
Anonymous 162750
Post a celebrity you really wished you looked like.
Anonymous 162760

There’s a vegan youtuber who looks a bit like her and it makes me jealous every time I see her stupid cooking ideas pop up.
Anonymous 162765
A famous e-girl. Not gonna post her because it’s cringe.
Anonymous 162769
>>162760Oh my god I love that youtuber girl! She is so pretty and she seems really nice
Anonymous 162770
>>162769Yeah, she seems sweet, but we all know she only gets views because she’s pretty. I mean, marinated watermelon? Really?
Anonymous 162779
>>162770It sounds yummy to me but I have a weird pallate.
Anonymous 162781

Sophia Lillis
>>162760She is cute
>>162765Ciara Horan would be my guess, I wish I looked like her sometimes
>>162771Her fashion sense kinda sucks
Anonymous 162786
>>162781Oh no it’s not Ciara. Truthfully I never found her that attractive and she wasn’t very famous outside of r9k I don’t think.
Anonymous 162787

Wish I looked like Lauren. Wish I had bigger boobs and a twin too.
Anonymous 162857
Threads like these are a bad idea
Anonymous 162884

>>162750Otherwise I would like to look like me. It would be wierd to be anyone else. Would like to dye the end of my hair blue though.
Anonymous 162899
>>162855>she is also heterosexual and based.What
>>162781Sophia and ciara both look(ed) perpetually 14. Nah.
Anonymous 162901
>>162760She looks like she was drawn by Ryoko Ikeda. Like she has manly features but still looks very feminine and beautiful.
>>162787The girl on the right has nice makeup.
Anonymous 162960
>>162942Adriana is peak pretty. Complete win of the genetic lottery.
Anonymous 162963
too pretty, almost to the point she becomes generic. It’s like one of those 3D renders or INVU characters. Everything is too perfect so your brain doesn’t register it as a real person.
Anonymous 162965

>>162963If I was gonna nitpick and be petty I’d say her worst feature is really her torso. Her waist is too wide and her hip to waist ratio is almost nonexistent so she’s built like a brick, her boobs are a little too small for her frame too, I think she stuffed her bra at certain times like here>>162942
Facially though, she was 9-10/10 for sure.
Anonymous 162976

More muscular, slim, young and with a pretty smile.
Anonymous 162979
>>162976based, wish I looked like this
Anonymous 162988
>>162963I often see people say that, but it's only true in pictures. You look at perfect people like Adriana and think they're generic, but when you see them in real life i can assure you that they blow your mind with their beauty and they certainly don't look generic because to witness this kind of beauty IRL is surreal. I've seen my fair share of models.
Anonymous 162995

>>162926Based Clara Bow. I would love to look like Louise Brooks, myself.
Anonymous 162998
>>162988This is true. We are desensitized to beautiful people because we see them so often online. Many times the people in the pictures don't even look like that. Adriana genuinely looks better in unedited pictures.
Anonymous 163903

Tina Fey. She’s just a slightly prettier version of me really. We have the same mistakes in pictures n shit (weird awkward smile, slightly undone hair) but she pulls it off better somehow. Being funny can do you a lot of justice.
Anonymous 163929

I love this look
I wish it would come back.
Anonymous 163930
>>163929Oh that look is back, you just won't like where it is back at.
Anonymous 225386

alexa demie, i think she's pretty with light, bold, and no makeup too
Anonymous 225388
joan with short ha…

Joan Crawford with short hair is the pinnacle of beauty to me. I wish I could pull off this haircut, but I'm too insecure about my big forehead.
Anonymous 225628
>>225627I wouldn't say it's bad, but the shiny nose trend in makeup is rather goofy looking though
Anonymous 225632

>>225628that too but the worst thing that struck me was the lipstick, it reminds me of the Joker or that one monster in X-Files lmao
Anonymous 225645

a darker skin version of this, clear skin, pinker lips, silky straight hair, lifted face