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backseat boomer Anonymous 143953

older generations need to stop shilling their fears onto young people. they are the definition of a backseat gamer

Anonymous 143997

They are usually right. It's almost like life experience and maturity give you a more accurate perception of many problems that repeat themselves over and over, or something.

Anonymous 144041


i disagree. for example, i think helicopter parenting has stifled the independence of younger generations, leading to unhappier children with little intuition to make "the right" decisions. not all older people because i think many are aware of this issue, but i think the majority.

Anonymous 144044

helicopter parenting has been on the rise even for previous generations. young people are not so open about talking about it, but it's certainly a trend.

Anonymous 144047


Anonymous 144048

Not that helicopter parenting can't be a problem, but part of the problem is this: it takes a village to raise a child and right now the village is on fire. It's providing all kinds of scintillating, high-reward zero-substance incentives and distractions that massive amounts of children are being trapped by. So, if you leave your child to their own devices, that can also be a problem.

Also: there is only so much parents and teach their kids in order to navigate this world. If they are exposed to these addictive systems, then the independence they'll learn is more derivative and parasitic than self-generated.

Imagine a child being groomed by social media, a new trend, among other things–it's so easy these days. The school system hasn't seemed to improve, either, and promotes anti-creativity/intuition.

Maybe helicopter parenting is less about "parenting more", and more this: more control being exerted because the parent is trying to cope with not being fully competent and a chaotic world.

My parents were pretty absentee and I developed a severe speech disorder and can barely communicate so, yeah, I'm biased. I would have hated the other extreme.
I will never be a parent and I wouldn't know how to.

Anonymous 144053

degeneracy and chaos has always existed. children are adaptable creatures only as much as their parents encourage them to be.

> Maybe helicopter parenting is less about "parenting more", and more this: more control being exerted because the parent is trying to cope with not being fully competent and a chaotic world.

I agree with this fully though.

Anonymous 144057

What do you mean by encouragement though in context to the modern age? Do you mean children will do the right thing if, say, they had access to the internet + games, etc? Or do you mean parents should deprive their kids access from it?

Anonymous 144062

ive never, ever met someone with helicopter parents with a child that isnt just broken to the core. Its not a divide between helicopter parents and enablingly liberal parents, either. Parents just fail at communicating and understanding their child and get stuck up in superficials

Anonymous 144068

>it takes a village to raise a child and right now the village is on fire
That's the thing right there. The problem isn't "helicopter parenting" or anything like that, it's that the world is in a very, very bad place right now for any young adults trying to start their lives and the situation shows no signs of improving. This is a completely different world than the one boomers grew up in and, rather than criticizing the younger generations for their failure, the top priority should be ending the current exploitative practices of our modern society.

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