Anonymous 140854
How do I stop smoking weed every day?
I at least wanna cut back to maybe 3 times a week. I only smoke at night (thank god) but it's not helping anymore, its just getting in the way. I'm fucking stupid enough sober and I can't even play games with my friends online anymore because I'm so high I can't perform. The cravings and mild withdrawals fucking suck and I get so depressed I think that it's the only way out. But now instead of helping me wind down after the day it's presenting my problems right in my face, half of them I chave no control over.
Anonymous 140860
>>140854Try going somewhere where you won't smoke and just kill time.
Anonymous 140945
start abusing xanax or some other benzo instead.
you'll just have to force it, try going cold turkey for a bit and then introduce it for pleasure/fun after a few weeks. don't supplement it with some other drug instead though while you are cutting down/quitting
weed isn't that bad to be dependent on compared to other drugs tbh but its good you can recognise the issue now
Anonymous 140947
>>140945benzos are like 20 times worse for you than weed
Anonymous 140963
>>140945Holy shit, what a terrible idea. I do have Lorazepam prescribed but only take it rarely.
I did skip last night and I feel ok so that's good.
Anonymous 140964
>>140945>move from breaking a weed addiction to a benzo addictionStop giving advice to anyone ever
Anonymous 140968
^correct. try giving benzos instead
Anonymous 140976
Benzos literally wake up bloody tier drug. Or wreck your car on the side of the road and wake up. Or so I've heard.
Anonymous 140986
>>140963i would kill to have prescription benzos. instead i have to risk fent every time i want them
>>140976thats all part of the fun of xanax!
weed is a man's drug tbh girls should only do benzos/ket/coke/md/psychedelics
Anonymous 140988
>>140854>Smoking itMa'am. No. Make edibles. Higher for longer. Saves you money overall.i use it because it's cheaper and less damaging than sleeping pills.
Anonymous 141022
If it's legal to grow in your country/state then switch to high CBD sub 1% thc weed, then try to taper off from that and eliminate weed for at least 2 weeks. After that try shrooms in a sub 3,5 dose in a relaxing enviroment. Weed will never be a problem again if you follow this whole process to a T.
Anonymous 141023
>>140986coke is literally the worst thing possible for you. longtime use will literally rot holes in your brain.
please do not suggest anyone do coke, it is not worth it at all.