Anonymous 135601
>Dad showing me his reddit gold from a recent post he made
>decide to try and catch a peak at his username so maybe I can troll him
>look up his reddit account
>mostly innocent stuff about his interests
>look a little deeper
>posts in r/Blonde berating, scrutinizing yet simping for random pornstars (he is married and has multiple kids)
Once I found berating pornstars funny and well deserved, but after seeing a male close to me who is otherwise mostly normal appearing berate them while simultaneously using them to get off, I don't think so. Women really are just objects to men and its depressing.
Anonymous 135602

I don't even know how I would feel in this situation. I'd feel like vomiting. I'm sorry for you anon. I guess you shouldn't be surprised because all moids are trash but still. Ugh.
Anonymous 135674
I'm so glad my dad is anti-porn and doesn't use the Internet.
Anonymous 135675
One thing is to be into that shit when single and another is to be into that shit when married and with a family. Moids are retarded they destroy the most important relationships they have in their lives.
Anonymous 135710
I'm glad I didn't know my dad and he's been dead for years, I don't know how I would handle finding out my paternal figure is a fucking creeper. Sorry for that OP.
Anonymous 135957
wow, that was shitty opsec on your dad's part
Anonymous 136008
My dad gave me his laptop without deleting anything. The closest thing to porn he had was some scanned risque pictures of his wife and of clothed women he found strikingly beautiful. I was very proud of him.
Anonymous 136019
>>135674that's what he wants you to think, all men consume porn one way or another
Anonymous 137577

my father quite literally had a twitter account where he would genuinely just be a public coomer, with his full name attached no less, constantly retweeting and liking photos of literal pornstars all the time. then, some time later, lo and behold he deletes his twitter and then randomly barrages me with advice to "be careful about what i post on the internet." ok coomer. genuinely disgusted by my father sometimes to be honest.
Anonymous 137578
I found porn on my father's tablet when I was 10 years old. I was fine with it because at that time I was a weeb kid and also watched my fair share of porn already (full internet access from a very young age does that to you). Now I find that pretty disgusting…But what can you do, a moid will always be a moid.
Anonymous 137581
>>136019No, he goes on rants about how coomers are degenerate. He hates it more than me kek.
Anonymous 137585
>>137577Urgh, this reminded me of the time my dad cornered me and was very insistent that I show him how to delete the internet history. I didn't look at what it was because I didn't want to know.
Why couldn't he have just googled how to do it…
Anonymous 137615
Moids are robots with cocks. The sooner you realize none of them can ever actually love you the happier youll be.
Anonymous 137633
My dad sucks at technology and doesn't close the tabs on his phone. I saw "barely legal" porn there once, as well as some other shit. He sexually harasses young women at his work place, too (in front of me), going so far as to "jokingly" threaten to rape them. I don't respect him anymore.
Funny thing is, he's still one of the nicest people I know. He helps anyone that asks him to, to the point that he gets taken advantage of. He takes care of his mother.
Why are men like this?
Anonymous 137711
build yourself a harem of males, but above all, invest in friendships with other women.
i'm only half-joking.
Anonymous 137858
>>137633I think it can't be helped. They are controlled by their lust and worship at the altar of it. No matter how nice a man is, 99% of the time he is going to be into some disturbed pornographic material.
Anonymous 138165
>>136008>implying he didn't delete all the bad stuff and left those bits as a red herring Anonymous 138260
>>136019My Nigel literally hates porn. I snoop through his phone and laptop too. He only uses the internet to talk about music equipment and get on fb.
My dad however is a gross coomer. But he was abusive, so I don’t care.
Anonymous 138333

>>135601>looking into a moid's internet history>being surprised when there's porn involvedEvery moid is some form of degenerate that will get lead along by their dick at some point, no matter how pure or innocent they may seem.
What was once Playboy and Sports Illustrated, is now just internet browser history
>>137633>Why are men like this?Lust is basically a binary switch for them. When it's on, they're no better than a dog in heat. As disgusting as it is, I can't view them any worse than when a dog humps the sofa or when a cat is mewing at 2 o'clock in the morning
Anonymous 138361
>>138260or he knows how to use private mode
Anonymous 138973
>>137858And now you've discovered why religion is so important to moids. And exactly why undermining it has been so disastrous for humanity.
>https://www.christianpost.com/news/religious-male-students-less-sexually-aggressive-coercive-study.htmlIt helps to control their sexual urges, which helps the other half of humanity also become human. Undermine these things at your own risk. I hate all of modernity so much.
Anonymous 263947
i snooped in my dad's browser history once and apparently he's been looking at women modeling swimsuits on aliexpress. lol
Anonymous 265080
>>138973what happens is they just repress their sexuality and either sexually abuse their wives or sexually abuse children (see: catholic priests)
Anonymous 265296
>>265080what catholic priests do is not any evidence of the effects that the practice of catholicism has on a person or a culture. practicing catholic priestdom has little in common with the instructions of practicing catholicism for a regular person. i acknowledge that catholic priestdom attracts a lot of pedophiles, but there's no reason to assume it actually CREATES pedophiles - of course a position like that would be appealing to people who already intend to abuse children. it's totally possible that being a priest is appealing to pedophiles and conducive to perversion, but also that for the average person christianity/religion in general is helpful to be more moral wrt sex
Anonymous 265319
>>135601You're lucky, it could be much much worse. My advice is to never look at what your relatives are doing in private, you don't want to know.
Anonymous 265342
>>265340But there are also 200 times more teachers than Catholic priests.
Anonymous 265354
>>265342Not the nona but,
200*201=20,100 (+10% discrepancy 22,110)
20,100 < 22,110 < 29,000
I've also heard that Jewish priests have an absurdly high child sexual abuse rate as well.
Can anyone confirm this with data?
Anonymous 265355
>>265354>200*201=20,100Go back to school
Anonymous 265356
>>265354>200*201=20,100girl what. you multiplied 201 by 100 not 200.
Anonymous 265359
>>265354can we have one(1) conversation without racebaiting
Anonymous 265362

>>265354Your math is wrong but you're right about the rabbis. There is a lot covered up on both sides and no child deserves this.
Anonymous 265365
>>265359We are allowed to discuss rabbi crimes, stop defending rape.
Anonymous 265389
>>265354they suck the bleeding penises of infants for one
Anonymous 265391
>>265362ur right i forgot to double the result after scaling. catholics coming in harsh lol ty ty nona
Anonymous 265561
>I now know the exact dimensions of his dick
dont leave us hanging
Anonymous 265566
>>265463I don't think you do. It was some very weird hentai, just not the concerning kind of weird.
>>265561Fair lol. He said it's 7.4" by 5.6" which I assume means length and circumference. It's weird as fuck having this information and knowing I can't ever say anything about it. Very cursed.
Anonymous 265650
This is why I would never ask my dad for his social media profiles nor look them up
Anonymous 265663
Thank god my dad is just 60+ years old and doesn't know how to use a computer besides checking trucks on eBay
Anonymous 265996
You're just a pig
Its just what you do
Your phone in your hands
As you scroll through the big boobs reddit sub and cheat on your wife
Anonymous 271092
from my father's reddit history i discovered he identifies as a "hon" who takes estrogen and believes he can hide his breast growth for a while because of how fat he is.
kill me, but also no i want to see how this plays out. will he end up announcing his truth to us lmao.
Anonymous 271119
>Women really are just objects to men
Pornstars are. Women who willingly objectify themselves are seen as objects by the people for whom they willingly objectify themselves, is the read here.
Anonymous 271120
My dad used to punish me for looking at yaoi online until one day I was like "Okay black dicks on white chicks.com"
He shut the fuck up about it REAL quick
Anonymous 271127
>>271119nothing you do will prevent you from being objectified you know
Anonymous 271129
>>271127well that's as case may be but not getting naked on camera and participating in an entertainment industry designed solely and exclusively to debase and degrade you to satisfy perverts' lust is a good start
Anonymous 271182

>>135601>be me, 11>over my dad’s house (child of divorce)>sometimes use his computer to play flash games>I ask to go on it while he’s watching the box set of the Sopranos again>he says yes in a distracted divorced dad sort of way>open the laptop>femdom sissy humiliation porn >close the window as fast as I can >it’s too late, the image is burned into my brain for life>go onto Addictinggames.com >try to look like I’m playing games as to not to let him know I know >never ask to use his laptop againSorry your dad’s a moid I guess but at least your dad is into normal shit.
>>271120I wish I said something like that lol
Anonymous 271204
>dad upgrades to new Windows
>needs help moving his files
>find Beautiful Women folder in his downloads
>look out of morbid curiosity
>they're all fully dressed models in their 30's from catalogues
>one of the folders is called Classic Beauties
>it's all classy headshots of extremely beautiful actresses in their 30's to 60's
I was so relieved.
Anonymous 271217
>>271182>sissy pornDid your dad troon out?
Anonymous 271218
>>271204Omg thats actually kind of cute. Im assuming he's still married to your mom?
Anonymous 271256
>>271217No but I wouldn’t be suprised if he did
Anonymous 271283
I love stalking peoples reddits
Anonymous 272959
>>271092Holy shit nonas dad is a tranny???
If you’re still active here, could you make a thread with updates?
This is super juicy