
Lolcow.farm Bunker Thread #2 : Troons 41% edition Anonymous 156212
If you’re using CC because LC is temporarily down (probably due to server changes mentioned by the admin a few days ago), use this thread to shitpost, talk, or post updates about the website
Anonymous 156216
>>156212Get the fuck off our imageboard losers
Anonymous 156225
>>156216>>156216>>156218your imageboard is a fucking flop infested by moids and incels. it's slightly active since our website is down, seethe harder pickmes! the troonies will never love you!
Anonymous 156228
>>156225NTA but the Terf threads are our most regular generals and they're some of the most active threads here. We definitely don't love troons here.
Lolcow has more moids than CC, by the way.
Anonymous 156229
>>156225Then don't use it
You don't have to be using an imageboard 24/7 anon, you can do something else until lolcow comes back
If it doesn't come back, then you can make your own imageboard
Anonymous 156233

>>156210damn it. trannies really do ruin everything they touch. like a bizarro world midas.
Anonymous 156236
For female autists who aren't into lolcows and don't like LCF
Anonymous 156243
>>156237Women don't magically become trannies just because they don't fit what you think is a woman anon
>>156238If you don't like CC then leave, I don't get the fuss
Anonymous 156244
Yea this site is dead
Anonymous 156246
I looked everywhere for information about what was going on with lolcow. Twitter, I tried looking for discord links and I find out from Kiwifarms to check here and I'm happy I did. I'm going to cry real tears If the site is gone. I'm assuming it's just the server update or something. I'm hoping to see my banner
Anonymous 156250
How about we stop shitting on miners already. Remember the KF refugees ? Let's not be like them. It's nice to be able to gather here while LC is down, don't litter all over the place.
>>156228I definitely think some nonas overestimate their scrote radars and there are actually more men posting (on the gossip boards especially) than we think. Passing as the other sex online isn't that hard, we got too used to retarded Twitter troons that you can clock right from the first word in their bio.
Anonymous 156256
>oh boy more anons :D
>"Shit site tranny moids"
Anonymous 156259

shut the fuck up about moids and trannies and tranny moids the only XY life that matters is NAGITO KOMAEDA
Anonymous 156266
And now Lipstickalley is down, I feel like everything I use to pass the time is fucking up
Anonymous 156268

>>156262ok assuming that Sans is a human skeleton his life matters too
Anonymous 156270
>>156266Did LSA have a thread on Keffals?
This all feels too coincidental.
Anonymous 156274
>>156266what? are they really going all in on all female-oriented internet communities?
Anonymous 156275
>>156274 I think they're more so going for gossip sites because they don't want to be exposed
Anonymous 156276
bunker days 2: electric fuckaloo
Anonymous 156277
>>156270Lsa only talks about male Troon chasers (aka rappers/athletes) and hated famous Trans like Nikita or Ts Madison. All the terf bored that probably mention Keffals are hidden in private groups. Probably not related bit still annoyin
Anonymous 156283
>>156275particularly the ones where tranny asses aren't kissed
Anonymous 156287
>>156277But it did have a thread on that teacher, in fact lsa does talk about TIMs and sometimes it trends but the site is basically advertised as a tea spilling gossip site for black women. Most the people watching threads are like IG girls, or youtubers.
Anonymous 156291
Does the weird troon come from lolcow
Anonymous 156297
>>156291Yes. I am sorry my sweet miners. I hope lc is online soon so we get off your backs, him included
Anonymous 156304

sick of troons just wanna shitpost I have fresh copypasta for the ladies
Anonymous 156307
>>156287the reason i don't buy that they're targeting female sites right now is that other communities and websites more notorious for GC views than lolcow and LSA are still up (i will not name them, because i know there are trannies here). i think and hope it's all just a coincidence
Anonymous 156310

I-I'm doing it! I'm touching the grass!! Oh it's so soft and beautiful. I don't think I'll be back, n o n n i e s…goodbye!
Anonymous 156314
>>156307they constantly talk about needing to have that one British mummy forum shut down, kiwifarms was also a priority target because they're really good with digging up receipts and archiving them
Anonymous 156322
I miss LCF… I miss /w/…
Anonymous 156324
>>156314I genuinely thought the british mummy forum was some archaelogist enthusiast forum discussing mummies or something before I got it
Anonymous 156325
lc owns this sorry ass website
Anonymous 156326

It seems the non-pedo looking Brazilian thread I made was deleted.
Anonymous 156332
>>156275>>156283is it confirmed to be a coordinated ddos? is that why lc is down?
Anonymous 156335
Why was this made when the other one isn’t even finished…
Anonymous 156337
>>156332No one knows atm it’s just speculation. It could be literally anything. Our admin was very uncommunicative and also the Troon goonz we’re talking about other sites to take down
Anonymous 156340
>>156335is it not? the limit on crystal cafe is 510 replies
Anonymous 156342
If it's related to any case, it has to be the chestplate teacher guy
Anonymous 156343
wait, why is lipstick alley down ?
Anonymous 156345
>>156342I am going with this 100% there was a threat to kiwi farms after he was posted and when he was posted to LOLCOR it was offline………. Hmmmmm
Anonymous 156353
I wish i didnt leave now bc it was so shit
Anonymous 156354

thanks for letting us bunker here miners!
is this keffals doing or? what's the story nonas?
Anonymous 156357

They’re just as confusion and know nothing
Anonymous 156359
>>156357are there no mods or farmhands in the discord?
Anonymous 156360
Reminder to report and ignore the samfagging troon
Anonymous 156361
no offense but why do people still care about ukraine? i really dont care
Anonymous 156362
>>156359There are barely any mods or farmlands to begin with, I doubt any are on the discord.
Lolcow seems like it's been pretty abandoned by the people in charge of it.
Anonymous 156365
>>156362weird, I always thought the discord was where the site staff would give updates if something happened
I guess we're just left in the dark, sucks
Anonymous 156369
>>156362idk about that because jannies/mods seem to ban left and right for anything
Anonymous 156371
why is the admin so fucking bad at notifying people, if you’re too busy at least get someone reliable to make announcements for you. that website is so damn unorganized and got a bunch of newfag mods that are hellbent on banning anyone for anything
Anonymous 156372
queer hatsune miku…

>>156361because the performative activism circlejerk must be kept going lest their brains live through one second no mental masturbation
Anonymous 156374
>>156359I don’t think so, there’s only one mod in it atm. I think 2 others left when they said they were going to delete the whole server
Anonymous 156375
how come there's never any filenames here
Anonymous 156376
Anyone knows how many mods there are in lolcow?
Anonymous 156377
>>156374Samefag im talking about the discord. I don’t think any site farmhands or admins are in there
Anonymous 156379
>>156374has the one mod in it said anything about what's going on?
Anonymous 156383
>>156375so no one can see that i name my files cummies(3)
Anonymous 156385
I think I’m the only woman in this thread and I’m talking to a bunch of scrotes. Raise ur hand if you feel like this too
Anonymous 156386
>>156379No, she’s been on DND. The only channel in there that is usable is a bunker and it’s pretty much the same as the bunker threads here, except less autism / activity
Anonymous 156389
>>156385i feel like this but i think its because idk any other autistic woman like me irl so my brain think they don't exist.
Anonymous 156390
>>156385I'm sorry hunny :/
I warned you
Anonymous 156391
>>156385yeah i feel like theres a lot of trannies here unfortunately
Anonymous 156393
>>156390So you’re correct that crystal cafe has trannies
Anonymous 156394
>>156393There was no moid stink here yesterday soooo lol
Anonymous 156395
>>156274A big handful of incels sites were down earlier too
Anonymous 156397
>>156393"swo yuorw coweghct thawt cwrghtstal cwfaeh hwash traghneews" thats how you sound with all that cock and balls in your mouth
Anonymous 156400
Did you know that moids are born with a cum button up their ass? God put it there for a reason, and a moid who doesn't get their prostate abused on the regular is spitting on gods face and his perfect creation. Shove things up moids asses 2023
Anonymous 156401
>>156394My theory is that the trannies and gay men (what’s the difference) who used to lurk and troll on lolcow came here
Anonymous 156404
>>156400It's true, not pegging moids goes against God's will!
Anonymous 156406
>>156397Not sure how anon is going to do that when you want to chop your balls off for a gaping bleeding wound because men fly too close to sun and think they can be everything.
Anonymous 156407
>>156400they dont deserve to cum we should cut out their prostate instead
Anonymous 156408
>>156389>>156385we exist but we're scattered across the world so it's less likely to know each other irl. plus a lot of us mask so well you wouldn't immediately tell
Anonymous 156410

Sorry tried to scribble a persons name better lol but same from the lc discord not much known or going on
Anonymous 156411
>>156407You idiot, the easiest way to make a moid your slave is to blast his ass into a bitch
Anonymous 156413
>>156402Hope this creepy freak gets jumped by some unhinged parents.
Anonymous 156414
>>156402>Already, thanks to videos recorded by students, the school has been receiving comments on the matter.
>“There will the protesters and the anti-protesters,” said Shuttleworth. “I do know there have been phone calls made to the school that haven’t been the most pleasant in nature.”Did they ever stop to think why the students were recording in the first place? obviously it made them feel uncomfortable and was not right.
Anonymous 156415
>>156386>>156403this sucks, nothing to do now but wait it out I guess
Anonymous 156416
>>156411make them eunuchs, their self esteem will be destroyed once they cant swing their dicks around and you can use their husk to do your bidding
Anonymous 156417
>>156402I have a tinfoil, there’s just no fucking way that even the whitest most liberal Canadians would allow that in their schools. Sure there are stinky experimental tranime teenagers who are in every modern first world schools but all of the teachers they choose are old and have some common sense. This has to be a CIA agent, there is just no fucking way
Anonymous 156418
>>156416What was that artist girl who was obsessed with them and that dude from D:BH
Anonymous 156419
>>156406troon radar failed this time but you'll get them next time nona
Anonymous 156420
>>156418develv, and they were two sisters sharing the account
Anonymous 156421
>>156410>>156415oops tagged your deleted post
thanks for the info discord nons
Anonymous 156422
>>156421Yeh! I’ll get more screenshots If asked again or if there’s anything new but we’re all in the same boat pretty much.
Anonymous 156423
>>156420That's so fucked imagine sharing a fetish account with your sister
Anonymous 156426
>>156423they also grew up in the hari krishna cult and hated women in favour of eunuchs and were quasi-fakebois
Anonymous 156429
>>156424well eunuchs do not necessarily claim to be women
Anonymous 156430
>>156426wait that's a cult??? there was a lady in my city who'd sing hare krishna over and over every single day she could without fail on a microphone in the centre, she became pretty popular too I had no idea it was a cult
Anonymous 156431

Also for anyone asking to get into the discord. Still active and not deleted but it can’t take anymore people
Anonymous 156432
no i hate them still, they're nothing but wallets and footrests
Anonymous 156433

the good ending, he finally turned into the dog
Anonymous 156435
>>156431why is the discord being deleted? they never gave a reason what happened??
Anonymous 156436
>>156429Either do non-binary trans and some were born with penises. My point remains.
Anonymous 156438
>>156436well some eunuchs still acknowledge(d) that they're just castrated men and nothing else
Anonymous 156439
>>156435It wasn’t deleted, it’s still active but it was in the peak of the Keffals v Kiwis thing
Anonymous 156440
>>156432I uh um, but, using them as footrests is what a majority wants? I think you got duped by the loud Kefflas.
Anonymous 156441
>>156431Wtf why the fuck are they going to delete the discord??? Am I tripping or does that seem overkill?
Anonymous 156443
Who's this Keffals person and what did he(?) do
Anonymous 156444
>>156442non-binary troons insist they are not men though
Anonymous 156445
>>156443He make tranny look bad by doing fart porn then piss off Josh by not doing free fart porn for him.
Anonymous 156446
>>156441Pls … read my post… it wasn’t deleted yet. It was planned to be deleted on Aug 31st but it hasn’t been yet. It’s still active just no invites
Anonymous 156447
>>156402I really hope lc is back by monday.
Anonymous 156448
>>156444Well if your definition of man is be mean to women and thinking with your dick then yes they're not men lol
Anonymous 156449
>>156446They need to stop acting like cowards and finally boot out the shit loads of men they allowed in the discord to begin with. They implemented voice verification FINALLY but I think there should be a voice and face verification at this point if they are so high strung. If it’s 18+ require ID verification. I’ve been banned from the discord because they are ageist towards younger women kek but seriously, what an overreaction just put up bigger defenses before you do the last resort which is deleting the entire server.
Anonymous 156450
>>156446Samefag no one who runs the site is in there it’s all just non a s (and male lurkers unfortunately)
Anonymous 156452
>>156450I thought admin was in that discord server. I swear I've seen screencaps of things said by admin in that discord float around
Anonymous 156453
>>156452I don’t remember her name unless she went by admin. I don’t think she’s in there anymore
Anonymous 156454
>>156436>>156438semi related, but I was wondering–remember how they used to castrate men so that they could sing high notes? does tranny-chemical castration produce the same effect? if so, trannies should start singing like castrati so we finally know what they sounded like, since there's no extant recordings and apparently it sounded different than female singers.
Anonymous 156456

trannies are ugly and disgusting but i still want normal sexy men as furniture. i want to force Daigo Dojima on all fours and sit my big ass on his back for as many hours as possible. putting the CHAIR in Sixth Chairman of the (now defunct) Tojo Clan.
Anonymous 156457
No fucking way, lipstickalley is down too. I think there is something going on because it’s too much of a coincidence.
Anonymous 156459

missing the absolutely retarded shitposter nonas, know ily
Anonymous 156460
>>156454its funny how youth male castration went from totally amoral and child abuse to an acceptable practice
Anonymous 156461

>>156453Samefag went over the member list and it actually looks like they cleaned out the males / a lot of people left. No admin afaik. If she was they would have tried getting her attention in the bunker chat anyway. Also here’s this
Anonymous 156463
>>156456Not happening, men only submit to other men
Anonymous 156464
>>156463Daigo Dojima sure has submitted to other men a lot throughout the series.
Anonymous 156473
>>156457I find it funny that lolcow and now LSA are down but for once kiwifarms is semi stable. Kek. Both say it's not cloudflare. What of both forgot to pay a bill or something? Kek
Anonymous 156474

I just know a threesome would them would be the wildest shit.
Anonymous 156476
>>156473Tinfoil admin is admin for both lsa and LCF and was too busy posting on lsa and forgot to pay the bill
Anonymous 156477

have you guys seen this type of meme going around where men put a microscope on 1% of history and ignore the 99% test of it where men were mostly the ones in power? massive amounts of cope and deflection for how much their sex has ruined this planet
Anonymous 156478
>>156469i love you Kikomi plz be my transwife. i will validate you the most
Anonymous 156479
>>156361If it goes long enough the eventual development will be increased independence of Europe from Russia and increased reliance on China from Russia, shifting the balance in favor of China and driving Russia further into ruin. On a more immediate basis, if the war is still going on in winter major energy problems may rise in Europe, leading to price inflation, and perhaps on the long term on a rise of nuclear power
In other terms if the war in Ukraine keeps going on it may lead to much more important changes than covid did
Anonymous 156480
what browser do yall use? i'm getting sick of google chrome/google in general
Anonymous 156482

It honestly should be a federal offense to only have veterinarians open during the weekdays and only one emergency clinic in the middle of the city with no at-home services.
Anonymous 156484
Can the frenchtards fuck off?
Anonymous 156490
>>156476That’s a good possibility, that’s probably why the admin has barely been present because LSA a lot more active and gets more traffic than lolcow. I honestly would love if we had the admin from there in my personal opinion, I can’t take much of the autist-chans who are too deep into the 4chan brain rot running these kinds of websites.
Anonymous 156492
comfy majima.jpg

joining in the husbandoposts with a comfy wintertime majima
Anonymous 156493
why is lc still down wtf!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 156495
Daigo Dojima on the left and Yoshitaka Mine on the right from the Like a Dragon (formerly known as Yakuza until September 14th, 2022) series of video games which you can now get in its entirety on Steam.
Anonymous 156496
I don't know if I'm misremembering but I swear I tried to get on lolcow earlier today and got a Cloudflare error message
Anonymous 156497
why is his arm broken
Anonymous 156498
Leave this place and don't come back.
Anonymous 156500
>>156492Is this the troon? The Bl*ine posts and the husbandofags are indiscernible from eachother sometimes.
Anonymous 156502
Husbandofags are embarrassing
Anonymous 156503
>>156495also do not forget to pre-order Sonic Frontiers Digital Deluxe edition for only 69.99€ on Steam.
Anonymous 156505
Im tired of this place
Anonymous 156506
>>156504wow talk about a fan art glow up kek
Anonymous 156507
>>156500The troon blart likes to post mostly “waifus” and pics of male characters he wants to avatarfag as. I don’t think he likes yakuza or GK men lol
Anonymous 156509
>>156489My husbando. Sorry, I meant to post another pic kek. ##it's bishie fanart of The Son from Hotline Miami##
Anonymous 156512
>>156490Their admin is a shit poster though, I love it, but that site has bad moderation.
Anonymous 156513
>>156509>no spoilersI WANT MY LOLCOR BACK
Anonymous 156518
>>156513you can still do it but with regular tags [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] (no spaces)
(ye i know it sucks compared to lolcow) Anonymous 156519
>>156512Kek true, I love the occasional incognito anon who makes that thread giving underground tabloid “gossip” about celebrities every once in awhile
Anonymous 156521
>>156492I hope Majima is in Like a Dragon 8. I wish we got a bare booty… I mean full tattoo scene.
Anonymous 156524
>>156521same, he is the reason I started playing the games kek
Anonymous 156525

I’ve been watching this show. He’s so cute, my sister said she’d make me a little doll of him for Christmas
Anonymous 156527
>>156520Who drew Unabashed Hermaphrodite lol
Anonymous 156535
>>156524same but not just him, but the majority of the male cast. i'm probably a yellow fever coomer but i don't even care anymore
Anonymous 156537
>>156507All of these cartoon men look the same, and half of what you said is gibberish to me. It's so weird when different board lurkers are forced into one area like a school during a fire drill, we need lolcow back so we can all go back to our separate corners.
Anonymous 156539
That’s exactly what you look like, with your stank BO beard ass.
Anonymous 156541

>>156514Oh he kind of has his cure points in his own way, his ugly angry seething/lip chewing spite upthread is my favorite. But I can't say more without completely sperging out.
nice, thanks! Anonymous 156544
you should kill yourself right now !
Anonymous 156546
images (13).jpeg

excuse me elsie is a proud terf
Anonymous 156549
cry moar faggie
Anonymous 156552
wtf is going on in this thread?
Anonymous 156556

>>156552Nothing. Ignore that repulsive thing and focus on keeping your HOPE up.
Anonymous 156559
>>156552It's the troon posting and replying to himself, if you find yourself confused while reading posts it's probably him. Just ignore it and he'll get bored, hit his meth pipe and go somewhere else for attention.
Anonymous 156560

It's really starting to feel like we're all stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of plague rats.
Anonymous 156562

Post the last thing you bought, here’s mine:
Anonymous 156565
someone just made fun of him and the first thing u do is whining. CRY MOARRR TRANNY
Anonymous 156568
>>156554I don’t know why but I hate this drawing
Anonymous 156573
why are moids so obsessed with ugly ass waifus with busted anatomy? nigga we see who and what you are it’s like you’re typing with your dick, fuck off
Anonymous 156575
>>156552schizo tranny having an hrt meltdown and samefagging, report and ignore
>>156535well there's lots of other yakuza posters in the husbando threads so at least you are not alone in your love for buff japanese mafia men
Anonymous 156576
>>156249>LolYou know shes right that's why you went quiet.
Anonymous 156578
hold up what? what was ur username
Anonymous 156583
>>156578It’s the troon samefagging because he gets mad when no one pays attention to him
Anonymous 156584

>>156562unironically this, as well as The Art of Metal Gear books
Anonymous 156585
>>156578ignore him, that's schizo pedo tranny talking about himself as if he's multiple people
Anonymous 156587

>>156547he is. play hotline miami 1 & 2 sometime, it's fun and the plot is.. something else Anonymous 156590
What's your favorite SCP a why?
Anonymous 156591
>>156584kek do you actually wear that outside or just hang it in your room to display?
Anonymous 156594
>>156587Thank you. I love long black hair and light eyes on 2d males
Anonymous 156596
>>156591only hang it up in my room for now.
>>156589thank you. my parents think i'm dumb but i don't care i work hard for the money so i deserve it
Anonymous 156597
Well nows a good time as any for a break, I'm making a mocha
Anonymous 156601
>>156583His tactic is that he calls other posters who are clearly making fun of him for the ugly fucktard he is Blaine (himself/tranny name), that’s his samefagging method to confuse and derail threads. He’s too narcissistic to ever talk shit about himself just to samefag, he literally admitted he thinks his horse looking face is infinitely better than a “cis” woman’s. He’s just as insufferable and unlikeable as Keffals yet trannoids lack deep self-reflection and humility, his behavior will never stop until it finally learns to off himself.
Anonymous 156602
legit forgot about crystal cafe until rn. so any updates on lc?
Anonymous 156607

>>156581Right? I wanna get the pink version eventually as well
Anonymous 156608

seriously i'm out of the loop. i don't get it, so i'm just ignoring it
Anonymous 156609
>>156596does your room look like
>>156517 but with shadow merch instead
Anonymous 156611
>>156607what is she from? or is it a original character
Anonymous 156612
>>156593i love him so much it's unreal (no furry)
Anonymous 156613
>>156612Is he your emo king?
Fun fact about shadow btw: the creator of him buys doujins of him being shipped with sonic and Maria
Anonymous 156614
>>156613Shadow emo bisexual king confirmed
Anonymous 156615
>>can't acces kiwifarms
>>LSA is broken
>>LCF appears to be kill
I want my gossip fix goddammit
Anonymous 156616

>Sure hon
You’re in plain sight. No1currs about you, you don’t even qualify to have a thread made about you in lolcow/kiwifarms because you are not and will never be a woman, not ever, not even when this planet implodes your own departed skeleton would be able to be put back together and it would form the bone density and structure of a man. You won’t even be Keffals and be able to steal 100k from people. You’re nothing. Fuck off already
Anonymous 156618
>>156611nta I think its a original character from Hiro Suzuhira
Anonymous 156619

Kids have got to stop advertising their ages online. I just saw a Mercari page run by a 12 year old girl and I was so shocked she would disclose her age at the very top of her profile, I just had to send her a message telling her to remove it. Anyone buying from her would have her full name, address, AND know she's only 12… It's just horrific. I used to do the same thing online when I was 9-11 (sometimes pretending to be a couple years older, as high as 13, as if that made a difference!) so I understand it, and kids literally cannot think about consequences but I'm just!! So!!!! I wish we lived in a world where children, especially female children, could be safe and free and there was no need to worry. Until then I'll go into protective adult mode and express my concerns in the hood that at least one little child will be more protective of her information.
Anonymous 156621
>>156616Your based post reminded me of this video
>>156609no it's just an average bedroom but with some vidya consoomer shit sprinkled in such as the Metal Gear artbooks, the Shadow necklace and a cacodemon plush in my bed. I also have Barbie bed sheets but they're very old but still great fabric quality compared to more recent stuff so we kept them.
Anonymous 156623

>>156562caved in & spent 11k whole yens on her, but it was worth every single one
im not even a fan of nendoroids (too chibi for me) or miku (luka better) but this one was made for me and me only, one of my best purchases
Anonymous 156624
>>156619thankfully i had a mom who watched a lot of crime shows when i was a kid and she scared me about stranger danger online. i never revealed my true age/name/gender online until my 20s
which may have also been to my detriment bc i ended up with this disgusting male-oriented perception of the internet, simply bc it was so more difficult to find communities for girls back then w/o them being infested with pedophiles
Anonymous 156625
>>156623Oh I love that figure and the full sized one so much… I wish I had more cash to spend it’s adorable
Anonymous 156626
>>156623>11k whole yensIt's great the yen is still tanking though, everything still at like a 30% discount
Anonymous 156627
>>156619back in the day when i was 8 i claimed to be 18 to make my first e-mail address. when i was 12 years old and went on omegle (text only ofc) i said i was 16 and people told me i was very smart and cool for my age. this was back in the day when omegle was still a novelty and it wasn't only spambots and lonely pervs on there.
Anonymous 156629
>>156625yeah the full sized one is pretty much my dream figure now, but I'm not able to spent +$400 at once honestly, i wish you could pay a bit each month… taking a loan for miku hatsune….
Anonymous 156630

>>156611Original character, if you look up ‘chronicle girl cover figure’ she should come right up!
She’s by the same artist who did that goth anime girl who was everywhere in the 2000s.
Anonymous 156632
>>156627I'm sure you are very smart and cool nona but people only give you that compliment if they're trying to flirt/groom you
Anonymous 156635
>>156396I often think of what a Kikomi cosplay would look like kek
Anonymous 156636
can you post webms on this site?
Anonymous 156637
>>156632this is often the case but i did also find many decent people because it was like 2010 and more normal people went there at least for the novelty
Anonymous 156640
>>156638I have a friend who looks very similar to the first panel maybe I should suggest this for Halloween..
Anonymous 156643
>>156636There's a thread over in media for webms so you're good.
Anonymous 156644
>>156626They dont charge me until next year, I hope the yen doesnt rise then… right now she is $90 (counting with eu taxes)
Anonymous 156649
>>156594Oh noni, I see you're a woman of culture as well.
Anonymous 156650
When you're sitting in the restroom and someone barrels in to the stall next to you moaning and groaning and then you hear the plops coming… yeah that's your sign to get the fuck out of there.
Anonymous 156651

Anonymous 156654
Me? I get all my news from the happy kelli YouTube channel
Anonymous 156655
>>156644idk doesn't seem like THAT much… definitely not cheap but not absurdly expensive either
Anonymous 156661
I miss the bad art thread
Anonymous 156664
>>156657Gumi is the cutest one of all though
Anonymous 156665
YALL SHUT UP! You're wasting posts and we are a guest here, we need to abide by their rules, they're getting annoyed lol
Anonymous 156668
>>156624I joined a forum when I was 13/14 years old and an admin took my msn adress and tried to add me "because he wanted to know what I looked like". The first thing these 20+ moids asked me for under my introduction post was either a picture of myself or of my feet. This was at the time when pedo "jokes" were everywhere and claiming to be a loli/shota rapist was a trend. Hell. After that I started pretending to be male pretty much everywhere.
Anonymous 156673
Just remembered yesterday an anon asked for horror book recommendations and another anon listed a bunch of books most or all written by women. Come back soon /m/.
Anonymous 156683
For users of both, how would you say board culture between LCF and CC compare?
Anonymous 156686
>>156683I miss lolcow pre creepshow exposure
Anonymous 156687
>>156683On LC you can be as retarded as you want. There is a lot of autism, but it's fast-paced and there's also a lot of gossiping anons so it's a really interesting mix of bitchy and autistic.
CC is for the mild-mannered autist. You can't really shitpost like you can shitpost on LC.
I prefer LC. I need to bark and snarl and sperg. It feels rude to do that on CC.
Anonymous 156689
>>156687Same lol. I want to be retarded with my n0nn1es
Anonymous 156691
I want to be a rabid mangey chihuahua mix.
Anonymous 156693
>>156691i want to be a pampered white chihuahua in a blinged out pink purse
Anonymous 156695

>>156673I screenshotted some of the list for myself nona, hope this is useful
Anonymous 156696
>>156687Same . Lolcow is where I can completely sperg out at the end of a long day and not feel bad about it. I like being a rabid mangey dog.
Anonymous 156699
I just feel like very little cows on lc are interesting (discord psychos don’t count that’s terminally online illness) but I love being autistic with my nonners on multiple boards, /m/ the most chill
Anonymous 156701
Sorry you're not cool enough (or maybe too male?) for the farms but that's a personal problem
Anonymous 156705
>>156701It’s the troon. He’s just inserting himself as usual. You being up a topic and he will be like >YEAH SO LIKE ANYWAYS ME ME ME ME
Aka someone so unlikable in real life and explains why he doesn’t have any friends or family that loves or cares for him. Narcissism
Anonymous 156707
>>156640bald cap if she doesn't shave it
Anonymous 156711
i want a varre nendoroid
Anonymous 156715
>>156690God already did that first and they're called Humans
Anonymous 156716
>>156701It's the troon, see
>>155823Please jist ignore and report him.
Anonymous 156719
>>156699Honestly I just like threads with good atmosphere, it's barely about the cows themselves. Like the Sarah Spaceman thread has been dead for over a year I think, but she's my favourite cow just because of the way anons would make fun of her.
Anonymous 156723
>>156717looks like a
neovagina. people actually eat that?
Anonymous 156724
>>156719ayrt I loced reading about TooPoor even though her threads were such a shitshow because there were a lot of vendetta posters/ people from her circle posting about her and her or course always putting LC on blast lmao her and pepper ann
Anonymous 156727
>>156723Kek it was so funny because this was one of the food craving threads. Everyone was so disgusted. It’s haggis from the file name
Anonymous 156730
>>156705>>156716Thank you for letting me know! And for linking the list of his common lingo as well
Anonymous 156737
>>156724Samefag and Nemu of course was such a horror cow. I wonder if that who said she would get discord receipts ever found them
Anonymous 156742
>>156737I miss Nemu. She was so unbelievably disgusting, I binged all her threads not long before she disappeared and I often wonder what she's doing. Probably still eating her own shit and basking in the scent of her own unwashed ass.
Anonymous 156743
>>156737Oh Nemu… I hope one day I'll be able to forget
her fetish for the radiation machine glitch that instantly killed patients in cancer treatment but it seems today is not that day.
Anonymous 156745
>>156740It's /pt/tan! She's so skinny and her eyes are so sunken, because her board is milkless and dead!
Anonymous 156747
>>156740The amalgamation of cece and Elsie. What would her name be? CC bunker tan?
Anonymous 156749
>>156699my fellow /m/ stacies rise up, I hope the scrote in the genshin thread kills himself while the site is down since he can't live without sperging at women anyway
Anonymous 156751
I can't wait for lc to come back up and seeing all the cc lc bunker screenshots in the lolcows own caps thread.
Anonymous 156755
Lolcow must be leftwing because she refuses to work!
Anonymous 156756
>>156749KEK ayrt not a genshinnon but agh I love m for the book and manga Recs and bad art threads. I miss the chill plane dudes on the couch so bad.
Anonymous 156758
>>156756And of course I got into Golden Kamuy. I love that series so much.
Anonymous 156761
>>156727of course it's fucking SCOTTISH. Probably the Demoman's favourite food that isn't alcoholic, the wanker.
Anonymous 156767
>>156402Basically fuck the students and their learning environment. Hexs not even being a good teacher, how the hell can he wear his wig without tying it up? Or the jewelry or the safety glasses?
Anonymous 156772
I’m going to send a mean email to shaydmin >:c
Anonymous 156774
what the fuckc is this hunter biden movie ? lmfaoooo
how was this made
Anonymous 156780

What is the best animal and why is it cats?
Anonymous 156782
Genuine question how do you guys miss posting there, that place gives me a constant physical sick feeling every time I lurk there. What is this called? Anxiety?
Anonymous 156785
>>156782You're genuinely autistic, which is why you probably belong here. Lolcow is for the girls who scammed their psychologist into giving them an ADHD diagnosis so they can use adderall.
Anonymous 156788
I found lolcow because game grumps drama. It started with the reddit and then I was googling Suzys name. I thought she was very cute and was confused so many s found her ugly and fat. I kept going back for more information and ended up staying a bit. I found out about Shayna when I'd constantly scroll past her threads. I think her thread was the first I commented. I remember the first time I got interested in her was whatever thread had her with the lipstick smeared all over her face. When she was wearing that neon tube top, cowboy hat and was out with fupa. The other day I tried to remember how I discovered kiwifarms and I can't.i know people don't care but I thought I'd share
Anonymous 156797
Lolcow is largely pretty normie, CC is for the actual autists
Anonymous 156801
>>156785Lolcow is a cluster b honeypot, everyone that actively posts there daily is insane.
Anonymous 156803
>>156797I love the genuine autists on lolcow. The genuine autists here are the type to go "ACKCHYUALLY" like chill out my sister in tards this is just a silly chat board.
Anonymous 156809
>>156803Not everywhere online has to be shitpost haven, most places are already.
Anonymous 156811
>>156809Yeah and that's why this place is slow as all fuck. You're welcome for the most traffic this graveyard has gotten in months by the way!
Anonymous 156812
>>156788I miss the Suzy threads so much. I use to read those all the time when I went to my ex bf’s friends get togethers. I think I found lolcow from Venus angelic. I use to love the berry tsukasa threads. I’d also go to the onion threads when he had that Billie girl living with him. Now I read up on himeahri that bitch is funny and just occasionally post in /ot/
Anonymous 156814
>>156797>>156801This, most people on cc are girls who mostly come from other boards and are accostumed to the culture and tired of moids. People that go on lolcow are bpdfags, people from pull/kiwifarms and twittertards who found it from Creepshow Art or something.
Anonymous 156818
Crows are smart and vengeful, never cross them.
Anonymous 156819
If you even can shit up the places I frequent, as much like the infamous autistic blue hedgehog says, "you're too slow!"
Anonymous 156824
I love how creepshow art shit exposed a lot of people to lolcow but very few people talking about lolcow barely knew what it is. I think I watched one person call it a terf board. Everyone was just like, "it's a gossip site mainly about youtubers" or some shit. My favorite was a sweet youtuber doing a disclaimer like, "Sidenote, the admin probably doesn't know that Creep show arts sister is non binary so probably misgendered her by mistake ". It still blows my mind the hours of content that situation brought to youtube
Anonymous 156825
>>156811I'm starting to think there are more miners complaining about farmers than posting on the regular threads.
Anonymous 156828
Ryuji hair down gr…

>>156575>buff japanese mafia men>japaneseThe Ryuji erasure I SWEAR TO GOD
Anonymous 156829
Because we mock the troons.
Anonymous 156830
Almost everywhere on the internet is fast paced and I'm tired of it. I need my lil slow sites.
I think people who need social media (imageboards included in that) to be fast and active at all times are adhd tbh
Anonymous 156831
You tiny miner brains are missing the nuance. There are different groups of anons on lolcow. The cowfags and radfems are some of the most vocal groups.
Anonymous 156833
>>156825I think one of them is the samefagging moid that shits up this board sometimes.
Anonymous 156834
Because we talk about troons. If we didn't it'd have no worse rep then gurugossiper, lipstick ally, or some other place. People don't care if we pick at Shaynas crusty lips but if we call a her a him, then we are just as bad as 4chan or kiwifarms to outsider.
Anonymous 156836
you are far more likely to find the posters closer to actual radical feminism on the non-cow boards
Anonymous 156839
>>156834The users on GuruGossip just constantly preface their posts like "I'm not being antifeminist or shaming her but" and cape for troons and themlets. I used to use it for their Booktuber threads but they're all libfem retards.
Anonymous 156841
There are a lot of radfem / terf threads and resources but lolcow is just a mixed bag of autism. We had our own pink pill threads in /ot/ until adminsama hid them in our hidden board because of moids
Anonymous 156842
>>156834Like there's 10's of websites where you can shit on actual women but even within those websites only one i can think of, allows you to talk critically about Trans that's a well know site, and that's lipstick alley
Anonymous 156846
>>156839I stopped lurking there when I saw people flip flop about dragging that make up artists that came out as a trans. They used to say he looked like a drag queen all the damn time
Anonymous 156847
>>156841Samefag when lolcor comes back we should have pink pill threads allowed again. Every thread on /ot/ talks about mandate anyway
Anonymous 156850
>>156839As in threads by people who liked booktubers or by people who wanted to talk about how shit they are.
Anonymous 156853
>>156850Samefag, this was meant to be a question
Anonymous 156857
>>156842because as much as trannies like to pretend otherwise, it's mainly middle class white Americans who shill them, the average black (or non-white or non-western) woman wants nothing to do with them
Anonymous 156858
>>156846Kek I remember the exact shitshow you're talking about. They were fine with talking about how he looked like a hulk when they thought he was a woman but the minute he came out they screamed twansphobia.
>>156850I only lurked in the shit-talking ones. I think they had threads to praise the "good ones" but I'm pretty sure they'd make hate threads for them if they liked a J.K Rowling or accidentally misgendered a nonbinary side character who appeared on one page of a book or something.
Anonymous 156860
>>156828I'm sorry ryujiposter, buff japanese *and occasional korean and chinese mafia men kek
Anonymous 156865

>>156562For merch, this kek
I want the Algernon plushies as well but I can't possibly justify the pricetag + shipping given it's just a 17cm plush, but I really want it. Someday…
Anonymous 156866
Ahhh wtf is going on? Anybody said anything?
Anonymous 156867
>>156517Wasting that much money on colored plastic and paper is cringe but I do gotta admit it looks kinda cool. Good taste, too.
Anonymous 156872
>>156866Nope. All we have to go off is that admin once said we would get an update, but there wasn't an announcement before this recent shut down so it probably isn't that
Anonymous 156879
ryuji makes money …

>>156860Thank you for your inclusive correction. Ryuji and I appreciate it.
Anonymous 156883

A man conceived a moment's answer to the dream
Staying the flowers daily, sensing all the themes
As a foundation left to create the spiral aim
A movement regained and regarded both the same
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you
Changed only for a sight of sound, the space agreed
Between the picture of time behind the face of need
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid
Emotions revealed as the ocean maid
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you
Coins and crosses never know their fruitless worth
Cords are broken, locked inside the mother earth
They won't hide, oh, they won't tell you
Watching the world, watching all of the world
Watching us go by
And you and I climb over the sea to the valley
And you and I reached out for reasons to call
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid
Emotions revealed as the ocean maid
As a movement regained and regarded both the same
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you
Sad preacher nailed upon the coloured door of time
Insane teacher be there reminded of the rhyme
There'll be no mutant enemy we shall certify
Political ends, as sad remains, will die
Reach out as forward tastes begin to enter you
I listened hard but could not see
Life tempo change out and inside me
The preacher trained in all to lose his name
The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same
In the end we'll agree, we'll accept, we'll immortalize
That the truth of man maturing in his eyes
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid
As a moment regained and regarded both the same
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid
A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you
And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning
And you and I reach over the sun for the river
And you and I climb, clearer towards the movement
And you and I called over valleys of endless seas
Anonymous 156885
>>156814You have 4chan trannys admitting to posting here on the daily.
Anonymous 156890
i miss laughing at trannies together
Anonymous 156891
>>156885Its the same one that posts on LC
Anonymous 156896
>>156885Yeah, and everyone always clock them and they end up getting banned. There's a lot of trannies and males on Lolcow too, whats your point?
Anonymous 156897
>>156891So the common problem is trannies
Anonymous 156901
Common denominator
Anonymous 156910

Can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss the shayna thread
Anonymous 156914
>>156910I miss her thread too but… You just have pics of her to spare???
Anonymous 156917
>>156910I'm not ashamed to admit there's some cows faces I see at least once a day, shayna is one of them, by choice or not by choice (scrolling past her thread)
Anonymous 156924

>>156914>>156910KEKKK I miss Kathy's thread. I, too, have pictures of her on my phone. She genuinely cracks me up. She's got such a devious goblin face lmfao.
Anonymous 156928
lol who cares about /v/
Anonymous 156931
>>156910I'm having Jilly withdrawls, myself. Anonymous 156934
>>156924She, Lillie Jean, And Stefanys mom posted dmca/defamation complaints to Google against lolcow.
Anonymous 156939
>>156924Can’t believe Kathy isn’t gloating about getting lc taken down
Anonymous 156942
>>156924I personally think Kathy could be almost cute if she wasn't the way she is which landed her a lolcow thread in the first place. I like goblins.
Anonymous 156943
I wanna see more Trisha paytas family saga even though it’s not milky
Anonymous 156947
>>156934Oh my god imagine if Laur is responsible for lolcows take down? Fucking kek, she'll never shut up about it
Anonymous 156949
>>156924Kathy has made me laugh so much, that ig post in which she insinuated that people called her a faggot and that horrible tea party photoshoot, good times.
Anonymous 156950
>>156924Samefag but holy shit I just now noticed the fucking choker, holy shit that is BAD. Her devilish grin distracted me from the rest of the image this whole time.
>>156934I saw that. I feel kinda bad about Stefany, she's just so genuinely autistic to me. Like she's just such a childish liar. But then I remember her repeat behavior of animal neglect and then I feel conflicted.
Anonymous 156954
Miners seem so thin skinned and fragile and honestly a little stupid. I'm glad they have somewhere to cry and commiserate away from us meanie farmers kek. Even the banners here are so unoriginal and devoid of personality. It's like they just searched "cute tumblr gifs" on Google and then picked at random. Do you gyns have inside jokes? History? Anything interesting to offer at all except being a layover while we all wait for the actual forums to come back online? Even your mascot is ugly.
Anonymous 156955
>>156266>>156615Sounds like a good excuse to go outside and touch grass or engage in a healthier easy to spend your time
Anonymous 156958
>>156954Feel free to leave if you don't like it here
Anonymous 156959
>>156954This whole post made me laugh kek. Leave the miners alone pls
Anonymous 156960
>>156954lolcow is to cc what americans are to the rest of the world
Anonymous 156963
>>156954Does it look like we're crying in here Schizo chan? This is called friendly chatting, sorry you don't have anyone to do that with but this is what it looks like in case you ever get to experience it one day.
Anonymous 156964
>>156954KEK I had the urge to type something like this out but refrained. I'm glad you did though fellow farmer.
Anonymous 156967
>>156954Similar vibes to a moid pretending being into pretentious media or games makes him superior.
Anonymous 156969
I don't get why anons who don't like it here are here.
Lolcow will be back eventually, in the meantime why not do something offline?
Anonymous 156971
>>156964You guys shit up the mood almost worse than a scrote, is that really something to be boastful about?
Anonymous 156973
>>156971That's subjective and you know it anonita.
Anonymous 156976
>>156954This screams wannabe mean girl. I don't think the problem is miners kek I think some of us are just really weird and severely mentally ill which annoys normal people with normal feelings who want to have fun kek go back to whatever coquette shit hole you crawled out of, miserable faggot
Anonymous 156978
>>156969we literally cannot. if we were not terminally online we would not even be aware of either LC or CC
Anonymous 156979
I think cece is cute also fuck trannies
Anonymous 156980
>>156977What's she done? Not familiar with this cow.
Anonymous 156982
>>156954I honestly prefer CC's banners than any of lolcow's porny banners, any day. A lot of them are really nice
Cute cats with flowers >> Shayna's gross tongue or PT deep throating a corndog
Anonymous 156983
>>156969Because they're bored and this is the only way they know to spend their time
Anonymous 156987
>>156978I believe in you, I know you have it in you anon.
Anonymous 156988
>>156982We had a TON of cute and nice banners in the meta banner thread that we wanted added. Fingers crossed the downtime is just maintenance so we can see our cute banners instead of the lame porny ones
Anonymous 156992
>>156982The entire UI here is nicer, but of what use is that without my degenerate husbando threads?
Anonymous 156994
>>156954Absolutely coping. We have porn banners, fuck all moderation, two shit admins in a row, and an anorexia infestation. How is that better than CC? Loads of farmers have said they would go to CC over lolcow if CC was more active. The one good thing about lolcow is how many people use it. Too bad a majority of it are annoying larpers (you)
Anonymous 156996

the catty shit I constantly see among other women is exhausting. Like. LC and CC usually agree about shit that the rest of the world finds controversial. Why chaos?
no wonder why men can't stop making fun of women. One whiff of blood and it's all "not like the other girls" in infinite different varieties of ways in order to cling onto bits of status/worth and climb to the top of the shit pile.
also it's a given probably around half of the drama posting is from trannies or larpers. plenty of evidence of men admitting to wanting to start trouble among women. not that women don't do this shit, but it certainly is easy-mode to get the ball rolling.
Anonymous 156997
>>156992Not even an Arthurfag but it’s sad not to see the posterboy.
Anonymous 156998
>>156982I agree they're much nicer looking. I don't like the gross ones on LCF and I literally cover the screen when the cockroach kiki Hannibal one is up, but at least I can appreciate them as defining moments on the boards
Anonymous 157000
>>156980Jonny Craig's cray-cray baby mama, she's a riot
Anonymous 157003
>>156982Yeah I agree, CC's banners are way better, and they have a nice calm vibe to them.
Anonymous 157007
its kind of fun not having to sage and being able to use emoticons :) :)
Anonymous 157009
I hope when lc comes back admin could just get more mods and purge the site of the wannabe mean girls and trannies and moids stirring shit. I know a gossip site attracts shitty types of people but still.
Anonymous 157010
question for the uninitiated–what is a pity-free lolcow to follow? I like the super goofy ones and tend to hate or feel uncomfortable around the IG/tiktok/beauty types. I liked early Chris Chan shit before he turned out to be an abomination.
Anonymous 157014
>>156996>>156994what does larper mean in this context? genuinely asking
Anonymous 157015
>>157010 Crushing_on_spongebob on Instagram. I have a soft spot for her kek she seems sweet but is like a non harmful Chris chan
Anonymous 157019
>>157007emogi is also against rule 2 of the crystal cafe, sorry nonette
Anonymous 157023
>>157019I think that means emoji as in those iphone/android ones and not text emoticons like :)
Anonymous 157026
>>157014She's acting like a cyberbully in a shit Y2K era movie kek nobody talks like that unless they're one of those little Twitter faggots who think they're Regina George. It's incredibly cringe
Anonymous 157027
I'm going to write some fanfic about my husbando. Bonk me if I come back nonas.
Anonymous 157029
>>157021>crushing on spongebobCringe. Squidward is the real Bikini Bottom sex bomb.
Anonymous 157031
Crystal cafers you guys should make a doodle room. I wanna see your guys renditions of
Cece in a mining outfit
Anonymous 157032
In 2024 the trannies set their sites on all transphobia, everywhere, anywhere, online. They have tried numerous times to knock Lolcow down, but this time it's SERIOUS TROUBLE. Elsie and her farmhands struggle to keep their heads above water, and just as it looks like things will be taking a turn for the worse, Cece and her humble miners swoop in to save the day. The result is a combined board, LolCafe. Two boards, seemingly at odds, now enmeshed. What will become of these communities? Will they mingle nicely and creative a harmonious tranny hating hub for women to shoot the shit with one another? Or will it crumble under the weight and splinter off into many short-lived sites and discord groups? Only time will tell.
Anonymous 157033
>>157014in this context men pretending to be women for purposes of stirring the pot. there's also probably a smattering of women that want drama.
>>157016>>157021>>157024thanks for the recs, anons!
Anonymous 157036
>>157032Another groundbreaking novel brought to you by J.K. Rowling!
Anonymous 157041
>>157031can we actually make a drawing room? i liked the drawing rooms from the bunker threads the best they were so chaotic and fun.
the ones that we have on lc now are so sterile and annoying. everything has to have a goddam theme
Anonymous 157042
>>157041Aw I kind of like having a theme
Anonymous 157043
>>157027But that's based, why would I want to bonk you?
Anonymous 157044

>>156954It's not fragility, it's just a lack of interest/enjoyment in conflict. It doesn't hurt me, it just bores me.
Anonymous 157045
I wanted to but I'm one of those unique husbando posters so I'm waiting it out
Anonymous 157046
>>156878Fucking pussies. They’ll be singing a different tune when so shit goes sideways. FETISHISM IS NOT GENDER EXPRESSION. Sorry I had to reply to that shit and haven’t caught up but I’m mad.
Anonymous 157048
>>157041There are themes but you don't necessarily have to follow them. Also those were the best and most chaotic because everyone in the bunker could see the invitation posts to draw, and so many more people than usual joined, before that incident I didn't even know there was a doodle board.
Anonymous 157049
>>157044It's always low tier screaming, nothing intellectually challenging. They run up, pull their pants down, shit everywhere, call you a man and scream that they won.
Anonymous 157054
>>157043No, if she comes back HERE we bonk her. Because we probably all should be doing something else right now.
Anonymous 157055
>>157054Yeah I should be sleeping, but I don't want to miss anything good
Anonymous 157057
>>157049That's about the extent of it, yup. Embarrassing. I'm gonna try to disengage now. Have fun, gals.
Anonymous 157059
>>156954Ugly threadpics too. Every other thread is a wojack. Why?
Anonymous 157060
>>157054nta and it's 3:41AM here, i literally am the worst
Anonymous 157061
>>157046Hopefully this will make a lot of normal people realize that to allow all forms of "gender expression" is to allow blatant degenerate perverts like him to proudly and freely display their fetish in inappropriate contexts such as school, and more people than ever start to protest against tranny-protecting laws
Anonymous 157064
>>157059Original wojak = feels guy meme
Soyjak = obnoxious moid shit
Sorry that you're not aware of the difference, newfag
Anonymous 157065
every time i eat hot cheetos i regret it. i dont know why i keep torturing myself. i cant eat em like i used to at age 12
Anonymous 157067
>>157056>>157060Making a mistake doesn't mean you're the worst! It's not too late to sleep a bit before morning, so I hope you'll log off soon. Try to go to bed earlier tonight so you can get a full eight hours rest. I believe in you s
Anonymous 157069
>>157063Omg this is so pure <3 Goodnight fluff cat and Nona <3
Anonymous 157070
>>157064Why are you mansplaining ugly memes to me
Anonymous 157072
>>157059Oh wait are you talking about the other CC mascot, the miner? If so even more retarded
Anonymous 157077
>>156477How the fuck did Boudicca start any shit? Is it really starting a war, when you're merely resisting being occupied and you're kinda pissed off your daughters were raped?
Anonymous 157078
You talk like a farmer pretending to be a miner.
Anonymous 157079
>>157063so fluffy and soft, i bet her purr would lull me to sleep
Anonymous 157081
>>157073Anyone who isn't a Twitter newfag and has actually used imageboards other than lolcow in the last 8 years (which is probably a large portion of the CC userbase)
Anonymous 157084
>>157065Hot cheetos at 12, wait aren't those really new? Are you still in your teens? Speaking of which what's the average age of the miners and farmers here I'm always curious, I'll start I'm almost 27. Please don't let me be the oldest one here
Anonymous 157087
So are you a channer or a twitterfag or what?
Anonymous 157093
A schizo pedo tranny spamming spergout for dinner AGAIN, grandma?
Anonymous 157094
>>157087it's the schizo pedo tranny freak, report and ignore
Anonymous 157095
Actually I have BPD and autism and schizophrenia and bipolar and DID and ADHD and anorexia and bulimia and BDD and mad cow disease and shaken baby syndrome. AMA
Anonymous 157096
>>157032I want a dating sim with all the board-tans
Anonymous 157098
>>157082lolcow has its own lolita wojak variations that were originally from /cgl/, you see them every time nonas share nostalgic /cgl/ pics
Anonymous 157617
i’m freaking IN LOVE with pony town
Anonymous 158113
>>156275Hopefully people start posting cows on YouTube. Too big to fail. I was just here for the celebrity thread, girl talk, and lolita cows. Could care less about troons, they need to get over themselves and stop cancelling people for telling the truth about the rare child predators moids among them.
I used to like KF for the A&H board RIP. Got a lot of great memes in the pics that made you laugh thread
Anonymous 158381

I just wanna saw i hope lc comes back. I really enjoyed the /g/ threads and found wholesome interactions sometimes. The diet thread was so supportive.
If it doesnt return, thats ok too, but I wish all the sweet s the best. Thanks miners for the shared space!
Anonymous 158495

good riddance.
maybe I'm a little biased because a moid who raped me when I was a minor created a vendetta thread on me where my family was doxxed and mods wouldn't do shit about it.
I still have more of a softspot for some lolcow nonas more than kiwifarms userbase though.
Anonymous 159126
>>156737>>156743HOLY SHIT NEMU. i read her thread on kiwi (when i used that shit site) years ago and i realized that years before THAT i had a random encounter with her on tumblr. when i was like 14 i had a bunch of similarly aged friends in a fnaf group (no bully we were kids) and one of our members pointed out this grown ass bitch was posting her degen fetishes in the tags of childrens shows (her creepy crocker shit in the fairly odd parents tag was mostly what we were upset about because that show's fandom is like 99% actual kids) and we spammed her with anon hate and memes until she hid a bunch of her shit. she came back after this but so we weren't the ones that brought her down or anything kek. i just hadn't ever shared this encounter with anybody and wanted to talk about it, i think it's funny that even though it came from a place of autism (teenagers hanging out and talking about fnaf) it ended up doing a bit of good (degen hiding her fetishes from minors better).
Anonymous 159380
>>156402this guy is either having a severe mental breakdown,
like a total freakout/needs to be involuntarily committed until he can relax, or he's doing it for another purpose.
I'm guessing either to get fired and break bad or to make a point about bathroom laws.
Anonymous 159496
>>156554This the cute though the artstyle reminds me of this batshit fujo I used to follow on Twitter. I’m sorry. Or if you are the fujo in question fuck you.
Anonymous 159900
Why are there so many anime fags in here? All this talk of husbandos and posting poorly drawn 2d men and your shitty overly expensive consoomerism dolls is super cringe. Also anime is inherently pedophilic and attracts autists. Are farmers considered normies cause we're attracted to actual human beings? Kek
Anonymous 160109
>>159900Lol, my thoughts exactly nona.
I am so sick of the husbando threads that infested /g/ that contained nothing but thirst over generic anime husbando #357347. But then again, the 3DPD moid sperging threads were equally as obnoxious. So idk, the men this and men that of both boards gets tiring quickly.