
Lolcow Bunker Thread #0014-Planned Downtime Anonymous 194105
Anonymous 194109
These threads feel more like a groupchat than actual threads
Anonymous 194112
I'm just glad my CSS theme was implemented in the new lolcow
Anonymous 194113
>>194104finally this feels like home again
Anonymous 194114
>>194109Makes me nostalgic for temp cows!
Anonymous 194115
Crested Gecko Amig…

Sometimes I wish more anons were into crocheting/knitting. I like talking about that stuff on lolcow. In general, the crochet community feels pretty niche even though it's a relatively big craft.
I offer miners this lizard.
Anonymous 194118
>>194102this is exactly what i mean when i say that the majority of anons who hate kpop also hate other niche female interests and will have no trouble going after them.
in the past it was kpop fags, now its fujos, then its husbandofags or being attracted to men who are not old.
Anonymous 194119

>>194113Let's go home, let's make this thread more "homey" shall we?
Anonymous 194120
>>194115I like to knit even though I always fuck up with counting
Anonymous 194121
hella late on the save convo, but the reason i hate seeing y’all is because when i still frequented tumblr the ones who used it also used the folx shit and were all genderspecials screeching that the french revolution didn’t have enough pocs or fatties in it
Anonymous 194122
>>194104Proof fujos need to be banned along with kpoopers
Anonymous 194126
>>194114I feel sad that I never experienced tempcow. I either joined just a tad too late or was still very new while it was happening.
Anonymous 194128
>>194123V true. No one debate her, she's right.
Anonymous 194129
i really like that lizard, it's cute! i've always wanted to get into crochet and handmade crafts but i honestly don't know where to start
Anonymous 194130
>>194123>kissing ass to the kpop haters and they still hate you for being a pathetic kek.
Anonymous 194132
Question, am I the only anon who deletes every picture they post on lolcow/cc after they turn in for the night?
Anonymous 194134
>>194130Eh? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fujo, I don't even like anime men. I just believe that anime men are superior just on principle of being 2D creations.
Anonymous 194135
where my ghost fuckers at? George Washington is my Ghostbando
Anonymous 194136
>>194119Aw, I guess my main husbando wasn't popular enough to get featured. At least there's Shane and Sachiko art.
Anonymous 194138
>>194117lilac. makes it stinky as fuck in here but i want dat jar asap
Anonymous 194139
>>194109I know, it makes me feel like I have unhinged friends I can shitpost with
Anonymous 194140
Why are kpoopers so obnoxious, they already own choachan and twitter. Furries and bronies are better because they at least understand how undesired they are and are kept in their cointainment boards/sites.
Anonymous 194142
why are there image posts on ? isn't posting disabled? the fuck is admin doing
Anonymous 194143
>>194132Yeah I let them rot on my hard drive and occasionally jumpscare me
Anonymous 194144

>>194119> turns into fujochan 2.0where can the normal people go now?
Anonymous 194145
>>194136>>194141Gimmie a pic of them and I'll add them
Anonymous 194148
>>194118>being attracted to men who are not old.idk about that, I feel like lc was one of the few places where you'd get (rightfully) dogpiled for being a geriatric fucker. Nobody wanted old men in the 'conventionally attractive men' threads and we had a whole thread for laughing at post wall men.
Anonymous 194149
>>194144To Facebook or Twitter. Normies get off my board reeeeeeeeeee
Anonymous 194152
What's with the fujo hate? Is Paki-chan here? Cause if yes, I love you, Paki-chan. And if no, get over it already, you oversensitive weirdo.
Anonymous 194153
>>194146kekkk n0nny, please post more of one direction fujos
Anonymous 194154
this thread really is just anons raging at kpopfans and fujos.
Anonymous 194155
>>194154>>194102As long as they don’t start seething about yumejos and hating female characters fujos are fine. It’s only the twitterfag ones that can’t control themselves and leak containment. At least when obvious moids invade (posting about hating women and outing themselves as male) fujo spamming is funny, but not the weird coping that’s been going on in the ftm and fujo cringe thread lately.
Anonymous 194156
>>194099the balance between the two is key, I've joked about the capricious moderation on lcf more than once but them enforcing culture is indeed why we aren't just another dead altchan
Anonymous 194158
>>194146ugh he's doing the symbol of the eye of haron with his hands. This shit is sick
Anonymous 194159

>>194149i'm not a normie, just normal by lolcow standards if we're talking about kpop fans and fujos
Anonymous 194162
>>194152Anons who think all fujo critiscizm is pakichan are coping. Paki chan always specifically mentions ‘shota’. If they don’t bring up shota it’s not paki chan.
Anonymous 194163

>>194105>>194117One of these. Have a winter storm where I live, so I have it burning in case the lights go out.
Anonymous 194164
everyone go to original lc ot rn
Anonymous 194166
>>194159That's abnormal by LC standards.
Anonymous 194167
I've tried mobile data, dns flush, VPN off, VPN geolocation changed, everything and still can't access lf I do not understand
Anonymous 194171
>>194167it works for me only on phone (mobile data) without vpn. she said there are routing issues. odd that this should happen at the same time that josh's site is being blocked at dns and infrastructure levels but I actually don't think it's related, I can access KF with settings I can't access LCF
Anonymous 194173
>>194162Not really, so far her triggers are
>3D men shipping>shota>power dynamics and bottom/top Anonymous 194175
>>194169I can't access that but I assume it is just a static archive of the html pages (like mine) so trying to post won't do anything
Anonymous 194176
>>194168ily n0nny, you're bringing back memories of the 2 months i was in the 1D fanbase in 2015 and the larries were so insane
Anonymous 194178
>>194175yes yes, you're right! there is no way to post. that would be crazy. Nothing to see there.
Anonymous 194179
What would you say is your theme song?
Anonymous 194180
>>194173I am pretty sure if you say shit about a white moids she will show up to say how much worse the paki moids are
Anonymous 194181
>>194179If there is any song called "I'm a Failure" then that one.
Anonymous 194182
can the who said 1D is satanic please post your theories to distract the fujo/antifujo infighting debate part 45788997544 thanks
Anonymous 194183
>>194176When I was in high school a girl I had a crush on turned in a larry fanfic in English class
Anonymous 194184

new thread?
nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie
Anonymous 194188
>>194182I stan satanic-theory-anon tbh, her takes come with real emotion.
Anonymous 194189
We can apparently post on lolcow…but only with images.
Anonymous 194190
Screenshot (2).png

kek, we can still post images on the, so I guess she just sucked at coding
she really just scrap this whole idea and bring back the origianl lolcow
Anonymous 194191

what book are you retards currently reading or would like to read soon? picrel. hopefully i'll actually finish it this time, reading books with adhd is hellish
Anonymous 194193
Accusations of satanism feel so nostalgic. It reminds me of my childhood when evangelical parents started to burn yugioh cards.
Anonymous 194194

ojhhhh fukkkkk teh yaoi ehi-its takin gg over my bodyyyyyyyy
Anonymous 194195
>>194189>>194190"we"? I can't. the site won't come up at all
Anonymous 194198
>>194191I was reading bridge to terabithia…. since july or something but I'm back at harry potter
Anonymous 194200

>>194191I just finished Norwegian Wood because apparently Murakami is required reading on the internet. Holy fuck it’s so bad. I’m never reading this fucking coomer again.
Currently reading Rules of Civility.
Anonymous 194201
>>194105i wanted to do that exact pattern sometime soon!
Anonymous 194203
anyone else posting images on the lolcow thread?
Anonymous 194204
>>194179leech boy by crywank or how to never stop being sad by dandelion hands
Anonymous 194205
>>194201sorry i'm retarded. this was about crochet anon
Anonymous 194206
Europeans are kind of crazy for leaving babies and kids outside unattended haha. I feel like even if I move somewhere where people do that, there's too many crazy people where I live (America) and everywhere else for me to ever feel safe doing that.
Anonymous 194209
>>194201If you feel comfortable, you should totally post it in the fiberarts thread once you're done!
Anonymous 194210

>>194105wake me up when admin-chan gets her shit together
Anonymous 194211
>>194199i know but that's not working
>>194202>This site can’t be reached>’s server IP address could not be found.>Try:Checking the connection
Anonymous 194213
>>194193ilu anon I remember those days too, I might be just a few years older because the panic was about Magic cards, but I remember reading the tracts about them very much directed at adults when I was young and thinking it sounded cool as fuck tbh
Anonymous 194214
>>194190We should be grateful shaymin is giving us a new place to live instead of abandoning us
Anonymous 194215
>>194210anon, that'll never happen… I'll have to wake you up with true love's kiss instead
Anonymous 194216

i don't even like lc anymore. i'm fully ccpilled
Anonymous 194218
>>194214>we should be grateful shaymin kicked us out of our nice warm basement in the middle of december and made us live in a cardboard box and share kibble with rabid possums Anonymous 194219
>>194211n0nnie turn your wifi off on your phone then try on there
Anonymous 194220
>>194214I’m grateful she even bothered with upgrade I know old site was very limited and one insane tranny away from disintegrating. Farmers just tsundere.
Anonymous 194221

Part of me wants to be patient and thankful that we have an admin that is willing to "upgrade" our site but the rest of me is screaming endlessly. I hate this. I hate change. I just want to shitpost and read about my favorite cows.
Anonymous 194223
>>194218we are for sure more rabid than the cc regulars
Anonymous 194226
>>194198good book, anon, big feels. even hearing the name makes me think of some images of when I was a little girl
Anonymous 194228
>>194219that just stops the internet connection altogether on mine
Anonymous 194229
>>194222this one but with the teeth is the only image that has ever made me pee myself from laughing
Anonymous 194230
>>194214I am but if she didn't think her userbase was going to pick nits, she didn't know us
Anonymous 194231
I wonder if they intend to get more mods along with the great reopening.
Anonymous 194234
Anonymous 194238
>>194216Cool, welcome. It’s a bit of a fixer upper. We need help sanitizing this place of troons and 4chan e-daters.
Anonymous 194240
>>194227>>194232>>194236damn are fujos obsessed with mpreg in every fandom?
Anonymous 194243
>>194238nta but another anon who just comes here for the bunkers I want to like this place (and the theme is super cute) but there's something about lolcow…and yeah, this place suffers from being mentioned on 4chan too many times, ngl
Anonymous 194245
>>194239Ah shit you beat me to it. This meme is still so fucking funny all these years later kek
Anonymous 194246
>>194239thanks anon this one is a strong contender for funniest meme of all time
Anonymous 194248
>>194242This is so beyond my comprehension.
Anonymous 194251
how can i be grateful for a new place to live when she won't even give certain people the keys. she took the keys from the old one too i tried breaking in through the windows and all the tech suggestions and nothing
Anonymous 194252
>>194250That pic wasnt supposed to be posted here kek ignore
Anonymous 194253
>>194251Early access for donators only. What are you poor?
Anonymous 194254
One of the reasons why I don't want to let go of LC is cause Elsie is so cute. I always try to make picrews of her and 2X, I never post them tho, cause I'm embarrassed of myself.
Anonymous 194256
>>194253yes and this is my homeless s shelter
Anonymous 194258
which one of you posting yaoi porn?
Anonymous 194260
>>194243>this place suffers from being mentioned on 4chan too many times, nglWhy is that? It's relatively quiet and uncontroversial here compared to lolcow, you'd think 4chan would be way more concerned with lc anons. Maybe their priority is larping as women or getting a femcel gf and they think they can blend in better on here because it's calmer? Whereas on lolcow you'll get accused of being a moid if you put a toe out of line.
Anonymous 194264
>>19425590% of us would literally prefer to just posting images over the eye-sore of the new site, just fucking let us have it
only updates on the discord
Anonymous 194265
>>194260idk why it is but it seems to be the case. lcf is an older and better known state and is known to bully moids off the site mercillesly, either the 4chan scrotes think here is a softer target or they are still trying and lessen or give up eventually?
Anonymous 194267
>>194260to me this site is comfy precisely because there isn't this sense of people calling everyone a moid/tranny every two seconds. the downside is, that makes moids and trannies feel more comfortable. but the upside is that it makes those who aren't and are just women with differing viewpoints also more comfortable
Anonymous 194272
>>194267I can't disagree I have been called moid/tranny for differing from groupthink as well I think we all probably have lol and I agree that it can be toxic but also basically just what you said it provides a barrier and that is good and bad at the same time…idk what a middle ground looks like but that's a board I'd like to post on
Anonymous 194274

wait is still down? im getting worried nonas
Anonymous 194275
>>194272I think it wouldn't be necessary if the staff did their jobs. If they banned the trolls in time we wouldn't have to "moderate" on our own
Anonymous 194276
Give me the same vibes as those early 2000s "kill pokemon" flash games, unhinged and cringe but kinda funny
Anonymous 194277
confession: i got so distracted by the rapid fire bunker posting all day that i almost forgot to throw out the trash and food on my bed
Anonymous 194278
>>194275no one is doing that to moderate. they're doing it to shut down different opinions. a lot of anons will see someone called a male and automatically ignore their comments when they're really tame.
Anonymous 194279
I can't wait to post mp4 files on lolcow.
Anonymous 194280
>>194277i've spent far too much time here as well
Anonymous 194285
>>194277i bunkerposted all day at work and ran errands all on cc in public, i simply don't give a fuck
Anonymous 194286
>>194277samefag also got only 4 hours of sleep
Anonymous 194287
>>194279I just use an online mp4 to webm convertor and I have never had an issue
Anonymous 194288
>>194277This is not healthy for anons. We need our wide open farms to roam in.
Anonymous 194291
somehow a s are still posting on farmcow lmfao, & they even got fujo for yer asses ahaha
Anonymous 194293
>>194292tag yourself, I'm the green chick on the left
Anonymous 194294…

We'll, the threads going, as far as I'm concerned.
Anonymous 194295
>>194293the snide looking one with the green fin
Anonymous 194299
>>194111>Is Kpop a thinspo for young girls?Yes it absolutely is.
>always thought they were all too uniformly skinnyKpop doesn't find girls that look a certain way, it molds girls into looking a certain way. They are like farm animals raised to entertain. They start training when they are really young and don't debut for years.
They sign a contract that they will maintain a low BMI and there is tremendous pressure to be like <105lbs (arbitrary weight I'm guessing at) even if they're like 5'8". Everyone in blackpink is within a couple kg of eachother even though rose is like 5 inches taller than jennie. Everyone kpop girl over 5'4" is clinically underweight.
Anonymous 194305
How do you think Shaymin is coping with the backlash rn
Anonymous 194307

We’re using the loophole to play hangman
Anonymous 194308

I saw this song cover and it's really bothering me that she's wearing two different heels
Anonymous 194309

>abuse and objectification of young women
i hope you don't stan any female western celebrities then because they go through similar rituals. plus i personally don't stan ggs but even if i did it wouldn't mean i support what goes on, just the other day there was a freejennie hashtag on twitter, gg stans stand up for them for the most part and want things to change for the better
Anonymous 194310
forgive me.jpeg

>>194305I take back what I said about saying kys on lolcow we must fight the kpoppers
Anonymous 194313
just ignoring it and turning your back to it isn't really a solution either though. it's better for gg stans to actually care and speak up for them than just shun it
Anonymous 194314
>>194309God can you go back to choachan all you do is infight here and be annoying
Anonymous 194315

>>194314i'm only here for the updates, once lolcow is up i'll use that site since we're welcome again!
Anonymous 194316
>>194140long time ago when the gen4?(whichever number it was) MLP just started getting popular bronies infected every part of the internet, especially in comment sections constantly making pony meme references and every third icon having some pony in it. but they at least eventually died down.
Anonymous 194318
by that logic boycotting won't do anything about it either kek. they'll just go back into the abuse mill and worse fans who don't care will stick around while the ones who actually gave a shit just gave up. but like i already said i'm not really here to argue with retards. see you on lc
Anonymous 194320
Let’s organise a lolcow girls trip to South Korea and save them all
Anonymous 194322
>>194320>>194318IDK they chose this job, can't they work in an office if you don't like the conditions?
Anonymous 194323
>Worse than lolicon.
Whew, let's step back now.
Anonymous 194324
>>194322no they didn't retard they're like 10-14 years old when they start training
Anonymous 194326
>>194323fine but they're absolutely human trafficking the idol trainees
Anonymous 194328

i'm here for the football vs. anti-football infight
Anonymous 194331
does anyone wanna play
Anonymous 194332

where in the world is
Anonymous 194335
>>194302as a former kpopfag i'm wondering what they're attempting with this when ccc exists (which the new lc seems to look like now as well)
and having wony as the threadpic feels like it'll just bring the worst to the thread Anonymous 194337
>>194328Now we're talking. Argentina sucks, the only balls they catch are the ones between their legs
Anonymous 194340
>>194328Why are this cat's eyes so creepy in black and white
Anonymous 194345…

Congrats to everyone who guessed my word 'bunker'! Thanks for playing with me.
Anonymous 194348
>>194336whisper me lolcor related word suggestions and I'll host
Anonymous 194352
What was this replying to?
Anonymous 194353
words to live by
Anonymous 194355
anyway us 2d trapfags are exceptionally oppressed
Anonymous 194360
>>194329based account, is that a real twweet?
Anonymous 194361

>>194356one direction mpreg. there's so much it's hilarious
Anonymous 194362
>>194348pls host i wanna draw with some s
word suggestions: cow, milk, Shayna, Elsie, uhhhh someone help me out here
Anonymous 194363
Anon, I saw your post about one direction omegaverse, you can't hide from me.
Anonymous 194364
good one. I guess she is finally adding them, saw a few good ones and a few cringe ones flipping through screens on my phone.
Anonymous 194365
>>194360Yeah she's one of the writers for Reduxx kek
Anonymous 194366
>>194363i thought about calling it omegaverse but then i realized it was more just plain mpreg since omegaverse wasn't as popular back when 1D was at its peak
Anonymous 194367
i hope this thread remains this fast in the future. feels like choachan's dst except i don't have to pretend i give a fuck about kpoo
Anonymous 194368
>>194362Hammie-chan, borzoi, bunker, redtext, komaeda-chan, dedededede
Anonymous 194369
>>194255kekkkk girlies will always find a way
Anonymous 194374
>>194372I wish cats actually looked like this.
Anonymous 194375
>>194329That explains why she prefers plastic surgery to working out.
>>194302Fuck you whoever made that thread. I will hunt you for insulting Wonyoung.
Anonymous 194376

>>194375>That explains why she prefers plastic surgery to working out. wait wha-?
Anonymous 194378
i hate it thanks
Anonymous 194380
ok guise just 3 rounds sorry if the words aint so good i tried my best desu 194383

>>194299I’m gonna pretend this is real and a consequence of allowing K-pop. 144 of the 150 users left
Anonymous 194384
>file deleted
what was it
Anonymous 194385
>>194383only 6 people? that can't be accurate
Anonymous 194388

>>194210>>194212Winter has come and passed
The shitposters can never last
Wake me up when Shaytember ends
Like my farmer's come to pass
Eightish? years has gone so fast
Wake me up when Shaytember ends
Anonymous 194389
>>194387Sorry, I was the one who deleted. Replied to the wrong person, but I only made it worse, kek.
Anonymous 194390

i wish i was gently holding a dog snout right now…
Anonymous 194391
>>194376That's a joke. She posted pictures of her in bikini on 4chan after her BBL. She is a cow.
Anonymous 194392
>>194391oh shit i didn't know. was there a thread on her?
Anonymous 194393
i fuggin disconected, sorry skribblio friends it was fun
Anonymous 194394
Why did the skribbl server restart? the last drawing was supposed to be Adam Driver btw
Anonymous 194396
skribblio down too?? cruel twist of fate
Anonymous 194397
>>194393if anyone not on mobile data wanna host one here were my words
##yaoi, kiki kannibal, shayna, onision, rainbow dash, borzoi, paul dano, josh, shaymin, kpop, cow, grimes, elon musk, luna, jill, hatsune miku, pixyteri, kikomi, kiwi, chicken parmesan, venus angelic, kermit, momo, nikocado, poopin, lolcor, autism, peewee herman, omegaverse, harry styles, mario, bowser, adam driver, spurdo, elsie, cece, tom nook, neopets, pakistan, infighting, patrick bateman, amanda seyfried, fakeboi, mpreg##
Anonymous 194398
>>194200Right? His stuff is so bad, I'll never understand the hold he has on book communities. Even women shill him hard for some reason despite how terrible he is at depicting women…
Anonymous 194400
>>194391kek just realized that's Anna Slatz/slatzism, she's pretty based but a bit unhinged too. funny story, she wrote an article years back on Mike Thurlow/Angry Canadian because he was doing Nazi activism on his college campus, years later same dude has been involved in weird gaslighting of Elaine since almost a year back ago but I digress…
Anonymous 194402
anyone want to listen to music on cytube or something?
Anonymous 194403
>>194397I too remember tumblr in it's prime
Anonymous 194404
how are some n0nnies getting into lolcow? it's still down for me
Anonymous 194405

any n0nnas look at the sex offender registry for your area and gawk at the fucked up looking moids?
Anonymous 194406
>>194405how do they all manage to look the part? it's amazing
>>194404only works on my phone
Anonymous 194407

kirby deserved to be on the word list too
Anonymous 194408
>>194405Yes lol. It's always disturbing how they seem to all live around public parks and such.
Anonymous 194409
>>194404Wanna see the old one?
Anonymous 194411
>>194405I did that several years ago and found a woman in my small trade school was on the list. Someone age 17 joined the school and she "went on vacation" until they turned 18. I always wondered why she was on the list, but was too scared to ask.
Anonymous 194414
I want wholesome threads on the new farm, like cooking, crafting, plants and less I hate/love men.
Anonymous 194415

>>194410>humanizationFOOL. The appeal of Kirby is how they look naturally, humanizing cheapens them and removes 98% of their charm.
Anonymous 194421
>>194416I hate kpop but I love how the male idols are made to humiliate themselves for fan service
Anonymous 194422

I have such bad sweet tooth lately. This holiday is going to wreck me.
Anonymous 194425
>>194418Surprisingly enough, I haven't seen that save for one single fanfic where Meta Knight, not surprising, is an omega. There wasn't any porn and it wasn't particularly interesting with nothing but melodrama so I kind of forgot about it.
Anonymous 194426
>>194405Ugh yes. There's one across the street from my old highschool who was on there for kidnapping and raping a girl on her way home from the fucking highschool, says he held her hostage for multiple days doing that. How the fuck is that piece of shit allowed to live there???
Anonymous 194428
>>194425Don't fucking start this again. You shat up the thread last night, don't fucking do it again.
Anonymous 194429
>>194405i found the dad of this guy i know on there, it says he had possession of child porn under 12… i've always wondered if he ever knew.
Anonymous 194431
>>194414I can't stop gooning like a mental patient to images of the boys from my cartoons and the thoughts of the boys from my cartoons
Anonymous 194432
>>194426How is someone like that allowed to live, period.
Anonymous 194434

mobile loaded front page of old snow for some reason..this was the last reply made. oh how i miss you lolcow
Anonymous 194436

Any updates from the past 10 hours? I left after admin blocked posting.
Anonymous 194437
>>194422I recently had some of those cookies for the first time and I am in love. The ones with excessive cinnamon are the best
Anonymous 194439
>>194430>she doesn't know about the kirbyfag Anonymous 194441

Fellow fatass-anons, what's you're favorite holiday dessert.
Anonymous 194445
>>194430There's lots of interesting stuff to read, though as of late there hasn't been anything interesting on ao3. Doubly so as the English fandom barely makes any fics featuring ships I actually like.
Anonymous 194448
where are the satanic tinfoil-chans when we need them. please literally anything else.
Anonymous 194449
>>194445Stop. I am BEGGING do not start this again.
Anonymous 194452
>>194437I do love them. I've also been on a peanut butter cookie kick lately. The last ones I made came out a little crispy when I was going for soft, though.
Anonymous 194453
if i had a child and they seriously wanted to become a professional athlete I would really feel like I did something wrong. they're on their own with that.
Anonymous 194455
N0nnie I'm so confused kek did you mean to tag me? I'm the first one
Anonymous 194456
>>194454omg YES you have excellent taste
Anonymous 194457
>>194430>sis>uwu troon cat gif>doesnt know kirby anon Anonymous 194459

>>194302Welcome back kpop stacies who I trust to self moderate to keep out the twitterfags.
Anonymous 194460
>>194456<3 they're the best with dark choc chips imo
Anonymous 194463
>>194457>troon cat gifKek how is the cat a troon
Anonymous 194464

>>194457yeah sorry i know about all the other anons but somehow the kirby one slipped by me. call me a troon all you want i don't care, not all sensitive catposters are moids
Anonymous 194465
I'll confess that I find him cute, but I've never posted him outside of the unconventional male attractions thread.
Anonymous 194466
>>194457Just ignore him, eventually he'll get bored of talking yo himself.
Anonymous 194467
>>194463theres a uwu "girl" here who keeps spamming cat gifs and posting things like "immm scareeeddd"
Anonymous 194469
>>194467male hands typed half the posts here like everywhere else on the internet but that's life
Anonymous 194472
>>194467are cat images that bad? better than the alternative.
Anonymous 194473
>>194453That's how I feel if my kid wanted to go into show business. I want to support their goals, but I would have a really hard time if they wanted to get into Hollywood. Maybe I could distract them by letting them become a theater kid or something.
Anonymous 194476
>>194441sticky toffee pudding. i refuse to make it for myself because if I learn how than i will become an even fatter ass. at least if i only order it when i'm out i don't have it very often.
Anonymous 194477
>>194471No discord updates yet. Just nonies shitposting here and on original lc
Anonymous 194478
guess i'll stop avatarfagging with my sensitive catposting then, it was fun while it lasted
Anonymous 194480
>>194472I heard some nonñies really hated cat reaction images on lc lol especially the crying cat pics
Anonymous 194481
>>194467Actually, I remember similar behavior in one of the bunker threads from a year ago. Also during romanianon drama with her moid. He even got banned for spamming at some point.
Anonymous 194483
>>194481i'm the sensitive catposter girl and i wasn't on lc or cc year ago, i just think cats are cute
Anonymous 194484
>>194481Ew I just posted the cat pics because they’re funny / cute to me. I hate that moids have to tarnish everything even something as simple as cat images
Anonymous 194485
>>194477>on original lcIt works for you?
Anonymous 194487
>>194471She is probably waiting for the new farm to be up for everyone or still working on it.
Anonymous 194489
Will the threads on the original lolcow be transferred to the new version?
Anonymous 194490
>>194436She made some posts in /meta/. I don't want to screenshot because I can't access the site on my computer, but she basically said that she was going to migrate the /snow/ /pt/ and /w/ threads, and would only do the other boards if there was enough wishes for it. I think she also said that she would set up somewhere off-site to get updates, but it's hard to tell what she meant so idk. The sites back down for maintenance so we can't post but we can see the site.
Anonymous 194492
>>194489Shaymin said she might bring some over but she kept the original site up as an archive where you can’t post anything. I think she wanted us to start making our own threads and everything from scratch on nu-cow
Anonymous 194493
>>194488I still can't even few the website, neither the new one or the original links.
Anonymous 194496

I will post cats all day and it triggers moids, you can tell that by their attacks always saying "femcel cat lady."
Anonymous 194499
>>194472No, just that specific poster that uses them like avatarfagging.
Anonymous 194501
1B1D2E3B-53DF-4330… you can only post images
Anonymous 194502

beetles are the coolest type of insect
Anonymous 194504

>>194499applecat nona? more than one person makes them
Anonymous 194507

Gonna go back to bed let me know when nu-cow updates or something
Anonymous 194514
shaymin looks so cute there!
Anonymous 194517
>>194504No not her, that's not what avatarfagging is since she was just dumping OC.
Anonymous 194522

omg girls im so scareedd now that lc is down!!! at least we still have cc to post cute cat girly things right?? because im totally a girl like you all uwu desu
Anonymous 194524
What's with all the cat spam?
Anonymous 194525

's please come to
we can't post text but we post images, webms and youtube links, we have to show the farmhands that we love original lolcow
Anonymous 194527
>>194473you get it. I would have to pretend to not hate it so I don't alienate my kid for life by not supporting their dream or whatever. I would slip up and say, like,
sorry but your dream is really really stupid, honey. Anonymous 194529
>>194527that is parenting, though,sometimes the dreams need not maybe shattering but interrogating T. mom of 2.
Anonymous 194530
>>194524not sure about the other posters but I got annoyed someone tried to call cat posting male behavior so I posted cats out of spite because that was a stupid thing for them to say
Anonymous 194533
>>194530maybe you're not a troon but you sure are insufferable
Anonymous 194534
who knows how many n*nnas you may have peaked, and you were a part of the collective…yes, it was worth it if you are terminally online enough
Anonymous 194535
>>194530they're schizophrenic, like i get if someone posts something coomerish or offensive or moidbrained to call them a tranny or moid, but cats? it's just people who like to throw around accusations when they're bored at this point
Anonymous 194536
>>194529>>194527>>194473Why though, do you hate it for political reasons?
Anonymous 194537
>>194530I hate the n*nnas who post crying cats, like what are you trying to express. That you're crying? That's cringe
Anonymous 194540
>>194537I love cats but I kinda agree about the sad ones
Anonymous 194542

>>194535that anon already got banned for spamming. unless this anon has an exhibitionist furry fetish, that's troon behavior
Anonymous 194544
>>194536it's like dedicating your life to winning the lottery.
Anonymous 194545
>>194530Learn to read
>>194525I would love to know which country I need to migrate to in order to even see the website..
Anonymous 194546
>>194542>Deyokay maybe… you have a point. but as one of the catposters i really didn't spam and i'm not a troon
Anonymous 194547
>>194546why do we have to put up with interrogation for posting cats? i think the cat haters need to lighten up.
Anonymous 194549
>>194547i don't know, i guess some anons think it's troon behavior + i kinda was avatarfagging
Anonymous 194550
>>194545>which country I need to migrate tonot croissantland. i cant access the site either
Anonymous 194554
>>194535That's not what they said, avatarfagging with the same few images of cats over and over again (aka adding it to every single post and response one makes) + the posts themselves being repetitive ("guise i heard staff are troons" "guise im so scared i have a bad feeling uwu.." "i think i will leave lc and stay on cc since here are less meanies calling me a tranny" "no one likes fujos, nta btw uwu" etc etc) is what smells like troon.
Anonymous 194555
Mundane shit thread Number [[bunker]]
my head smells bad. like the inside of it. I'm getting over a sinus infection and this is the stage I'm at. sense of smell is returning and it's not good.
Anonymous 194556
>>194553now THIS is woman behavior, keep it coming
Anonymous 194560
>>194535It wasn't the cats but the text that went along with the cats.
>>194554Yes this. the "im scaredddd uwu" thing is just… no. Sounds like a hideous troon trying to pretwend to be an uwu girly girl goin through girlhood guise!1
Anonymous 194561

>>194554wait, half of those things you quoted me as saying weren't even me. i was avatarfagging a little but there were other anons posting cats around the same time too. the only thing i said was that i was staying on cc
Anonymous 194562
that's teenager behavior not male behavior in my opinion
Anonymous 194564
>>194561they think they can tell which anon is which because they've lost their marbles and they're experiencing paranoia
hope they find their marbles
Anonymous 194565
>>194562ehhh it's something a 40 year old balding man wearing programmer socks would also say imo
Anonymous 194566
>>194561stop avatarfagging and people won't assume you're that person
Anonymous 194574
just realized I've never met anyone from the internet in real life. not even once. can't even picture how that would go down. i know people who are married that met on IRC and that just seems wrong to me
Anonymous 194576

I’m gonna go to the store later today to buy pokemon violet.
Anonymous 194578

Bad art thread n0nnies, GK n0nnies, I have one FRESH off the presses for you.
Anonymous 194579
>>194578what is this? Koito's daughter?
Anonymous 194580
>>194576I want too but it looks like shit. Is it that fun?
Anonymous 194581
>>194574I've met people from the internet irl, not from lolcow or adjacent sites. It is a strange thing. you feel a stronger intimacy with them than yo have. it is not a good foundation for a sustainable frenship
Anonymous 194582
Is lolcow still not accessible for most? Tried bringing up the page on my phone and laptop and nothing worked. I wonder why some can see it and others can't?
Anonymous 194583
>>194582anons using mobile data and vpns can see it
Anonymous 194585
>>194583I can see it and I'm not on cell data or vpn, just my normal laptop browser
Anonymous 194587
>>194583Nothing works for me. There is nothing to do but to wait.
Anonymous 194589
>>194583i'm a vpn user and i can't. doesn't work without vpn either
Anonymous 194590
>>194525finally made it on using computer and phone data hotspot instead of wifi
Anonymous 194591
i wish farmer movie nights were in my timezone, they always either happen when i'm at work or asleep
Anonymous 194594
I lost all respect for my fatehr when he got addicted to WoW. Now he's dead.
Not even a fake shitpost it's my real life, it just popped into my head. he's been dead for two years. he went completely off the grid before he died, like no running water off-the-grid. god he was weird.
Anonymous 194598
I have this stupid thing where I can’t fantasize about my 3D husbandos/crushes without it being a situation where we could actually meet IRL. And then, once the fantasy starts, I end up worrying that he’d turn me down or I think about what would happen if he wasn’t immediately into me. Did I just completely lose all of my self-esteem or something? Why can’t I just let my imagination run wild and enjoy the fantasy and make him do whatever I want?
Anonymous 194600

meyoco posted the devil version of her angel cardigan and it's not as good. clearly wasn't meant to be these colors.
Anonymous 194601
It irks me when I'm reading a ship fic and the character who's an asshole (the main reason I like them) falls in love with other character and slowly lose all their personality.
Anonymous 194602
>>194596i don't think we can skip the long track currently being played.
>>194591i check in there from time to time especially when they are playing music. it's actually a really comfy space if yo can catch it
Anonymous 194604

>>194598you're just being realistic with yourself anon. daydreaming is for kids
Anonymous 194605
>>194582Still no luck here. I'm on my phone too, but to be fair I have rural wifi in the middle of the mountains and an ancient router.
Anonymous 194606
why am i still straight in light of vidrel, n0nnas?
Anonymous 194607
>>194598this is happening to me except somehow I never cared when i fantasized about scrotes, i guess because I don't respect them, but now that i'm into this woman it feels so wrong, like it's disrespectful of me to fantasize about her when i'm literally bottom of the barrel ugly (sad kek)
Anonymous 194608
>>194606because that dress is ugly as fuck
Anonymous 194613
>>194611dunno,try? i'm in there right now
Anonymous 194615
idk, not my thing, but she looks cute and this is a good version, she sings it well
Anonymous 194616
>>194249what song is that, I can't find it
Anonymous 194617
no way my animation was actually used! let me innnnn
Anonymous 194619
>>194615sorry for deleting, I get annoyed when embedded videos don't play. it's like what is the point? sometimes I think it shouldn't be a feature because half the time you have to go to YouTube anyway.
Anonymous 194622

posting lolcor screenshots I have cause I miss your shitposts
Anonymous 194625
It's almost fucking 3 am and I tried to sleep but I'm up thinking about lolcow. Someone knock me out or something.
Anonymous 194626
>>194620>>194622kek n0na keep going lolcor's own caps was my fav ot thread
Anonymous 194634
i wish everyone could hear the way i dramatically read this post. i feel it enhances the experience 100 fold
Anonymous 194636
>>194623Will OP ever tell us who He is?
Anonymous 194639

>>194631I think it was shaynas thread when she let that Ken dude rawdog her?
Anonymous 194641
>>194639the second post made me kek hard
Anonymous 194644
>>194640i cant its nightnight time and i have people in my house sadface
Anonymous 194645
>>194643Sorry Anon I bet you are beautiful. I am lashing out due to the circumstances.
Anonymous 194649
>>194642too tryhard, i feel like this person is the same type that posted those "LISTEN UP KNUCKLEHEADS" funnyrants on 2013 tumblr
Anonymous 194651
for full effect read this in an invader zim voice
Anonymous 194653

idk why this makes me laugh so hard
Anonymous 194655
come to the cytube nonn1e is playing miley and i adding some stuff
Anonymous 194656
is there a sims thread on cc?
Anonymous 194657
>>194656no, but there could be one in /media/ i guess but all the boards that are not /b/ are slow af and nobody really cares to check them anymore including me
Anonymous 194660
>>193542The whole mission trip industry is a scam for shitty, virtue-signalling rich kids and pedophile scrotes.
Anonymous 194664
the first time I saw this post i didn't even laugh, the second time, I cracked a smile, the third time i chuckled, the fourth time I laughed so hard I threw up, now I shit myself. I don't want to know what comes next.
Anonymous 194665
>>194554>>194560>women use cat pics and talk about being concerned about things you don't care about, or just don't share your takes>"clearly the same person, also they must be a tranny!!!"is this autism? please go outside, women aren't a hivemind.
Anonymous 194666
I'm making this into a shirt unironically
Anonymous 194668

>>194665To be fair I don't blame nonas for being annoyed by cry-typing. It's a big zoomer thing to do and while funny in certain contexts it gets overdone easily and becomes obnoxious.
I'll always love cats though, I don't care.
Anonymous 194669
N0nnies i hate this i want back into lolcow i feel like i have been left out in the freezing cold for days i just need to get back in i need the comfort of my threads i need it I NEED IT
Anonymous 194674
more than one anon posted the things you're complaining about, though. one poster getting banned doesn't mean it was all just them.
Anonymous 194676
you guys better not infight i SWEAR
Anonymous 194677
does anyone have the doodle room links? Was looking forward to the christmas stuff
Anonymous 194679
why do some anons say "lolcor" im feelin like i missed out on an inside joke
Anonymous 194680
>>194679anon it was literally just posted like 10 minutes ago
Anonymous 194684
>>194680>>194682shit my bad, i dont have my contacts in kek i need to go get my glasses
Anonymous 195214
Nonas I don’t think I will ever eat better I just hope me drinking water all the time will compensate for all the sugar and grease and the lord spares me of the beetus til I’m at least 60
Anonymous 195215
>>195214Samefag I live with my in laws and THESE PEOPLE EAT OUT AND ALWAYS GET YUMMY SNACKS