
Moid Copium Anonymous 130480
Post funniest moid copes in this thread, whatever it may be about
Anonymous 130483
The male penis is irrelevant anyway. Autistic males are so repulsive they could have an 8 inch dick and it wouldn’t matter because no woman would want to be around them for more than 5 seconds, let alone see them naked.
Anonymous 130486
I wonder who even invent the concept of a bigger penis being better for sex
It doesn't make any sense
Anonymous 130493
I'd like to hear his reasoning.
Anonymous 130495
>>130486bigger is better up to a point. it feels more full. too big is just painful while too small feels like nothing
Anonymous 130502
That lizard on the right has boobs
Anonymous 131863
>>130480Having a micropenis must suck. It's a dealbreaker for a huge majority of women (and gay men). There's no surgery or fitness regimen out there that would help you have a bigger one. You're relegated to fetish and kink communities and hyperspecific dating sites where you announce the status of your genitalia in the hopes some woman will tolerate your micropenis.
Anonymous 132412
weird that men on imageboards apparently just love scat so much they have to save it to their computer, look at it a shit-ton (kek), find the right pic of a guy's hairy asshole letting out a gnarly load, then come post it here. pretty laborious for people who claim to be totally not gay. sounds pretty fuckin' gay if you ask me
Anonymous 132920
>>132913but the kids dying of hypothermia because genius wants to be off the national powergrid and price gouge for $1800 per kWh (vs 11 cents pre emergency) can't be used as a political football the way "babies" can, so already alive kids can die in droves from his actions and it's fine. terrible person.
Anonymous 222461

Haha, women decorate amirite fellow chads?
Anonymous 222464

>>222461Lol moids are mad that their places look like some cardboard boxes, so they try to make women feel bad for making
their homes look like actual homes. I'd gladly take a "feminine" apartment with "live, laugh, love" and vanilla scent everywhere over a barren hamster cage that some moid calls a home.
Anonymous 222466
>>222464i thought "scrotes are visual creatures"? guess thats only when they want to watch porn
Anonymous 222472
>>222466i asked a moid who lived alone once why his flat looked like that and he told me his room back at home was very decorated but here it doesnt matter since he had no one to share it with and enjoy. Idk i guess some moids might not care what it looks like but others may like it but just deprive themselves because they feel like its pointless when they are alone.
Anonymous 222494
sometimes moids do things that depress themselves as punishment for being single. Weird, I know.
But a look into how moids think.
Anonymous 222504
They have always depended on the women in their life to decorate, mothers, sisters, partners… When they start living on their own they literally don’t know how, even if they’d like to. It’s sad really
Anonymous 223077
Last one I talked to noted that the inexpensive studio and single bed apartments favored by male bachelors typically have living agreements that involve significantly more stringent standards for scuffs on walls, and bans on nailing or tacking up posters, paintings etc. So decorating would be the most expensive options for home decor, standing furniture. Which defeats the purpose of moving to the cheapest, smallest flat available.
Anonymous 223083
>>222461I dont have an issue with people who decorate but tbh I don't see the point. Its so much effort for what? It doesn't make anything feel "homey" it just overwhelms me because its cluttered with stuff that has no real purpose.
Anonymous 223340
>>223083I agree to an extent, I like to avoid items that have no function but look for functional items that are decorated and well designed. Unfortunately they are usually antiques or luxury items that cost way too much
Anonymous 223710
6EDF9F38-36D7-4A66… size is confirmed by nose size. Perhaps this is why poltard moids hate white girls that had black or brown guys
Anonymous 223947
There's a difference between being a messy person and neatly decorating one's room. Shoeboxes are just sad. Flowers are based. Deal with it.
Anonymous 224071
Penises are not prehensile and dextrously animate and designed to please women the way tongues are. Penises are rigid bodies designed by nature to stimulate the males' yaoi holes.
Anonymous 224117
>>224071Nona I spent too much time laughing at “yaoi holes” just now and know I’ll be laughing at this intermittently for days. Thank you lmmaaaooo
Anonymous 225656
>>223710I wonder if those studies included guys who do manual labor as guys who exercise. Exercise is healthier then manual labor because its goal is to train your muscles and make you healthy. Balanced exercise where you train all the muscles you want in specific balance that you desire, with planned breaks and perfect poses will do better for you then repeated shoveling motion while being bend over for 2 hours straight, and then after 15 minute pause another 4 hours on repeat. Thought that would not explain the white part
Anonymous 225659

Source of the retarded geek boy propaganda: (
It's pathetic and funny when males try to make women buy into the bullshit of nerdy, unathletic, unattractive looking, socially stunted, IT-obsessed dipshit moids being the best "husband material" out there. Everything that was written in that pathetic slideshow was such a fucking cope. Ugly, nerdy, shy males are not better than "le jocks" or "the cool kidz". This "humbleness" is a blatant lie to ensure that they get laid, because geeky, unattractive men have made it clear many times that they'll mistreat and cheat on their girlfriends just like any other scrote once they get the chance. The slideshow even tried to use The Big Bang Theory as evidence of geek men's "adorable quirkiness", but the irony in that is that the show is about geeky, pathetic men as much as it is misogynistic against its female characters, which says it all really.
Anonymous 225690
>>225656They overexercise to the point of causing damage to thier body and then gobble up a bucket of nutrients in form of pure chemicals.
Anonymous 238474
>>225690nona unfortunately we were built to use our bodies physically almost the whole day, now im not saying lifting beyond a 100kg is good for the joints but exercise is good for you
Anonymous 238524
surely there is more to melanin enriched people besides sexual fetishization
Anonymous 238528
>>222464I can't fathom why moids live like this - like part of what's fun about living by yourself is that you can make it as cozy/to your tastes as you want and just feel nice. I legit think moids feel like they don't deserve to feel comfy or anything at all unless they have a woman to impress - they're so weak and can't exist on their own
Anonymous 238533
moid insecurity falling for the bait literally every time combined with dedicated spam by homosexual porn addicted moids who quite literally worship black pornstars
Anonymous 238540
>Obvious blacked fetish moidpost up for hours
Mods come on
Anonymous 238579
did you feel called out by the threads pic?
Anonymous 238581
>>238579She said that she "couldn't fathom" how men live like this so I explained it to her. It's not my fault if you get the answer but refuse to understand it because you either can't or don't want to.
Anonymous 238583
>>238581i can fathom it. its because men are one dimensional sad and boring little beings that only find joy in sex. i never heard a men being enthusiastic about anything that wasnt sex or related to sex in some way ("im gonna get a dog, bitches love it" "im gonna learn how to play guitar because it attracts girls"), so of course they wouldnt care about something like this either.
if you think self expression through a mean such as decoration and aesthetic is a sign of lower intelligence, less moral integrity, weakness, or whatever other cope scrotes come up with to feel better about being worse than women in every single way, then i'd be curious about hearing your take i
on violent crimes statistics and what that says about m*les. although by virtue of male logic you will rather keep demonizing shooting silly videos and hanging posters on walls.
Anonymous 238585
its not surprising you think like that given your only contact with women is through r9k, porn and tiktok. please dont tell women what they do or dont do, what it means or not means, when youre not a woman, dont have female friends and likely never had a girlfriend either (which isnt meant as an insult but an observation).
ah and by the way, even if that was the case, thats still more self expression worthy than sitting in front of a screen masturbating or playing vidya.
Anonymous 238587
the way you keep bringing up the same already dismantled talking point really makes you sound like a bot
Anonymous 238588
>>238587So much for a creative free thinking scrote lol
Anonymous 238590
Do you not enjoy tending to things in your home? I find I tend to feel sad whenever I'm in "minimalist" homes - they feel like offices.
Anonymous 238592
that, given hardcore porn is playing in the background!
Anonymous 238593
i see, you have reading comprehension issues. should have said so from the start
Anonymous 238595
I wouldn't call cooming and gaming 'thinking about things'. Also what's the point of sacrificing everything in your home so you can 'think about things' if your thoughts lead you to inane conclusions like 'having a plant will prevent me from thinking about things'
Anonymous 238596
because they were rated so by other insecure males who couldnt stand that women could be just as good artists, sometimes even better, and were thus shunned by academia.
and yet, even with the whole society against them, even without the proper education that was taken from them they still managed to make art, and this fact alone makes them mote deserving of praise than their scrote counterparts who had it easier.
Anonymous 238597
>>238595probably the best post on this site
Anonymous 238599
>>238595Just like I wouldn't call covering your wall in live laugh love and cafe Paris signs isn't creative.
Anonymous 238600
and males is shitting inside a lot. your point?
art comes in many different ways for many different people, and yes women have done what your right wing autism would call art too such as classical pieces, but i wouldn't expect you to know that.
Anonymous 238606
>>238602mods please after you ban the scrotes let this stay
Anonymous 238611
>>238607nona these are genius. please keep making these it really puts it into perspective
Anonymous 238612

literally yesterday lol. moids literally think we dont read.
Anonymous 238614
>>238612women read way more than men based on multiple statistics, scrotes just enjoy to project because it makes them feel temporarily better about the gaping hole of immaturity mediocrity and sociopathic boredom they have instead of a personality and actual interests
Anonymous 238618
>>238617the "girl" on the screen lmfaoooo
Anonymous 238622

nonas! great news! women don't exist outside of instagram! we no longer have to think about icky things like jobs or life, all we need to do is take pics pretending to like our hobbies and upload them on proprietary apps for validation!
Anonymous 238624
not once have the scrotes itt denied their hobbies consist on videogames and above all porn. being single was a smart choice
Anonymous 238628
>>238612it's because they're projecting - they know they don't read so they assume nobody else does
Anonymous 238629
>>132920Which power grid, the east of the west? The United States has three.
East, West, and Texas.
Anonymous 238672
>outcompete men at school
The seethe and cope of scrotes around this fact is hilarious. You'll even see some of them cry for affirmative action for boys because poor little moidlings just can't handle the big mean school system. It's all some conspiracy to keep boys down, of course. Boys can't possibly be expected to sit down and learn in a classroom like girls when their natural predator instincts tell them to roam the woods and hunt! Except the very same school system has been around in a much stricter form for centuries and didn't even include girls until relatively recently.
Anonymous 238673
>>238672it's funny that moids basked in pride and looked down on girls as "stupid" when the school system included explicit discrimination against girls, but now that they're being outperformed it must only be because the poor scrotes are being discriminated against.
Anonymous 238719
>>222472honestly I used to have this mentality but it made me suuuper desperate for a relationship, since basically I felt like I had to put my life/enjoying things on hold unless there was someone else to do it with. idg how moids are such shitty partners who objectify women, never seriously commit, or do commit but behave in ways that would obviously destroy the relationship, given that apparently they need a relationship to actively treat
themselves to better/basic things like home decor
Anonymous 238723
>>238672school in it's contemporary form, as this daily, compulsory, universal institution is a very new thing.
Education has always been a thing but it has historically been much more exclusive, not everybody was expected to learn to read or do math, and there really was no need to.
It also used to be much more seasonal, usually during the winters when there wasn't much farm-work to be done, serving as a warm place to centralize the children of the village so they wouldn't freeze to death.
this whole standardized 20 year mandatory education with rigid grading systems and little flexibility that put a numerical value on your intelligence and which determines what role you will be able to play in society is a very new thing, and I think we're slowly coming to the realization that it's not ideal for most people.
Anonymous 238752
>>130483This .>>130492
I wondered this too? Why would moids also make themselves insecure about bbc and then call asians small
Maybe it’s subconscious of them getting bullied in gym class by the black kids but then go and billy the Asian introverts
Anonymous 238977
>>222461>>222464No books they enjoy reading, no paintings of art they enjoy, no photos of friends and family, no souvenirs from trips and vacations, no extra seats for friends to sit on and not a single object that would signify a hobby or interest.
What's uncanny about these type of "homes" is just how completely devoid of human personality they are, truly for a complete NPC who lacks any sort of individuality, a hobbyless consumerist sheep.
>>238607>>238602these are great.
Anonymous 238987
>>222472>>238719I don't think its just the fact that they don't share it with others, I think that it's the mentality of short term rental. As someone who's moved around alot after a while you just don't feel like making it as nice. Sometimes i wouldn't even unpack all of my boxes because I knew in 6-12 months I'd be packing it up again.
>>222464To be fair those specific decorations are really tacky. Do people actually put that stuff in their homes? I've only ever seen it in workplaces. It's up there with obviously fake plants.
Anonymous 256809
>>238752>Why would moids also make themselves insecure about bbcDo they? Are you sure those aren't gay moids online.
Anonymous 256810
>>238709>median>6.7something isn't adding up here
Anonymous 256814
>>238709Are men secretly having gay sex all the time?
Anonymous 256842
>>256814I'm pretty sure gays just have a shitload of sex
Anonymous 257006
>>238709If these are supposed to be the mean they should be the same number. Looks like someone's lying.
Anonymous 257026
>>238617The piss bottle on the ground really completes the room, along with the bong, cigarettes, and Doritos. Good details with the rolls of fat and beard, and baldness to boot, that shitty hat on the ground is pretty popular with bald males.
Anonymous 257028
>>238709The unseen scrote cope is how they would look at this chart and accuse women of lying and saying we're all stacy whores with a double digit average body count, but the reality is men lie about how many women they've fucked all the damn time. Virgin males especially lie, due to the social stigma.
I can definitely believe women have maybe 4 partners in a lifetime. Most men are definitely not fucking 6-7 women in a lifetime, and if they are, they have no place to accuse women of being sluts. Not with that kind of fuckboy behavior.
Anonymous 257035
>>257028>fuckboyI'm so sick of this word. It's not derogatory enough to insult moids. Since moids like fucking, they'll almost take it as a compliment. Just call him a slut.
Anonymous 257389
>>257302>How does this happen /b- I mean /po- I mean /fi- I mean /biz/>Maybe it's the reddit spacing holding me back???Hahah. I'm pretty sure this is just a joke making fun of all the similar /r9k/-tier posts with delusional scrotes listing how amazing they are. You know, "I am perfect in every way, especially the ways YOU wish you were perfect, and yet no modern femalé will give me the time of day. :((( You certainly have no chance if I, the ultimate man, somehow can't collect a harem even with all these things you wish you had. Truly we live in a society. u_u" I could be wrong, but it's pretty on point and the extra comments seem tongue in cheek.
Anonymous 258256
>>131863not true, there are some surgeries and broscience devices which can be used, but they're either several thousands of dollars or risk causing permanent damage and dysfunction or both
Anonymous 258277
>>130480guy in OP was doomed from the start when his parents named him artful
Anonymous 258553
>>258277Lol that's not his name. Todger is slang for penis, so it's a pun on the Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
Anonymous 259276
>>238607Wherever this nona is, we need more
Anonymous 259290
>>238723This isn't how school was at all. You're blending two different educations for two different classes. The higher education which women are out competing men in has always been the same. And even then, all education had changed to the more modern form and been dominated by men since the 50s until women were allowed to compete. When you say 'new', you mean the last few decades kek. That's not new. Otherwise you could try and claim school as a concept is 'new' since history is long and it's existence in comparison to humanities total history is short (and even then you could count vocational training like becoming a man of the cloth where you learn to read is similar to schooling, and the upper class have always had the more modern form of schooling focused on less physical labour). They're just mad they're being outcompeted while identifying as special.
Anonymous 259302
>>259290No, you're confusing things to try and support the point. Higher education has changed radically in a very short time. It's had a lot of coverage and discussion in that short time. Do better.
Anonymous 303134

>>224048Pale male moids get away with too much
They are the worst when they go to Thailand phillipines Colombia or any third world country
Anonymous 303135

Drop this and tell the moid he has a small nose
Anonymous 303228
>>303134Pedophilia is very blatantly not investigated in The UAE and Indonesia. So this is cope.
Anonymous 303233
>>238672Maybe scrotes have been stupid all along and thinking was never their strong suit
All the so-called "male geniuses" across history are a skewed sample owing to the fact that moids have more autism, and autism sometimes results in intelligence but the neurotypical moid is dumb as rocks
Anonymous 303258

>>303228 but it’s smaller in comparison as it’s very haram, no parent wants this in fact could result in honouring killings
In the west it gets swept under the rug like Epstein island or those tunnels in new york