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Anonymous 149636

ITT we rate European countries

Anonymous 149650

Russia is not european, remove it from map

Anonymous 149661

This is nice, can you send a lin to the template ?

Anonymous 149726

All European countries are great in their own way desu. I love Europe.

t. Brit

Anonymous 149768


Anonymous 149778


I want to go everywhere, how likely am I to get killed based on my map?

Anonymous 149779

Europe is pretty safe everywhere apart from like Ukraine atm, the roughest parts of Eastern Europe and Northern European places with lots of male refugees.

Anonymous 149780

I really meant to fill turkey in with light green btw.

Anonymous 149781

I did not know the Nordic countries had that issue.

Anonymous 149782


Map is from 5 years ago but you get the picture.

Anonymous 149784

To be honest they don’t really. Pol exaggerates a lot. Those cities have basically gone from extremely safe to just generally safe. Just stay out of the shitty poorer places and Muslim moid enclaves in Belgium and Sweden and you’ll be fine.

Anonymous 149785

So Slovenia is better than I thought. Nevermind turkey.

Anonymous 149794


bloody yanks

Anonymous 149821

turkey isn't european

Anonymous 149849

Turkey is where all modern Europeans descend from, so yeah Turkey is European.

Anonymous 149886

the most normie one yet

Anonymous 149896


likes Russia = based
dislikes France = unbased

Anonymous 149946

1st ancient anatolians ≠ modern turks
the bulk of ancestry in modern turks comes from iran and the caucasus not from anatolian farmers
2nd anatolian farmer ancestry is only a majority in places like iberia, italy and greece, even then all these places likewise have ancestry from the original aboriginal europeans ranging from 30-40% in most cases

you really shouldn't talk about things you don't know

Anonymous 149959

ireland: 100 out of 100
everywhere else: okay i guess

Anonymous 149965


black = not touching the topic with a barge pole

Anonymous 149966

why is russia based out of a sudden

Anonymous 149972


Anonymous 149983

Why do you dislike Poland?

Anonymous 149986


Anonymous 149988


Europe is my home, I love every part of it equally. No more wars planted by our enemies. Pan-Europa reigns supreme.

Anonymous 149991

Except for Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Andorra, fuck those guys. I totally didn't forget to paint them smol boys.

Anonymous 149992

Seethe more. The Erasmus babies will continue being born and conceived on drunk nights in Ibiza.

Anonymous 149993

Europe above all, sister

Anonymous 149995

>not being able to
>she doesn't know
Seethe more, Russki/Americunt

Anonymous 150001

europe belongs to america

Anonymous 150007


I fixed your silly little map for you. Rule Britannia!

Anonymous 150009


Anonymous 150011


Anonymous 150017

The Caucasus and Turkey and Black Sea are literally where all modern Europeans originate. Idiot. Also most modern turks are Greek, Slav and Caucasian.

Anonymous 150018

Evening, Liz.

Anonymous 150019

>The Caucasus and Turkey and Black Sea
>Also most modern turks are Greek, Slav and Caucasian.
neither of these things are true, specially not the latter. why are you lying?

Anonymous 150032

My map shouldnt be taken too seriously of course but every time Ive visited Poland I thought it was sort of a shithole.
There were some cool stuff like old castles and churches etc but there is also a massive amount of soviet garbage fire architecture.
One time I lived 1 street away from the main street of Gdansk and even then it felt like I was in a 3rd world country, everything was worn down and dirty or broken (which is a reoccurring problem in all ex-soviet states),
there was even a druggie that started slamming on the windows wanting to come inside in the middle of the night which freaked me out.

I just cant really think of anything that Poland does that is good. I suppose the pastries were cheap and there werent any needles all over the streets like in Romania.
I have just had bad impressions the times I traveled there. Sorry if you are Polish, I dont think badly of the people themselves.

Anonymous 150034


Modern Europeans are descended from a tribe who lived in what is now the Caucasus. Those people themselves were a mixture of Southern Russian hunter gatherers and Iranian and Turkic farmers. So suck it.

Anonymous 150049

the fact that you refer to anyone who lived there at the time as turkic really just goes on to show how braindead you are. i unironically burst out laughing reading that part. turkic farmers? seriously? rofl
>Modern Europeans are descended from a tribe who lived in what is now the Caucasus.
1st you don't know where the caucasus is, if you new you'd know they're not from there as your own map shows
2nd that "tribe" was a mixture of 33% caucasian ancestry derived from females and 66% eastern european hunter-gatherer men
3rd that tribe is only a component of modern european ancestry as there are others like anatolian farmer and western european hunter gatherer
4th turks don't even descend from indo-europeans in the first place so there goes your argument

Anonymous 150131


hey CC I fixed Europe

Anonymous 150173


ghost component of modern European DNA, almost negligible, were mostly wiped out
>Anatolian farmer
Only largely present in Meds and Balkans

That 33% Caucasian DNA you are talking about were farmers descended from Iran and Turkey who moved northwards. EHGs were from southern Russia and they looked slightly Turkic or hapa, pic rel. Yamnaya were a mixture of both, the only thing you’re correct about.

Maykops lived in modern day Georgia and were ancestors of the Yamnaya. They themselves were descended from west Asian farmers. Guess who is also west Asian? Turks.

Anonymous 150174


To add to this, Northern Europeans have less than 0.5% WHG DNA on average and barely 1% Anatolian Farmer on average. So again, you’re way off.

Anonymous 150182

WHG_EN F_Yamnaya_a…

>ghost component
you're unfathomably retarded

And the image you linked is from actual asian schizos on meme sites like quora, but the people it depicts are false soviet-era reconstruction of the ANE people (ancient north eurasians). In short the soviet archeologist used the modern day selkups as a base for reconstructions which is completely wrong

Anonymous 150183

>Guess who is also west Asian? Turks.
Again your historical and genetic illiteracy knows no bounds. Every "turk" or turkic including their culture, languages and people came from modern day mongolia and north east china

Anonymous 150185


>Turks were Mongolians

Anonymous 150186


It’s clear you’re some kind of coping poltard. Yamnaya = EHG plus Caucasus + Middle Eastern Farmers which is why they were mostly dark eyed/dark haired. They are responsible for the spread of all modern indo European language and culture.

Anonymous 150188


yeah you're correct, MODERN DAY TURKS are different from mongolians but if you look at CENTRAL ASIAN TURKS like the kazakh people they're very asian looking and will cluster close to mongolians

>Yamnaya = EHG plus Caucasus + Middle Eastern Farmers which is why they were mostly dark eyed/dark haired. They are responsible for the spread of all modern indo European language and culture.
yeah there's nothing wrong with what you said, how am I coping

Anonymous 150189


Here are more reconstructions of Yamnaya men based on genome sequencing but go ahead and claim they’re made by ‘schizo Asian quora posters’ because you’re a pathetic poltard racist Chud who thinks the indo European ‘Aryans’ looked like Nazi propaganda posters.

Anonymous 150190


>ghost component of modern European DNA, almost negligible, were mostly wiped out
lol. it reaches over 10% in the baltics and parts of spain and it's present almost everywhere else in europe so no
>>Maykops lived in modern day Georgia and were ancestors of the Yamnaya. They themselves were descended from west Asian farmers.
you clearly don't know geography. pic related. are you some nationalist from georgia or turkey trying to twist things? i really don't see why someone would lie so blatantly about something that can be dispelled with one click
oh and maykops was a mixed population like yamnaya, descended from both eastern european hunter gatherers and caucasian hunter gatherers
>Guess who is also west Asian? Turks.
yeah, and i never disputed that. i've been saying since the beginning that the bulk of turkish ancestry is iranian. you on the other hand try to claim that turks are the ancestors of yamnaya which just isn't true?

Anonymous 150191

those reconstructions are from Survive the Jive who's basically a neo-pagan nazi lmao.

>you’re a pathetic poltard racist Chud who thinks the indo European ‘Aryans’ looked like Nazi propaganda posters

i didn't say or imply this at all. The first image you posted with clay reconstructions are plainly wrong and they don't even depict the yamnaya or PIE people

Anonymous 150192

are you even aware of what that graph is showing?
the picture is about european neolithic populations and the scale on the bottom is going from 0% to 100% not 0.0% to 0.1%

Anonymous 150193

>yeah you're correct, MODERN DAY TURKS are different from mongolians
Yes. Very different indeed, in fact most Turks have less than 1% Mongolian or Manchurian blood.
>but if you look at CENTRAL ASIAN TURKS like the kazakh people
Kazakh people aren’t central Asian Turks. They are simply Mongolians with about 15-20% random Slavic, MODERN Turkish, Indian, Mediterranean, Persian DNA. That makes perfect sense, because surprise surprise, the Mongols raided and took sex slaves from Russia, Constantinople, Ukraine, North India, Rome and Iran 700 years ago.
>They’re very asian looking and will cluster close to mongolians
That’s because they are, overwhelmingly, Mongolian. There is no such thing as a magical race of Central Asian TRV TVRKS. They’re just Mongols with a little bit of spicy sex slave DNA.

Anonymous 150194

>cartoon /pol/ infographic
You have to go back.

Anonymous 150197


>this post

Anonymous 150198


Yup, you conceded because you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. The average Kazakh is 70-80% East Asian, with trace amounts of MODERN Turkish (West Asian, this shows up on MODERN Turks DNA test as West Asian btw, too) a tiny bit of Med, Slav, Balkan, Iranian, and sometimes a little bit of Jewish and Indian DNA too. This reflects all the places that the Mongols raided. There is no such thing as your mythical Mongolian proto Turks. Sorry anon.

Anonymous 150199

i'm not going to reply to you anymore. you're either braindead, a turk or a troll
you have no idea what you're talking about, and just straight up lie and make things up

Anonymous 150200


Also if 7-12% Turkish DNA makes you a Turk I guess every black person in America must be European because they have a white great grandaddy or grandma.

Anonymous 150202

>claims proto Turks were Mongolians
>provides no evidence
>gets btfo by DNA evidence
>sulks and sashays away
I accept your concession.

Anonymous 150203

every black person is white
💯% true

Anonymous 150204


and just to settle the original argument of whether or not turks are european, i'm just gonna leave this little graph here and see you squirm and wriggle trying to come up with some nonsense to explain why turks are next to iranians and caucasians instead of greeks

Anonymous 150206

I’m still waiting on your evidence that proto Turks were Mongols. Go on.

Anonymous 150208


Of course it makes sense Turks and Caucasus people cluster together. Because the Yamnaya (aka indo Europeans) were themselves partially descended from Caucasus people. Who in turn were genetically close to Levantine and Turks.

Anonymous 232568

>fun thread
>immediately descends into race sperging
Maybe we aren't as different from moids as we'd like to think

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