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Best Linux? Anonymous 221349

What's the best Linux distro to use?

Anonymous 221350

It depends, what are your needs? The "best" one is the one that suits you.

Anonymous 221351


Yes, but what are you going to work with? If starting out, start with Ubuntu

Anonymous 221354


Anonymous 221356

If you want to go through the trouble of setting it up, it's actually great.

Anonymous 221362

linux mint is nice

Anonymous 221365

I use kubuntu and it works just fine and is an all around excellent option. Another possibility that I would suggest is openSUSE, but I haven't used it as much.

Anonymous 221367


I'm a non-technical user (meaning I get by, but half the time I don't understand what I am doing).
I started on Ubuntu (at work), it's fine. Then Linux Mint at home (better). Then Debian for a few years (meh, lots of maintenance but that's on me I guess, it was a stable Debian and I needed a lot of unstable stuff). Now Manjaro. I regret not starting with Manjaro earlier (despite the debates regarding the organisation): it's the only Linux which worked out of the box for me. The graphical interface is nice, and I can do most of what I need with the GUI rather than the dreaded command line.
I'd say manjaro.

Anonymous 221371

the one you can use effectively

Anonymous 221375

Depends on your hardware as well, some distros may not have the latest proprietary drivers and thus shit itself
Nvidia in paticular, shit got goofy when using Ubuntu. Whether I liked it or not I ended up having to use Arch since they had the latest package
That being said for me it's Hannah Montana Linux

Anonymous 221376


another kubuntu user here
everything works flawlessly for me so i don't bother with anything else

Anonymous 221391

linux mint or zorin os are by far the best for new people and just work
it's not bad to have options, especially specialised ones, but it is bad not having an option that is easy and just works (appealing for windows users)

Anonymous 221450

The reason:
If you're using Linux it ought to be for specific purposes, to accomplish specific tasks, with specific hardware. Raspbian and the Raspberry Pi are tailored towards accomplishing any specific project goal.

For a desktop OS, the only obvious choice is the Windows Subsystem for Linux. If you have a desktop you want your operating system to:
1. do your taxes / manage your finances with personal finance software - turbotax and HRBlock don't offer Linux binaries.
2. write, save, and use standardized business and academic documents (resumes, powerpoint presentations, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) - LibreOffice is NOT a sufficient replacement in kind for MS Office, and OpenOffice is a trashfire.
3. Play media without significant difficulty.
4. Maintain personal security and privacy.
Of these, the only dimension on which a non-Windows system might offer any arguable advantage is 4. But realistically the age of viruses and internet explorer targeted malware is over.

Anonymous 221484

Nice, for how long have you been using it?

Anonymous 221552


>how long have you been using it?
For nearly a year, feels much longer!
Was using Ubuntu before the change and what compelled me to try Kubuntu was the vast and easy customization options KDE offers.

I highly recommend Kubuntu to any other anons that love customizing their computers with ease! This is is an excellent OS to migrate from Windows 10 IMO.

These mascots are adorable

Anonymous 221556

Is it possible to learn how to use linux for a tech illiterate?

Anonymous 221558

When I first started using Linux the most knowledge I had was just reinstalling Windows and making the desktop look pretty
The more you use it and look up documentation the easier it becomes imo, learning about how some things worked in Linux lead to a deeper understanding of computers and networking as a whole
You can do it anon!

Anonymous 221560


What are you on
VLC and LibreOffice are fine.
The taxes stuff is an American thing? No one else needs software to do taxes.
>maintain personal security and privacy.
This is low effort trolling.

Anonymous 221562

Yes it's possible at an "average" level

Anonymous 221565

pinguim kill.png

>3. Play media without significant difficulty.
Linux handles media extremely well, what are you playing that it's finds it difficult?

>4. Maintain personal security and privacy.

Like the anon above says, why would you use windows if you cared about privacy and security

Anonymous 221590

I've been using it for 8 years now and I agree that the customisation is great. I don't use it that much though…

Anonymous 221601

It should be said that on Linux, the GUI, desktop environment, window manager, and associated customization are all just packages. You can install and remove desktop environments as you want, they aren't distro-exclusive. Many distros give a choice of desktop environment during installation too.

And if you want to learn the terminal, then I might recommend EndeavorOS, as a gateway for Arch(btw).

Anonymous 221611

Surprised EndeavourOS isn't as reccomended, looks more polished than Manjaro at least on the surface
Arch has an official GUI installer now so it's easier to get into

Anonymous 221620

Some distros recommend you don't mess around with installing and uninstalling desktop environments, that's something to keep in mind when picking a distro.
Even with the installer I'd not recommend Arch for a first experience with Linux.

Anonymous 221666


It does look polished. I'll put it on the list of distros to try out.

Anonymous 221817

what do you think about Fedora?

Anonymous 221912

I wanna give bedrock a try

Anonymous 221958


Anonymous 221976

Anonymous 232317


i use arch (btw) just because thats what works best for me. definitely wont work for everyone. if ur into artsy stuff ubuntu studio is good for beginners (literally just regular ubuntu but with preloaded software thats fun to mess around with.). i personally like arch for the aur and it's a distro that i can basically build everything i want on my computer out of it and everything that happens is controlled by me. if ur not interested in tinkering/figuring out how your os does what it does but still want the benefits of linux security then i would suggest stick with user friendly distros like ubuntu/mint. i saw someone say manjaro which im pretty sure is rolling release but i think you can still use the aur and theres gui installer so there are positives and negatives.

Anonymous 232348

Install gentoo

Anonymous 232349


Anonymous 232374

windows 11

Anonymous 232385

this is a linux thread stupid idiot dumb

i tried fedora, but i had to switch back to windows since it didnt have most of the software i needed and the ones it did have were broken.

Anonymous 232407

VLC is primarily Windows software, and is not an inherent part of experiencing media in a linux environment. Distribution library availability, compatibility with applications and utilities, and reliability of updates are inherent to the process of using media in a Linux environment. Running media on Linux involves a more delicate balance of libraries though, even in mainline linux distributions. For instance, the Germans at SUSE can't figure out how to get their ARM line to play audio, which is an absolute disgrace since one of the biggest reasons to use the ARM line of a linux distro in the first place is to use an RPi as a node for audio work. I dare you, I double dare you, to build every piece of an expansive purposeful set of media related software from source when using a 'normal' version of linux (normal being defined as a .DEB or .RPM environment). Like a set that someone intending to score a CGI short film would need - Firefox, Blender, LMMS, Rosegarden, VLC, and everything those depend on such as FFMPEG. Remember to get your compile switches just right ahead of time, and god help you if GNU did an oopsie in your build of gcc.
GStreamer keeps breaking shit in SUSE and going unrepaired for months at a time. Meanwhile the GNOME project is more dedicated to removing RMS from GNU than in addressing efficiency within their ecosystem, and since their core libraries are used in everygoddamnedthing this is like if you had to actually pay systemd a 10% tax on processor power at all times. There is a reason Valve's Steam Deck runs a custom variant of Arch rather than any existing ARM linux.

LibreOffice is fine for word documents. It's acceptable for spreadsheets. It would be perfect for creating and delivering presentations on your own - but it's always been ass at intercompatibility with PowerPoint, especially if you tried to do anything visually interesting. Good luck with that. LibreBase is probably fine, but any circumstance in which you use it is a circumstance in which you'll want to use MS Access instead for full compatibility purposes because you really really really don't want to discover a database got read wrong by a client software. Everyone will be programming against your databases using either SQL APIs, which are going to run perfectly fine, or Access-focused .NET APIs which, I have no experience with using in the context of Base-prepared Access databases, but I've heard things. LibreOffice is only really equivalent for the least valuable functions of Office. The big money value isn't in the word processor.

Privacy and security are points where Linux has historically been strong, but those strengths were largely security-through-obscurity and the recent prevalence of operating systems in important personal devices has made them almost 1/100th as significant a target of criminals as Windows desktops, which has effectively shattered the myth of Linux's structural invincibility. There are a good half-dozen critical security flaws discovered on a quarterly bass:
The core safety factor in an operating system is now and always has been user behavior. You are not meaningfully made more safe by using a kernel that is also used by every Android device and Chromebook on the planet.

Granted I honestly have no idea if Windows users have worse issues. I suspect that they would if they had to compile software occasionally due to it being out of spec and out of repo the way Linux users do, but they are never likely to be in that situation.
t. posted from my arch linux arm device.

Anonymous 232415

Oh, almost forgot.
Graphical media in Linux is in a precarious situation. At good estimates you can get about 95% of the performance out of graphics drivers made specifically for Linux that you can for Windows, and that's excellent, especially considering historical norms. These drivers are only expected to improve in the future as well. BUT. The X window system is dying and Wayland is unusable. You can ignore how bad wayland really is if all you're doing is running firefox on an overbuilt desktop but try running sway on an sbc or even a low-spec laptop. My environment is x with enlightenment DE in my rpi and it's nice enough for now but Hector Martin was completely correct in his assessment of its future:
Wayland is indeed the future. But what that means is the future is ASS.

Anonymous 232417


Anonymous 232418


Anonymous 232564


I use Manjaro w/ KDE

Konqi my beloved

Anonymous 232612


I use Debian for all my machines, it works well enough
it's not old it's stable!

Anonymous 232613


Anonymous 232614

average arch user:
>nooo you can't just use five year old packages for things you have to use the most recent versions think about the bleeding edgerinoes!

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