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Lolcow Bunker Thread #19 Anonymous 197747
Anonymous 197752
>>197730>She obviously doesn't give a fuck about anons and has no consideration for ust. person who wants lolcow to become adminless and shut down
Anonymous 197753
Anonymous 197754
>>197729Please no, i really hope not. You just KNOW they’d label it as an alt-right site just because we don’t bow down to the tranny delusions
Anonymous 197755
>>197741I gave money, too. Hardly $1k but it was in good faith. I'm not happy about it right now if she is going to threaten to take down the site out of spite.
Anonymous 197756
>>197747So the general tinfoil is that shaymin is oldmin, and Ian/someone else has the backend access?
Anonymous 197757
>>197755i donated too and now i regret it
Anonymous 197758
>>197752Shouldn't you be off paying $200 for a $20 server?
But yeah, great comparison. The admin of the whole site vs some random anon.
Anonymous 197760
>>197754the trannies will weaponize it. i can see hontra making a video about it.
Anonymous 197762
anyone with actual tech knowledge could fix the site
Anonymous 197764
>muh tech knowledge
>muh tech knowledge
>muh coding
>muh coding
>muh tech knowledge
>they NEED ian
i'm so sick of the fucking tranny and his broken brain
Anonymous 197765
I donated, hardly $1k but not nothing either. I will be upset if it just goes to her shitcanning everything out of spite. Because that's what it is. Go talk to "shaymin" if you wish and she sounds a lot like oldmin/"Ines", same bpdchan antics and antagonism towards her userbase. I really don't know why she would want the job if she is going to be like that.
Anonymous 197766
yeah it is not some secret code, you don't need to be Ian or anyone else, some tech knowledge is necessary but really not all that much, what it really takes is someone willing to put up with the bullshit
Anonymous 197768
I tried that proxy trick mentioned in the last thread and keep getting "could not resolve host"
Anonymous 197769

how do people still think shaymin exists… it's so obvious that shaymin wasn't real. i have offered to help her and she never reached out to me. i don't understand why she won't just pull the old site. also jesus christ how many people did she leech off of. very glad she just ghosted me when i offered to help.
Anonymous 197770
I really tried to have hope in shaymin because i thought she was one of us, despite all her flaws I gave her a pass because I figured she was a true shayfag. An imageboard user. To burn it all down just because of this is so DUMB. Her ignoring offers to help is DUMB. I cant help but feel really betrayed
Anonymous 197772
>>197758>>197759No, it wouldn't if it wasn't for your autist screeching because you can't wait and/or are too lazy to copy paste custom layouts.
Anonymous 197773
>>197765I still think she's just having a good ole bpd meltdown because she thought that she could make this a smooth transition. I don't think she accounted for all the stuff that usually goes wrong when implementing any major changes to a website, and she didn't realize LC is full of autists who hate sudden change and interruptions to their routine.
I'd really like to know why she chose now to do this. Was her hand forced or did she actually just underestimate the task?
Anonymous 197775
>>197774so are you saying Ian is doing some kind of gatekeeping to keep the site under control? sounds kinda tinfoily to me at this point tbh when the easy explantion is
>>197773 Anonymous 197776
>>197764Men cope hard over the fact that the first programs were women.
Anonymous 197777
>>197765>>197769honestly… i'm incredibly suspicious now, it makes sense
>updating the site to lynxchan was ines's passion project to begin with>ines said she was going to train this new admin who was a shaynafag and that the shaynafag would formally introduce herself in a post but i can't recall shaymin ever doing that, the site just quietly changed hands and we barely heard anything >shaymin never did the townhall that was promised after she took over >ines and shaymin both act the same, throwing tantrums on discord and mocking farmers who volunteer their money/time in good faithines got frustrated and threatened to nuke the site if she didn't find a replacement but her ego prevented her from accepting help and actually passing the torch onto a more competent person (sound familiar?) i'm starting to think she just made a new fake persona to transfer power to herself while getting trannies off her back and to get them to stop trying to doxx her. also like why would a normie shaynafag with no coding experience who barely visits lolcow even bother applying for admin lol
Anonymous 197779
>>197756back-end part is not tinfoil at this point
Anonymous 197784
>>197769the receipts coming up lol. of course that cow is too stubborn to get help from other s. she won't even admit she can't code
Anonymous 197785
This. The newfags just don't know this shameful part of the lolcow lore
Anonymous 197786
at this point I'd rather Ian be running the codebase or whatever and letting us more or less run the site as we wish rather than this bpd nutcase
Anonymous 197787
did shaymin go rogue and make a mess
or was this change thin ian sanctioned
Anonymous 197789
>>197786right like if shaymin isn't doing anything of value and her job is just to direct the jannies and communicate to farmers (she's failing at both) literally anyone could be plugged into her spot and get the job done better
Anonymous 197791
>>197786Except that Ian rarely checks lolcow so if Shaymin stops paying the server bills it could take up to months until he notices
Anonymous 197792
What if shaymin is actually Ian but he's pretending he's a girl again
Anonymous 197793
pls stop taking the bait. if someones talking about ian theres a 99% chance its that fucking tranny, the other 1% being complaints about the stupid ian related tinfoils.
Anonymous 197795
and regina, you're also a retard
Anonymous 197797
>>197793>if someones talking about ian theres a 99% chance its that fucking trannySo you're the troon then
Anonymous 197799
>>197793You're really obsessed with calling everyone a tranny. Not all of us think women are incompetent coders, we just know Ian didn't hand LC over to any. I do remember the other admins saying they didn't know wtf to do with his code because of how heavily he customized it. That's why it hasn't been changed much, I think it was Regina who mentioned how they even used to have a time when they wanted to change banners.
Anonymous 197800
now I want to see this crazy code
Anonymous 197801
>>197799the irony is this ian dude sounds like the one who is incompetent at coding if whatever he did was so weird it's illegible to everyone else who looks at it
Anonymous 197802
>>197777>InesElaine please at least try to hide your seething.
Anonymous 197803
>>197801nah tbh that is usual scrote hackerman behavior if you have worked with them they pride themselves on their code being obscure which is why women should be in charge of development
Anonymous 197806
>>197802I had completely forgotten that oldmin was supposedly called Ines til I read that post lol.
Anonymous 197808
>>197793Most of it is him talking to himself and samefagging like in your responses. Business as usual.
Anonymous 197809
>>197806She isn't called that, Ines is a rando Elaine thought was admin. Of course she now wishes the hate-love of her life was still there kek.
Anonymous 197810
Continuing my post
>>197730 remember when this admin permabanned an anon in the Shatna thread simply cause anon offered to help admin with the site, or takeover? Lmao now shitmin is throwing a fit and calling it quits after a few criticisms (most valid) were made.
Another thing. The rest of you need to pull yourselves together. This can all be fixed. It's not the end of lolcow. If you really enjoy lolcow and value it, you'll fight for it. All that is needed is an anon we can trust who is well suited for the role and understands what needs to be done, and how to do it. Database anon sounds like the best choice. She actually has extensive knowledge and is confident in her abilities.
Then, we need to form a team of anons with relevant skills and knowledge such as coding, that can fulfill support roles for admin.
Then there's the costs. We have encountered this issue before and overcome it. The solution to the costs is donations and spreading the cost equally between the admin and support team.
I will remind you, it is important to keep XX women only spaces open and running, as there are so few that exist in this scrote dominated hellscape we live in that is most unfavourable to real XX women.
lolcow is so much more than just bitching about retards.
Anonymous 197812
>>197802i wrote that post and i'm definitely not elaine, sorry to disappoint! i don't think her name is really ines lol. i just called her that because someone i replied to called her that and it was easier than being like "the old admin who i think could still be the current admin-" every time
calling everyone a tranny or elaine won't make you look any more credible, though. you're just making yourself look worse.
Anonymous 197813
>>197808i'm grateful to not be mentally deranged
Anonymous 197815
>>197810thanks for the hopeposting nona
Anonymous 197816
Since when have you been a janitor Elaine?
Anonymous 197817
>>197810Ok but we don't have access to the backend
Anonymous 197818
>>197810>you'll fight for itI think we all want lolcow to stay up but most of us can't do much. It's up to anons who have enough programming knowledge to take on the site and there are only a few. All the rest of us can do is offer suggestions that may or may not be helpful. Things are very uncertain right now.
Anonymous 197819

I just got home after watching The Whale….
Anonymous 197820

>>197810thank you n0nnie i hope this will be resolved soon
Anonymous 197821
>>197810i agree database anon is definitely the best choice, she sounds incredibly competent and has basically all the skills we need. i really hope she's willing to take on the site.
there are definitely enough anons willing to join the support team and help shoulder the financial burden.
Anonymous 197823
>>197819Oh, I really want to watch it for Brendan Fraser but I don't want to cry.
Anonymous 197824
>>197817In the absolute worst case scenario, db chan's got a backup of old LC. I guess if it's in salvageable we'd literally just have lolcow2.0 with its own CSS and shit. Idk
Anonymous 197825
>>197817Okay the problem has been identified. Now you know the issue, you can think of the solution. So how can this be solved? What is needed to solve this problem?
Anonymous 197826
>>197821She's already said multiple times she isn't interested, but will help if she absolutely needs too, kek
Anonymous 197828
>>197810I don't have any experience of knowledge of tech so I can't do much but if another admin, an actually competent one who knows what she's doing and communicates with nonn1es takes over I'll donate what I can to support her. I'm not as optimistic as you about the site though and I don't see this ending well with lolcow intact.
Anonymous 197829
where the fuck is ian kek
Anonymous 197830
>>197810Only if they 100% verify they are women, judging by how many fucking troons want the website too and are currently pulling falseflags left and right.
Anonymous 197831
>>197819i wanna see it so bad! need a new movie that will make me cri
Anonymous 197832
>>197823Oh believe me, I came in the theater feeling cocky believing that I wouldn't cry. Obviously that failed but it was so worth it. I highly recommend it regardless; his acting blew me away and really needs to be witnessed
Anonymous 197833
lmao the projection in this post
Anonymous 197834
>>197824>>197821I agree but just last thread dbchan said she came to the conclusion she couldn't be admin, right?
Anonymous 197836
there's a literal retard on lc meta right now kek, it can't even type
Anonymous 197838
>>197836Admin or are we talking about some other retard?
Anonymous 197839
>>197806she's not actually Ines that was a faildox but "Ines" is an easy way to call her at this point
Anonymous 197844
and how
Anonymous 197846
>>197769you are aware the process of vetting could take weeks? she probably got bombarded with dozens or even hundreds of messages (if the shit was reposted elsewhere). so many male psychos out there.
Anonymous 197850
>>197845seriously, there's no way trolls didn't crash that thread, it got so bizarre.
Anonymous 197851
>>197845Lucinda was a farmer all this time?
Anonymous 197852
>>197845This is like when scambaiters piss off the indian telemarketing scammer and he starts swearing.
Anonymous 197854
>>197810im all for a handful of us sharing duties and verifying as women, but i dont know how to do it in a safe way. and frankly with the attention from the mtf thread im hesitant over doxxing
Anonymous 197857
>>197810Omg yes. The snapchat shayfag got banned because she said she wants the site and would run it better. Fuck, she really would've run it better. Snapchat shayfag I fucking hope you are with us!!! We need you!!!!!
Anonymous 197858
>>197854voice chat, maybe? i don't think someone could be doxxed by voice alone?
Anonymous 197859
>>197857/snow/ is open right? Someone who's familiar with the Shayna thread should tell her to come over here.
Anonymous 197860

>>197845things really went crazy when you compare the current shit show to what people were saying 11 days ago lol
Anonymous 197861
>>197860It's literally just one legally retarded britbong in there right now though, not really a direct comparison
Anonymous 197864
>>197860there's no way it wasn't brigaded. am I tinfoiling too hard?
Anonymous 197865
>>197810Samefag but how about we start a new lolcow that looks the same as the old, but it's coded and built by fellow anons - No ianscrote, no "ines," and no shitmin in control, a new lolcow independent from them, built by actual anons.
We start from scratch, give it the same look and feel and transfer all boards and threads over to our new site. No more relying on these incompetent bpdfags and scrotecoders we can't trust.
Database admin and a support team of other verified female anons with relevant and helpful skills, knowledge and resources should start a fresh new lolcow site and begin the new lolcow era.
Anonymous 197866
>>197860Right? All we wanted was some cute banners. I did get to see some of mine used before I died so I guess there is that.
Anonymous 197868
>>197858yeah the discord had that and it seemed to work, good point. maybe step one is reorganizing separately with just a handful of nonas and then assigning a few duties
i dont want us to lose our space, i cant dedicate a ton of time but im willing to give some to keep it
Anonymous 197870
>>197860Is it not obvious enough in the post you're replying to that there is very clearly a man posting?
>>197864No, kek. There's very obviously a man in the thread currently
Anonymous 197871
nta but probably timezones
Anonymous 197872
>>197870>Is it not obvious enough in the post you're replying to that there is very clearly a man posting?what's your point? it's a shit show.
Anonymous 197873
I think the best option is probably to find someone to become the new admin then have dbanon or the new admin/coders clone the site if shaymin isn't willing to do it herself before quitting. Tbh it's probably going to have to be on the new imageboard software but at least now we know someone has already made a css for the old theme so that all that matters there. I actually believe shaymin when she says the old code is crap so we probably were due for the upgrade anyways
Anonymous 197874
>>197870>There's very obviously a man in the thread currentlyidk it cares too much about some supposed abuse and types like a 35 y/o female heroin addict kek
Anonymous 197875
>>197865You know the first ones to try this will be trannies trying to IP harvest.
Anonymous 197877
>>197858In the discord, before it went bunker mode, some troons did this repeatedly and just asked female relatives to vc for them but luckily sooner or later they were found out.
Anonymous 197879
>>197873if dbanon or a techanon would be willing to actually clone the site, i'd be willing to be the new admin, pay out of pocket for server costs, deal with jannies and communicate with users. i'm a longtime farmer and have way too much time on my hands as well as experience moderating other places, and it doesn't look like shaymin is going to respond to my offers to donate/help out so might as well put this out here kek
i'd be so out of my depth trying to actually replicate the whole site and i'm sure it would be a huge difficulty so that's only if some tech savvy n0nnie actually wants to do it. but it could actually be a good thing maybe, to get less antiquated code and admins/mods who actually want the site to thrive.
Anonymous 197880
>>197865is there a way to make the structure safer so even if there was a male trying to sabotage it, it'd be impossible? asking because men can pretend to be women or find a way to get verified. ideally a new site would be done by an already secular group of women that know one another, not strangers, but we don't really have that luxury.
Anonymous 197881

>>197875>>197873yeah, we need to organize but i want us all to be safe
>>197877i left the discord bc i felt uneasy about them cataloging stuff and i feel like itll be easier here
this sucks, why cant we just have a place
Anonymous 197883
>>197867>>197870thank god someone else noticed. I thought I was going crazy, kek.
Anonymous 197885
>>197846you are aware that there are people who have known her for a long time? that might have noticed she might have needed help with the site? sadly you never knew how much she trusts you and thankfully i never had the opporunity to go any further than that.
Anonymous 197887
>>197875 Why would we allow trannies to do that? We would verify each candidate for the roles. Photo or video of hands with a sheet of paper with present date written on it, and voice call to further confirm. Asked a selection of questions only real female anons would know the answers to.
Anonymous 197888…

2d trapfags (female) are incredibly oppressed
Anonymous 197889
Is still not accessible
Anonymous 197890
>>197888ok I'll bite why would you as a woman want a man that you thought was a female? do you even know what a trap is or are you like 15 years old?
Anonymous 197897
it seems majority of people are still complaining
Anonymous 197898
Let's make a blank imageboard but take pictures of all the old threads and paste them and just use it that way. It will be a lil ugly but we can work it out you. You won't be able to interact with posts but just act as if it was just one locked thread.
Anonymous 197901
Screen Shot 2022-1…

>break site dns
>ask people to email you at site domain
Anonymous 197903

>>197890i'm not a self-inserter, so i don't want them myself. i just think they're cute to look at + i enjoy the contrast when they're placed against a bishonen or something…
…though if i had to dig deep and make up an actual (?) reason, maybe i like them because on some level i do enjoy feminine things, but don't to see female characters perform femininity (going off of "break the corset" logic). but that's ultimately bullshit y'know
Anonymous 197904
>>197901omg is that why she isnt checking her email or is it still muh trannies
Anonymous 197905
>>197903>but don't to see*don't want to see
Anonymous 197910
>>197859>>197857Just wondering, could an anon go to the Shatna threads in snow and sift through them to find shatna Snapchat anon's comments to reply her letting her know we really need her help right now? That would be helpful and much appreciated.
I think snapchat anon was in the third most recent thread. No point in me doing it I can't reply cause I was banned too kek
Anonymous 197911
what do you mean? it's not like i posted porn or something
Anonymous 197912
nta but i did both of those things and it still won't work
Anonymous 197915
>>197909why the hell did she not say she broke her domain instead of making fun of the people emailing her? bizarre lol
Anonymous 197916
I'm right clicking every banner I can see in case the unthinkable happens and shaymin won't hand over the site/doesn't find anyone suitable. If lolcow goes down I'll upload them somewhere so nonn1es can keep them for nostalgia's sake. Unless there's already a torrent of the banners, does anyone know if there is?
Anonymous 197917
is this pakichan
Anonymous 197919
>>197917>stop posting trapfaggotry itt >PAKICHAN?!?!?!!!!!! Anonymous 197920
>>197919and when the world needed her most, she vanished
Anonymous 197921
>>197908>>197912it only works on mobile for me without a vpn
Anonymous 197923
>>197903so you don't know what a trap is and you just like femboys. ok. got it.
Anonymous 197927
I asked her. I CARE.
Anonymous 197928

i know this sounds terminally online but i’m going to have a mental breakdown if lolcow shuts down. it’s the place that peaked me on trannies and the only place i can feel like i’m with a bunch of incredible women who aren’t afraid to speak their minds. if i wasn’t on welfare and had knowledge on what to do i’d apply for admin in a second. i love all you n0nn13s so much
Anonymous 197930
>>197927you care that he likes trannys?
Anonymous 197932
>>197879Don't go anywhere then. We may have need of you.
Anonymous 197938…

>>197919they sounded esl…but this is what i mean, i am literally oppressed. if i weren't a trapfag i would not receive the shaming i do. the isolation. i am alone and nobody understands, all fujo/yumespaces care about are bishonen and bulky hunks.
>>197923aren't the terms equivalent? they both mean "draw a girl, call it a guy/otokonoko"
Anonymous 197939
i think they want it to be the same 5 people so they can feel like they "clocked" who it is. it's like a fun game to some people
Anonymous 197940
>>197887I used to be part of one of the gender critical subreddit's refuge discords and a phone call was used to vet along with asking terfy questions a man wouldn't be able to empathize with (what your peak trans story was for example). I think that plus a pic or video with them speaking showing them wearing women's shoes would at least be pretty secure
>>197890Nta but as a young Bisexual I first developed an attraction to women and then a year or two later it morphed into bisexuality but it was exclusively for very femmy men when I became interested in piv sex. I'm not exclusively into traps (or gnc band dudes in makeup now lol) but I've never developed a liking for "manly men" either. Traps are basically a way to get a man almost as pretty as a woman (and in fiction they are drawn as women) but still a man if you're currently horny for penis. In fantasy they also act like women so you don't have a moid personality with the penis. I think it's a porn genre mostly for female-leaning bisexuals or febfems but I have encountered straight girls enjoying it too
Anonymous 197941
why are you so incensed
Anonymous 197942
where?! where?!!!
Anonymous 197944
Where did that nona say she masturbated to traps?
Anonymous 197945
>>197938they're not. the fetish appeal of a "trap" is that you thought it was a girl at first but it turns out it has a penis and is a boy. this is a total surprise but you fuck it anyway because ??? (fetish reasons)
Anonymous 197946
i'm like the jesus christ of female imageboards
Anonymous 197947
>>197944nta but trap is a porn genre….
Anonymous 197948
traps are hideous, they're just moeblobs with a dick.
Anonymous 197950…

>>197928nah same- it's the only place where i feel like i actually fit online and feel understood, and i didn't realize how badly i needed a female space like it until i found it; i would be devastated. luv u too, don't worry we'll figure it out i'm not losing you!!!
Anonymous 197951
>>197948i think any woman who claims to be into traps is extremely pickme-brained and pornsick
Anonymous 197953
>>197903I'm not into traps but I'd be your friend, .
Anonymous 197957
>>197901Explain why it works for some anons with different providers then
Anonymous 197958
>>197945i guess i should've said otoko no ko then. a large part of the appeal for me is that they are feminine/especially pretty (and i am pleased when i'm reading a manga and a cute side character turns out to be a guy) but i generally don't gravitate to works where the main gag is "dick in skirt"
>>197947can you show me something that isn't a porn genre
Anonymous 197959
>>197953Samefag, forgot the word was banned. Whoops.
Anonymous 197960
i think we're entering the psychosis stage of this event
Anonymous 197961
i have actually been banned for three days for posting about traps, that's basically the same thing
Anonymous 197963
Anonymous 197965
>>197962how about YOU kys for assuming everyone who likes something you don't is a moid
Anonymous 197966
Anonymous 197967
>>197964Starts with an n, ends with onna. Or onnie.
Anonymous 197970

are n0nnies really trying to make a site just like lolcow? i like cc but i don't think this site will work for longterm lc users
Anonymous 197971
this is absurd to me. it's like if i post a red-haired woman and go "yay i love women with red hair" and the rest of you go "umm well actually sister! there are porn videos of women with red hair so it's automatically a moid thing :/"
but i also want to say that jesus was stoned too…so i accept the abuse for speaking my truth.
Anonymous 197973
>>197971a woman with red hair is a normal thing in the real world and traps are literally a coomer porn term
Anonymous 197974
>>197971You're comparing a woman with red hair to a fucking man dressing as a woman? Are you serious? Go dilate you retard.
Anonymous 197975
the three horsemen of the apocalypse: blaine, pakichan, romanianon
Anonymous 197977
>>197970i'm serious about helping out with the lolcow replica if the coding anons are serious too lol
Anonymous 197979
plz don't reply to baiting moid
Anonymous 197980
>>197970There's gonna be a split, people who were using cow boards will wind up scattered to twitter, lsa, and probably at least one lolcow clone
people who stay here will only be the ones who exclusively used /ot/, /g/, /m/, and /2X/, and they'll need to assimilate as best they can
Anonymous 197981
>>197940traps were originally for closeted gay men. "oh whoops I thought it was a girl" "it really is like a girl so it's ok" blah blah
>>197958I guess you should have, especially if you're gonna keep posting about how you're oppressed for liking them and you don't even know what they are.
if you don't believe it's a girl at first it's not a trap. that's why it's called a "trap".
Anonymous 197982
What do you guys think about reverse traps ie women that look like men? Cool or nah?
Anonymous 197985
>>197928I feel the same . Being able to speak openly with other women about trannies and moids as well as post dumb shit is so freeing. All other female sites are just clones of Reddit and you can’t even say you hate moids without being bashed by other women because ‘feminism is about equality, not putting women above men!!’ it sucks.
Anonymous 197986

>>197978i didn't even use a vpn and got in just an hour ago, now it's not working again
Anonymous 197988
please shaymin, anyone, let us in before quitting the site i hate it here. we're like a bunch of drunk hobos fighting out in the cold after being locked out of our shelter. please.
Anonymous 197989
>>197924Same. I wonder if this means she's restoring it and everyone will be able to use the site again.
Anonymous 197991
absolutely based, I'll be going back to Gaia
Anonymous 197992

>>197982they're based. especially when paired with a femboy
>>197981>if you don't believe it's a girl sometimes i do though…like picrel, grusha's pretty girly looking
Anonymous 197993
>>197989Samefag, I also got a little notification on the site saying "ungoing upgrades, posting has been re-enabled at" and a button that says Take Me There
Anonymous 197995
>>197992grusha is ugly don't pair rika with him
Anonymous 197996

>>197980i liked the cows and /ot/, but i guess i'll integrate to cc and just wait to see if a new site ever happens for the time being
Anonymous 197997
I still can’t access anything at all. RIP
Anonymous 197999
I would not join that discord
Anonymous 198001
>>197994do you want to kiss. mwah
>>197995his hair is weird looking but he's cute
Anonymous 198002
>>197998She's already handing things over???????????
Anonymous 198003
The sites now working for me, don't know if its just me or but its kinda chugging a bit
Sage 198004
I seriously can’t help imagining that all posters here are troons. Sorry.
Anonymous 198005
i hate that people aren't spacing their quotes anymore. stop fearing retards that screech reddit spacing whenever they see a paragraph break
Anonymous 198007
>>197998But wtf does
>organizing or keeping up with bunker discussionMean exactly? I'll take one for the team and join though.
Anonymous 198008
>>197998>>198002That is reaaaaaaally fast.
Changing identities again maybe?
Anonymous 198009
He's been posting here for months before the first bunker thread namefagging as UH (unabashed hermaphrodite) which is a name he uses on other sites.
Anonymous 198012
>>198007thx n0nna, let us know what you find
Anonymous 198014
I was thinking that too
Anonymous 198016
N0nnies i do NOT like that it sounds like she already is handing things over to a new admin when she hasn't even replied to emails. I don't like this at all.
Anonymous 198017
>>198010Not this thread specifically, just cc in general.
Anonymous 198019
>>198005why would anyone space their quotes lol
Anonymous 198022
organizing… what? did she make a server to stalk this thread?
Anonymous 198024
>>197998Is this our Christmas present??? jesus christ this is a shitshow
Anonymous 198025
i hope youre wrong, feels more like shes just throwing her hands up and giving up but just hope newmin is one of the people who said they emailed her here
Anonymous 198026
>>197998Oh dear god we've been sold to what is no doubt a troonie babooney
I hope none of you have ever left anything incriminating in any of your posts
Anonymous 198028
>>197992you're not integrating. you can say "gender-non-conforming men are hot" then it's ok to like it. You can't say sometimes you think they're girls and expect people to not bully you (1. they will never be girls, 2. the fact they will never be girls is the ultimate point of traps so you aren't even doing the fetish right to be honest).
Anonymous 198029
>>197998wtf is going on in that server? i don't want to join, it seems sketchy and idk how discord works. is someone willing to join on a throwaway and post caps?
Anonymous 198031
>>197998There is no way she could have properly vetted a new admin in just a couple hours. We are entering end times.
Anonymous 198032
discord serv.jpg

>>198012Hacker voice I'm in.
Nothing yet, just this. It's only 3 other anons other than me and admin. I'll keep you guys updated as much as I can if no one else does.
Anonymous 198034
>>198018Fuck this was my first thought. He's been trying to get lolcow since he first found it. If he's following the drama here and is aware shaymin wants to let the site go he'd be the first to email her. If shaymin doesn't care about lc being run by women she'd 100% give it to him because he'd be able to avoid fucking up and making it go down at the very least.
Anonymous 198035
>>198032Samefag, if the text looks weird that's because I edited out the time.
Anonymous 198036
you know i just thought of something regarding transferring threads onto the new site, even though i'm too late now. since /ot/ has way too many threads (with some being duplicates or scrote filled like the old ones) why not just transfer the most recent threads only? they're usually numbered (ie dumbass shit #765600 whatever) so just go by the most recent number
Anonymous 198038
>>198032ask how the fuck she could possibly have a new admin WHEN SHE WON'T REPLY TO EMAILS
Anonymous 198039
kek why would you get this mad about it
Anonymous 198040
i will be adding astolfo banners to lolcow when i am made admin
Anonymous 198041
>>198031>"Ines" hands the site to Shaymin, who is totally not her>Shaymin hands the site over to Dashamin or someone who is totally not her either Anonymous 198042
What happened to the Shaytard admin? She give up on learning how to do it or what?
Anonymous 198043
stop speaking evil into the world retards no moid is going to own lolcow
Anonymous 198044
damn, I remember you, that is rough
Anonymous 198045
>>198036that's not a bad idea, but didn't database-chan already back everything up?
Anonymous 198046
I just got done with last minute Christmas shopping looks like everything is still grim
Did anybody get any cool presents for people that you're stoked about? I got my lil nephews minecraft swords that turn into minecraft axes and I dont have to deal with the fallout where they beat the shit out of each other cuz I'm not raising them lol
Anonymous 198047
>>198032THANK U NONN1E
can you ask her where she found a new admin
Anonymous 198048
>>198038It's holidays and she's obviously frustrated/in bad headspace n0nna. Let her calm down, spend some time with her family like she wanted and she'll either have changed her mind or respond to you in a more coherent way than she probably would rn.
Anonymous 198049
that's not that bad
Anonymous 198050
>>198038>>198047Ok, I asked. I hope she won't get upset and kick me out.
Anonymous 198051
>>198042you mean shaymin? n0nnie where have you been kek
Anonymous 198053
so if Shaymin is a fail, and we had to pick one cow who's biggest follower and/or alog had to become the new admin, who would it be?
Anonymous 198054
>>198053do any of the cows actually know how to code?
my vote would be for actual shayna tbh, she couldn't possibly do worse than her namesake
Anonymous 198055
>>198054Josh is the only coding cow I can think of.
Anonymous 198056
>>198054i mean what cow's thread should produce the admin if that is the thing we are doing now
Anonymous 198058
>>198053Lucinda thread only because that would mean we get Lucinda as admin and it would be so funny. That’s how I want us to go down.
Anonymous 198059
>>198051I just remember that last year, the previous admin was trying to teach new admin (someone who frequented Shayna threads) how to run the site. I haven’t been here since the site went down, just decided to check today if there was a refugee thread here.
Anonymous 198060
the invitation expired can someone post a new link?
Anonymous 198064
>>198058Lucinda doesn't even have the brain capacity to handle it because she has starved her braincells
Anonymous 198069
>>198058samefag but imagine her schizotyping style but with the admin stamp on top kek
Anonymous 198070

I emailed shaymin about potentially helping with costs but she said it's not a money issue.
Anonymous 198075
>>198058our unicorn queen wouldn’t let us down :( we’d have chicken run movie nights every day and she’d let us know what’s going on whether we want it or not.
Anonymous 198076
>>198053taylor bc she would communicate in meth binges and be too lazy to fuck anything up
Anonymous 198078
discord update.jpg

New discord post. It sounds like she's relying on that anon to have a backup, which is very strange.
Anonymous 198079
>>198053One of the 5 consistent Heather anons.
Anonymous 198083
They’re changing the layout again because we fucking hate it. At least they better or they’re fucking stupid. Where is the god damn sanic thread
Anonymous 198084
>the "i'm scared" and "i have a bad feeling uwu" anons everyone was bullying the other night turned out to be completely right
Anonymous 198085
I'm terrified kek. Who the hell is taking over…
Anonymous 198086
>>198083Fuck the shit owner for selling out
Anonymous 198087
discord admin upda…

There was also an anon who said they got a reply from admin asking for a resume, but I wont post that in case they want to talk about it here themselves.
Anonymous 198090
>>198078>>198073Admin most of the users can't even view either of the websites.. How are you going to get enough applicants (who aren't moids who have been waiting for this for a long time) to choose from then?
Anonymous 198091
>>198090we're probably genuinely the best off if she just pulls the plug
Anonymous 198092
>>198081null planned to do the same thing when KF was crippled due to keffals, he planned to do a torrent file with all the KF archives
Anonymous 198093
discord blah.jpg

>>198089She hasn't answered the question about if she's found a new admin already, but I wasn't expecting her to. She's very experienced in question dodging…
>>198090She said on /meta/ that regular lolcow should be working if you clear your cache and wait.
Anonymous 198095
>>198073So does she have someone lined up as a new owner or not? Sorry if I'm retarded but I'm not understanding her kek
Anonymous 198097
Yesterday I was crying about hating nucow. I'd even prefer having to tolerate lynxchan than lc not existing at all, and I hate lynxchan
Anonymous 198098
i'm scared for the future of lc but honestly the bunker threads are the most fun i've had on an ib in a long time, i feel more connected to my fellow n0nnas who are experiencing this shitshow in real time kek
Anonymous 198099
>>198058>entire board suddenly turns into twitterfags defending her Anonymous 198100
discord a.jpg

>>198095She hasn't answered, and no you're not retarded she just doesn't want to answer any questions.
Anonymous 198102
>>198093i don't understand, she is hiring new jannies but doesn't have a new admin lined up? or does she? why is she talking about server costs?
Anonymous 198103
>>198098same lol, i havent even been using lc recently
Anonymous 198104
>>198100Do farmhands need technical knowledge? I'm in aus but could help.
Anonymous 198105
>>198093200 is a reasonable monthly cost for the site. No less than 150 at the bare minimum for the disk space and bandwidth and you might pay more, too.
Anonymous 198106
>>198102She won't answer that question Ughhhhh I've got a bad feeling about this
Anonymous 198107
>>198098Same to your whole post, whatever happens I'll remember having fun with my nonn1es anxiously posting in the bunker thread about the future of lc
Anonymous 198108
>>198084Ironically that kind of autism is also the cause of admin throwing the towel. Self fulfilling prophecy.
Anonymous 198109
>>198098same here. if we go down, we go down together!
Anonymous 198111
cow discorddd.jpg

Some of these messages may be a little out of order. I'm trying to keep up with the messages being posted.
Don't know what this is about but I'll post it anyway in case it has any relevance to anyone
Anonymous 198115
i am so tired of her "being intentionally vague" shit lmfao (assuming it's intentional, maybe she's just genuinely shit at communication) it's really not the time for that considering there's only a handful of users left who trust her whatsoever, and with so many people saying that they'd sympathize with her more if she was just upfront with us
Anonymous 198116
thicker skin.jpg

>>198114I asked again if an admin has been found. No response.
Anonymous 198119
>>198108>calling people "autistic" and telling them it's their fault shaymin went full retard, refused to communicate and dropped several bombs on the site unprompted because they expressed their worries Anonymous 198120
>>198117Why is she so retarded omg I was defending her last night but she's just as retarded as the anons I was trying to defend her from
Anonymous 198122
>>198110>>198119No, but completely sperging out while she was still working on it effectively made her give up. Yes, it's partly your fault and you caused exactly what trannies and moids wished for, congrats.
Anonymous 198123
>>198111IHM runs 94chan and as far as I can see her site has close to 100% uptime, don't know why she'd bother
Anonymous 198124
>>198119>dropped several bombs on the site unpromptedSamefag but she literally announced all of this on meta.
Anonymous 198125
She doesn't have anyone lined up!! Lol fucking liar
Anonymous 198126
what's the news cuties whats GOOD
Anonymous 198129
>>198122why can't you be normal and blame the person actually doing these things instead of point the finger at some anons? if someone is that dissuaded from people saying they're worried and have a bad feeling then that's honestly pathetic and they don't deserve to run a site as large as lolcow. besides that stop being a suck up, she'll never fuck you etc.
Anonymous 198130

I guess this is the answer, but I don't know because she didn't respond directly. If she doesn't have anyone lined up I'm not sure why she's talking about janny applications when that's something the new hypothetical admin would handle.
Also, sorry for this shitty quality.
Anonymous 198131
>>198130She keeps getting screencapped in her LIES
Anonymous 198132
is there a current working link? is the site back up? sorry to ask for spoonfeeding
Anonymous 198135
i love the anons in there confronting her, ur doing the lords work
Anonymous 198136
To all the n0nnies I was getting mad at lastnight for sperging out at shaymin, I still don't think you should've done it kek but I'm sorry for getting mad at you all. Fuck shaymin
Anonymous 198137
>>198093did the cache clearing thing, and nothing. still can't get to the original site either.
Anonymous 198138
>>198130why would she say "while i hand it over" if she doesn't have anyone lined up kek, i know it's kind of a nitpick but the wording made it seem like she already found a new admin
Anonymous 198140
>>198129Because I have empathy and can imagine how shitty it must be to see a ton of work in front of you while very vocal autists who are part of the people you do the work for in the first place (in your free time, during Christmas, while paying 200 a month out of your own pocket for it) screech about it not being done yet and making up retarded tinfoil after tinfoil.
Anonymous 198141
>>198132If you can't get in on original lolcow try a free proxy. You can find one just from googling. Some threads won't work if you try to click on them and it's a bit finicky but better than nothing.
Anonymous 198143
>>198132She said to try clearing your cache and waiting for the website to load, but apparently should be working
Anonymous 198144
>>198140>during Christmasliterally no one told her she had to do this at this time kek. she brought it on herself
Anonymous 198145
>>198140she could've done this at any other time. actually doing it later would have been better because she could have made sure the new site actually worked, and properly beta'd it.
Anonymous 198146
why did she renamed herself as shatmin
Anonymous 198148
>>198141NTA but i also tried this and still get error messages
Anonymous 198149

Changed her name to Shatmin and some farmhand stuff.
Anonymous 198150
>>198140She could have got donations so it wouldn't have to be paid out of pocket if she did better.
Anonymous 198153
>>198125>>198130>>198131Are you guys esl? She said she viewed emails of anons offering help, not that she has someone lined up?
Anonymous 198154

>>198139Uh oh, she didn't like your post anon. Don't know why she just can't come here and say it herself though instead of expecting us to deliver the message.
Anonymous 198155
>>198149why would anyone DM her when she is stepping down? I thought she was "fed up" but she's accepting the admin equivalent of hiring-manager work. the fuck
Anonymous 198159
>>198154I don't know, please keep doing it though, this convoluted system of communication is the most entertainment that's happened in months, maybe years
Anonymous 198160
what is the vetting process ?
Anonymous 198161
>>198153didnt she say she was transferring the site in the meta thread or am i retarded
Anonymous 198162

Like why is she indirectly responding to anons on here. Also, she's sticking by the farmhand that revealed someone's IP address.
Anonymous 198163
>>198144>>198145True, but that doesn't change that the situation must be shitty for her. It also doesn't justify the autistic screeching I mentioned.
>>198147>rooting for lolcows demise Anonymous 198164
Screenshot 2022-12…

>If you don't have faith in the vetting process of previous admins then what makes you think I am not Null or some other scrote?
lmao shaymin don't do this you're gonna drive the tinfoilers insane
Anonymous 198168
tinfoil, admin is shitty cp spamming tranny
Anonymous 198169
>>198154>is because of anons are pointlesswat
Anonymous 198170
>>198162Ffs shaymin if you are reading just reply. Namefag even. Communication is the number one thing everyone has been asking for
Anonymous 198175
Thank you nonn1e
Anonymous 198178
>>198162What is this about a farmhand revealing an IP address? Sorry if I'm being retarded kek I haven't heard of it. Is that discussed anywhere?
Anonymous 198179
>>198174That message is so cringe that I'm changing sides, I'm rooting for admin now I think
Anonymous 198180
She shouldn't need a message bitch.
Anonymous 198181
IHM is another drama prone BPD-chan but at least she knows how to run a website.
Anonymous 198182

I don't like being admin's message bitch but I want everyone to see this stuff so.
Anonymous 198184
hold up who’s IHM ? and why did she got this message ? this is getting weird
Anonymous 198185

>>198174>>198176Hi, IHM here. That's actually bullshit. I love how she leaves the context out, I'd be happy to post.
Anonymous 198186
>>198182ok what's the grift this is getting ridiculous
Anonymous 198187
>>198182you're like a wartime journalist n0nna, people will appreciate your documentation later
Anonymous 198188

>>198185This is the response she gave me to the first email. Is there a way to attach multiple images?
Anonymous 198189
>>198176kek is that the admin of 94chan? bc i went on there like half an hour ago and the first post i saw was an anon saying "the admin of this site is an incel loser faggot" lmao
Anonymous 198190
>>198182you're doing lord's work, n0nnie. we appreciate it.
Anonymous 198193
>>198174I mean she's right, you shouldn't give them a fucking answer key for that
Anonymous 198195
>>198185ok now post a screenshot of the email you actually sent not literally your draft with the cursor still blinking wtf
Anonymous 198197
>>198154Admin there's literally a bunch of samefags of questionable chromosomes here seething and desperately wanting you to retire so the site can be ruined. Please don't take it to heart.
Anonymous 198198
>>198182you're a hero on the front lines anon thank you…… this is getting so messy kek!
Anonymous 198199
>>198191non popular board lmfao, you’re not missing much
Anonymous 198200
>>1981783 instances happened around 2 weeks ago. First a janny redtexted someone venting about their cancer with "seethe" and then claimed it was an accident. Then a janny banned an anon for calling herself a darkie while venting about race. Then an anon samefagged her post to make a joke about cat pee and an farmhand decided to reveal their IP address to prove they were samefagging. I would provide caps but lolcow isn't working on my computer. I hope another anon wil post them though.
>>198188>>198185Jesus, what's going on.
Anonymous 198201
>>198182thank you so much n0nnie. why cant she just come over here. maybe cause we'd trigger her kek
Anonymous 198202
>>198185you did send that message then? you sperged out when she declined? or is there more to it?
Anonymous 198203

>>198195That is the email, as I sent it. Here's full exchange.
Anonymous 198206
>>198189Nah IHM is a woman, Britney something, she's been doxed for over a decade. Really, really hates Kirtaner which is based. Has an ED page, has been involved with drama. But she is a true and honest female.
Anonymous 198207

>>198202Here's what I sent her after she went BPD mode like she does every other week because she's an incompetent fuck. Anyways, good luck femanons and I hope your new admin isn't a dumbass.
Anonymous 198208
>>198178tl;dr someone samefagged in the cat hate thread on /ot/, farmhand outed them when they denied it. it was discussed on lc's /meta/ and the cat hate thread
Anonymous 198209
>>198162Probably because it really was the tranny.
Anonymous 198210
>>198200>Jesus, what's going on.I have no idea at this point. It's too chaotic to follow
Anonymous 198211
>>198200Thank you for explaining, is it known if this was multiple jannies or just one?
Anonymous 198215
just so everyone knows, she spent 3 days fiddling with premade code for a shitty poorly structured imageboard.
Anonymous 198217
>>198206ah i see, looking at her ED page now. thx n0nna
Anonymous 198223
>>198185Ew… are you a farmer? How did you arrive so quickly after hearing your name?
Anonymous 198225
IHM your internet history is truly bizarre, at least she wont hand to someone who has an entire dedicated ED page 198227
>>198211No, it's not known.
I should clarify that the reason why no one liked that that farmhand posted that anon's IP is because it was a very harmless post and not worth revealing information like that over. There was another instance about 2 years ago where a farmhand revealed someone's entire post history because they posted their own face and lied about it when farmhands wouldn't take it down. It wasn't as frowned upon because it was more reasonable for jannys to reveal something like that in that kind of situation.
Anonymous 198228
>>198207it was a brief contest, but you win the cringe off
Anonymous 198229
IHM seems like a retard. Anyone saying "my chan" is beyond cringe.
Anonymous 198232
>>198212>on my chan. People respect me.>admin is a faggotYou can't make this shit up.
Anonymous 198233
>>198225oh wait, i know her. she tried to fuck my friend's neonazi boyfriend. what the fuck is happening here?
Anonymous 198234
Merry milkmas, I guess? Might be the milkiest so far.
Anonymous 198236
>>198225God, I forgot how much I hate encyclopedia dramatica.
Anonymous 198237
this so much. wow.
Anonymous 198238
>>198209Then why wouldn't she just say that?
Anonymous 198241
>>198234it's beaten the previous christmas with the romania anon drama. cheers
Anonymous 198242
>>198233Kek you know her irl? Give us milk
Anonymous 198243
>>198233why would you stay w a friend who has a neonazi bf
Anonymous 198245
what the fuck is going on kek
Anonymous 198251
>>198231She ostracized herself more with this than the neonazi shit kek
Anonymous 198252
Admin successfully deflected kek. Now we're not even talking about her and she's no longer saying anything in the discord.
Anonymous 198253
N0nnies I will make a new ib called nekochan and it can be our new home.
Anonymous 198255
>>198249That's a damaged xx chromosoid nønnie
Anonymous 198256
>says that runs a pedoring to get it closed
>admin wont lend her the control of the site
>reeeeee admin is so mean to me!!!
Anonymous 198257

can shaymin just fix the site or event post a generous ETA on when the site will be fixed
fuck this shit
Anonymous 198260
>>198257how are you a drama board user but you're leaving right now of all times
Anonymous 198261
>>198182Makes sense with who seems to be lurking.
Anonymous 198263
>>198230Wtf EW can we get the cc mods to ban her from here
Anonymous 198264
>>198256>says that runs a pedoring to get it closedWas this relating to when Elaine was making these claims? I knew IHM was involved with Elaine in some retarded way, it's in Elaine Thread 1 or 2, but not that she made these claims.
Anonymous 198266
More proof that you guys suck at clocking trannies
Anonymous 198271
Perhaps this was all a gift in disguise
Anonymous 198274
Maybe she just doesn't conform to gender behaviour socialisation and the stereotypical behaviour deemed acceptable for a woman to exhibit, by society.
Anonymous 198276
i'm giving it until january.
Anonymous 198279
>>198239>>198242>>198243sorry, my ex friend(phoneposting) and we didn't know at the time about him being a neonazi. i left that cursed friend group a loooong time ago. but i remember she caused a fuckload of drama with people and sent random nudes. she lived a couple hours away so she mostly talked to the group on skype unless she got rides to where we lived. she tried to fuck the guy at a con moot appeared at about a decade ago. possibly stole money from someone's car. i totally forgot about her, and most of that crowd honestly. merry fucking christmas.
Anonymous 198280
>>198268its literally IMH are u tarded ??
Anonymous 198281
>>198278that is not what selfpost means
Anonymous 198282

>>198260honestly even though I was on IBs starting from when I was a teen this is getting a bit much for me.
Anonymous 198283
>>198243Not op but I support my friends through their terrible dating decisions as long as they aren't hurting their kid or something like that
Anonymous 198284
why do we have to accuse other women of being "mannish" ugh.
Anonymous 198285
>>198274no, her email looked like 4chan copypasta
Anonymous 198286
>>198285one sec, no one fed google any of the lines yet
Anonymous 198287
>>198279it's always random nudes in these sort of circles, kek. glad you left that behind.
Anonymous 198288
>>198247She has a whole ass encyclopediadramatica about her, some of you really are tranny obsessed huh
Anonymous 198291
>>198288I'm tinfoiling it's the retard tranny just trying to say shit like he always does
Anonymous 198293
>>198288I forgot about the tranny for a second, I was genuinely just trying to insult her
Anonymous 198294
>>198284because this woman's entire internet presence has been based on imitating retarded moids and starting shit with other women for scrote attention kek. i get what you mean but she's not a great person to defend
Anonymous 198295
this thread has been like watching the titanic slowly drown
Anonymous 198296
It's not gonna be IHM, so this is irrelevant.
What has shaymin said?
Anonymous 198298
>>198268It hurts cause you know I'm right
Anonymous 198299
zero record of any of this on /meta/
Anonymous 198300
>>198283youd support a friend dating a neonazi, really?… anon come on. get some standards. if a friend makes that choice she probably isnt a good person either
Anonymous 198302
>>198284It's their "go to" when someone says something they disagree with
Anonymous 198303
>>198299Because lots of nonn1es still can't get in to post. CC is a graveyard any other day
Anonymous 198304
>>198303only half of us are going to know this ever happened
Anonymous 198305
Deflection techniques on par with megacorporations.
Anonymous 198306
>>198296shatmin hasn't said anything since the last screenshot. the discord chat died the
moment IHM posted here
Anonymous 198308
>>198304true and i feel yucky to be a part of it tbh. it was kinda fun before this ihm creep came into the site
Anonymous 198309
>>198287they were all big messes. they still hang out at cons pulling the same crap to this day apparently. brittany is in a league of her own though…she's the same as she was a decade ago.
Anonymous 198310
That's not what she said
Anonymous 198314
>>198305Takes more than one person to run a mega megacorporation
Anonymous 198315
This has shown that the userbase of LC has declined from what it was and now a majority of twitter and PULL retards. Shaymin did nothing wrong and everything was fairly standard for an image board switching site software. She was doing a better job of it than most of the moids I've seen attempt it, including Josh and she was doing it in her own free time and without payment.
Anonymous 198316
>>198300Idk what to tell you. There is a female friend/relative in my life who started dating neo nazis for a while (not like internet dweeb nazis) because we grew up in a poor trash community and she got super sexually assaulted her whole life and they were her way of feeling safe at the time. I'm simplifying but life is complicated.
Anonymous 198318
>>198306Maybe she saw IHM lurking on here and it made her throw her hands up.
Anonymous 198319
>>198315Lc went downhill when twitter discovered it and Shane Dawson had a screenshot of it in one of his videos. You could instantly recognize the twitterspeak. About 2018?
Anonymous 198320
>>198316>he's my emotional support neonazi boyfriend Anonymous 198321
>>198315I'm still confused why everyone got all upset, shaymin included.
Anonymous 198322
>>198321This whole thing has been like watching two trains collide into eachother at full speed while not being able to do anything to stop it