
Anonymous 22004
What are your favorite traditions or other things your family does that you want to pass on some day?
When I was a kid my dad would get up on the roof on Christmas morning and stomp around like Santa, which was kind of terrifying because it shook the whole house. One year when we were getting wise to his game because dad was never in the room when Santa was on the roof, he had a friend come over and do it for him to keep the deception going a little longer. I really want to do that with my own kids some day.
Anonymous 22021
Cute :3
Sounds like you had a good dad.
I have nothing to contribute.
Anonymous 22040
Don't know if this counts as a tradition but when it was a family members birthday, mine for example, mom and dad would gather my brothers and they would all come and wake me up with singing happy birthday and give a present and hugs. Even if it was a school day. It really made you feel special and I want to do this to my future kids or significant other if I have them
Anonymous 22050
>>22040That's so sweet, I love that.
Anonymous 22079
mostly some secret recipes i have come up with
i have nothing to contribute and this is a bit off topic, but i hope i get to be a grandma someday. i'd love to make quilts and preserves and holiday dinners for a bunch of kids
Anonymous 22086
Oh! Our Christmas is very different than most (we were always told Santa isn’t real, for example) and I want it all!
-January 5th night: all us kids put our shoes on the hearth and a carrot for St. Nicholas’ horse and in the morning our shoes were filled with candy
-Christmas Eve we put up the tree and decorate it then go the vigil mass. When we get home late all the kids have new pajamas!
-Christmas Day everyone gets one present and there is a big meal
-on the rest of the 12 days we each get a small treat or gift,, cute little things
-on Epiphany we all get another big present
Oh, such happy memories!
What else?
Easter Vigil mass and we come home and everyone over 12 years old got champagne.
Saturday was Girl Day - dad cooked breakfast and dinner, my brothers cooked lunch, mom, me, and my sisters spent the day crafting and reading.
Anonymous 22096
idk if this counts as a tradition but I'd like it to become one. For the last two years, instead of asking for presents from my parents on my birthday, I've started asking for us to take a trip together.
I realized that I didn't really need or want any material goods, but I did want to make memories with them. And I also felt like it was good for my dad to have an excuse to take off from work, and my mom to have a vacation from cooking and cleaning for him all the time. We've been to New Orleans and Orlando so far, and we were supposed to go to Ireland this year but family stuff came up and so that trip has been put off until 2019.
Anonymous 22125
Raised by European Pagans so obviously there’s a ton of hilarious traditions I intend to keep alive.
There’s also the weird tradition that was passed down of playing “Snap-Dragon” on Halloween. Which involves setting a tray of alcohol, nuts and seeds on fire, and then eating the nuts and seeds as fast as you can whilst the flames are still burning.
I was always bad at it because it terrified me. My sisters were really good though. Crazy competitive fire eating mentalists.
Anonymous 22156
I'm also going to share our way of celebrating christmas:
My mother usually starts baking cookies already in November.
On the 6th of December St. Nicholas and his helper Krampus came to our house (it were just some young guys whom parents could hire), read our sins and then gift as some small presents, usually a books and sweets. But because we were so scared my parents usually just placed our gift in front of the door, secretly rang the bell and told us to look outside.
When I was 9, I was allowed to play an angel at the Nicholas market and hand out chocolate to the younger kids (who still believed we're the real deal), as well as at the church play on the 24th.
My parents bought a christmas tree and placed it in the living rooms already a few days prior.
On christmas day the room was locked. We used to go to church in the afternoon when we were kids, then we ate dinner and then our parents told us to go and play. After a couple of minutes my mother rang a bell and then the door was unlocked, the tree decorated with our presents lying underneath. I still remember that my siblings and I cried when our parents told us that it's actually not Jesus and his little angel helpers doing all the work but them. (Though even nowadays my mother is still doing all that stuff for us lol) Now we go to church late at night and when they dim the lights and only the candles on the christmas trees remain burning while singing the last song I also always am barely able to hold back my tears. Christmas for some reason always makes me feel melancholic.
Anonymous 22161
>>22156>Christmas always makes me feel melancholicSame, anon. I'm not religious but I go with my mom every year to the Christmas Eve services and our choir isn't even
good but I find myself crying big ol' tears every time at the hymns. Sometimes I feel like I just miss being a kid.
Anonymous 22256

All of these are so cute. Birthdays were a big deal growing up…you would wake up to presents on the foot of your bed, with a banner or other cute decorations that my mom would have put up while I was sleeping. It always felt so magical to wake up on your birthday morning and feel the slight weight of the gifts on your feet before you even opened your eyes.
I've continued the tradition somewhat with my boyfriend, except with the gifts and decor out on the dining room table for when he wakes up. That was actually a source of conflict in our relationship early on, because his family is very austere and does not really do gifts at all (even though they are very upper middle class). He's come more to my side though!
Anonymous 22782
Awe this thread idea is adorable. I wish I had more traditional things growing up, the only thing besides holiday traditions like always getting a big ham every year was that my grandmother gives each of her granddaughters a ring with their birth stone on it when they turn 16. Mines emerald and I just keep it in the box most of the time, because I'm scared of losing it lol.
Anonymous 24903
My parents had a jigsaw puzzle that they put together and framed when they moved into the house I grew up in. I really liked the idea so my husband and I did one too.