Anyone struggle to drive because they're short Anonymous 142735
I'm sub 5ft and I struggle to see where the car is going when I drive. In my country we have to drive the car given to us by the driving institute which is a standard sedan car.
We can't bring our own cars to lessons and tests….
Anonymous 142747
Bring a pillow to sit on
Anonymous 143006
Harmony Juvenile D…

>>142735Use a booster seat :3
Oh but then your wee legs might not reach the brake and accelerator. Aw jeez i don't know, that's a tough one
Anonymous 143079

>>143006she just needs stilts after that, then she'll have it all.
Anonymous 143080
you should be able to adjust your seat. if not,
>>142747 should work.
Anonymous 143166
I struggle for the exact opposite reason. I’m over 190 cms, and the roof of the car is pretty low. the top of my head bangs up against it and I have to look at some awkward down-upwards angle in order to see the road.