
Anonymous 210506
Hi Nonas,
What do you think of my chickem?
thank you
Anonymous 210522
She can cook me and eat me if she should ever need the sustenance to survive
Anonymous 210524
Tell her I love her pls
Anonymous 210526
I miss having hens. Mine would run over to me and crouch on my feet so i’d pick them up.
Anonymous 210531
>>210522:0 I would not let her do that to you.
>>210524ok (:
>>210526that is so cute, nona!
This one is a thai chicken.
which one was yours?
Anonymous 210618
YWNBAC you will never be anonita's chicken
Anonymous 210637
shes very cute , whats her opinion on corn vs wheat?
Anonymous 210915

>>210680Like eggs i suppose.
>>210637She doesn't discriminate
This is her bf
Anonymous 210924
Do you live in a farm nona?
Anonymous 210947
>>210924yes (: but I only have two chichkems and don't factory farm or mass produce for companies its just for me and my family.
Anonymous 211095
>>210915the perfect couple… i wish i could have a relationship as perfect
what are their names?
Anonymous 211113
>>211100They're so lovely. What a power couple ♡
Anonymous 211185
very cool. we had chickens for a little while, but a racoon got in and killed them.
Anonymous 211843
>>211472I love this so much, thank you for making my day
Anonymous 211915
>>210947Ah, it must be amazing to live on a farm, I hope you will have more chickens soon
Anonymous 211927
>>211472this is so cute wtf i love women and Cece and female chimkins
Anonymous 212485
>>211472Very good.
>>210506Is the wood piece to keep her in?
Anonymous 212486
she mentioned what her chicken's eggs tastes like so presumably not
Anonymous 212490
Very good thread i am smiling ear to ear
Anonymous 212576
Probably not.
I'm jelly OP, part of me would love to live on a farm but I'm too much of a city slicker, I'd die or something.
Anonymous 212687
>>212363No. I got nothing against them though. I think some vegan food is tasty like tofu. I eat that on egg…
>>212576I love the city too!!! That is where they sell tofu stir fry
Anonymous 213072
>>210915She is so beautiful, I hope she gets plenty of time to roam around outside. I had chickens when I was a child and I named them Kirsty and Rachel after my favourite book series Rainbow Magic. I miss the free eggs so much.
>>210915Is the rooster loud?
Anonymous 213943

>>213072He is not very loud. He crows loud in the morning but it's not enough to replace an alarm clock kek.
Also yeah. Last week there was a pretty bad storm, so she and the goats stayed locked up all last week. The weather seems to have cleared up through.
Anonymous 213950
>>211185i'm sorry about your chickens nona.. RIP
did you have any pictures of them?
Anonymous 213978
>>213950i'm sure i do somewhere, but i'm not gonna look for them, this was like 10 years ago lol.
Anonymous 213994
>>213943what are those little platforms under those open vents back there? do you have animals that go in and out of there?
Anonymous 213997
>>213994No, but I have to leave them open since my cat always finds a way to crawl under the house >:( idk how she does it.
Anonymous 214397
does your chicken like getting held/hugs? I’ve met so many chickens that love getting to cuddle I hope yours is one of them
Anonymous 214478
really cool chicken. very big. may she bless you with company and eggs for many years
Anonymous 214507
She’s so cool. I hope she gives you lots of eggs and snuggles. Chickens are such sweet pets
Anonymous 217609

>>210506very cute:)
I love chickens, here are mine
Anonymous 218688
What's the difference between ordinary chicken and a thai chicken?
Anonymous 218703
>>210531>This one is a thai chicken.>>218697I was asking about this
Anonymous 218707
>>218703oh, i thought you were telling a joke lol
Anonymous 218744
i like your chickens. i also like ducks too
Anonymous 220753

>>217609these are so cute!!
they are so chubby….very pretty, nona.
>>218688Thai Chickens are just a different breed. They are "Longer" than, for example, a Rhode Island Red. Pic Rel
Anonymous 220760
>>220754so elegant, the american one kinda thicc tho
Anonymous 221755
I hope you’ll give a chicken update and post more pictures of her
Anonymous 255207
Chocckin (1).jpg

>>210506update: summer. she is still living elegantly…