
Traveling Anonymous 140376
Have you done it before? Which places did you go to? How was it like? Any recommendations?
Anonymous 140380
>>140379Wow you have been to a lot of places. I have only been to canada once with the alaska marine highway.
How was indonesia? Did you go to bali or some other island? What about india? Can you go to those places alone?
Anonymous 140382
>>140380Yea I went to Bali, it was loads of fun. I probably would've enjoyed India more if it were a vacation, but I actually lived there for a year and had to go to school and stuff. I'd say Bali and maaaaybe Kerala (India) are safe to travel alone, but I REALLY recommend you don't with the rest of India. Many of the moids there are hyper-creeps; (coming from an Indian) Also are you living in Alaska? If so, lucky
Anonymous 140390
>>140382What about colombia, cr and panama?
>Also are you living in Alaska? Yes. I live somwhere in the 9nside passage.
>if so luckyNah its depressing in winter and the bugs are huge. I am probably going to move to europe because i have a useless degree thats probably only useful there.
Anonymous 140398
>>140390Costa Rica is AWESOME, everything from the cities to the beaches to the rainforests are beautiful. Colombia's pretty great too, but I'm pretty biased towards it 'cause I have family there (Colombian mom, Indian dad) From what I remember the beaches in places like Cartagena are really nice. I don't have a lot to say about Panama, I just visited for a bit after crossing over for Colombia, they're pretty similar.
Anonymous 140436

>>140376aa I love travelling, want to see every country at some point tbh, can't wait for the plane travel situation to return to "normal"(lol)
Anonymous 140440
>>140439I was only in hong kong, so it feels a bit like cheating to mark the whole thing lol. it was pretty nice, really liked the aesthetic of the city and the mountain hikes. i am half-planning a trip deep into mainland china soon tho, hope I'll make it
Anonymous 140480

Thats where i have been so far. I am quite old and didnt travel that much but here it is.
Anonymous 140978
I was part of this tour thing for school and went to Britain, Germany, France, Austria and Czech Republic. I am going to sound like a piece of shit but i hated it tbh. being trapped in a different culture is terrifying and confusing and my retard ass kept getting lost. There were people everywhere and shit there was just to much going on. It was overall just stressful. idk why people like traveling so much.
Anonymous 141671

I've travelled a lot for uni, then work doing genetic and medical surveys. Honestly, the only place I'd recommend visiting for fun would be Argentina because it is so varied and beautiful. I just want to visit a country that isn't stinking hot and humid.
Anonymous 141708
>>141671I'm trying to get to png. Is ot a nice place?
Anonymous 141709
>>141672How was french guiana? What about chile uruguay and argentina?
Anonymous 141717
>>141708It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. The highlands are so steep that the view just drops away to misty valleys of untouched rainforest, then rise again to more mountains in the distance. The entire landscape is primeval in a way that even untouched parts of Africa just can't match. It feels like Pangea. It may be hot and humid, but it's incredible.
That said, I would not suggest visiting.
Travel is long, uncomfortable and can be dangerous. Road rules are a suggestion and taxi/bus drivers often could never have a license and/or are intoxicated while driving. Getting anywhere outside of the few main roads really requires a 4x4 and experienced driver.
Local crime is a problem in Port Moresby, but being a foreigner gets muggings downgraded to being menacingly asked for money or belongings. Worse than the locals are the ex-pats and holidayers who saw relative lawlessness and decided it was an invitation. Most acts of sexual assault and rape against tourists are from this group.
Outside of the city centre you may encounter roadblocks and checkpoints run by local 'militias' that take tolls to enter villages. It's best to have a local driver for these as they can pay a small amount and pass in under a minute, while for foreigners they love to flex their muscle and get you out of the car, search your things and demand larger tolls.
Being touched and groped, even by boys as young as 8, is common if they can get away with it, and some men will proposition you forcefully and try to physically pull you away from people, then isolate you somewhere. These rapes aren't reported because, to the police, they propositioned you for sex and you didn't fight them, so it was consensual.
If you do plan to visit, either stay in the tourist destinations by day and hotels by night, where there are always plenty of watchful eyes and police brutality to keep tourists secure, or hire one of the handful of Aus/NZ security companies who'll send a big, imposing ex-military guard and a local driver/fixer to take you places.
Anonymous 141723
>>140376never ever had been anywhere, traveling is too much stress for me
Anonymous 141734
>>141717Really? I know moresby and lae are dangerous but i am planning to cross through vanimo which should be safer. I have lived in pacific islands before so idk if id be fine
Anonymous 141739
>>141734The general rule is if it's travelled by corporations, it's safe enough. Police and security are extremely heavy handed with crime which effects foreigners, so the crime is really limited to areas they can actually police.
Anonymous 141780
I'm from the US. I've travelled to Canada, Italy, Japan, Thailand, China, and South Korea.
There's nowhere I really want to travel to, except maybe Hungary and Germany because I like their history and musicals.
Anonymous 141967
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Ireland
>Want to visit
Russia, Finland, Iceland, China, Cuba, USA, Argentinia, Peru, Brazil, India, Iran, Israel/Palestine
If I had money (which I don't) and a friend to join me (which I also don't), I'd like to take the Transsib through Russia one day. Russia is such a fascinating country. I have been learning Russian for a while and really wish I could visit.
Anonymous 142107
>>141962A few. They’re more pleasant than planes.
Anonymous 142193
>>142107How was central america and the caribbean?
Anonymous 142195
>>142193They were all family vacations I was forced to go on. I laid on the beach for a bit on all the islands. Beaches are mostly the same anywhere. There’s one tiny island that’s not on the map that’s owned by a cruiseline. That one was my favorite because there were no other people or things on it. Just a bar and some sand.
Anonymous 142210

south korea, belize, dominican republic, japan
>visiting in a few weeks
poland, italy
>want to visit in general
austria, germany, mongolia, iceland
also does anyone has any good ideas for things to do in gdansk, rome, naples, krakow or other cities in poland? just wondering
Anonymous 142322
>>142321>UkrainianI hope you're fine, anon.
Anonymous 142344
I genuinely think travelling is vastly overrated. It's a serious drain on time and money and screws with your head so it's harder to accept your home community and adjust to it. I think you'll find that the happiest and most stable people in the world have lived in the same place for a very long time and have deep roots.
Anonymous 142392

Would be nice to see things once I graduate college.
Anonymous 142466

The list of countries I want to travel is much more inexhaustive, but in particular I marked:
- Former Soviet Block countries because of my homeland Bulgaria being one.
- Scandinavian countries because they actually seem to care about their population.
- Almost every Oceanian and Caribbean island because I want to visit a bunch of extremely remote islands.
- Central America and South America because they feel much closer to my European roots than any place I've been to in the U.S.
Fuck most of Western Europe, China, Middle East, Somalia (And other pirate/AIDS-infested African countries. Didn't mark it all because of laziness though), and North Korea.
I live in the U.S. but otherwise I would have put that in red too. Especially because of the Bay Area.
Anonymous 142467

One day maybe. I only want to visit the middle east if things improve there for women. There is too much cool history there not to go if they kick the chuds out.
Anonymous 142585
>>142452Are you from vladikavkaz by chance?
>>141967I wish too. I 'm used to taking the train but my russian is absolute dogshit since i have never been to russia and unfortunately i dont think europoors are allowed in right now
Anonymous 142619
>>142466Hey i mean well but how can your homeland be two countries. And you don’t want to visit france?!
Anonymous 142620
>>142619I'm going to walk you through this concept called "immigration".
Anonymous 142622
>>142619>>142620Yeah, I'm an immigrant so I just decided to mark both.
>And you don’t want to visit france?!No, I don't really care for it and it seems like a terrorist-overrun shithole tbh. Although I have an online friend from there so I might for him at least.
Anonymous 142623

take a wild guess at what i hate doing, anons. i love learning about different cultures but vacations are so stressful
Anonymous 142667
>>142585No, I'm from Dagestan. I've never been to Vladikavkaz but I heard it's pretty nice
Anonymous 142743
>>142622>>142619I'm from france and it sucks. The other poster is right
Anonymous 142744
>>142667Isnt that the place with a lot of different ethnic groups. It looks pretty rad ngl.
Do you like it there?
Anonymous 142768

>>142744>Isnt that the place with a lot of different ethnic groups. It looks pretty rad ngl.Yeah, we have like 14 official languages
>Do you like it there?It was bad for some time after Chechen wars, terrorism and all, but it's getting better
>>142751>They're ethnically Russian & ArabicNo, we speak Russian but we have nothing to do with ethnic Russians, we're not even Slavs. Population of Dagestan consists mostly of Turkic tribes + few local highlander tribes
Anonymous 143272

>>140376Decently well traveled for a 30 years old i guess.
Anonymous 143597
>>142452How did you like azerbaijan and georgia?
Anonymous 144420
>>144419I feel like I should explain I haven't actually visited the british isles but I did go to Gibraltar while vacationing in spain. I got bit by one of the monkeys. it was pretty cool.
Anonymous 144495
>>142321So happy to see a miner from my country
Anonymous 145031

I haven't travelled much, but I would like to see more of Europe and the Americas.
Anonymous 145038
>euros wanting to visit US but have no interest in Canada
I'm kinda surprised by that even as an American. The US seems to get a bad rap nowadays. What about the US interests you more than Canada? Is it the diverse geography?
Anonymous 145039
>>145038Yeah I think they would find Canada interesting, its Euro roots are a lot more prominent than in the US.
Anonymous 145141
>>145125NTA, but maybe because it is radically different from the West without being too dangerous to visit (especially as a woman). There are actually quite a few organisations offering regular tours to North Korea. As long as you are not a complete idiot like that American guy who stole a propaganda poster, nothing will happen to you there.
The downside is that you only get to go in groups, with a fixed schedule and a North Korean guide staying at your side the whole time. Still would make for an interesting visit imo, if you have the money.
Anonymous 145419
Why do people want to travel to India
Anonymous 145431
>>145149>Ireland is red like UKI'm about to infight
Anonymous 146203
>want to visit
egypt, algeria, morocco, senegal, mali, russia, mongolia, vietnam, china, north korea, japan, spain, italy, peru
at the very least, i want to see egypt before i die
Anonymous 146473
>>141671Do you know how i could get a job in new guinea or madagascar?
Anonymous 146897
>>146473Unless you plan on emigrating, your only shot is an NGO or university running programs, usually in capitals and the poorest areas. I wouldn't suggest Madagascar unless you're fine with spending a long time there, maybe a year or more. PNG is easier to find work for with companies based in Aus/NZ and Indonesia, as they run shipping, import/export, hospitality, security ect. Fair warning about taking a job with Chinese companies, as contracts are often highly predatory, may stick you in demountable barracks with men in a locked compound and they will frequently violate contracts with total immunity. What kind of work are you looking for?
Anonymous 146906
>>146897Any tbf, could be mining related, could be tourism… anything.
I have a degree thats not very useful so it wont be much of an help here.
Anonymous 147784
>>145149Which part of chile/argentina would you recommend?
Anonymous 147820
>>142768are you the person that's been spamming these ogres on /img/?
Anonymous 147821
>>147820Those ogres are probably nicer people than the average soiboi numale.
Anonymous 147822
>>147821why is it that whenever you are called out you start talking about soibois, numales, and low e like an incel?
Anonymous 147825
>>142768Literally ugliest humans ive ever seen. Russians are hardly people.
Anonymous 147840
>>147825i remember that one russian lolcow chick who made a racist drawing out of caucasus people on her VK account, yet she she was a landwhale that had those stereotypical pig-nose/flat slav nose's in her pics and dated a random brown guy in the US just so she could run away from russia and get a free US visa card
Anonymous 147847
>>147840okay? why did you feel the need to share this?
Anonymous 147897
>>147825Just say you hate non-whites and go.
Anonymous 147910
>>147825Those guys are visibly not Russian/European
Anonymous 147911
>>147897Are you going to pretend that those Chewbacca-looking guys are attractive? Lmfao.
Anonymous 147946
>>141671Where were you in indonesia and how did you like it?
Anonymous 147951
>>147946I basically ran a circuit of the bay of boni, going to smaller communities off the main costal roads to collect blood and saliva samples from locals. Like most of the islands in the area, they're incredibly beautiful, and these little villages remind me of really rural Australia if it they were modern day frontiersmen. All they need is a decent road and they build communities into the landscape around it. The people are very friendly and respectful, if a little distrusting of people in full PPE wanting to take their blood and stick rods in their mouths.
Anonymous 147953
>>147951Looks awesome
Is that in sulawesi? Looks nice, how do you fine long term accomodation? How do you get arpund?
Anonymous 147954
>>147951Also which islands would you recommend?
Anonymous 148196
>>142452You have been to georgia and azerbaijan?
Anonymous 150841
>>146897Do you happen to know any import/xport companies?
Anonymous 152211

>>140376I just went abroad for the first time. I went to the netherlands. It was pretty great, the cities are clean and there are jobs around. I might consider moving there.
Anonymous 154028
I’d like to live in east Asia. Mainly because I like how people seem to mind their own business there and aren’t constantly trying to interact with strangers or forcibly pull a conversation or reaction out of them. I also heard Scandinavians are similar like that, at least outside of the big cities. People are just so annoying, I don’t want to live in exile but I don’t want to have people constantly breathing down my neck either. I just feel like people won’t let you live in peace here, they’ve always got to be in your face and business.
Anonymous 154074
>>154028>Asia>people seem to mind their own businessThroughout most of Asia, generalising heavily here, there is no such thing as privacy unless you carve it out for yourself with a lot of money. If you have a different ethnicity to the local population, you will be pulled into conversations, stared at and photographed daily. The only way to escape that is to move to the heart of an international city, somewhere suitably modern, but you also don't want people breathing down your neck, so I guess you don't want to live in a city of 5+ million stacked on top of each other.
Anonymous 154094

>>154028>mind their own business there and aren’t constantly trying to interact with strangers or forcibly pull a conversationI'll probably sound ignorant saying this but isn't this every big city ever?
Anonymous 154437
excuse me why isn't the north and south poles on this map? i want to relive life as an arctic explorer and ski on barren landscapes
Anonymous 154668
>>154437The north pole isnt located on land
Anonymous 155197

I've been to:
- the US (LA and Hawaii)
- Thailand (Bangkok)
- The Philippines (for a layover, still got to leave the airport)
- London and Paris.
- Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka)
- Italy (all around the place, did a big tour.)
my personal recommendations would be Italy and Japan. If you're ever in Italy, go to Capri and San Gimignano. Or really anywhere in Tuscany or the Amalfi Coast area. Rome, Florence and Vatican City are beautiful too. Venice is also wonderful but fucking hell, the canals smell like absolute shit sometimes.
Japan is fantastic, i'd honestly recommend avoiding tourist traps and expensive gimmicky things in Tokyo (like the robot cafe, etc) unless you're super keen on it. Kyoto is really peaceful and interesting and worth a visit, same with Osaka, especially for the food.
Anonymous 157810
>>155697You traveled a lot more than i did lol. I am interested in going to the baltics, which one would you recommend?
Anonymous 157822

Some of the countries I want to visit in theory aren't safe enough atm.
Anonymous 158128

I've been in most EU places and I want to rant about Paris/London/Most northern EU highlights. Northern EU capitals are mostly highly overrated and only for people who have a lot of money. Period. I've been there as a broke ass college student as well as a person with significantly more money and the experience difference is drastic. For instance Italy, Greece and I'd say Albania are 100% low budget friendly spots that won't ruin your trip at all. There's something magical about south of Europe that makes you feel welcomed even when you are a broke ass. North is hostile and I realised the only reason to go there would be business, never again I go there for my own sake.
Anonymous 158248

I haven't traveled much but I'd kill to go back to Peru. I don't know what it is about the place, maybe it's just something in the air (probably dust). It felt like everything was made out of squares there. There even these popular cookies that are much like Oreos, and they're square too. I like squares. squares are fun. do you know what also comes in squares? acid tabs.
Anonymous 158628
>>158248How long were you there and which part of the country did you visit?
Anonymous 158730
>>157822>retard hates china, france and hungary but wants to visit syria, iran and russialol
Anonymous 158739
>>158730I don't hate France, but it's a joke that everyone in my country goes to France every summer and I have to keep up my streak of never going to France. Also I said that some countries I want to visit, aren't safe atm. Syria, Russia and Iran would fall under that, among others.
Anonymous 158832
>>158248>>158248peru is a shithole, what are u even talking about
Anonymous 158924
>>158730>that hostility for no reasonscrotes rlly cant stop outing themselves any chance they get dont they
Anonymous 158975
>>158628I spent a little over a week in Santa Clara doing stuff like playing with kids and cleaning up a local park when I was a teenager. That's about a hour's bus ride out of Lima iirc. church missions trips tend to be really cringe, but the experience of hanging out with the community there instead of doing tourist stuff was valuable.
>>158832I thought it was really cool. but I'm from a shithole myself and learned to see the shine of a turd.
Anonymous 160051

>>158730Yea france is ugly af, what are you on about?
Anonymous 160316
>>160051this looks so nice compared to the place in which i dwell
Anonymous 161091
>>158128I feel that, Italy Spain and Greece were all super cheap and beautiful (minus Rome), but England and Scotland especially were so cold and dirty
Anonymous 161438

>>160316Regardless of your country, its probably a much better place to live in than france.
Anonymous 161443

most of the places I want to visit are based around historical interests. the girlies who write off central asia as some middle east backwater are missing out though, the region is gorgeous and the people are incredibly kind to outsiders.
Anonymous 161563
>>161443How did you get there and how dyou cross borders say between uzbekistan and tajikistan
Anonymous 161596
>>161563flew in from istanbul, and just walked over the borders after being driven to them. tajikistan might be a little more difficult now considering the war they're trying to start, but otherwise the process was pretty quick. I recommend making some friends that speak russian and/or local languages (and if I can do that as an autist I imagine it'd be pretty easy for others lol) to help you bargain, or pick up some russian on your own.
Anonymous 161744
>>161596Did you use official checkpoints or did you got dropped in the middle of nowhere?
Anonymous 161776
>>161438u can take pictures like this in 99% of countries.
Anonymous 162107
>>161776>>161776All of france looks like this. Its the most disgusting and uninteresting country on earth
Anonymous 162116
>>162107That is false though. The French countryside is beautiful. Also, central Paris doesn't look like that at all.
Anonymous 162117
>>162116No. Its ugly bland, overpriced and overall a terrible place to live in.
Anonymous 163734
>>163658Cool map and almost same for me.
Anonymous 163747

To the I can't reply directly to for some reason, north carolina is best for camping. Very green and nice, south carolina is pretty bleak, and florida is either beach or swamp.
Anonymous 165476

>>140376Kinda related but how do i find cheap flight tickets? I usually use price comparing website then go on the airlines official page.
I only used ryanair and easyjet so far
Any airline recommendation?
Anonymous 169428

I've never travelled to actually enjoy and explore. Only to visit family
Anonymous 169730

I was lucky to travel a lot with my family when I was a teenager. Hopefully in a few years I'll be traveling again, but this time by myself.
Anonymous 173902
>>140978It's a lot less stressful with a smart phone. I went to Germany 10 years ago and then again a few months ago and the difference having a computer in my pocket made in my anxiety levels and ability to actually enjoy myself was huge.
I think this would only really apply to well-developed countries though. Like if you actually traveled to Jamaica for example and not just a resort there, it would still be pretty hard to navigate just because they're so disorganized and things are very unofficial.
Anonymous 173916
>>173851why did you feel the need to say fuck islam but then colored turkey and tunisia as blue?
Anonymous 187985
>>161443>Xinjiang and TaiwanGo back to Reddit
Anonymous 203375

I'm travelling to Albania to see my sister on the 1st of January. This will be the first time I get to travel alone, and I'm really excited. Any tips so I can stay safe, or anything I should keep in mind? I'm planning to stay there for three weeks.
Anonymous 203386
im traveling to japan in late may and early june. is there any area i should check out? im planning to see parts of hokkaido and tokyo but open to any suggestions. i love great food and interesting places to visit. im considering visiting tashirojima for part of the trip because i love cats but idk if its worth it?
Anonymous 203403

I also hope all scrotes from the orange countries, especially SA and the UAE are enslaved and tortured. c:
Anonymous 204280

I'm a Eurofag myself so this list is not as impressive as one would think
>Spain a few times
>Portugal a few times
>France (twice, one for Disneyland)
>Rome (including the Vatican)
>Ireland a few times
I would like to visit parts of Eastern Europe, namely Russia, but for now that's not the best idea and I feel this is an aspiration I have to bookmark for many years before things settle down enough to make that possible
Anonymous 204296
>>204285similar but I'm from USA. I've seen a little bit of UK/Europe by train/plane (Dublin/scotland, italy/switzerland/france/germany/iceland RIP wowair) and I've been to a couple countries in SA (Panama/Costa Rica).
2 favorite places:
Domodossola Italy especially if you can get a room up on the hillside overlooking the valley and the Alps (oh my god it's pretty). Easy to get to by train. I hope it's not super touristy now, it was chill like 5 years ago but if I found it other people must have.
Costa Rica specifically the La Selva Biological Station if you're an animal nerd but the whole country is gorgeous and easy to drive around or bus around and find affordable places to stay. The cloud forest is very memorable and unique.
I want to go everywhere. I wish it was safe to travel everywhere alone but I have the feeling if I really let myself go crazy and walk around wherever I wanted I would wander into something stupid and dangerous. I am cautious but sometimes paranoid travel advice makes me feel like it's all stupid (saw something recently about whether the natives in Hawaii are safe… girl what lol).
I'm going to Portugal and the Canary islands in a couple months. I fly in and out of Lisbon/Lisboa; if anyone has advice on where to go in Portugal from there I would much appreciate it because there are like 5 days of my trip I have not planned, I have my flights booked but I'm still deciding where I'm gonna stay (I thought maybe I should leave Lisbon and stay somewhere else in Portugal for part of the trip).
Anonymous 205342

>>204296samefag: I should add for people looking to travel to the US that the Puget Sound area in Washington state north of Seattle is extremely nice and unique, would recommend for relaxation and nature with comfortable lodgings. The air is different, the water is different, the mountains are close… it's amazing.
Anonymous 205420
>I want to go everywhere. I wish it was safe to travel everywhere alone but I have the feeling if I really let myself go crazy and walk around wherever I wanted I would wander into something stupid and dangerous. The Department of State lists travel advisories for each country. You can reference that if you need to.
https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/ Anonymous 206560
>>204296The botanical garden in Lisboa is gorgeous, definitely check that out!
Anonymous 206610
>>205325im considering it more after some research. im only worried about it being too hot as im very sensitive to high temperatures.
Anonymous 206684
>>206560I love botanical gardens, I will do that for sure! It will still be winter when I get there so it probably won't be in its full splendor (unless there is a nice greenhouse and it's not all outdoors?)
Do you happen to know if the Lisboa Card for tourists is worth it or if it's overpriced? (honestly regular tickets to things look pretty cheap but I haven't meticulously done the math)
Anonymous 207341
>>206610It isn't too hot in June yet! August is hellish, but the main problem is the high humidity.
Anonymous 207540
Vacation is approaching (two weeks away!) and I'm freaking out about lack of plans. Where should I stay / what should I do in the Canary Islands? (Tenerife specifically but I could take a ferry to another one)
Anonymous 208200
Train (6).jpg

I want to travel but I feel like traveling alone isn't as fun and I'm too chicken.
Anonymous 208263
They also didn't realize that Alaska is part of the USA
Anonymous 208342
>>208200Same. I don't have any friends or anyone in general who would travel with me. I originally want to travel alone but believe it's tough as a solo female… and like what you said, it'd be fun with others.
Anonymous 208351

My map
This might be a stupid question: Does your race greatly affect travel experience? I am Inuit/Native American.
Anonymous 208374

>>208351It absolutely does, I'm latina and when I'm in a white country people think I'm there as an immigrant and give me suspicious looks, and somehow airport security always pick me in their "random" tests, even when I travel mainly as part of my job and I'm there with all expenses paid by a multinational corporation.
Anonymous 208489

I didnt really understand the homeland question. I live in canada, but i'm not canadian/white. I love scandinavian culture and i'd love to visit any of those countries
Anonymous 215985

Besides for work, traveling always felt like a balancing act for me. Do you want to go on an adventure or do yu want to be safe? Europe is very pretty, but it doesn't feel like an adventure. India, South America, and Sub-Saharan Africa are adventures but they are risky. If you don't lik strange men staring at you and following you around for a few blocks, stay in the west or be a moid. Even the most dangerous country has pretty nice tourist areas that are safe, but why would you go there when probably live at least an hour away from a nicer city. South American Islands like the Falkland and Galapagos Island are cool, but they wont be around for much longer which is sad.
Anonymous 215988
>>208489Are you a Chinese heritage nona?
Anonymous 216045
>>215988I get Africa and the Middle East, but is a shame to see that not everyone wants to visit South America. Its really beautiful and is safer than a lot of the Third world if you do planning before the trip.
Anonymous 216215
>>216045wdym, many people want to/have visited there
Anonymous 216319
>>208351>Inuk anonAnother Indigenous miner! I don't see many passing through here or lc, which makes sense statistically I suppose.
I assume you're Alaska Native given your map? Most of the Inuit I know are in Canada (I'm also Native American, though not Inuk, but live across the border). Your culture is very cool.
Anonymous 216322
>>215988Chinese/korean lmao. It's pretty obvious isn't it lmao
Anonymous 219512
>>208200It’s still fun but I guess it depends on your personality. In some ways it’s a lot better than traveling with other people. As for being a solo woman you’re not much different from the women on the street walking to work around you in a foreign city, it’s just life. If you go somewhere that a woman walking alone on the street is unheard of then you might have to worry.
Anonymous 220046

>>206560Lisboanon here, I went to the botanical gardens it was cute! It was winter though so the plants weren’t in their full glory but I expected that. I really liked the natural history museum next door especially the old laboratory stuff. I went on Sunday when it was free lol
Lisbon was so fun I didn’t go anywhere else in Portugal. There’s so much to see just walking around. I’m not a rambunctious tourist, I just like to walk around and look at stuff.
Anonymous 220049
Anyone ever gone skiing in Canada? Specifically in Whistler? Is January a good time to go? I'm thinking of going for 2 or 3 weeks
Anonymous 220051

>>220046(Sameanon) Also Tenerife was cool, it’s absurdly pretty and the hikes are great. I would recommend renting a car if you can drive stick. The dust from Africa got us halfway through so it got really hazy but cleared up in a few days; gave me a headache but overall good trip
Anonymous 220057
>>173916because she's a clueless eurofag lmao
Anonymous 220060
>>220055No I’m an American. I flew to Lisbon and took an easyjet flight to Tenerife from there. Spent about ten days in both places.
Anonymous 220066
>>142667Omg thats really cool i've never met anyone from Dagestan. What is it like there? does Dagestan have its own practice of islam? do you live in the mountains?
Anonymous 220067
Its funny how all the nonas who blacklisted muslim countries still made exceptions for the muslim countries where they are most likely to be robbed, assaulted, harassed by men, or killed (Egypt, North Africa, Turkey), but avoided all of the chill Muslim countries that are way nicer to tourists (Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Qatar, Iran, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, etc.)
Anonymous 220080
>>220067>made exceptions for dangerous north africa>avoided chill countries like algeria>algeria Anonymous 220091
>>220067The only "chill" country" in this list is Turkey
Anonymous 220107
>>220067Muslim countries are horribly stereotyped due to the few popular touristy ones being unsafe. Lots of cool places that have a lower crime rate than many western countries or latin american countries which are way more dangerous but still attract so many tourists. Aside from the gulf and maybe Iran, the biggest issue you have to deal with is crappy infrastructure since they're poor
Anonymous 220119
>>220067Is Kyrgyzstan chill? because I want to go to Central Asia so fucking bad but I don’t want to be a dumb bitch about it but I’d probably have to go solo so I’m nervous
Anonymous 220121
>>220067Oman is so beautiful but I don’t know how to go there as an American. It’s like Iceland but a beautiful desert full of wonderful animals instead of a frozen shithole. I think you have to have a guide?
Anonymous 220129
>>220080Geography isn't anon's strong suit kek
Anonymous 220176
>>220119It's chill but unless you speak russian you'll have nothing to do, unless you Make a Kyrgyz friend or find someone online to be your tourguide. (preferrably female, Kyrgyzstan is a conservative muslim country and people will give you strange looks if nothing else if they see you with a boy).
Kyrgyzstan can be really fun but you need the right people
Anonymous 220179
>>220107Contrary to popular belief, Iran is a very warm and welcoming country for tourists, even as a foreign non-muslim woman. Even after the recent protests. I actually visited Iran as a tourist.
But what you said is correct, ironically the Muslim countries with the most tourists and openness/lax gender segregation laws are the most unsafe ones, especially for women. The same is true for all gulf states with the exception of Saudi Arabia.
Many Muslim countries don't hold foreign women to the same conservative standard as they do local women so unless you're acting out politically you have nothing to fear in Iran and people will treat you very kindly and try to practice their english on you.
Iraq is similar in that regard as a foreign woman, if you travel with the right people and stick to the right places you should be completely safe.
Way safer than you would be in Turkey, Egypt, Morrocco, or Tunisia, where thieves and sexual harassment are a frequent problem for Single women tourists.
Anonymous 220180
>>220080>>220129No need to be pedantic lmao. What I said is still true.
Algeria is the only north african country where you're not likely to be targetted or robbed for being a tourist.
Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, are not safe for single women traveling alone. People in Algeria are far more likely to leave you alone. Simple fact.
I was talking about the rest of North Africa though.
Anonymous 220181
>>220121As an American you can travel there Visa-Free for any stay under 10 days.
>>220091You're so wrong and you have no one to tell you. So many instances of single european women traveling alone in Turkey being kidnapped, killed, extorted, and raped.
Just because Turkish laws have more gender equality than other muslim countries doesn't mean it's safer for single women traveling alone. The culture in Turkey is way more hostile.
Anonymous 220183
I want to go to Vladivostok and see Russian Asia. Has anyone ever seen Russian Asia? Is it cool? or is it just as boring as eastern europe.
Anonymous 220245
>>220181Oh ok. Just ten days? That’s pretty good though I thought it was harder I don’t even remember why.
I also want to go to Cuba but that’s actually not happening lol, I’m not flying there from Mexico or whatever Americans have to do now.
Anonymous 220418
>>220263You want to visit Haiti!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
As a Dominican, I barely understand why people visit this country, why in god's will would you want to visit that place.
Anonymous 220443
>>220418Maybe that anon is Haitian?
As an aside, there are plenty of reasons people travel to third world countries (family, cultural interest, etc.). Being from a wealthy country shields you from most of the problems affecting the general population, and if you know where to go/how to act you'll be fine in most places. It's not really equitable (that poor people get wombocombo'd or whatever) but it's just how it is
Anonymous 220514
>>220418Touring a country is very different from actually living there.
I know Haiti has a lot of problems, but the beaches are very lovely from what I hear.
Anonymous 220586
>>220263do you have family in India or did you just coincidentally only go there and the US?
Anonymous 220747
Papua New Guinea probably still practices cannibalism.
New Zealand implemented some disturbing governmental decisions that go against liberty.
Anonymous 220805
>>220067of course nobody gets sexually harassed in Algeria because nobody goes to fucking Algeria at the first place. you're more likely to to win the green card lottery than getting the visa since they basically cut everyone off from entering their country almost like north korea
Anonymous 220807
>>220805you're exaggerating how difficult it is to go to algeria as a tourist. The people are objectively nicer than Turks, Egyptians, or Moroccans and less likely to rob or harass you.
Anonymous 220842
>>220747Australia is about as bad as NZ when it comes to nanny state nonsense
Anonymous 220853
>>220842True, but i have slightly more hope for Australia and they have less earthquakes than NZ.
Anonymous 220900
>>220586I had family in India, now they all live in Canada or the US. But yes, I did go and visit them over they before they immigrated.
Anonymous 221043

From Indiana, only ever left the state twice lol. I've always wanted to go to western Africa, especially Ghana, and Nigeria. I have hopes of traveling to every African country before I die, but i decided to be realistic with this map. Fuck Somalia lmao
France because they're my favorite colonizers.
Anonymous 222046
>>142667Why are the local guys so tough? Moids into the ufc seem to have a boner for them
Anonymous 222299
>>222047I don't have a hateboner for china or generally doubt their public statistics but that can't be right.
Anonymous 222589
>>221043france is overrated, its a bland country at best
Anonymous 222609
>>222047Oh my Hellzil always make me sooo proud!!!!
Anonymous 222676
>>222047Lived the first 20 years of my life in Brazil, it's safer than people think. Most murders are related to drugs and happen far from tourist spots, you'll be safe.
Anonymous 222678
>>222589If ill ever want to go to Africa, i'll just go to Paris instead, because its closer.
Anonymous 222705

I'm afraid of flying, but I'd like to get over my fear so I can go globe-trot. My best irl friend is from Finland, so my first flight will probably be visiting there with her when she goes back over Summer. My ultimate dream is to dedicate a year to travelling all over America / Canada. I'm fascinated by how stark the differences are between states.
>>142210How was Poland / Italy?
>>163658I like the way it looks like you're contagious. One by one, anon will enter every country and assimilate them into her army.
Anonymous 222721
>>221043my brother got extremely sick in Ghana but otherwise he said it was nice. I forget why he went… it wasn't missionary work but he was there with some nonprofit doing something in a random village.
Anonymous 223113
Lol it's just that every French person I've met has been really snobby & every snobby English person I know has a holiday home in South France. If I go to Paris, I'll be disillusioned by the trash and the high prices, and if I go to the southern French country side all I'll see is other holidaying Anglos.
Anonymous 223228

>>140376I mostly just wanna go to latam. I have friends in Chile and Argentina that I am planning do a road trip with when I can afford the plane ticket ^^
Anonymous 228293

>>142467they.. are the chudes..
do u really suport genocide or ethnic clensing?
Anonymous 228294
>>160316just clean your room then, LOL
Anonymous 228588
>>142321<3 u ukrainian nona, hope you manage to visit my country
Anonymous 231722

>>220263stay the fuck out of rio and dont leave the resort.
Anonymous 231727

Didn’t do everything but as an African nona i wanted to add some nuance kek
I wish we could delete 99.9% of all moids, most of the reasons certain countries are on my red list are because of moids. Most of the planet is gorgeous and i’d love to be able to explore without any concerns
Anonymous 232213
>>231727can you tell me about zambia, its the african country i am the most interested in along with tanzania
Anonymous 233197

I have been to Alaska, Germany, the UK, Italy, and Israel.
My top recommendation is Alaska just because there are so much cool wildlife, nature, and cultural museums. For instance, the Native American Museum was cool.
Italy has very long lines and tons of tourists.
Anonymous 233201
>>232213Zambian nona here! It’s super peaceful and everyone is super calm and easy going but a bit conservative, foreigners absolutely get a pass though :)
This trevor noah bit is painfully accurate. The best times of year to visit in my opinion are February/march at the end of the rainy season when theres a lot of wild fruit and MUSHROOMS and the middle of the year in winter when it’s a bit cooler and very dry so the sky is blue every day (but there’s still a lot of greenery left over from the rainy season)
I haven’t been yet; but the rift valley lakes in the east are supposed to be gorg; as well as victoria falls etc. i really want to do the touristy thing at home one day but whenever i visit my time is taken by family haha
Anonymous 233203

Incoming mushroom spam; i like to call zambia the mushroom kingdom
Anonymous 234076
>>233197I stayed in ak for 3 months too. Where were you
Anonymous 234077
>>233201Do you think i could get hired there? I do banking related legal stuff
Anonymous 235694
>>208374Whuch latam countey would you recommend for a first visit?
Anonymous 235722

There is no country that i feel repulsed to. Just some countries that I have no big intrest toward, but if I got the chance to go there for free or some big deal, I'd go anyway
Anonymous 235881
>>145038Because most of Canada (except Québec) is virtually identical to the US. The few distinct elements of broder Canadian culture, like hockey or maple syrup, are almost all of Québécois/French Canadian origin.
That's why they don't want Québec to become independent (and probably rigged the 1995 referendum), despite the increasing political tensions between Québec and the rest of Canada. Anglo Canada is just USA light.
Anonymous 235922

>>233488with what right can a nona who lives in a shithole of a country that was almost (or totally) genocidated by turkey talk about brazil? you shouldn't even exist anymore, your country practically doesn't exist anymore, it was totally raped by all the other neighbors. your language was invented by a pedophile monk, your country was considered the second country with the WORST economy in the world in 2011 by forbes and the most important person in your country is fucking kim kardashian. and worst of all is that you must still be very ugly physically because even kim kardashian had to have a lot of plastic surgery to remove those disgusting borat genes she had. and that you most likely have too.
>>223228kek and even worse are you border rats. And I'm not even going to spend so much time talking about you because you don't deserve it and because everyone knows what a shitty country you have. Literally the little whore of the United States. Leave CC and go back to your job as a drug dealer or prostitute for the few gringos who go to your country for sex tourism. i wish people in your country still had the same hobbies and still did human sacrifice so you would at least have some purpose in life besides posting shit on forums.
>>220583latvia: nigeria of europe. other than HIV, natural resources are scarce
>>233197>My top recommendation is Alaska just because there are so much cool wildlife and italian theres so much people and long linestranslation: "I'm fat so I can't walk much and on top of that I'm ugly so I don't like to be in places with a lot of people because I know they'll judge me."
>>222589france is nice!
Anonymous 235979
>>235960yeah much better to go to fucking LATVIA or see ice mountains in alaska. france is nice and has a lot of things to do. ofc any country will be boring if you are a boring person to begin with.
Anonymous 235980
The epic 100 Reddit crew found this thread and is now telling us how terrible France is
Anonymous 235983
>>235980Don't they have vasectomies to be getting? Faggots.
Anonymous 236022
>>235922Lol I'm Ukrainian and you should try re-reading my post.
Anonymous 236025

>>236022ukraine lol another shithole of a country that was almost (or totally) genocidated and was raped by their neighbors. at least armenia has kim kardashian you guys only have famous online sex workers to be proud about. but anyway i really admire you for even in extreme poverty to get some free time to post on cc. I hope you are very successful in your job (prostitution) and that your nazi pimp doesn't fight you for lurking imageboards! and btw besides france russia is a pretty nice country too and has a lot of things to do
Anonymous 236038

no. ironically i like england and i am not unfair to speak ill of good countries. ive never traveled there but I dont understand the obsession of americans in saying that the british are ugly or have rotten teeth because I don't think so. there are a lot of handsome men there and obviously ugly men too (I believe it's like that in almost every country except some horrible ones like India or Armenia where every men is hideous). britain made a great contribution to the world in various fields like music, literature, art. and to tell you the truth I don't even find that typical heavy makeup that some british women wear that horrifying. And I'm glad you guys took the Maldives from the argentines! im sure you are so frustrated with me not feeding your roast country kink that you must be crying on the floor right now drinking your afternoon tea and saying something stupid with you probably crooked teeth in your cute british accent.
Anonymous 236087
>>235922>Latvia is the Nigeria of EuropeNo, France is the Nigeria of Europe. You're more likely to be raped and robbed in the rich parts of France than in the slums of Latvia.
Anonymous 236092
>>236087by nigeria of europe i meant because latvia has one of the highest hiv rates just like nigeria is the filthiest country of africa with their stds. in france the worst thing that can happen is you be pickpocket on the subway, in the latvia shithole you WILL be raped AND get hiv AND die because the country is so poor they don't even have a lot of hospitals. its almost sad. this remember me of romania anon sperging about how romania is the worst country of europe i bet that if she was from latvia she would kill herself kek.
>>236088no comparison with tourism, art, books, interesting people coming from latvia. It shouldn't even be a discussion. they are close to one of the most developed countries in the world (Scandinavian countries) and yet they are insignificant. the anon who said france is boring would probably love to see goats starving on farms, the still-spreading 21st century bubonic plague and end-stage aids in the great country of latvia.
Anonymous 236104
>>236087>LatviaLiteral who country, I bet you couldn't name a single thing that Latvia contributed to the world, or even one aspect of Latvian culture. The Baltics in general only exist as a western buffer zone to keep Russia in check, similar to Ukraine. They have no history and no identity beyond "not Russia"
>>236096Très basé nona !
Anonymous 236106
>>236096omg! a brazilian nona…? (maybe? :p)
Anonymous 236111

Mine is not really impressive, I have only ever left Europe once to visit family in Canada. We visited Toronto and Ottawa (where my family members live) as well as Montréal and Québec City. Loved Québec <3 but Ontario was interesting too, Toronto felt very American and unlike any other city I visited so far.
Out of the European countries I have been to my favourites are France and Ireland/Scotland, although the Southwest of England is very beautiful too. Italy is overrated, Poland is underrated. The Netherlands (especially the islands) are nice for beach vacations. The other anon here saying that France is boring is full of shit, France is easily the best country in Europe.
In general I'd travel to any country given the chance, with a few exceptions. I don't really want to visit most Muslim countries, especially not North African ones like Egypt or Algeria. I also have no interest in South Korea and Australia, especially Australia which just seems like a horrid hot desert full of poisonous animals.
Anonymous 236114
>>236025I would like to visit Russia, very cool to have the republics. Have you ever been?
Anonymous 236116
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>>236104thank you nona
>>236106kinda of!!! but not currently living there through. i dont understand why people are so afraid to go to there? like this canadian bitch >>236115 would rather go to syrie but no brazil????
- im jealous of everyone who lives in Europe everything is so close
i hope all the aeroports from canada closes and you get stuck in you fuck ass boring country and lives a tedious and sad life forever
>>236111based anon. why did you not liked italy? i understand it's a very crowded place but i liked it a lot. and you are right about south korean too i never understand why people are so obsessed with this country? they are boring AND very misogynistic and xenophobic, i mean i guess it should be related to kpop but like why would someone visit SOUTH KOREA AND UKRAINE >>236115 before any other country lol such bad taste that its not really a surprise that this nona is canadian after all
>>236114no but my ex bf was from there. very misogynistic and xenophobic people (if you are not white) but not as dangerous as syrie, ukraine, muslim countries.
Anonymous 236117
>>236116I would like to visit Ukraine as I was born there , depending on how you view Crimea. Ever been there?
Anonymous 236122
The user above you isn't the user you're responding to, though
Anonymous 236123
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>>236117i mean??? do you want to go to a war zone? the ukraine x russia war will not end soon so i guess you would have to wait a long time to travel to there and be safe. and no, ive never been there and I wouldnt want to even before the war
>>236119>syria is also safeas safe as being a black gay moid and traveling to crimea in ukraine
>the only countries I've visited are family relatedso that just makes your situation worse! do you have descent from south korea, syrie, canada and ukraine? literally the worst school project ever done. you must be so ugly that you must look like a platypus with all these traits from all the worst countries possible lol you would easily end that internet discussion that incels ask "does femcel women really exist?". I may even be annoying but you're ugly and that's worse.
>>236122poor ukrainian/russian nona just got called a retard out of nowhere
Anonymous 236124

>>236119Ukrainians take another L…
>>236123To be honest I had plans to visit but covid hit, blessing in disguise as I don't want to be stuck in a corrupt and war torn country.
Anonymous 236252
>>236096Just go to mauritius instead. You will have far less issues with dogs
Anonymous 236253
>>236111Lmao no france is bland and boring af. Idk why people visit it in the first place
Anonymous 236254
>>236092>france the worst thing that can happen is you be pickpocket on the subway*brutally murdered by gangs or stabbed by terrorists
Its the litteral most dangerous country in the EU
Anonymous 236257
>>236254Its not the most dangerous european country retard
Anonymous 236264
>>236253t. Ameritard who saw Emily in Paris once
Anonymous 236914

>>140376switzerland is hands down the best place i've been to. but it's expensive. i had to stay in a hotel in france at the border and then drive into switzerland otherwise i would've gone bankrupt
Anonymous 237296
>>236264Nah im french and i can tell you are full of shit
Anonymous 260972

Any tips for making solo travel more interesting? Or travelling tips in general. I've had enough of sitting on my ass waiting for people with no will or aspirations in life to stop making excuses.
Anonymous 261000
>>260972went on a solo trip a few years back and it was some of the happiest days of my life.
-do some research on the climate/culture/safety for female travellers
-pack light but sufficiently
-I like exploring and getting lost in places on my own but if you’re anxious about it you can hire a local guide to bring you around
-i try to make small talk with the locals, they’re great sources of telling you which food joints to visit/avoid, best ones are usually some hole in the wall restos kek
-learn how to greet/say thanks in their language/dialect, people appreciate the gesture and effort
-socializing with other travellers has greatly enhanced my travelling experience
-research about events/festivals happening when you’re there, they’re usually pretty eye opening and a great way to experience and learn about local culture
-offline maps app come in handy for me every time
-keep an open mind and a positive mindset even when mishaps happen during your travels
-have insurance/bring meds/find out where hospitals/clinics/your country’s embassy is
Hope you’ll have some great adventures, nona
Anonymous 295274
>>140376Going to Anaheim (Disneyland in California too) in a few weeks. Any recommendations of places and things to do? Will probably be eating out every day so restaurant and cafe recommendations are much appreciated!
Anonymous 295420

>>141671I've added to the map since I last posted.
Myanmar was totally surreal. It's astoundingly beautiful, filled with incredibly welcoming people who're subjected to the worst predations mankind is capable of. I saw Chinese pirate-fishermen work modern day galley slaves from across SEA, some of whom were children and others old men, to export what must have been at least 100kg of methamphetamine pills right past customs, then putter off to pillage their dangerously overfished waters. I witnessed a 15 year old kid, who helped me escape a watery ditch earlier that same day, flogged as he was taken to a prison where he would be kept awake for days at a time by loudspeakers blaring, without food and periodically flogged, for weeks, all because he took payment from his uncle to run and buy him some meth pills. At various points it was like walking into a cyberpunk distopia, which my traveling buddy informed me was like the opening of a book called Neuromancer. There are so many guns everywhere that eventually they kind of fade into the background and stop being noticeable. Pretty sure I accidentally smoked a puff of meth at some point.
Anonymous 295422
Don't visit peru. Dumb country
Anonymous 295423
>>141671Are you a writer? You could be; I could practically feel the air.
Anonymous 295426
>>295420how was mongolia? and how do you get work that allows you to travel around the world
Anonymous 295434
>>295426Mongolia is a strange, strange place. The capital is a microcosm of East-West struggle; this tiny, filthy Soviet enclave with gleaming skyscrapers built on top, and an industrial revolution shanty-city sprawling out from it. To the people living out in the countryside, the capital is this shining beacon of promised prosperity and modernity, and people run to it, only to end up living in multi-generational poverty on its outskirts because that promise is a finite resource; already staked out decades ago, but marketed as having just been snatched up by the person who arrived hours ahead of you. In the countryside, that same poverty exists, but it doesn't exist in contrast to vast wealth; just an impossibly empty expanse of nothing but land and wildlife. It's easy to see why so many settlements are entirely removed from the few roads, when an entire village can subsist from the land without ever seeing or being affected by a competing village. I got to see this divide in reverse, landing at an airfield and seeing a few rurual communities before the city, so I got to see that lure first-hand with a 16 year old girl who wanted to be a model and influencer. It was strange watching her leave her family in a huge, if aging, house with power, running water and sewerage, then arrive with us and, that same day, join her cousin and 3 other girls living in a ger, burning coal to stay warm because their grid-connection can only charge phones and walking 1km to fill jerrycans at a well that has frequent dog attacks. She tossed her handmade thick leather coat and working clothes on the side of the street, spending most of her money on a maxi dress, pumps, hair and makeup. They hung sheets and decorations in her own little cubicle, next to her sleeping mat, so she could start making social media reviews of expensive cosmetics brands which they dumpsterdive for empty cases of, refill with cheap stuff, and wait for stores in the city to sponsor them. Her cousin left when she was 15 and is still living like that at 24, still believing she could be the next one to be given a golden ticket. Boys leave around the same age and end up working rubbish burn pits that give them cancer, in mines that poison them or at powerplants that poison them AND give them cancer. It's also fucking cold; so much so that I had to wear a coat meant for the arctic until a family we stayed with just gave me a handmade stuffed down leather coat and skirt out of the kindness of their hearts.
It's rare that you'll find work like mine, but I got into it by studying microbiology and meeting a guy who was studying genetics. I didn't really want to travel, but I'm a little autistic about world geography and geopolitics, so he asked if I'd sign with him on a petition to join a medical study in PNG. I lied a little on my form about how experienced I was with certain software and devices. It turns out explaining the Indonesian conflict during an interview is what got us the position. It turned out that our ex-military security guy/driver was actually a full time employee, not a contractor, and was reporting on us the whole trip. His recommendation got us the job, but my friend is awful with people, so he stayed in the lab while I did all the traveling. Being able to handle heat, humidity and rough-sleeping were the real deciding factors for them keeping me.
Anonymous 295441
>>295434that's so fascinating. i've always been intrigued by ex soviet and soviet influenced countries. i think if you get the chance, you should go see the rest of central asia to get a feel for that. that's very sad though and i didn't realize that the people struggled like that. your job is pretty cool. what were your favorite countries
Anonymous 295444
>>295434I was lying awake in bed last night and thinking about the other smaller cities on Mongolia and had a thought. Cities are meant to have their own spirit; built on places that draw people because of their location, maybe a government/polity they admire, a culture they want to be a part of or their commerce which promises freedom and prosperity. The cities in Mongolia are shallow, cynical attempts by a disconnected government to centralise as much population, commerce and production in logistics hubs as possible. There are towns in areas that have true ancient lineage because they're built for cultural sites, resources and landmarks that simply make sense, but they're all depopulated. Once upon a time they drew entire communities to them with their natural allure, but now their natural peoples have been siphoned off to be trapped in crumbling Soviet ruins. It hasn't made the lives of most people any better; they could still buy cheap Chinese cosumer electronics with their natural flow of trade, as it's the only technology that makes it into the interior (certainly not infrastructure). They only serve the interests of the government. It's a government that exists only to keep itself alive and poison its host, like a virus.
>>295441Sadly, most of central Asia is off-limits to us because of the intense diplomatic rivarly with the CCP. Russia is too hands-off to care much about NGOs collecting medical data, but China feels as though they own their neighbours and will actively sabotage attempts to help them. As a Chinese colleague explained "You wouldn't want to come home to find a stranger feeding your baby, would you?".
>what were your favorite countriesArgentina is at the top of the list. I don't get to see tourist spots, but Argentina felt like around every corner could be something truly amazing that no one but the locals and a few outsiders might ever get to really appreciate. Uganda and Rwanda felt like the Garden of Eden, but I felt like every town and city we came across was a stain on it and should be removed to preserve its astounding majesty. Vietnam has to be up there, if only because of how batshit crazy and fun it was.
Anonymous 295468
>>295444arg nona here, i feel flattered, glad you liked it so much here! lol
Anonymous 295478
>>295444i didn't know china controlled central asia that much but that sucks. argentina seems pretty cool too. i see you've went to chile, is it like its neighbor? and tell me about your adventures in vietnam
Anonymous 295480
>>295444seconding that i'd really like to hear about your travels in vietnam, i've been dying to go there. heard the karaoke parties/raves are legendary
Anonymous 295488
>>295468I really, really loved being there. Whenever I have trouble sleeping, I imagine I'm back on a riverboat, floating along the Parana with rain pattering overhead, thunder in the distance, the sounds of the forest all around me and the boatman singing cowboy songs that echo off the water.
>>295478>>295480Chile was really just going to a hospital, seeing a few villages along a road and spending a few nights in hotels. I can't really speak to it as a country. Funnily enough, it's hard to speak about Vietnam as a country too, but mostly because I just don't remember half of it.
The country is just so long that we broke up into pairs, which is something we can't do anywhere else in mainland SEA. I thought we'd drawn the short straw, having to go from southern to central Vietnam, but it turned out we were the luckiest. I didn't get to see Ho Chi Minh at all at first, because we were going to these isolated towns, still built in traditional styles, with highspeed satellite internet, drone delivery and ubiquitous consumer electronics. My home town feels like it's trapped in the 40's by comparison. Everyone is extremely friendly, as you've probably heard, and very outgoing. The rural areas were these brief windows into pastoral idyll, dotted with bars that had laser light displays and played the same music I'd hear in trendy clubs in the cities later on. After actually spending time in Ho Chi Minh, I realised those bars are a kind of cultural export/franchise toned down by 90% for the comparatively sedate rural folk.
We'd just spent over a week working with little sleep, in the heat, on hard floormats, so I was looking forward to sleeping in a nice soft bed. It didn't happen. The city is a nonstop rave after dark and has no real boundaries to it. Back home, our nightlife is entirely relagated to a handful of bars and streets built to house nightclubs. In Vietnam it feels like whole districts sprawl out from central hubs of party culture. I've never really enjoyed clubbing before, but with some earplugs it was essentially impossible not to have a great time. I didn't feel threatened by the guys in those clubs and most of the Western tourists were too busy eating donner kebabs and chips on the street to actually go into the clubs. My travel buddy was extremely uncomfortable because he's 6'3, but the fact he danced with, was felt up and made out with a combined 200+ women must have made up for it. Meanwhile, I finally fit everywhere, like the whole world was made for me. I honestly don't remember much more than that because we were drinking every single night and it's hard not to get into the mood when you make friends with a group of prostitutes who want to show you the real nightlife that tourists usually don't see. I didn't use any of the ubiquitous ketamine or coke, but it felt like everyone else did. I do recall at one point being underground in a club where suddenly the music dropped, everyone gathered around the DJ when a remix of the Thomas the Tank theme started playing and the whole place went nuts, prompting my new streetwalker friend to kiss me and start grinding so hard she ripped her dress on my jeans.
The coastal drive to Da Nang was such a beautiful stretch of land, though spoiled by the constant roar of engines all around us. Da Nang itself was more what I'd thought Vietname would be, with these areas of immense wealth, interspersed with rundown older buildings. Here there wasn't the omnipresent nghtclubs, but I still enjoyed some nice markets and restaurants. In Ho Chi Minh, I'd felt a little less glamorous than all the other women, but it never made me feel terribly self-conscious. In Da Nang, whenever setting foot in the rich areas, I felt like a shabby pig by comparison. The beach is like going to a fantasy version of Rio de Janeiro or Miami; entirely populated by aesthetically thin, immaculately bronzed supermodels. I was immensely concerned about how I dressed while there, felt embarassed I'd taken a one-piece swimsuit for modesty and suddenly things like how pale I was and the slight bit of flab on my arms, the little bit of belly fat I carried etc. made me immensely self-conscious. It was a huge relief when we decided to go surfing, since it was right near the lab we were working with, and a nearby surf instructor fawned over my skin and demanded I wear a wetsuit to protect it. I hadn't really realised just how many women in Ho Chi Minh were as pale as me and didn't really know it was very fashionable. We only got to see the hills and cliffsides around the city once, and while it was a hot, arduous trek, it was absolutely worth it. The views are really amazing and I could have stayed there an entire day, just looking and admiring. We never got to go to the mountains, which I really regret, but the hill roads to Hue were so beautiful it made up for it.
I do have criticisms of Vietnam, but they're all very surface level and would sound awfully preachy coming from a country that got a leg up from its creation and lost a war to those people. Ultimately, if you suffer the constant noise, heat, humidity and press of bodies, it's an amazing place. I was forced to become much more outgoing and confident in how I interact with people. Both men and women are so direct and outgoing in communicating what they want that you have to match their intensity in order to not be steamrolled. In conclusion, Vietnam was a fun, hot blur that I vaguely recall fondly and would like to relive at some point. Sober, this time.
Anonymous 295489
>>295488wow vietnam seems so fun and i wanna visit now. you definitely should go back a second time when you get the chance lol. how was your experience going to india as a woman? that seems very intimidating
Anonymous 295490
>>295489>IndiaBad, bad, bad, bad. It's interesting geographically, but culturally a little boring and oversaturated by tourist-tat. Socially, it's a nightmare. India was the only place I NEEDED my travel buddy's intimidation factor to remain safe. The first hotel we stayed at seemed nice, was very quiet and clean and I was thinking it might be a nice break from sleeping in cars, tents and motels. I was in my room and heard a knock on the door, but couldn't see through the peephole. A man's voice called out in English that there was a small fire and I needed to open the door to be evacuated. I could see multiple shadows cast from under the door and stalled while I called my buddy to come investigate. He arrived to see 4 men, one in hotel uniform and the rest in civilian clothes, crowded around my door. They ran when he approached and he found they'd taped over the peephole. When we came down stairs and saw the hotel employee whispering conspiratorially with the receptionist, we got the fuck out of there and slept in the car instead. From then on we waived our usual rules about seperating the sexes and women stayed with men, but most of the places we found were awful and extremely unhygenic. The cities, while claustrophobic, dirty and loud, were at least too busy for anyone to take much notice of a bunch of foreigners.
The rural areas were a real problem, because we attracted crowds everywhere we went. It was kind of surreal popping into a home to take some samples from a family, then turning around to see 20+ men staring in through the window, taking pictures and calling their friends to tell them about us. I had a lot of people just grab my hair as I went by and had to start braiding it, pinning it back and wearing a hat to stop it. The men are completely shameless and massively overconfident, which is a bad mix. The groups that would form to come watch us would wait until we were leaving, then put their hands around my waist, touch my bare skin and try to kiss my cheeks as they took selfies. My travel buddy, who stands like a giant there, would get between us and they would actually try to pick a fight with him, totally unconcerned by the reality he would crush them in seconds. The doctors we worked with were extremely well traveled and cultured, along with many being women, so it was a nice working environment in hospitals. The scientists and lab techs, however, were all men, local and the biggest mysoginists imagineable. The few female techs that worked in these regional labs were relegated to paperwork and treated like personal assistants. That behaviour extended to me as well and despite being the person they needed to talk to, would instead ignore me and direct all questions to my buddy. I just about lost it when I was getting a drink of water in the small kitchenette of a lab and a passing analyst wrapped his hands around my waist, splaying his fingers out to run up my sides, then physically moved me out of the way without a word, while trying to cup my tits. By the end of that trip I never wanted to come back ever again. I'm sure it's a perfectly nice place if you're going from tourist spot to hotel and sticking to highways in between, but I would never go back there, let alone go solo. I felt more watched, harassed and imperiled in a sleepy Indian town than I did in an active civil war with meth-addled, gun-toting militia all around me.
Anonymous 295491
>>295488I'm sorry, you kissed a prostitute and your friend kissed 200 women? How many STIs do the two of you have by now? Did you sleep with him?
Anonymous 295493
>>295490honestly i'm not surprised at all. that's sad because it probably does have a lot to offer culturally and has an interesting history but it's literally hell on earth for women over there. sorry you had to go through something like that. what places do you think is safe to solo travel?
Anonymous 295495
>>295491Well, she kissed me by surprise and, while I was exagerating the number, he was very popular in bars and clubs and was molested by at least 10 women in every venue. No one left with any more diseases than they entered with. In all honesty I was very attracted to him when we met, but there's very strict rules about sleeping with team members and locals. Besides, believe me, if you want to stress-test a relationship, try camping with them in the jungle for multiple weeks while working a full time job together. I very quickly realised we could never, ever manage a longterm relationship.
>>295493New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Poland, UK and Argentina. As much as I want to say Rwanda, the risk of being caught in natural disasters is just too great to go alone. Technically you can go to Israel, but honestly it's pretty boring and with missiles slipping through the iron Dome here and there, I don't think I'd want to be caught alone during a barrage. The same applies to Ukraine's western regions; beautiful, but war is chaos and you can't plan for any contingency.
Anonymous 295498
>>295495that's so cool that you got to experience going around the world. i'm pretty jealous of your job but it seems difficult too. do you have any crazy stories about being near war zones? sorry if it seems like im asking so many questions kek
Anonymous 295505
>>295489>>295490God that seems awful, it's so sad I always wanted to go to India, it seems like a fascinating place but I've heard too many horro stories from women going there. I might take it off my bucket list. Doesn't sound great as a survivor.
Anonymous 295507
>>295498My first ever experience was in Myanmar, handing out aid packages in a fairly remote village when my fixer came sprinting in, telling me to stay calm, not to speak and just keep assembling boxes. In came around 30 people, all armed, and obviously from different factions. The Kachin Independence Army are the local militia and they were hosting what looked like a group of other militiamen from the Manipur People's Liberation Army and some independent socialist fighters from Nagaland. They started a round table discussion, hitting the hookah which most likely was burning meth pills, and started getting animated. The MPLA are hardcore communists, while the KIA are a loose collection of less extreme ideologies, and an ardent revolutionary democrat started arguing with a Maoist about the direction of the revolt. As I understood it, the Maoist thought the Kachin ethnic groups deserved an autonomous socialist state, while the democrat wanted real independence. Smoking meth didn't help the tense situation and things escalated to the point of shouting and eventually one of the MPLA started pointing at me, like he hadn't noticed me before, and was demanding to know why their hosts were letting spies listen in on diplomatic talks. He raised his AK and then a very heavily pregnant woman who looked like she was in her late 40's came in and started chastising them for being loud and disharmonious. She snuffed out the hookah, forced the armed gunman to sit back down by threatening to slap him across the top of his head, then chastised them again for frightening guests and started brushing my hair to tie it back while I kept working. She just kept talking as she braided my hair back and the round table settled back down. I stopped shaking with adrenaline, handed out bags of trail mix from the aid package, then left with my fixer who gave me a recap and ushered me over to hand out fruit-strap to the kids who took my mind off things.
Further south, I was collecting HIV tests for kids and their mothers when the Chin National Army rolled into town, having assaulted a junta security post and threw a party. We'd learned to just comply with inane and simple requests from meth addicts with guns, so we joined them to explain what we were doing, where we'd been and tell some stories. I mentioned how similar the country was to Vietnam, which they seemed to appreciate, so they insisted on teaching us self-defence against an armed opponent. I'd already had coaching, so when the militiaman told me to try to trip him, I rolled him over my hip. The officer then drank and smoked before asking me to marry him, while on the other side of the bonfire a girl from a student militia was telling my buddy that if he joined the People's Defence Force, she'd marry him.
In Ukraine we were running a HIV test station out of a cupboard in a hospital and actually had people come to us for once. One of the patients was in a gown with bandages all over, so I asked how she'd sustained them. "I fell into some enemy around Kupiansk", which was an odd way of saying it, but I figured it was the language barrier. No, she's Finnish, speaks good English and was helping a foreign volunteer drone team with testing when she fell through the roof of an old bunker into the months-old bodies of Russians killed there. The scrapes and cuts were from debris and bone fragments that she had to crawl out of and be slowly taken to hospital for. She'd already developed severe infections and septicemia by the time she's made it back and was recovering from a crash course of antibiotics. Her squad made sure to send her the photo of her covered in putrid, rotting flesh, which she had to show to me, along with the picture of what was left in the bunker when she'd crawled out. I saw her again much later, this time on the street during an air raid. I sprinted for cover, most others just jogged or quickly walked, and she just stood under a small awning on the side of the street and started smoking.
>>295505From what I've heard, it's a perfectly nice place if you stick to populated areas and follow common tourist trails. The police there are pretty ruthless and take the protection of the tourism industry very seriously, so while petty theft and scams are somewhat common, more direct crimes are rare. If the culture is something you want to experience, keep it on your list and visit the best of the best.
Anonymous 295517
visit -w-.png

>>140376I'm a wanderer, I wander, and I want to wander more.
I judge non wanderers negatively, see the world and you will understand prejudiced people are forever wrong
Anonymous 295518
>>295507that's insane. myanmar is such a interesting country and i wasn't aware of their geopolitics. im surprised that they sent you to such dangerous areas too. that finnish woman falling on the dead bodies made me feel squeamish but she's like the coolest person ever. air raids seem terrifying
Anonymous 295540
>>295518Danger is pretty relative, and even though Myanmar is in the middle of a civil war with 15+ different sides to it, parts of it are actually fairly safe for NGOs because of the general acceptance of outside media attention in order to pressure the junta internationally. The largest dangers are communicable diseases, landmines and rogue gangs/warlords/cartels/splinter factions that will arbitrarily enforce laws or simply go on powertrips for the pleasure of it. There are a few "rebel leaders" who're actually just businessmen who've hired a retinue of thugs and taken over state jade, ruby, sapphire and diamond mines, complete with "penal" labour, comprised of random civilians charged with nonsense crimes and taken as temporary slaves. It was far safer for me to travel the rebel-held territories of Myanmar than, say, the fairly stable Iran, because Iranian authorities carry an unending grudge against all foreigners, and Westerners in particular, so will decide to arrest you for no reason, commit sexual assault knowing there'll be no consequences, intentionally draw out stops with arrests to force you to break visa requirements, steal equipment etc. You don't face that kind of spite in Myanmar, so as long as you listen to your fixer, keep your PPE on and stick to walking well-trodden paths and roads, it's rather safe.
Anonymous 295571
>>295540that's so fascinating. i hope you get to see more interesting places and have fun experiences. and make sure to update us once you do nona!
Anonymous 296715
I’m surprised some of you want to visit India like why
Anonymous 296787

I was in Scotland recently, pic related. The big(ish) bookstore in Inverness was a bit of a letdown, but the nature was nice and relaxing. Ate a lot of blackberries.
Anonymous 298091

I'm going to Athens next week, looking for recommendations! Especially for hidden things that aren't too touristy
Anonymous 298107
>>220583man liekas, ka visiem latviešiem vairāk vai mazāk šī karte izskatītos līdzīgi
Anonymous 298108
>>298107Es personīgi nebiju ASV dienvideiropā. Bet no tiem, kas ceļo vairāk, noteikti tā būs.
Anonymous 298136
>>298108Es nekad vispār neesmu ārpus Latvijas bijusi, jo nekad nav bijusi vēlme.
Anonymous 298143

>>140376I've never been outside the US, maybe someday. Hawaii is the furthest away I've been. Absolutely would recommend.
Anonymous 298146

>>142667do you have to wear a burqa when you go outside
Anonymous 298182
You went there/are from there? What do you like about it?