>>224562I'm in school, but i'm a commuter and not sure how to make friends with people at school. I don' t want to look retarded just going up to them randomly. I just got a new job, first day is tomorrow, but obviously it isn't guaranteed that i'll mesh perfectly with them. I have a few friends but no one i would consider my best friend right now (besides my sister lol) and i have a lot of trouble trusting male friends.
Basically the biggest reason i feel so lonely is because i went through a serious breakup a couple months ago which im still trying to recover from.
>>224563My life is actually quite similar right now. 90% of my time is homework, cleaning the house, and running errands. Shit sucks ass but i rather do that stuff than deal with some random dude online who wants to fuck and ghost me.
>>224565Do you have good experiences with dating apps?
>>224567How were you able to tell he was trustworthy?