
Instruments Anonymous 203854
Do any of you anons play an instrument?
>If you do which one, if you don't which one would you want to play?
>How long have you been playing?
>Ever been in a band?
Picrel made me want to pick up a guitar. I can't rn because lack of expenses and because I live somewhere with very thin walls. I'm also interested in violin but I've heard you have to be very skillful to play one and that they have a high entry barrier.
Anonymous 204123
I play violin. Honestly, once you get the basics of bowing down the biggest pain in the ass is getting your fingers to remember where they're supposed to be. I haven't been playing a super long time, only had mine since around 2015 or so, I think? Never been in a band but I appreciate Bocchi's autism.
Anonymous 204135
I grew up playing keyboard but kinda fell out of it over the years. Wish I had stuck to it (or chosen piano instead) but I know I wouldn't have the patience or dedication to play now so oh well
Anonymous 204313
I play guitar and bass
Anonymous 204338
I played violin then switched to viola (because I was bad at violin). I played in orchestras/symphonies/quartets, which were fun, but the rehearsals were a pain in the ass. I haven't practiced since I graduated high school. It's a cool party trick for the grandparents though.
Lately I've been self-teaching piano and I gotta say, it's a lot easier. And personally, it's enjoyable to play in a way violin/viola never really was. I don't have to force myself to practice, I just gravitate towards it whenever I need a break from things.
>>203854For violin you just have to practice heaps before you can start sounding decent, but if you're consistent you'll be fine.
Anonymous 204706
I play piano and guitar, mostly piano. I’m classically trained and am currently working on a performance diploma. I’m not as good at guitar (I’m entirely self-taught and mostly just mess around with my favourite songs and random chords), but it’s fun. I was in a band for a while as a teenager but we were shit lol.
Anonymous 204744
>>203854>>204338I fucking love how violin sounds in music right, it always makes me wanna learn playing the violin, but then I realize that playing violin by yourself doesn't sounds as good.
Anonymous 204983…

>>203854Guitar, piano, electronic instruments: synths, DAW
Anonymous 205155
>>204338As much as I like viola, as a violin player I am obligated to make fun of you. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules, it's just how the law of orchestras go.
Anonymous 205268
I play viola, just graduated with a performance degree. been playing 14 years and I love it but hate it. rlly hard to try and make a hobby into a career and I’ve had to work on shifting my attitude towards music in order to keep going.
Anonymous 205274
>>203854You don’t need to be super talented to enjoy playing violin if it’s just a hobby! look into zoom lessons, pretty cheap to get started or honestly even just youtube videos. In terms of money, guitar is probably cheaper to buy a good quality one and it’s easier to learn than violin but maybe try with guitar and move onto violin when u get a grasp for it.
Anonymous 205280
I've been playing the french horn for a couple years now and I've been in a handful of classical orchestras but never any bands, though I would kill to be in a folk/prog/fusion band lol. Are there any other brass Stacies here?
Anonymous 206705
>>205268how did you do it? just wondering.
Anonymous 206709
>>205280I played French Horn for a little while in middle school and even took lessons! It was fun.
Anonymous 206710
>>203854I've tried lots of instruments. Piano, violin, french horn, and guitar. I loved violin the most. I tried composing music for it but I was a dumb middleschooler and also suck at music so it wasn't very good. Sadly I'm terrible at music and I think I'm tone-deaf because I can't sing to save my life despite being forced to be in choirs since I was really young.
Anonymous 206979
>>206710The kalimba would be a good choice for you. Easy to learn and compose with. It's also small so it isn't looming in your room like a neglected piano.
Anonymous 207259
When I was little I really wanted to learn the trombone. My mom hated it and made fun of me for it so I never practiced outside of class. Now that I'm an adult I think I'm going to try joining some hobbyist band and relearn how to play. Maybe get good enough to join a little jazz group. I just need to find a place that sells trombones for under 1k in my city haha
Anonymous 207353
If you're 100% sure you want to learn electric guitar, start with that and skip acoustic.
Anonymous 207439
>>205155my understanding is viola players are actually paid more than violin players on average because a lot of people think like you do. granted you don't become a concert musician for the money
Anonymous 207479
>since age 9, 24 now.
>I wanted to in high school.
Anonymous 207514
If you want to learn to play electric guitar and have thin walls you can just get an amplifier with a headphone jack. The sound will come through the headphones instead of the amp.
Anonymous 209978
>>203854I can only play tin whistle, but I am good at it, I have been playing for about… 6 years I think. Actually I got a double row accordion too and I have been practicing for 8 months on and off but I would hardly say I can play it yet. In a mediocre way perhaps. It's going to take a while to master
I have never been in a band and I never intend to. I only play to pass the time, something to do. I don't like playing for people that much. Someone told me that is selfish if you have that talent but I really don't care
Anonymous 210002
This probably doesn't count but I played the clarinet for a year in middle school and absolutely hated it and hated band class in general. Originally wanted to play percussion but the band teachers said no
Anonymous 210012
>>206705Lots of therapy, weed, and self discipline kek. also I feel like I just can’t do anything else, not that I’m not smart enough but I just don’t want to do anything else but play music for my career, it’s the only thing that makes sense. I just know no other career choice would make me feel content and I never want to have an office job so here I am barely making enough money to survive but I’m content and I get to make people happy with my talent which is so cool
Anonymous 210013
I'm trying to learn the guitar and hopefully the bass later too