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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Is he /ourguy/? Anonymous 223299

Anonymous 223300


>Loves mining

Anonymous 223302

No, thanks. I hate minecraft.

Anonymous 223308

And beards.

Anonymous 223312

its not a beard its a smiley face and i dont care what anyone says

Anonymous 226245

>Loves miners
girl do i have bad news for you

why is she carrying a diamond ore?

Anonymous 249210

Why did they change him to white?

Anonymous 249709

I imagine him to be slightly tan.

Anonymous 249710

She has that one enchantment on her pickaxe that allows you to preserve an item you break. I forget what it's called, sorry.

Anonymous 249774

silk touch

Anonymous 250433


Steve is VERY autistic

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