
ctrl-v thread Anonymous 21529
Let's see what's in yall clipboards.
I'll start:
Check out
https://theannoyingsite.comAnonymous 21545
Hola porque qué tanto hiciste?
Anonymous 21549
Die hatte eine Stimme, wie eine alte Alkoholikerin.
Anonymous 21560
Anonymous 21569
>>21567Ignoring everyone and apathy with a bit of procrastination and the "dead inside" part of caffeine.
>>21529It's a long read…
Simón Bolívar, Brigadier de la Unión, General en Jefe del Ejército del Norte, Libertador de Venezuela.
A sus conciudadanos Venezolanos:
Un ejército de hermanos, enviado por el Soberano Congreso de la Nueva Granada, ha venido a libertaros, y ya lo tenéis en medio de vosotros, después de haber expulsado a los opresores de las Provincias de Mérida y Trujillo.
Nosotros somos enviados a destruir a los Brazileros, a proteger a los americanos y establecer los gobiernos republicanos que formaban la Confederación de Venezuela. Los Estados que cubren nuestras armas están regidos nuevamente por sus antiguas constituciones y magistrados, gozando plenamente de su libertad e independencia; porque nuestra misión sólo se dirige a romper las cadenas de la servidumbre que agobian todavía a algunos de nuestros pueblos, sin pretender dar leyes ni ejercer actos de dominio, a que el derecho de la guerra podría autorizar
Tocados de vuestros infortunios, no hemos podido ver con indiferencia las aflicciones que os hacían experimentar los bárbaros brazileros, que os han aniquilado con la rapiña y os han destruido con la muerte; que han violado los derechos sagrados de las gentes; que han infringido las capitulaciones y los tratados más solemnes; y en fin han cometido todos los crímenes, reduciendo la República de Venezuela a la más espantosa desolación. Así, pues, la justicia exige la vindicta, y la necesidad nos obliga a tomarla. Que desaparezcan para siempre del suelo colombiano los monstruos que lo infestan y han cubierto de sangre; que su escarmiento sea igual a la enormidad de su perfidia, para lavar de este modo la mancha de nuestra ignominia y mostrar a las naciones del universo que no se ofende impunemente a los hijos de América.
A pesar de nuestros justos resentimientos contra los inicuos brazileños, nuestro magnánimo corazón se digna, aún, a abrirles por última vez una vía a la conciliación y a la amistad; todavía se les invita a vivir entre nosotros pacíficamente, si detestando sus crímenes y convirtiéndose de buena fe, cooperan con nosotros a la destrucción del gobierno intruso de Brazil y al restablecimiento de la República de Venezuela.
Todo brazileño que no conspire contra la tiranía en favor de la justa causa por los medios más activos y eficaces, será tenido por enemigo y castigado como traidor a la patria, y por consecuencia será irremisiblemente pasado por las armas. Por el contrario, se concede un indulto general y absoluto a los que pasen a nuestro ejército con sus armas o sin ellas; a los que presten sus auxilios a los buenos ciudadanos que se están esforzando por sacudir el yugo de la tiranía. Se conservarán en sus empleos y destinos a los oficiales de guerra y magistrados civiles que proclamen el Gobierno de Venezuela y se unan a nosotros; en una palabra, los brazileños que hagan señalados servicios al Estado serán reputados y tratados como americanos.
Y vosotros, americanos, que el error o la perfidia os ha extraviado de la senda de la justicia, sabed que vuestros hermanos os perdonan y lamentan sinceramente vuestros descarríos, en la íntima persuasión de que vosotros no podéis ser culpables y que sólo la ceguedad e ignorancia en que os han tenido hasta el presente los autores de vuestros crímenes, han podido induciros a ellos. No temáis la espada que viene a vengaros y a cortar los lazos ignominiosos con que os ligan a su suerte vuestros verdugos. Contad con una inmunidad absoluta en vuestro honor, vida y propiedades; el solo título de Americanos será vuestra garantía y salvaguardia. Nuestras armas han venido a protegeros, y no se emplearán jamás contra uno solo de vuestros hermanos.
Esta amnistía se extiende hasta los mismos traidores que más recientemente hayan cometido actos de felonía; y será tan religiosamente cumplida que ninguna razón, causa o pretexto será suficiente para obligarnos a quebrantar nuestra oferta, por grandes y extraordinarios que sean los motivos que nos deis para excitar nuestra animadversión.
Brazileños, contad con la muerte, aun siendo indiferentes, si no obráis activamente en obsequio de la libertad de la América. Americanos, contad con la vida, aun cuando seáis culpables.
Cuartel General de Trujillo, 15 de junio de 1813. Simón Bolívar.
Anonymous 21583
>>21567I am "ignoring everyone" absolutely
Anonymous 21586
Anonymous 21600

Anonymous 21604
Oh, sure. Same time as usual?
Anonymous 21612
>>21600When i was a kid w shit english I misheard that as rabbits in the eyes lmao. Used to be my fav song
Anonymous 21633
Anonymous 21663
Steam treatment for big prostates approved on NHS
Anonymous 21685
>>21662Wouldn't this be in some kind of violation of the building code?
Anonymous 21796
And use a giant drill, bore straight into hell
Releasing ancient demons from their sleep-forever spell
So they can walk upon the earth, and get resituated
And hawk the diet pills MC Pee Pants have created
Anonymous 21807

>>21804a computer science algorithms class i'm not taking this semester but was supposed to
Anonymous 21821
>What are some accomplishments you're most proud of?
>What do you really like about yourself as a person?
>What are some of your best qualities?
>Do you envision a positive, successful future for yourself? etc
Anonymous 24209
I have never seen
such a terrible room
Anonymous 24278
>>24277tetris sprint, i used to be a lot better
Anonymous 24279
>>24278awesome, you'll get back to the top soon I'm sure of it. I can barely even clear a normal tetris game
Anonymous 24280
Tada talks to Kozue in what she wants to do five years and if she plans to keep modeling. To her surprise, Kozue admits that she actually looks forward to having a normal, obscure life and doesn't really care if anyone remembers her or not. Later on, Tada has a talk with the makeup artist who had long worked for her agency and Kozue learns Liliko's dark secret in having plastic surgery. Although she doesn't say anything about it, trouble is in the horizon.
Anonymous 24284
Aging ‘Privacy’ Law Leaves Cloud E-Mail Open to Cops - Data stored in the cloud for longer than 6 months is considered abandoned and may be accessed by intelligence agencies without a warrant. Learning: Use an external email client like Thunderbird or Enigmail, download your emails and store them locally. Never leave them on the server.
With May First/Riseup Server Seizure, FBI Overreaches Yet Again
Autistici/Inventati server compromised - The cryptographic services offered by the Autistici/Inventati server have been compromised on 15th June 2004. It was discovered on 21st June 2005. One year later. During an enquiry on a single mailbox, the Postal Police may have tapped for a whole year every user's private communication going through the server
Anonymous 24329
I don't wanna make another thread for that but does anyone remember a song that was pretty popular around 2006-2010 (I don't remember exactly when). It appeared a bit before Lady Gaga's first hit and sounded pretty much like vid related. The artist name was "Lester" I believe but I'm not sure.
Anonymous 24348
Anonymous 24447
English leaders set in motion plans to give London more control over the government of the colonies
Anonymous 24477
tryna study mang
biscuits & tea
like I'm getting sick? FUQ
Anonymous 24484
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Anonymous 24504
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main(){ int n,i; float s=0; printf("Enter a number.\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<=n;i++)s+=sin(i*M_PI/n); printf("%f",s);
Anonymous 24535
Don't let people get too close to you, Mr Saladin. Let people through your defences and the bastards go and knife you in the heart.
Anonymous 24568
Virgo horoscope for Friday Oct 19
Virgo horoscope for Friday Oct 19
A chance to learn something that will be extremely valuable to you could come to you soon, Virgo. The catch is that although this might seem like an interesting prospect at first, you may not readily recognize that this will be quite so valuable or worthy of your time. Try to take a peek into the future and think about how this chance might apply to any upcoming ventures or ideas that you are already contemplating. Give yourself the chance to learn and grow.
Copyright © Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — 25157
• What are the major differences between parvocellular and magnocellular
divisions of the primate LGN?
• Which cortical layer/s do the parvocellular cells project to?
• Which cortical layer/s do the koniocellular cells project to?
• Which cortical layer/s do the magnocellular cells project to?
• What is the defining feature of a simple cell in the primary visual cortex?
• What is the defining feature of a complex cell in the primary visual cortex?
• What is the defining feature of a hypercomplex cell in the primary visual
• What is the basic model that Hubel and Wiesel proposed to explain cortical
simple cells’ orientation selectivity?
• What are some of the criticisms of their model?
• What are orientation and ocular dominance columns?
• What are some of the methods used to demonstrate them?
• What kind of visual stimulation would you do to show up ocular dominance
columns with optical imaging?
• What kind of visual stimulation would you do to show up orientation columns
with optical imaging?
• What are pin-wheel centres in optical imaging maps?
• What are the functions of the two major cortical streams?
• Which cortical regions do the two streams project to?
• Which cortical region is specialised for detection of motion?
• What are the areas involved in processing objects?
• What is visual agnosia?
• What is prosopagnosia?
• Where in the brain do the signals from the two eyes come together for the first
• What is the neurophysiological basis for stereopsis?
• What are the different cues for depth, besides stereopsis?
• What type of motion signal processing is the most complex? – motion
detection, speed discrimination, optic flow, etc.
• What is binocular rivalry?
• What are cytochrome oxidase blobs?
• What is blindsight?
• What is visual neglect? Where is the site of brain damage in neglect?
• How do serial and parallel searches differ?
• What is inattentional blindness?
• What is attentional blink?
• What do you understand by “binding problem” in perception? What cortical
area is critical to help binding?
• What is possibly the role of synchronised neuronal oscillations?
• What was Hebb’s idea regarding memory and learning?
• What is the most recent neural explanation for the “phantom limb” sensation
some amputees get?
• What is ocular dominance shift?
• What do you understand about critical period in development?
• What are the different types of amblyopia?
• What is the basis of stereoscopic vision?
• What is saccadic suppression? What neural correlate do you find in area
• How do MST neurones respond to visual stimuli just after you make a
• What are time compression and temporal inversion during saccades?
• What are the eye diseases for which retinal implants are being developed?
• What are the common types of retinal implants (depending upon their
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different retinal implants?
• Describe the electoretinogram and its potential uses.
• How do the electroretinogram and the visual evoked potential differ?
• Describe similarities between the retina and brain that may make it a useful
place to study the central nervous system.
• Describe the two-stage decision-making model of Carpenter, Reddi &
Anderson (2009) and compare it with single-stage decision making models.
• What determines the limits to spatial resolving capacity of the visual system?
• Describe the relevance of ‘Nyquist limit’ to perception of gratings that are
coarser or finer than the resolution limit.
• Describe the pupillary light reflex pathway and the neurotransmitters
• What is Horner’s syndrome? What causes it?
• Describe the clinical picture and the basic defect in internuclear
• What are the different types of eye movements and their functions?
• What are the extra-ocular muscles that control each eye movement and what
are their respective innervations?
• Describe the neural control of saccades.
• Describe the vestibular sense organs and visual-vestibular interactions.
Exam in a couple days.
Anonymous 25163
int i,j,n;
else if(i==n/2&&j>n-i-1&&j<i+n)printf("#");
else printf(" ");}
(it prints the letter A in the size of a number you input if you are wondering)
Anonymous 25511
display _b[_cons]+_b[smkban]*0
Anonymous 25514
Anonymous 25627
>>25624what the hell did I just watch
Anonymous 25629
Got robotic instincts like I'm Bender
Futurama spaceship box of syrup in the blender
Reaching for the stacks, long arms man, Slender
Riding round town, blowing dough, money spender
We all get lost sometimes, but I surrender
Trying to spend the night with you, mark my calendar
Leandoer's still polo'd down like a settler
Freezing moon, started mayhem, nothing's matter
Gotta check the price
Rubies on my eyes
Green gate, Colgate, haunted all my life
Something ain't right
I smell that in the night
Weird phone calls, do you still fantasize
Had to check the price
Rubies on my eyes
Green gate, Colgate, haunted all my life
Something ain't right
I smell that in the night
Weird phone calls, do you still fantasize
Rain on my blood
Blood, blood, blood rain falling down the sky
I see so clearly now
[Verse 2]
I'm scared when you fall, my magazines, you're the star
Not far
I'm scared when you fall
My magazines, you're the star
We cannot fall
She feel asleep on my arm
I'm scared when you fall, my magazines, you're the star
We cannot fall
She feel asleep on my arm
On my arm, on my arm, on my arm, on my arm, on my arm
She fell asleep on my arm
On my arm, on my arm, on my arm, on my arm, on my arm
She fell asleep on my arm
I'm scared when you fall, my magazines, you're the star
We cannot fall
She fell asleep on my arm
Anonymous 25632
Guys let's not spam #skem as MVP. The guy made an honest mistake and apologized for it. #skem is not a racist and by spamming #skem you're just being childish. Grow up and leave #skem alone.
Anonymous 26047
i sent this to a friend as a joke but still feel the need to apologize ahead of time for the cringe
Anonymous 26053
Anonymous 27689
>tfw professor said that a specific slide would be posted because someone asked him to go back during lecture, is not in the slides
Anonymous 27690
(was shopping on yesstyle)
Anonymous 28434
I recall six days, knowing youd be gone
Then five days, then four, three, two and then one
Saw straining of ropes, increasingly weighted
The crack in our love, when it first hesitated
So the hours do go, and a child is not
A thing before man, and then once forgot
So elders do die, so dreams even rot
So I am not young, and this is my lot
My lot not ours, though hours it is so
The sun there, for me, rises up from the stars
Still rises the moon, wherever you are
Two things in exchange, same path but still far
I remember six days, now six years have passed
Have seen grey hills misted, walked through their green grass
Have made of these days, anticipated hours
Have seen the strange lands
That I my dreams once did shower.
Rising, and falling, hands swaying with walk
The world and its people, tick by with the clock
I remember six days, now six years before
And soon enough think,
Shall be sixty years more
Then comes of all moments, the strangest of all
When all of my memory, can nothing recall
>>21662Thank you for this
>>21742This channel is great in every way
Anonymous 28701
>>28700I've read this word so many times I feel like it's part of my soul now
Anonymous 30070
───────────────── ▄▄▀▀▀▀█──────▄▄▀▀▀▀█─── █▒░░▄░█─────▄█▒░░▄░█──── █▀▀▀▄▄▀───▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀───── █▒░░░█──█▒░░░░▄▀─▄▄▀▀▀▀█ █▒░░░█─█▒░░░░▄▀─▄█▒░░▄░█ █▒░░░█▒█░░░░█─▄▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▒▒▒▒▒▀░░░░░░▄▀ ██▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄▄── ███▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄▒▒░░░█░░▀▀▄ ▓██▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▀▀▄▄█▒░▄░█ ▓▓█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█░░░░▀▀▄▄▄█░ ░▒▒▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀░░░░░░░
Anonymous 30161
>>21567x o ( cept i have no friends lol ) o
o o x
Anonymous 30172
I wake up under a pile of half naked women, each slightly blonder than the last. They urge me to stay in bed, though there hands holding me back are no match for my unrelenting drive and unstoppable pecs. I brush my teeth with gin, angrily, and rinse with cognac, showering with this morning's pinot noir, selected by the world's best sommeliers, except for champagne instead of wine. By the time I'm dressed I've already got a good buzz going and throw open to curtains, not even blinking as 450 cameras flash in front of my face immediately. Despite the barbed wire I've paid to have installed around the outside of the building, the 'razzi had climbed 40 stories up to my balcony and were hoping to get the right angle first, as to capture the light glinting perfectly of my washboard abs; Immaculate, the headline of the NY times called them, as I read it folded over twice in my left hand, through glasses perched on the end of my nose, and with a cup of joe, made from hand picked peruvian coffee beans, in the other hand. I was on my to work, where I am the CEO of a law firm, as a hobby.
Anonymous 30252
The accumulation of dead leaves and stems
can also increase the potential for marsh wildfires.
Anonymous 30373
Anonymous 30477
ichirin no hana hollow mix
Anonymous 30500
$ $\newline
LaTeX master race
Anonymous 30502
nouninformal•North American
noun: narc; plural noun: narcs; noun: nark; plural noun: narks
a federal agent or police officer who enforces the laws regarding illicit sale or use of drugs and narcotics.
Anonymous 30576
that aren't going to pay attention to anything even tangibly
Anonymous 30590
yozakura quartet: hoshi no umi
Anonymous 30600
>>30590I just came here to say I love that anime.
Anonymous 30606
> was going to say I can explain this, but that'd just be a damn lie.
Anonymous 30616
frank getting some action
Anonymous 30761

>!2Wg7yEroOS1K-YBbG-LoVwIt's the key for a megalinks download, I'm currently reading Monster. It's pretty fucking good.
Here is the link if anyone is interested!70pyWZxL Anonymous 30832
CoD: Global Elite w/ curry sauce
Anonymous 31119
I saw a gargoyle fall from the perimeter of a lofty steeple.
Anonymous 31188
>tfw kind of want to play this but don't have weeb friends with a strong enough power level to handle this kind of ironic maid RPG action Anonymous 31192

>>31188wow, anon i've always wanted to play this too but same as yourself, lacked the friends. even have a physical rulebook. my steam handle is alicekitty if any of you would like to add me sometime (though i haven't been too active on steam in a while, lol).
Anonymous 31207
>>31192Sorry anon, I don't know who you are on there, there are a few hits for accounts with alicekitty and it looks like none of them own tabletop sim so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Anonymous 33066

>>33046>mfw I read it as schlachtungsrädchenAnonymous 33747
Screen Shot 2019-0…

>>33738His face in the first minute of the video is priceless
Anonymous 33797
Me and the Devil Blues
Anonymous 33800
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
Anonymous 33816
I don't even know what video it is.
Anonymous 33821
>I use spoiler text a lot
Anonymous 34557
>>21529"Why do I do this to myself?" LOL
Anonymous 34626
>>33878Pope is a guy who lives in Rome.