. all the women in afghanistan could up and leave, right now. what do they have in common? consequences. it isn't exactly an easy choice to make. god knows these men won't make it any easier.
you're blessed to know nothing of abuse.
Anonymous 137760
So what's the solution? Prohibit people from doing those things?
Anonymous 137778
you're going to base your entire worldview off of one incident in the form of a 4chan post that could easily be a lie? lol.
Anonymous 137781
>>137695Is this a moid? You sound just like my bf, who assures me that some women actually love to get beat up.
Here retard, have a read.
https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/women-leave/ Anonymous 138167

A fundamental thing about men is that they are consumers. The tedious nature vs. nurture dilemma is irrelevant to the fact that currently, as we speak, that is their self, their mentality and their relation to the world in every aspect of their existence.
Everything they write about capitalism and consumerist culture— the trend towards commodifying everything, consuming more than one needs, valuing material goods over intangible goods such as human relations, seeing everything as disposable—can easily be repurposed as a critique of men and the male psyche.
When your primary self is that of a consumer, you are always dependent on somebody else, outside of you, a producer. (Of course these are women, in various ways, from the material and emotional to the biological.) There is no security of self to be found when you depend on another organism. Women feel this insecurity with regards to their social self and status, their man-made dependency; men feel this insecurity with regards to their biological self and status, much more deeply and humiliatingly, which is exteriorised as hatred. Women’s lack of self-security and solidity is artificial, social, man-made, and we can feel it, hence why women fight in a positive way, trying to create social change. Men’s is biological, deep-rooted, immutable, and they can feel it, hence why they fight in a negative way, by destroying themselves, other men, women, the world.
Men of course wish they were the producers, godlike, generators of life, hence all of their transparently covetous myths and male deities. But paradoxically, their nature as consumers devalues anything that produces and isn’t a fellow parasite—this is shown in the contempt with which they call women fields to be ploughed, or their lack of concern for land and the Earth which are always coded as female (as Sherry Ortner said, “female is to male as nature is to culture”). Almost every story they produce proves that their masculine ideal is not actually the Creator, but the Raider (summum of manliness: viking, pirate, conquistador, military). Yet in a strange reverse euhemerism most of the male gods they create and worship are creators, not raiders. It makes little sense.
The only way I can begin to make sense of it is, they want to be both. I don’t think men actually long to create—they have shown no interest in creating and nurturing life for its own sake; they want sons for narcissistic reasons; trans males want wombs as identity validation; transhumanists want artificial wombs and technological creation powers to make a ‘better’ kind of life, “the post-human”, etc. They either want to use life (creation) for their own derisory purposes, or deform it; not create it. But they want to appropriate the surface symbolism of the creator, presumably for ego-stroking reasons, while of course remaining consumers, in control, able to bleed resources dry with none of the nagging awareness a creator has of how precious they are.
They want the pride and security of self of the creator, and the material benefits of the consumer who mindlessly uses, exploits, enslaves. Of course they will never have both, but I think they succeeded in creating a culture that makes it appear like they do, deluding themselves in the process.
Anonymous 138180
>>138167>>while of course remaining consumers, in control, able to bleed resources dry with none of the nagging awareness a creator has of how precious they are.This is spot on but of course there are some that aren't like that. How tf did they become that way!? Genetics? Or did selfless priorities get passed along from female / family relations? Without a doubt these kinds of men must also have horrible experiences with most average men. Then again what I'm describing are holy grail men. They're exceedingly rare. Isn't that true in most society though? Most women are also dumb as fuck and desperate to get with / stay with abusers and soul sucking parasites. So idk..
Most of what youre saying is right for the consumption-obsessed kind of moid that has turned himself into a parasite. Women aren't nearly as bad.
Anonymous 138197

>>138167This was such an interesting read, thank you anonette.
The Demiurge, a male fake god, wasn't able to create anything, unlike Sofia, a female force. He made a defective world of deception parodying the original beauty of creation, because that's all he can do - lie and deceive blindly, himself and others.
This branch of religion was dubbed a heresy and swept under the rug, and yet it shows that deep down men indeed know that they're less than women, and their entire life is a desperate attempt to neg and destroy us because they want our power, and hate the power we have over them. And we don't even need to try to be this powerful. They cause their own enslavement because of their unstoppable, sick libido, but they still blame us. We are temptresses, whores, witches - it's always we, we, we… and never themselves. Men blame everything but themselves and other men. It's society, it's feminism, it's women, it's the imaginary agenda of the world being out to get them, it's the microplastic estrogens destroying their masculinity, not their porn addiction!
Men experience so little actual danger and problems in their life because of how much they're constantly coddled that they make up shadows and monsters to yet again feel what women feel: being victims.
Men play a game of smokes and mirrors for a lifetime and cant even pull it off, because they can't be in front of a mirror without destroying it.
The only thing I thank god everyday for, and I don't doubt that god is male, for the world to be this perverted, is being a woman.
One day, I wish for femininity to take back its rightful place as what holds this world together. But I'm afraid that will be only to pick up the pieces.
Anonymous 138198
>>137566This 22 year old woman is not a woman in Afghanistan and it's laughable that we feel the need to, as other nona said, 'coddle'. Like okay, I suppose no matter what age a woman reaches, she is a child who didn't know any better.
I think as feminists it's hard to accept that some people are just retarded, even when they have vaginas. If this pastor is literally threatening to blow her and her children's brains out if she dares to take birth control- you win.
Anonymous 138202
>>138197Still doesn't explain how we can say women are all like that when they will diminish and disgrace themselves to stay with abusers. I think it's an insane number of women. I dont think we can fathom how high the number is. Sure if that kind of caretaker ran the world it obviously wouldn't be into the ground if they were educated… but my god they can be just as despicable if they get with and have relationships with abusers and monsters. Even worse if they have children with them.
Anonymous 138206
>>138202why do you keep bringing up women's "faults" so much? if you're a male you just proved the whole post.
Anonymous 138230
>>138206I am a woman I've just seen so many woman fall into this category it's really demoralized me a lot. I invite you to change my mind and hope like hell you can. I want to believe so bad.
Anonymous 138234
There are more and less intelligent women because not all humans share the same level of intelligence and life experience/wisdom. But when a woman or a group of women actively defend males when it's in fact against all their interests and safety… that's not being low iq, that's internalized misogyny, something we started learning since we we born and something every woman deals with. I do think that any woman can unlearn it to some major degree. Giving up on women who had it worse than us is not an option, we all share the same rights and they are probably in the most vulnerable position. Calling them retards and pretending they're a lost cause is pure defeat and not an option for the feminist cause.
Anonymous 138264
yes… by other men! LMAO
Anonymous 138265
that doesn't make them victims, that makes them get the inevitable that would happen to anyone for meddling in shady shit. women are killed and abused and stalked for being women. men get into criminal organizations, fights, corruption rings and then get surprised if they end up dying.
Anonymous 138266
men get mugged while women won't even go out at night.
Anonymous 138270
>>129384Okay but you're on you're own. I personally just don't think these kinds of women get called out for it enough. The kind I've known never change, or change when its too late. They wear down on you and the world around them. I just think it should be stigmatized more, thats all. It should be the equivalent of what being a simp is to males.
Anonymous 138271
>>138270oh my god you must be a scrote.
i didnt have any doubts but this confirms it.
only a man shames "simping", which is thrown around a lot and now is basically used even when a guy shows basic decency and respect to a woman without getting something in return (sex, since your gender only thinks about that).
its extremely psychopatic to think that you can only be nice to someone so long as you get something in return.
"lets shame women when they are beaten because they gave sex to chad and not me, and lets shame men only when they dont beat women who dont give them sex"
theres your thought process LOL
Anonymous 138272
if you want to get pinkpilled, check the "popular now" on nhentai everyday.
you will see its ALWAYS either two things:
-girls with extremely large breasts, to the point not even a normal girl with big breasts can compare, especially not with that thin of a body otherwise
these are the two extremes men fap to regularly. children or women with oversized, unnatural and hypersexualized bodies that you literally dont find in nature.
but then they cry over muh heightism and not having dicks that touch the ground, which by the way (sadly) no woman wants or sexualizes like they do small frames with gigantic butts and breasts that you dont find even on plus sized women, let alone hyper small waisted girls. that, or they're into literal little girls like disgusting pedos.
what gives?
Anonymous 138274
They are much less kissable. Beards are for men to impress men and for way older moids. They look good but later on in life like +60 yo
Anonymous 138276
>>138271No I think we should shame men more. In my experience women like that just stay with their abusers and change everything they believe to fit the guys demands even. I don't think some women want help.
Anonymous 138287
>tries to use "women" as an insult
>women look good
Beards are fuckin nasty and you're a retarded pickme/LARPer moid.
Anonymous 138290
>>138288>we can profit off males too by convincing them they need to rub chemicals on their skin Anonymous 138300
>In 2008, Michael David Barrett, then 46, filmed sportscaster Erin Andrews in her hotel room through peepholes at the Nashville Marriott adjacent to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and the Radisson Airport hotel in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On July 16, 2009, one of these videos, in which Andrews appeared totally nude, was posted online and quickly went viral.[39] Barrett was arrested by the FBI on October 2, 2009, for interstate stalking, and pleaded guilty to the charges on December 15, 2009. A second tape of Andrews was discovered on Barrett's computer showing her nude in her room at the Radisson in Milwaukee. This tape was never made public.[40][41] On March 15, 2010, Barrett was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, three years of probation, $5,000 in fines, and $7,366 in restitution.[42] He served his sentence at the Seattle Community Correctional Center and was released on July 3, 2012.[43]
>Andrews sued Barrett, Marriott International, Radisson Hotels, and five other entities for negligence and invasion of privacy in connection with the videotaping.[39] In her lawsuit against Marriott, Andrews alleged that hotel employees disclosed the dates of her stay to Barrett and assigned him a room next to hers.[44] In 2011, Andrews worked with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar to enact a new federal anti-stalking law.[45] Andrews was still trying to have the video removed from the Internet in July 2011.[46]
>In March 2013 Andrews's lawyers filed a motion in Los Angeles Superior Court seeking to quash a subpoena from Marriott "seeking her payroll records, contracts, performance reviews, any disciplinary reports, as well as other employment information from her current employer, Fox."[44] The attorneys said that Marriott is also seeking "physician letters, notes, annual physicals, and other related medical records" and that the request was an attempt to "harass and embarrass" Andrews.[44]
>In October 2015, Andrews filed a suit against the Nashville Marriott and Barrett for $75 million.[47][48] Jury selection for the hearing began on February 22, 2016.[49] On March 7, 2016, after a two-week trial, the jury awarded Andrews $55 million.[50] The jury found Barrett 51% responsible and the hotel management company (Windsor Capital Group) and its owner (West End Hotel Partners) 49% responsible.[51] During the trial, Andrews testified that her employer ESPN would not allow her to return to broadcasting until she had spoken publicly about the incident on television, against her will, due to rumors it was a publicity stunt.[52]
Anonymous 138357
Ronaldo not guilty of rape bc the proof were acquired illegally from a leak lol. Ofc men are happy. Some even say this year men keep winning. Men are so rational that they will support any male celebrity they like despite of the horrible accusations.
Anonymous 138359
>>138357thats depressing. i didnt know that nona
>this year lol
Anonymous 138360
No it isn't. It's literally just stating why it happens to scrotes more. Stop defending your kind, the world does that enough already, moid.
Anonymous 138365
Lol ofc they did…
I hate it here
Anonymous 138366
oh my god can the mods ban the obvious scrote in this thread already???
Anonymous 138376
> https://boards.4channel.org/adv/thread/26703308Here OP is perfectly willing to groom girls to get his madonna dominatrix.
Anonymous 138392
>>137760Sounds a lot like the argument people bring up when someone speaks out against porn
>So what's the solution, prohibit people from having sex o masturbating Anonymous 138397
>>138167Does pic related have a source? I'd like to see the score distribution by gender. What I'm assuming happened is that women on average score higher, but have a tighter bell curve, while the moids had a wider distribution, with a lot more moids scoring extremely high and extremely. The exploitative "high-risk, high-reward" strategy for moid psychopathy usually ends in distributions like that.
Anonymous 138398
>>138167Nevermind, I am an idiot who didn't read the citation in the passage properly.
Anonymous 138455
Fully convinced the vast majority of moids are genetic mistakes brought on by some kind of disturbance in the gene pool long ago. Males are confused over their role simply because they’re meant to be subservient assistants to women.
but their blood carcinogens brought on from this genetic fork in the road render them these lumbering rape-apes that refuse to acknowledge that they were born wrong. So they project their rage onto women who are born closer to the true state of humans, and try and usurp their mothers as the leader of womankind.
Anonymous 138506
>>138376>fetish prompt post as OP on /adv/It just means it's Tuesday.
Anonymous 138674
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adeonibada/walgreens-employee-killed-coworker-rejectedA 28 year old Walgreens employee murdered his 17 year old colleague after she rejected his advances.
She first made a complaint to management expressing her discomfort a year ago, when she was 16.
Anonymous 138784
>>132935This image has been like a dog whistle to me to try to wake up from all the mommyfaggotry shit I've been doing for the past almost two years.
I have unironically burned out a boy's care and sexual interest for me because he made me his replacement mother. I have to end this friendship. I really do. For my own sanity. I keep saying it's over and then I can't find the strength to recover. It's utterly toxic and it's literally slowing me down and ruining my life.
Anonymous 138798

>post on a relationship subreddit because worried about my relationship and want advice
>get message from someone asking if i "want to talk about it"
>lonely and have no friends so I strike up a convo
>they start "innocently" asking about my sex life
I was feeling like shit and now I feel gross and violated, being naive enough to think someone actually wanted to listen to my troubles when it was some coomer moid. Depressing.
Anonymous 138833
thats sweet but the older you get the more youll realize that thats nothing but a waste of time. men cant be reformed. theyre sadistic dumb animals.
Anonymous 138845
Daily reminder moids only view you as children vessels. Once youve given birth you are basically "unpure" to them and will have a higher chance of cheating on you with someone else. Not to be confused with going the antinatalism route and hating children because its never the childrens fault.
Anonymous 138854

>>138845There's actually at least two types of male garbage, I've discovered; yes, the primary type that sees you as a "girl" and thinks once "girls" become women and mothers, they're suddenly unappealing anymore. They're very pedophilic in nature and a source of many evils in this world.
Then you have the Peter Pan boy type of unrepentant abuser who wants you to be his mommy while he neglects your own personal and emotional needs. He is a spoiled child and he only understands "manhood" in terms of being rapey and unloving. He'll pretend that he does enough for you when he really doesn't, will act like being his mommy means you mean more to him than other people but then he won't make you feel very special, or loved or cared about. The type that says "I don't deserve this" when you give to him and then actually unironically proves that he was telling the truth, and you only hurt yourself by giving him anything.
"Good" men simply don't exist. There are only men who are less evil than others. It's their shitty patriarchal world, not ours, and all you can ever hope for is supporting yourself and being free.
Anonymous 138995
My company posted a little internal blurb for Juneteenth & Father's Day to celebrate Black fathers. It is mostly written fine. There are a couple of lines that made me scoff
> Despite these challenges, Black fathers have always been the backbone of the family and a strong pillar in the community. Black fatherhood is a position of leaderhood, support, admiration and respect in the Black family.
Give me a fucking break. Across the planet, not even just Black families, who is actually holding shit down? Mothers. They are raising the next generation, are the majority of volunteer hours in their communities, churches would not be able to be maintained without them, often are the ones managing the budget and pulling off magic with so little, going to parent-teacher conferences, scheduling all the kiddos and probably dad's medical appointments, keeping up with birthdays, managing the familial relationships on both sides of the family, feeding their family every single fucking day, etc. What do fathers typically do for the family? Bring home a paycheck from a job they probably goof off at under a job title that got handed to them and 'disicipline' their children through fear or neglect the fuck out of them. To say this for specifically Black fathers feels like even more of a slap in the face. How are you the backbone of the Black family when so many of you are incarcerated? Who is the one so often abandoning their children? Insulting as fuck to Black mothers. Backbone of the family my sweet ass.
I've never seen a post like this anywhere near as in depth or as full of well-deserved praise for Mother's Day from this same employer. I'm so tired of how little effort men have to put in to get praised as being a good father.
Anonymous 139010
Screenshot 2022-06…

>>138995Can you reply that anonymously? That's really insulting and completely wrong.
Anonymous 139017
>>139010I wish but there's no way for me to submit it anonymously. Their answer would be something about how I'm not adjusting the stats based on incarceration rates of Black men being higher, which is briefly said in that same post. Which is fair to a certain point. Even if we did adjust those stats to account for that, Black mothers would still be the ones predominantly raising their kids.
Anonymous 139019
>>129458Some of those seem very fake and like propoganda. Don't feel crushed by unconfirmed stories. They can't portray Russian soldiers as young, incompetent begging for food, crying when scolded by elderly women one minute, and then scary moids who rape without remorse the next minute.
I'm not trying to say no rape happened, but keep your wits about filtering what you read and be skeptical of extreme stories.
Anonymous 139027

>The murder of Leigh Leigh Mears: a young girl attends a party where a group of a dozen boys take turns harassing, beating, mocking, assaulting and spitting on her while onlookers do nothing. The next day she’s found in a sand dune with her skull split open and genitals severely mutilated.
Spoilering the details of the murder, for obvious reasons.
Fourteen-year-old Leigh had a written invitation to attend the party and permission from her mother to stay there until 11 pm; Leigh's mother had been assured that responsible adults would be present at the party. Matthew Webster and Guy Wilson, who acted as bouncers, were the only people aged over 18 at the party. Leigh was said to be very excited, as it was the first teenage party she had attended. According to police witness reports, Leigh was one of several under-age girls who were invited to the party for the purpose of getting them intoxicated and having sex with them. According to a police report, Webster approached another person at the party and said, "Hey dude, we're going to get Leigh pissed and all go through her." Leigh was also one of several under-age people for whom an adult purchased alcohol before the party; she and her friend were given a bottle of Jim Beam whiskey, which they then mixed with Coca-Cola. She was reported to have gotten heavily intoxicated very quickly. A 15-year-old boy, who for legal reasons could not be named and was referred to in official documentation as 'NC1', is quoted to have said, "I'm going to go and fuck [Leigh]." Shortly afterwards Leigh went to the beach with NC1; witnesses stated Leigh was so intoxicated that he "had to almost carry her".
Stockton Beach as seen from the surf club facing north, the direction that Leigh headed after leaving the party When Leigh returned from the beach, she was bleeding between her legs, distressed, crying and seeking assistance. Some people at the party reported trying to console Leigh and find out what had happened to her; Leigh "asserted she had been raped", replying "[NC1] fucked me" and "I hate him". After witnessing Leigh's complaints, Webster is quoted as saying to a group of boys "she's a bit of a slut and why don't all of us have a go". Nineteen-year-old Guy Wilson then approached Leigh, placed his arm around her and asked her for sex. Wilson pushed Leigh to the ground when she refused, and was joined by Webster and around ten other boys who surrounded Leigh. They yelled abuse, kicked her, poured beer on her and spat both beer and saliva on her. Several people witnessed the assault, yet nobody came to help her or attempted to contact the police, her parents or other adults. The assaults continued for approximately five minutes; Leigh stood up when they stopped and staggered away before picking up an empty beer bottle and throwing it at the group of boys, missing them. Guy Wilson threw a beer bottle back at her as she left, which either hit her in the leg or missed, according to different witness accounts. The group of boys followed her inside the crowded clubhouse where she sought refuge, and similar assaults continued. Leigh was seen leaving the club and walking towards the beach at about 10:30pm. Leigh's stepfather arrived at the party to pick her up at 10:50pm. He and several of the party-goers searched for Leigh, but she could not be found. After repeated search attempts, Leigh's mother and stepfather decided to wait for her to return home, assuming she had gone to a friend's house for the night. Leigh's stepfather recommenced the search for Leigh the following morning, aided by several youths from the party. Her body was found in the sand dunes about 90 metres (300 ft) north of the surf club. Leigh's invitation to attend the party was still in her pocket.
Every time I read about a case like this—a group of teen boys torturing, raping, mutilating, and murdering a teen girl—I think it's the last.
That's when I realize these boys aren't psychos. They aren't rarities, oddities, or monsters. This is a pattern of male behavior. Especially when you put young men in a group, and tell them the world is their oyster. This is just how they are. Fundamentally.
Anonymous 139031
>>139027There was a movie about a real life case where a girl got tied up in a basement and several teenagers both male and female would just come and abuse her. The main perpetrator was an older woman she was living with but still, I don't understand how groups of people can agree to torture a single defenseless person.
Have you also heard about Junko Furuta? Her murderers should be walking free today I think, their sentences were super short.
Anonymous 139032

>>138995>leaderhoodThat's not even a real word! Just don't mind it.
The one who wrote it really needs one of those meme trainings about DEI with emphasis on women, especially if it was written by an executive–if it was from one of those diversity officers, that person has to be fired immediately.
>>139027Male unity of this kind is seriously the epitome of patriarchy, as we have seen situations like this all over the world like that one post about an Indian woman being taken out of her grave some posts ago, and I think modern radical feminists have to break this unity in some form or another for it to be killed once and for all.
IMO, the death penalty should probably be the first step to kill the patriarchy as it would eradicate the shittiest of men that cannot be reformed at all.
>>139028>girls-only schoolPretty sure it is best to raise our daughters together in some radfem commune, with the teacher being paid well like any teacher instead of unpaid.
Too many young boys have been groomed to the death on being transvestites, so it is only a matter of time schools are forced to accept these undesirables because of "muh federal funding" despite being private.
Anonymous 139055
True. I guess a very rigorous forensic science is needed to determine if a very shitty moid has to die or not.
Anonymous 139068

Why do forms always put "Male" first.
It's not alphabetical order.
It's not because there are more men than women.
So why?
Anonymous 139072
>>139068Consistency. Like how yes/accept is on the left. It's also idiomatic 'men and women', it doesn't mean one is given preference at all. It's like any part of the lexicon. It's just how people say things because things tend to be consistent rather than random. But imo reading historical literature it actually seems most common to phrase it as 'women and men' before the last couple hundred years.
Anonymous 139092
>>139068you know why. systemic misogyny
Anonymous 139095
>>139068Probably because the person the form is a man
Anonymous 139104
>>139068Same reason that the word female is formed from the word male.
Anonymous 139105

>>129384How does the "moids aren't inherently evil" crowd even try to explain why nearly all murderers, pedos, rapists, necrophiles, zoophiles, etc are men? How do they spin most moids being degenerate violent rapeapes who do nothing but hurt and kill women, children and animals since the literal dawn of humanity into a mere coincidence?
Anonymous 139107
>>139105By suddenly forgetting how the most obvious statistics in the universe work and going “well women do it too! Like once..! In the past decade and a half………”
Anonymous 139109
>>139105simple: theyre evil and retarded
Anonymous 139115
I try to opt-out of being hateful or really getting myself in pretzels about men but sometimes it's really hard when I notice dumb trends.
The other day literally all my male coworkers in a mid-skill tech job were mindlessly defending a new guy that had been saying super creepy, sexual shit about kids…..
and it turned out that guy had been convicted for trying to assault a child a few years ago among other crimes against women. There's a good chance these same guys learned nothing from this.
I have now experienced several situations where a guy literally tells on himself yet people around him proceed to defend him.
Also, a few where guys called a bad boy a good guy and shit on women around for criticizing him. Why is it that on the internet it's "haha, women love bad boys!" Sure, some do, but holy shit, why is no one talking about the guys calling men that do nasty shit good?
It's almost like the other men just act like they're nothing like that then completely ignore the creepiness when they see it in front of them and I really hope most men aren't actually like this.
Anonymous 139123
>>139115disgusting and sad. i've seen this as well.
the reason why they defend him and other shitty scrotes is because men are still weirdly tribalistic being way behind in evolution.
also, they relate to the shitty scrote.
>"haha, women love bad boys!"this is one of the biggest scrotes lies. sure, young adult novels are filled with a male main character who is dark, mysterious and charismatic, with his dumb demons, and who due to his traumas can be cold and take a while to warm up to the girl.
lots of teen girls love that stereotype but most grow out of it anyways, and they wouldnt like it if he wasnt deep down a good person who ends up treating the girl very well and falling in love with her. it doesnt mean women like low effort and proper evil men, this is a scrote cope to treat girls like shit, or justify how despite putting on a "nice guy" facade women wont give him the time of day (because they can see right through the bullshit and guess what, most women don't want their definition of a "bad boy").
there are disturbed individuals of both sexes who would look past disgusting behavior or even like it, but for women especially that's a rarity and it stems from serious issues that may or may not be trauma related. not that it justifies their being out of touch with the world and lacking any respect, to themselves or others, though.
as usual scrotes take these exceptions and exaggerate what the bad boy is, twisting reality to fit their own moidy agenda of depicting women as crazies who deserve whats coming to them, that being the unfiltered raw nature of the overwhelming majority of males, made of violence, entitledness, laziness, neuroticism and coomerism.
Anonymous 139171
I was listening to the news yesterday and they interviewed these two American women about abortion access. Both had had abortions in the past and one was pro and the other was anti-chioce now. But what brought about a bigger sense of complete resignation wasn't anything directly to do with the abortions, it was that the anti-choice woman's story was about how she'd aborted the fetus of an abusive partner, before feeling a total lack of self-worth and staying in abusive relationships for years after, and the pro-choice woman was groomed as a teenager by an undercover cop. It just made a great deal of things click into place all at once in my head.
Anonymous 139172
>>139105An obvious apologist explanation would be that since men are strongee their capacity to cause harm is higher. So the bad ones can much more readily hurt woman than vice versa. Only thing is that this cannot explain everything with modern tools available. If women were as violent as men then gun violence wouldn't be 99.99999999 male lol. Ultimately its because testosterone makes people violent.
Anonymous 139173
>>139105They unironically say that women totes commit the same quantity of crime but it isn't reported because women are coddled by society for being seen as weaker. Scrotes are delusional degenerates who love muh facts and logic until you bring out male violence statistics then suddenly there is totally unreported cases equalling moid degeneracy so you can't point out the real problem being men.
Anonymous 139186
moids really watch the dumbest contradictory content
>claim femininity is what makes women powerful/themselves argument
>pics used are mostly of women which were considered unfeminine or taking masculine jobs/occupations
i guess i shouldn't expect more from a little dark age video edit but seeing this shit into my recommended got me clicking
Anonymous 139197
The problem with the video is the contradiction not the women they depicted. This is why I called this video retarded
Anonymous 139206

>>139186some of the comments under this video, ouch
Anonymous 139210
>>129419Ah yes, the Pareto distribution is a real son of a bitch. I know the frustration.
Anonymous 139239
>>133007What's the deal with indians and pakis? In other countries the male population is more or less domesticated but their scrotes behave like feral animals and nobody seems to care
Anonymous 139253
I think it's less about the reality (aka, women gracefully settle lookswise all the time but plenty do care about looks–like any other human being) and more that they're set off over something that is a middle finger to their ego…and something that limits their access to women. Aggrieved entitlement, yep.
Reality's messy. Saying "women only want Chad!" is easier on their feelings and easier to weaponize.
A guy will often say "yes" to casual sex with even someone he hated or thinks is subhuman…but then frame it as being the same as this: men being open-hearted, loving creatures of boundless affection. Reality? No. They literally just gain a lot more up front. That's why there's studies on them showing more affection, happiness, effort and dedication more towards cute women (while this isn't actually as pronounced in women towards hot men).
People really need to learn that this weird shit is because a lot of men literally just want to get into a relationship with a woman and is less likely to actually lose anything over being careless and dumb.
Anonymous 139280
>>139238lmao men just think something is better than nothing.
they still have a pretty defined physical ideal for a woman, that never strays away much from the very high and precise standards of conventional attractiveness.
they cheat and have wandering eyes even with attractive women, let alone how little they value their less than perfect girlfriends.
men are horny unselective animals, not open minded seas of love and varied appreciation. as this nona said
>>139253 Anonymous 139284
>Why do men say women only want chads, only want the same type of guy, only care about looks, etc.?
because theyre projecting. remember, men cant conceptualize the world outside of their own limited views because they're less empathetic and less intelligent than women.
also,they really love playing the victim card to not look like the depraved beasts they are for once.
Anonymous 139709
As someone who's studied quite a bit of human biology the health and beauty industry annoy me to no end. Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and toothpaste are all cosmetic products. They do not contribute to your health. The "squeaky clean" feeling is a flawed preference as the body has its own systems for cleaning inside and out. The only reason we believe these things make us cleaner is because of marketing. Society needs to understand that health is not achieved by applying products but by taking care of our diets, emotional state, and fitness. If these are taken into account then you're not healthy and smelling like mint won't change that.
Anonymous 143071
>I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife.
And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.
>Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh
from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his
ex-wife. He is looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I
was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that 1, too, would
like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife?
>I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically
independent, support myself, and, if need be, support those dependent
upon me. I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I
am going to school, I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a
wife to keep track of the children's doctor and dentist appointments. And
to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat
properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children's
clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturant
attendant to my children, who arranges for their schooling, makes sure
that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to
the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when
they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need
special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My
wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. It may mean
a small cut in my wife's income from time to time, but I guess I can
tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care
of the children while my wife is working.
>I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife
who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children,
a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes
clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that
my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what
I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife
who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the
necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and
then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will
care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time
from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation
so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a
rest and change of scene.
>I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a
wife's duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the
need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course
studies. And I want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have
written them.
>I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life.
When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will
take care of the baby-sitting arrangements. When I meet people at school
that I like and want to entertain, I want a wife who will have the house
clean, will prepare a special meal, serve it to me and my friends, and
not interrupt when I talk about things that interest me and my friends. I
want a wife who will have arranged that the children are fed and ready
for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not bother us. I
want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel
comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are
passed the hors d'oeuvres, that they are offered a second helping of the
food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their
coffee is served to them as they like it. And I want a wife who knows
that sometimes I need a night out by myself.
>I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes
love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure
that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand
sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it. I want a wife who
assumes the complete responsibility for birth control, because I do not
want more children. I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me
so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies.
And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more
than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate
to people as fully as possible.
>If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the
wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with
another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will
take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.
>When I am through with school and have a job, I want my wife to quit
working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely
take care of a wife's duties.
>My God, who wouldn't want a wife?
Judy Brady, 1971
Anonymous 143085
>>139284> because theyre projecting. remember, men cant conceptualize the world outside of their own limited views because they're less empathetic and less intelligent than women. also,they really love playing the victim card to not look like the depraved beasts they are for once.
Based and blessed post.
Anonymous 143088
>>139709If anything my god these products can really irritate your skin, strips your hair of moisture. I really regret washing my hair like I did constantly when I lived in the city. It would become grimy in the city, but I ended up changing my hair for good. It become more dried out and never went back to normal.
Anonymous 143089
>>143071Why in the fuck am i supposed to want a boyfriend or to get married? Tell me this. Pretty much every guy I ever met was the complete opposite of that and a damn hindrance to my existence.
Anonymous 143111
To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex exclusively with the other sex, i.e., women. All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honour, whom they imitate, idolise, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honour, reverence and love they desire… those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honour is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service and sex. Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving.
Anonymous 144065
>a girl: eating a delicious burger is an enjoyable experience for me
>moid: well i pulled out all of your teeth one by one without anesthetic, strapped you to a rusty hospital bed, shoved a force-feeding tube down your throat while your mouth was still bloody, sourced two hundred burgers from a mcdonalds dumpster, threw them in a blender and am now siphoning the burger sludge down your throat haha see you said you liked burgers ;) your body is digesting the burger sludge that must mean you like it right hahaha ;)
this is how moids think about sex
Anonymous 144221
>>143111100% correct and the best example of this is Islam, which is the purest expression of patriarchy in the modern world. It’s a religion by sexist incels for sexist incels.
In Islamic countries women are solely reserved as cum dumps and baby factories and domestic servants, while the men spend the rest of their time sitting around drinking tea and hanging out with other men. It’s also very common in Islamic countries to see men being affectionate and touchy freely with one another, hugging, kissing on the cheek etc. And of course child molestation of both boys and girls is very common too.
Anonymous 144222
>>139239Theyre circumcised, all circumcised men are mentally insane.
Anonymous 144224

>>139105It reminds me of how people always bring up the Stanford prisoner experiment as an example of how evil, depraved and cruel human beings can be to each other when given power over another person.
What they usually neglect to mention is that ALL the students involved in the Stanford experiment were MEN. Young white men to be specific.
There was no data on how women in the same situation would behave (which is likely a hell of a lot more compassionate, empathetic and egalitarian).
Men are just inherently sadistic, predatory and obsessed with power dynamics, if they see an opportunity to abuse or hurt someone and get away with it, 9 times out of ten they will take it.
Anonymous 144225
>>144224And thats just the way they treat other men. Imagine how it would have been if they used women as the prisoners and men as the guards. It probably would have turned into a rape/abuse/murder free for all.
Anonymous 144233
>>144224Please stop listening to pop psychologists, nona. The Stanford experiments are horrible if you ever want to give an example of brutality when given power itself. The guards were ordered to commit their cruel actions, they didn't do it on their own; Zimbardo and other social psychologists were focusing on obedience.
>There was no data on how women in the same situation would behave (which is likely a hell of a lot more compassionate, empathetic and egalitarian)There was none for women because the experiment was outrageously unethical. However, Milgram's experiments and their later replications did involve women and the differences between women and men in obeying orders to basically kill someone were minimal besides reported stress. This isnt "durr women and men are totally the same!!!" but that obedience triumphs personality, and that's what those experiments were about. Humans are fucking cruel in general, scrotes just happen to be much moreso for too many reasons like with violent crime.
t. actually studied these experiments for my psych major
Anonymous 144236
>>139239south asia still has tons of child marriages and its still a norm for parents to arrange marriages, so they absolutely have no fucking clue how to act around women theyre not immediately related to