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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 143289

How to get a community on social media? I want to gain money from my drawing without having to draw hentai furry. I have YouTube channels but even if I upload with tags, daily nothing seems to work. How to break the code? ( I do animations and illustrations)

Anonymous 143293

I just want more subs tbh

Anonymous 143536

drawing alone aint enough, commissions arent as frequent unless ur already super established. you dont have to draw hentai furry but the money is def in hentai and keeping that content behind a paywall, animated sells more even if its a 2 seconds gif. Nobody watches drawing videos in YouTube unless they are a meme with funny commentary like that cartoonist artist extraordinary that draws Narutu characters.


Anonymous 143546

adopt a fake soft uwu personality and artstyle that draws in troons and then when they discover youre a c.c poster in 3 years and make 50,000-like popular tweets about your transphobia you can take the money and run

Anonymous 143555

It is a good way to take money
Meme animation huh… Okay I will start this too
Thanks everyone!

Anonymous 143556

I can finally draw naruti now

Anonymous 143578

You nerd to get attention first so do whatever the all mighty algorithm wants then for a community you need an online personality you don’t need to show your face.

Anonymous 143596

Taking notes…

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