
Germany General Anonymous 13991
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Anonymous 109920
I love Germany, I want to go so badly since it's my Motherland
Anonymous 109925
How do you make Berlin less depressing?
Anonymous 109928

At this point pretending countries in the West are different from each other is outmoded thinking and/or the result of too much scrutiny. In 20 years the we will all be alike.
Anonymous 109931
>>109925Accept the artistic and historical sides of the city
Anonymous 109932
Anonymous 109933
>kein süßer deutscher Freund um Hände hoch zu halten
Anonymous 109935
I'm moving to Berlin in November with my bf who moved there recently. Excited to leave the 3rd world. We found a room on the outskirts, commuting is gonna be a bitch but the place is really pretty and has forest/lakes/rivers really close by.
Anonymous 109976
Anonymous 109978
>>109977less autistic germany while switzerland is the more autistic version
Anonymous 109986
>>109976Austria/Switzerland > Germany
Austria/Switzerland - Germany > 0
Austria - Germany*Switzerland > 0
Austria > Germany*Switzerland
Fuck Germany AND Switzerland
Anonymous 110101
There's this German guy on Discord crushing on me. I fucking hate America rn and I was honestly considering moving in with him/marrying to get the fuck out of here. I'm not some germaboo or anything, and I like this guy well enough, but I'm really nervous about doing something like that.
Anonymous 110132
>>13991i NEED to move there i just NEED IT
it's so tiring being a 3rd worlder and feeling like i'm constantly fearing for my safety whenever i go outside
also not being able to buy anything cool because it's all in dollars/euros which means my work is about 5 times less valuable than it'd be if i lived there :(
Anonymous 110186
>>110132If you fear for your safety, don't move to a big city if you're serious about coming here.
Anonymous 110190
>>110101Warranted, have you even met the guy?
Anonymous 110203
>>109977A more chill Germany with a sense of humor
Anonymous 110204
>>110203Nta, but is Austria very conservative? My mother travelled there from our EU country and said she couldn't believe how socially conservative the place was for women. Would anons say that is generally true? Same question for Germany I guess but I figure ye are a lot more open minded there than neighbouring countries?
Anonymous 110213
>>110203More like a German speaking Hungary or Czechia.
Anonymous 110225
>>110187Non-western refugees are fucking up our Euro cities. Not racebait, facts. It's unfortunately the inevitable when the EU makes our countries take so many fucking refugees with cultural norms that don't respect ours and completely clash with it.
Anonymous 110227
>>110225Damn. Is it like that everywhere? I’m not from EU but I learn your languages.
Anonymous 110235

>>110187AYRT I grew up in a small town so I have a bit of a bias, but I felt less safe when I lived in a big city for a while. Some areas in Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt have a reputation for being crime spots and walking around in certain areas, you can just feel the bad vibes coming from the people.
Safety is less of a problem if you just stick to the "good" neighbourhoods in bigger cities.
Anonymous 110237
>>110227It's racebait
I'm in France and I see rightwing americans and bongs talking about "civil war" and things like that and pull anecdotal things out of proportion
Bad neigborhood are bad, yes, they were also bad in the 60s, even without refugees arabs or anything else. Paris is a shithole, yes, but it was always a shithole, it's not new.
I live in a big city and I'm never bothered and I never fear for my safety. It's total crazy talk
Anonymous 110249
>>110204When did your mom travel in Austria? It's not any more or less conservative than the surrounding countries really
Anonymous 110250
>>110237Can't speak for France but in Germany migrants, especially the recent refugees top all crime statistics and introduced new kinds of problems like Arab clan criminality, honor killings etc which weren't a thing in the past
Anonymous 110257
france, not even o…

>>110250>>110237Hasn't france had tons of immigrants from their colonies since forever? Do you guys have crime stats based on nationality/race? I'm pretty sure they commit most of the crime now. But nobody noticed the difference since they've always been there.
Anonymous 110266
>>110257No crime stats based on race, it's forbidden in France. Do they commit most of the crimes? I'm not sure frankly, maybe. I do see a lot of arabs in prison, but there is a lot of white people too (I'm a lawyer)
There was not "tons of immigrants since forever". We had colony, yes, but there was not a big amount of people coming to france, it was the other way around.
It's 100% racebait, like it always is when there is talk about immigration, I've lived my whole life in big cities in France and it's never been a problem. It gets unsafe when you go to a poor and bad neigborhood and guess what? If they're whites, they're still violent there, what a shocker
Anonymous 110298
>>110266The b-but x other group does it too!! argument can be made for literally everything. Going by that logic I should start avoiding women on the streets because technically there's a small chance they could mug or rape me too.
Anonymous 110429
>>110190No he's in Germany and I'm in the USA but we've been hanging out in a couple discords/PMing/gaming together for probably over a year now. I know from one of his friends that he has a crush on me but I honestly just like him as a friend.
Anonymous 110743
>>110623You might have heard about that Cologne new years Eve thing
Anonymous 114724
>excited I finally see a Germany thread on this site>looks relatively recent, because it doesn't have a lot of replies>looks at the OP>3 years agoOh well.
>>110101I would say to go for it. I met a German Guy on reddit, who was living in America and he moved back to Germany for me a year ago. I am a pro LDR advocate. I think meeting your SO like this is a lot more wholesome and romantic than modern dating.
Anonymous 114751
>>114724>meeting a guy on discord is wholesome and romanticyou can't be serious
Anonymous 264109

I know I'm virtually digging out a skeleton right now, but do any of you Anoninnen know any interesting (niche, weird, cc-pilled) YT channels or books or web novels? In German. Something that you wouldn't recommend to a normie.
Anonymous 276640
>>109928Saying this as a Turk,
I don’t think anything east of Poland is considered western. The political and cultural differences are too much and at this point I don’t think most Balkans, Eurasians, and Caucasians want to be a part of the “West” anymore, barring weird outliers like Georgia and Ukraine.
The proverbial western ship has long sailed for most of these countries (Kazakhstan, Armenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania). It also becomes a slippery slope for the west if these countries ever join.
Western Europeans may become closer together, but the overall distance with the rest of the surrounding non-EU regions is likely to
Turkey has already been fully “westernized” to the maximum extent but in the end it only went so far. It didn’t result in our cultural norms matching anywhere in Europe, and over time the lack of acceptance by Europeans has made Turks move more in the opposite direction. This applies to neighboring Balkans, Armenia and Azerbaijan as well. The similarities with Europe are only skin deep at this point and the Turkish government is now actively seeking to start de-westernizing its culture after a 100 year project of trying to become European. It won’t be immediate but its reflective of a general trend. Turkey being the largest and strongest in the eurasian region, its likely azerbaijan and kazakhstan would follow, while balkan countries would seek to curry favor and benefit with turkey instead of with far away western europe.
Anonymous 276641
>>276640i dont think turkey has been westernized imo
Anonymous 276642
>>276641Thats the thing tho.
Turkey has been westernized. “Has” as in it already happened.
Turkey in the last century all the way up until the fall of the soviet union was on a mad dash to ingratiate itself to the west. Istanbul and Ankara have assumed and assimilated many western staples of culture and values and styles of dress that didn’t exist in Turkey before. This import of western culture practically went unmitigated until the 2000s when Turks started to feel they will never be treated or viewed as European. Throw in the multilple wars in the Middle East that America and European Union were involved in supporting that were ultimately detrimental to Turkey and its economy and now you have a Turkish public that realizes its affinity for the west will never be reciprocated since they’re always left to deal with the brunt of Euro-America’s actions in economy and politics.
It’s not just Turkey that feels this but they are the largest and most capable of setting a new trend away from the status quo.
Turkey itself has been a center of regional Eurasian geopolitics long before the “Wesr” had major geopolitical relevance to the broader world, and Turks are acutely aware of that fact and are now trying to move back in the opposite direction.
Saying this as Turk who has lived both in Europe and Turkey.
Anonymous 276643
>>276642the idea that the world will just continue in a unipolar state ad infinitum is a stupid one. The world is littered with the ruins of empires that once thought they were eternal.
Europe’s primacy only exists through Americas and American affinity for Europe will only last as long as Americans resemble Europeans culturally and physically. America’s unmitigated immigration patterns ensure that even without added immigration, within 2-3 generations Americans will no longer be mostly of European ancestry, and when that change is reflected in politics, I expect the “just like us” political and economic good will america has with europeans will run out. I don’t think the future americans with roots from countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and Haiti will feel any particular affinity for Europe.
Anonymous 276678
>>276642That's surface westernization. Turkey is patriotic and taking responsibility for the Armenian genocide accepting your predecessors nation's fallibility would be the way. Of course there are probably intellectuals who already do this but it needs to be done by government officials. Of course you can say this is hypocrisy because the US doesn't take accountability for their gruel interference all over the world but let's stick to Europe
Anonymous 277800
>>276678Armenions were the first ones trying to genocide turks lol. All turks did was tell them to fuck off, and now armenions try to play it off as "genocide"