>>221012I've blocked out so many fine details of my life it's not even funny but I'll do my best I guess.
>Where were you 10 years ago?14. I guess that means it's around or when I started high school so that's at least good because I stopped getting bullied in high school for whatever reason. I still can't explain to this day why because I've always been a perfect target and constantly was in middle school to the point it made my life a living hell.
In high school, I was invisible as shit but at least I wasn't getting tripped on on a daily basis, yelled mocking, horrible shit at while walking home, having someone constantly ask or comment on why I'm so quiet (Happened in high school too but nowhere near as badly), have people scratch their face at me when they walk past (So as to mock my ticks), etc. etc. I still had my one friend but managed to make even more just by virtue of association with him.
>5 years ago?Pretty fucking bad in it's own right. I had just withdrawn from my first year of college because of how many classes I had repeatedly failed (Stopped attending any of them, got so bed-ridden I wasn't even showering and ate all my meals in bed. Came the closest to ending my own life that I ever have before.) I enrolled in a local community college to re-take some of the classes I failed and started working a fast food job on the side to help pay for my classes with it. The manager was a giant fucking asshole that constantly micromanaged me, started talking shit about me, and made me break down crying to the point I quit.
Fortunately, I passed my classes with all As and started moving onto better jobs soon after that. Finally came back to my 4-year university. I had a brief stint tutoring Chinese kids online. Had to get up at 5:00 AM for it (due to timezone difference), then get the bus that was like an hour an 30 mins commute to an from school just one way. The job was beer money, became complete packing peanuts when COVID started (Would only earn like 7-14$ a month from it, if I was lucky), and then made me get laid off without getting told anything but I was able to get a campus job the following semester which was much better. I switched my major to something I'm actually interested in, as up until then I had no idea what the fuck I was even in college for (Old advisor would ask me what for and I would just break down crying in her office).
>2.5I'm still working on campus, at a much better job. It's a different campus job now, but it's also related to my major this time and I just did an internship last summer related to it so I now have actual experience in my field. I still have virtually no friends, or at best half-friends, but I am still miles better back from when I tried to rope myself in my room or would come back home every single day covered in ice cream from a job where everyone treated me like utter shit. I'd rather it be a lonely, but comfortable life rather than what I went through up until now.
>Finally, leave a message for yourself or for miners of the future.Don't fuck up in college like I did. Skipping classes caused me to get put on academic probation, almost get kicked out, and then gave me a whole headache trying to get my financial aid back because of it. I had to enter a program for students on probation that required me to meet with a counselor, "success coach", "peer mentor", etc. and go over my progress so that I could unfuck myself academically. It helped but I think it could have all been avoided if I at least just attended class.
I've realized since then just how many colleges classes you can pass even if you do literally just the bare fucking minimum in them. Especially if it is gen eds, like the ones I failed and for which 70% of students don't care for. Maybe if you go to an Ivy it's different, but for my school these classes are literally just a repeat of ones you get in high school. Personally, I started putting my effort into all my classes - even those - so I even ended up getting on the President's List, then the Dean's List, and then the Honor Roll the first three semesters I came back. They are easy As and can boost your GPA so much.