
tiktok mental illness Anonymous 133548
As we have all seen, there is a trend on tiktok and other social media platforms where kids pretend to have tourettes, DID, autism, etc.
One thing that bothers me and I wonder about is, why is it all teenage girls? We don't see this nearly as much as in teenage boys, why are teenage girls the ones engaging in this behavior the most?
What is your take on this whole thing?
Anonymous 133549
>>133548because the teenageboy counterpart to this cringe is being an edgelord.
Anonymous 133550
>>133549Interesting, teenage girls pretend to be opressed and teenage boys pretend to advocate for the oppression of others for clout
What does this say about men and women?
Anonymous 133551
>>133550>teenage boys pretend to advocate for the oppression of others for cloutthat's not what being an internet edgelord is
Anonymous 133552
>>133548probably has to do with sweet anita the twitch streamer that has a tick of saying nigger and boys thought it was funny and cute
it probably affects boys less because boys get bullied for things that many find cute when a girl does it.
tldr because it is quirky
Anonymous 133566
Kids want to be validated. To be given attention and positive feedback and to be accepted among their peers. It's hardwired into the human brain to do so. The reason so many kids seem to cling to movements like "mental health awareness" or "being LGBT" is because that makes them special and more likely to receive support that they wouldn't get if they were just average people. Then I also believe that there's peer pressure to be gay/trans/autistic/etc because if you're not then you're just another lame "cishet neurotypical normie", which is generally considered undesirable and even taboo if you're in certain circles (particularly fandom/art-focused ones). Witnessed it a lot on Tumblr 10 years ago and still see it today. Lots of people have even admitted that they tried to apply all those weird labels you see floating around in order to get approval from others and because it was just "the thing" to do, only to grow out of it and realize years later they were just lesbians and/or had ADHD.
I was a kid around the late 2000s-early 2010s and the big thing I remember is that it was cool to be depressed. It was the "in" thing to do at the time to pretend to be miserable so people online would think you were cool or relatable. It was poetic. It's just the same thing all over again with a new generation. I hate to use the term "attention-seeking" but it really is. The internet has made this kind of thing a whole lot worse, I think. It promotes even more unhealthy ideologies and does actual damage to the more legitimate movements of trying to make people accept or learn about mental health and LGBT when about 60%-80% of people in these crowds these days are teenagers trying to make themselves more interesting and not actually being neurodivergent and/or gay. My niece who just entered high school told me she has a ton of LGBT friends, but my version of that when I was young was that all the weirdos I sat at the lunch table with were just weeaboo gamer nerds who thought they were all lords of darkness. The difference is that these days some of them are on HRT.
>>133549Pretty much. Both boys and girls seeking approval from their peers will usually be drawn to crowds that seem to support each other in one way or another. Tumblr attracts a lot of girls because of how accepting and loving everyone seems to be on the outside, things like body positivity and advocating for pushing against gender roles and being more mindful of mental health and also all the pretty pictures of sunsets and ice cream are a bonus… until you look deeper and find how manipulative and controlling it is. Meanwhile I think boys tend to be drawn towards more offensive communities like 4chan for what I can only assume is the desire for camaraderie between fellow dudes and not having to follow so many stupid rules like ~using tone indicators~ or ~putting pronouns in bio~. I don't really get what men want (I'm obviously not a guy so obviously I wouldn't know the specifics) but I guess it's that female spaces obviously don't appeal to them so the answer is to be aggressively masculine and do everything the opposite of what those stupid tumblrinas do. A bit juvenile like putting up a NO GIRLS ALLOWED sign or dunking on femininity in general, but maybe it's instinct or something idk. But it's just as manipulative in it's own ways. Certain communities tend to be that way, no matter what the focus of said group is. The answer is to not be in a community at this point LOL.
Obviously this is all a MASSIVE generalization and shouldn't be taken literally for each and every individual case but these are my observations as someone who's been using the internet for way too fucking long. The cycle will repeat whether we like it or not. Once these tiktok youths move on and realize they were retarded, a new generation will take their place and be twice as bad depending on who you ask.
Anonymous 133572
>One thing that bothers me and I wonder about is, why is it all teenage girls? We don't see this nearly as much as in teenage boys, why are teenage girls the ones engaging in this behavior the most?
What is your take on this whole thing?
Moids do fake mental illness if not equally, more often than women.
The difference is that young girls do it mostly for attention or identity purposes. Moids generally want more material things out of it like an excuse for their horrible behavior or to be held to a lesser standard than individuals who are actually competent or the most likely, which is drugs.
But there is also the troubling reality to contend with that mental illness is now more occurrent than it used to be. Yeah we have confirmation that some of these little shits are faking it but there's plenty of legit ones too.
Anonymous 133596
>>133566>I don't really get what men wantpersonally, I suspect it's a feeling of accomplishment that they desire the most. I think that they want to not only be different from everyone else, but also better, to be truly exceptional in as many ways as they can. As such, they absolutely despise any sort of conformist notions since that would almost assuredly keep them from being exceptional in any way. This leads them to reject the attitudes of the stereotypical "Tumblrina" since they think of them as the enforcers of conformity, usually as a result of that manipulativeness you mentioned, as well as their view that these sorts not only accept things that they consider to be faults (i.e. mental illnesses) but also encourage them. these aspects makes the average "Tumblrina" the epitome of everything a male adolescent cannot stand. on the opposite of the "Tumblrina" is the "4channer" a person they see as going against the grain and, due to the flippancy of the person, able to see through the lies that all the "normies" eat-up, to see that the emperor, indeed, has no clothes. This makes the "4channer" exceptionally insightful, and therefore a figure to emulate. You also see this sort of behavior in their tendency towards hero worship, where they take some accomplished historical figure (i.e. Caesar, Alexander, Napoleon) and then try to emulate them to their best ability in order to become as exceptional as they were. This becomes more likely with particularly controversial historical figures since they also go against the values of either their own time or the present, thereby making them even more exceptional. Finally, the average male adolescent is likely to recognize some flaws within himself. He either tries to fix them via various methods of self-improvement, or try to make them appear as strengths. this last method is best exemplified in the image of the "Sigma Male", where shyness and lack of social skills are portrayed as the aspects of a superior man rather than that of an dysfunctional one.
Anonymous 133617
>>133566God damn, I really don't like you.
Anonymous 133627
A lot of them seem like they were groomed by those “system” people. These “systems” say that they are ages they are not and they have specific words to describe this. Nowadays, pedos are saying they have DID and that they somehow don’t know their own age. They’ll call themselves “age sliders” and pretend that they’re an age younger than what they really are. I do wonder if that’s a part of it.
Also these people in these systems are allowed to get away with anything as long as they say it was an “alternate personality that took them over” which is a good excuse for impulsive teenage girls online.
Anonymous 133632
>>133566>Kids want to be validated. To be given attention and positive feedback and to be accepted among their peers. Yep, that's what most of this thread can be boiled down to.
Anonymous 133633
>>133551What is it, then? Edgelords often don't really care about the issues they're stoking, they just want to feed off rage, depression, and "b-but you can't say that!1!" aghastness. It makes them feel powerful.
Anonymous 133634
>>1335664chan is male society turned up to eleven and the older ones aren't able to keep anyone in check so its a huge shitshow circlejerk of teenage doods doing teenage dood things.
Anonymous 133635
>>133633The philosophy is to be free from the societal expectations which they view as a cage. By shocking others with blatantly egregious shit they desensitize themselves to what they view as another way for the masters to control them.
Anonymous 133636
>>133635Hm, I guess I can see that. Especially with edgelords who post edgy shit relating to their own trauma, like cutters who spam self-harm images or people who go looking for animal gore after their pet dies, that sort of thing.
Anonymous 133637
>>133636Yeah if you learn from the experience it can help keep you from buckling under the pressure of the mob. It doesn't always work though most edgelords don't make it that far.
Anonymous 133638
If edgelords cared so much about societal cages they would stop posting racist memes on the internet, pack their shit up, and become modern mountain men/women. Do a Christopher McCandless.
Anonymous 133639
>>133638Its not so much that edgelords care as much as being an edgelord can lead you to caring. I agree that once you get to the point of caring posting racist memes is retarded but its before then that matters in this case.
Anonymous 133640
>>133596very good post, here's your (you)
Anonymous 133665
>>133640thank you anon. i learned alot back when i still used 4chan regularly, and that experience is the main basis of my post.
Anonymous 133700
>>133635Edge also functions as a filter. It keeps undesired normies away.
Anonymous 133721
It always haunted female spaces, Since I'm a girl and I think I spent a lot of time in female-dominated spaces so I can't speak for men but on tumblr years ago and on some fanfic websites being emo and pretending that you had depression was seen as cool because it meant that you were suffering and life was hard on you. idk if it's because I spent time in emo spaces but every self-insert fanfic was basically an emo girl blasting MCR and cutting herself while the male protag says plz don't I love and you're very special. You were misunderstood by your parents and there's pride in that at least in online spaces. I think that mentality seeped into the 2010's and gave us what we have now. No one wants to be cis, straight, or neurotypical because that means you have life on easy mode and you get no sympathy cookies! "well I find women in porn hot so I'm bisexual!". At some point having depression and anxiety becomes viewed as "normal" in these spaces so something else must pop up! BPD, ADHD, autism, gay, asexuality, trans etc. Now mainstream media validates and celebrates the weirdness!!
I don't know why this mentality dominates female-majority spaces but it feels like it's always been there. Maybe in the past it's because the internet was primarily used by people that had trouble fitting in or socializing so naturally they preferred people similar to them? Honestly Idk
Anonymous 133723
>>133566>Tumblr attracts a lot of girls because of how accepting and loving everyone seems to be on the outside, things like body positivity and advocating for pushing against gender roles and being more mindful of mental health and also all the pretty pictures of sunsets and ice cream are a bonus… I don't think that's why tumblr attracted so many girls. I think in the 2010's it was popular among girls because the community was primarily girls who talked about girl stuff that girls relate to. You had fanfic and roleplay, fangirling over boybands like 1D, LOTS of shipping wars, complaining about parents All the "pushing against gender roles" things came later when feminism became popular. Maybe the inherit artsy nature or the blogging sphere of the website attracted the first crowd.
Anonymous 133729
>>133721I just don't understand can't we all have sympathy cookies? Why discriminate based on hardship? If you take that to its logical conclusion noone on the Internet can have sympathy cookies because they aren't a starving Haitian child.
Anonymous 133738
People usually go online to find things they can't in real life.
Anonymous 133747
>>133721>I don't know why this mentality dominates female-majority spaces but it feels like it's always been there.Might be a little bit of a reach but it might have to do with mysogyny. Hear me out: basically because of mysogyny women are not allowed to express their struggles related to mysogyny (especially teenage girls, and as you said the mental illness glorification is very present in the female spaces). Since you do not feel like you're allowed to express your hurt(because no one takes female suffering seriously) you seek out other means to express it. Depression and having a "mental illness" (no matter if you do actually have one or not) sounds like a much more valid way to express your feelings and suffering. Something along those lines. I dont know if this idea is too far of a reach or too carricatural but I think that it might be interesting to take it into account. What do you think?