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Least favorite animals Anonymous 224802

Post your least favorite animals. Dolphins are evil creatures, and are loved too much.

Anonymous 224803

Fellow dolphin hater!! They're genuinely disgusting.

Anonymous 224807


My people, Dolphins are vile fucking creatures fuck them

Anonymous 224810

dolphin rape caves

Anonymous 224815


Contrariwise, dolphin rescues of human (and canine) swimmers are substantiated by recorded evidence.

Anonymous 224818


Words cannot begin to describe how much I hate macaques

Anonymous 224825


Sorry, I'm a retard who can't post right. This sucker.

Anonymous 224827

Same, but I extend that to primates of any. They are all violent and unpredictable.

Anonymous 224832

Screen Shot 2023-0…

Adelie penguins

Anonymous 224834

Oh my fucking god, I hate penguins now.

Anonymous 224835

anything fish
actually, anything that lives in the water - they are all awful, I won't even attach a pic, I don't want to look at any of those underwater abominations
maybe corals are okay, but idk, still kinda gross

Anonymous 224854

comfy wholesome ka…

I like all animools.

Anonymous 224971

Hating certain animals is not really an emotion I can even fathom having.

Anonymous 224973


Anonymous 224974

Why, nona? They are so cute.

Anonymous 224983

Because you are stupid and naive

Anonymous 224984

i hate all monkeys. uncanny valley shit. that monkey looks like a severely disabled human newborn.

Anonymous 224986

I'm an animal lover and even I can hate on pitbulls and other aggressive dogs, snakes or other disgusting critters.

Anonymous 224987


But why? They're like cute little lizards but without legs.

Anonymous 224988

I like small animals and the thought of them eating kittens or small puppies makes me sad

Anonymous 224990


NTA but most snakes don't/can't eat small kittens and puppies, and if it does happen, it's really rare in the wild, or the snake owner is irresponsible. i don't think a corn snake for example would be able to eat a kitten unless it was a few days old or something

i will agree on you on hating pitbulls. fuck them, and fuck the people who keep owning and breeding them

Anonymous 224991

Only a really big python could do that. Lots of other snakes like corn snakes basically only eat mice, so it's more likely that dog/cat the would eat the snake than the other way around.
Last summer I had to rescue a garter snake from my puppy because he'd chased it under the deck and it couldn't get out.

Anonymous 224997

nta but they eat/swallow bigger animals and i find that creepy

Anonymous 225003


looks like the sanctin0nnies found the thread.

anyway, i hate coyotes, ever since i saw CCTV footage of a coyote carrying a decapitated cat's head. picrel is of a coyote attacking a cat (who survived.)

Anonymous 225005

Coyotes can really be some bastards.

Anonymous 225007


Dolphins are loved too much by the world and the media. They have a unique intelligence that separates them from most animals, and puts them closer to the sapient consciousness of humans. Dolphins can and do form a moral compass, unlike say a fly. Dolphins can understand that certain actions/behaviors are wrong and harmful. Except because the dolphin is exceptionally intelligent, this means that many dolphins act like psychopaths and know this. They are the Patrick Batemans of the sea.

Anonymous 225009

I hate them too. One attacked my my 12 year old weenie dog. She died. After living an additional 5 years in the comfort of home :^)

Anonymous 225012



Anonymous 225024


Vile motherfuckers.

It doesn't help that:

1) I live somewhere they are literally the size of your fucking hand.

2) They refuse to die

3) Killing one can only attract more of them

They are actually from the seventh circle of hell. Fuck cockroaches.

Anonymous 225031

Snake defender anon here, coyotes deserve death.

Anonymous 225038

buy a lot of raid, and stomp on the fuckers, they are usually at the kitchen in the dark

Anonymous 225040

Thank you for spoilering the inage. Cockroaches are vile, the way they move invokes this ancient disgust in me.

Anonymous 225057


I've never seen a cat treat me or anyone i know nicely.

Anonymous 225061

Cat Sad.png

I feel like a crazy person when I say I don't like cats. I'm in a weird position, I like wild cats, and I think cats are fun to draw, but good lord, domestic cats make horrible pets. They're not as clean as people think they are (they lick their own assholes, but so do most mammals), and I got bedridden for 2 months, and lost a lot of weight because I lived with someone's cat.

I hate the bodega cat trend you see online. Not only are cats shit at catching mice (they tend to kill local bird species instead), but you have that filthy street cat get up on the produce and meat and shit.
Also people need to fucking stop leaving their cats outdoors. Not only does it affect wildlife, but it's so fucking irresponsible to just leave the cat unsupervised, it could get hit by a car or get a nasty infection, but cat owners always defend that shit saying crap like "it's in their nature!!!". Sorry for the long rant, I just really hate most cat owners, too.

Anonymous 225062

No, it's okay. You're not crazy, you're in the thread where we vent about our unfavorite animals.

Anonymous 225065

I dont hate dogs, and they can be cute sometimes, but they smell bad and jump around too much for my liking. Granted, I’ve never lived with one, just cats.

Anonymous 225072

Monkeys and apes

Anonymous 225073

Rhinos, hippos, elephants are on thin ice too. Bears, lions, monkeys, rabbits

Anonymous 225099


Snakes are freaking adorable.

Anonymous 225100

I don't hate them but they're extremely bizarre to me… initially too bizarre for me to exchange looks with. I think if I actually encountered some in the wild I'd just give them fruit and observe. But i hear they're also little kleptomaniac shits in open air markets in india/south east asia.

Anonymous 225107


Whatever in Christ's name these are

Anonymous 225118

thresher sharks.jp…

Then those same people go on to hate sharks. I think people like them more because it looks like they are always smiling.

Speaking of shariks, I really like thresher sharks. They are very cute.

Anonymous 225119


Anonymous 225123

I hate dogs so so much
At the best of times, they're way too energetic. But I have way too much trauma with them. As a kid, the neighborhood dogs would always run after me which was terrifying.
My dad is obsessed with dogs and, at one point, we adopted a dog, ironically named Angel. One day my little sister (who was like 5) and I were playing in the backyard with the dog and I was about to head inside and as I was heading through the door the dog suddenly snapped and tried to maul her. I got her out of there as the dog continued to try to jump up and attack her as I carried her inside but her injured screams still haunt me. We got rid of Angel after that.
A few years later my dad wanted another dog. This one constantly howled, bit everyone, attacked my precious cats, tore up all sorts of precious items, and constantly peed on the ground, causing our floor to be replaced with a house-wide puddle of burning urine. Eventually after several months of this torment we all had enough of it and got rid of it.
Not too long ago, my mom got horribly mauled by some pit bulls while out on a walk around the neighborhood. She had a taser but the attack was too brutal for her to even pull it out of her purse. All the while, the dog's owner watched my mother be brutally attacked while complaining that she was hurting the dogs. If not for a burst of adrenaline she wouldn't have made it out of there alive.
And yet my dad still keeps pushing to get a damn dog.

So yeah. I'm at war with "puppers". Doesn't matter what kind, I despise them all.

Anonymous 225132

It is really easy for me to just plain hate dogs when I think of what you describe. All the dogs we had growing up just peed and messed all over the house and smelled. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want that smell and live with the stress of dogs. I never saw violent dogs but I see what pitbulls do and think it should just be illegal to breed them.

Anonymous 225286

I don't like birds

Anonymous 225301

Stop getting triggered just because someone doesn't like your favorite animal, you're gonna get banned for off topic and infighting.

Anonymous 225302

having experience with both, i can't say i like either Dogs or Cats. Dogs are idiots, hyper-active and difficult to manage unless you know how to train them. Cats are also idiots, very temperamental, and can't be trained at all.

Anonymous 225304

I can't stand dogs. Their constant, aggravatingly loud barking triggers my sensory issues, plus my dog-owning neighbors have no idea how to keep them in their yard. They cause way more damage than stray cats.

Anonymous 225305

i hate snakes. they're dangerous, they're difficult to spot, and in the summer they are everywhere. every time i go outside i have to be extra careful to not step on a cottonmouth that'll just fucking kill me and i hate it so much. one exception is king snakes, since they eat the other bastards.

Anonymous 225307


sphynx cats
i like other breeds of cats but not this one

Anonymous 225322

I hate just about every insect, they gross me out to no end and look creepy. I almost don't even consider themselves "animals" because they don't deserve to be labeled as such.

I also don't really like cats, I have never seen one actually ever be nice and they're very overrated.

Anonymous 225364

Screenshot 2023-03…

Nona I have Katsaridaphobia and I clicked on the image

Anonymous 225367


Then kill roaches, roach genocide.

Anonymous 226006

God the only things worse than cockroaches is parasitic worms and wasps/hornets

Anonymous 226007

Goddamn, wasps, hornets, or whatever the fuck they're called are so fucking creepy. One time, I found some hornets building a nest in my garbage can just outside the house. The things kept flying up to me, and they would stare at me for a few moments before going back to keep building their shitty nest. I asked Google why these bugs did that, and apparently they can and try to remember human faces. So apparently these things wanted to get a fucking picture.

Anonymous 226008

Hell yeah, they thought you were a hottie and didn't want to sting you.
On a serious note, yeah, they're kinda like aliens. One time they tried building a nest in the corner of my kitchen. I noticed when they kept flying back and forth between my kitchen, my room and the outside, and some stupid bitch started doing strange shit next to my window. I looked closer and it was a little starting of a nest

Anonymous 226072

i love dogs. i hate chihuahuas. vile things.

Anonymous 226084

Same really. There's nothing to hate if there's no evil intent.This thread feels wrong to me

Anonymous 226086

>>Least favorite animals

That's what the thread says. Stop being retarded and ignore it if you're offended.

Anonymous 226090

Post your drawings

Anonymous 226256


Male lions for being almost useless, and correspondingly being the favorite animal of useless human scrotes.

Anonymous 226347


Millipedes. They make me feel itchy just looking at them.

Anonymous 226368



>usually has harem of several hens that he regularly mistreats and rapes

>some of the hens are underage
>will mistreat and sometimes rape and even kill his own daughters
>leaves to find more hens once the previous ones' eggs hatch
>fights other roosters for hens, doesn't seem to get along with anybody
vile beasts

Anonymous 226369

I live in a 3rd world country and God, people love those pieces of shit here; once I was visiting my grandparents on the countryside and they had one of this, that piece of shit loved to peck my legs, they're so aggressive

Anonymous 226372

i live in the united states too i know how you feel

Anonymous 226389


A friend of my mom got stabbed by a roosters spurs once

Anonymous 226455


Attack of the Creatonotos Gangis Moth!

Anonymous 226456

Fortunately, that pest went into the pan, I ate it with rice and I really liked it lol

Anonymous 226460

Do you mean they love fighting them?

Anonymous 226557

i hate horses, i just think they're creepy and gross

Anonymous 226724

rooster blades.jpg

Sometimes they put little blades on their feet in cockfighting.
It's always weird to me how people say that cockfights are animal cruelty. Rooster's first instinct upon seeing another rooster is to stab him to death. Why not exploit that and make them do what they would normaly do in the wild?

Anonymous 226727

The thing is, then the winner rooster will be bred, and those winner roosters will be bred, creating increasingly violent and agitated chickens. Breeding increasingly violent animals is how you get animals like pitbulls. Although it wouldn't ever be likely that a chicken would be as strong as a pitbull, the last thing you want is people selectively breeding chickens to be more violent and stronger just so they can win bets. Then they'll be even more obnoxious than they currently are.

Anonymous 226729

Actually, this is a pretty good point. I retract my previous statement, on top of having deleted it.

Anonymous 226734

fair point, however, isn't it like this already in nature? Unless someone makes a conscious effort to only allow the non violent roosters to breed, only the most violent will pass on their genes. I don't really see chicken breeders control that. Then again, I don't know anything about chicken breeding so I might be wrong.

Anonymous 226741


tigers are better anyway

Anonymous 226742

Oh boy, chicken fag here.
So, although violent roosters will breed with hens, hens also have some choice and in choosing their mates. There's pretty fascinating articles on the topic, but basically, certain male roosters can woo their lover by bring them things like nice looking pebbles, defending hens, and other wise being nice to the hens. The hens prefer this, and will often choose these roosters as their mates. I won't get into the graphics, but there is a way that hens can 'allow' the rooster to mate. Of course, there are basically rooster rapists as well (yes really), but the hens will try to fight these off.
In human farming, this is where it's important to be selective about the rooster you introduce to hens. So, choosing the rooster for your hens can be important. Hens can't escape from the rooster you introduce into their pen (unlike the wild), so be selective.

Anonymous 226743

This is very informative about rooster and hen behavior. Hens are way more based than I thought. Thank you for this.

Anonymous 226744


Anonymous 226745

Yup. It is 100% real. Those "tentacles" are the moth's scent glands that are extended when it's time to attract a mate.

Anonymous 226747

wow, didn't know that. Pretty interesting.
> certain male roosters can woo their lover by bring them things like nice looking pebbles, defending hens, and other wise being nice to the hens.
that's kinda cute

Anonymous 226770

What the hell is going on in picrel

Anonymous 226773

It's a photo from a zoo, a lion father being harassed by his daughter who is bored. In the wild she would murder gazelles, sometimes for fun. In captivity she has nothing to do but annoy other lions.

Anonymous 226783

We could sure use more of those to join the human race

Anonymous 226786


Anonymous 226804

I like coyotes for this very reason

Anonymous 226809



Anonymous 226811

Anonymous 226866

elephant seal.png

not as ugly as male elephant seals

Anonymous 226881

she is biting his balls

Anonymous 226884

the male lion just looks so sad in the second picture kek

Anonymous 226886

the face that says "the futility of struggle, and the acceptance of suffering"

Anonymous 226942


I don't like male animals. Male cats, male dogs, male chimps, roosters, male lions. In general, I don't like male animals. Especially not male ducks. Just like human males, they're always aggressive and rapey. Everyone says it's natural for male animals to force themselves on females who obviously hate them, but I still don't like it because I find it so gross. Then male animals always kill their own offspring, which does not help if the animal is an endangered species. If hens prefer non-aggressive roosters for mates, and female ducks evolved a more complicated vagina to prevent unwanted males from impregnating them, I guess female animals don't like typical male aggression either.

Anonymous 226943


what about male seahorses? they get pregnant.

Anonymous 226945


I legitimately hate primates, all of them. My least favorite are orangutans, I remember in 4th grade a girl brought a magazine to class with a picture of a baby one and being viscerally disgusted while all everyone gathered around. I hate other great apes after them, followed by monkeys. I would actually kill myself if I were an indonesian villager in the 13th century who saw one in the forest.

to me they're just
a) ugly
b) look like the smell bad and are unsanitary
c) I hate their wrinkles and skin/hair patterns
d) their movements are ugly and they make loud noises and are violent

The worst part about hating primates is that there are psychos online who post stuff about hurting monkeys, which is vile, but so now anyone who says they don't like them gets lumped in as someone who watches animal abuse videos online. I don't want to hurt them, I don't even want them to go extinct, I just don't ever want to have to see them. At least the phase of people posting "monke" stuff is over. Massive tw orangutan with a terrible fur pattern.

Anonymous 226947


There are some animals that have nicer males. Most reptiles, birds of paradise, and arguably spiders are more censenual. I'm pretty sure orcas are also not very rapey because they're organized in matriarchal clans.

Anonymous 226948

images (3).jpeg

I don't hate them, I don't really hate any animals, but giant otters are fucking terrifying, they are both very dextrous and violent, they have a wide vocal range and make scary sounds, when they are in groups they are basically gangs with intimidation rituals, half of the videos online are of them fighting and eating other predators, they are literally called "water jaguars" and "river wolves". I'd rather swim with sharks than find myself in a river with giant otters. Look how tiny it's face is.

Anonymous 226950

>and female ducks evolved a more complicated vagina to prevent unwanted males from impregnating them
That's not how evolution works, not even sexual choice based selection. Female ducks evolving a more complicated vagina means that female ducks who have a more complicated vagina have children with a survival or reproduction advantage, with the more likely case being that it provides some protection from physical damage during forcible duck intercourse. That in turn provides an evolutionary incentive for more forceful males by reducing negative consequences while increasing their relative competitive advantage versus less forceful males. That sort of spiraling sexual arms race would explain how you get ducks even though there are plenty of bird species where the males are both extremely monogamous and caretaking, devoted fathers.

Anonymous 226952

>"Only recently did scientists discover that some female ducks have long, corkscrew-shaped vaginas that spiral in the opposite direction as the male's member. This allows the female to fight back against undesirable, notoriously aggressive males, since the duck's penis won't fit so easily"
Source: (https://www.livescience.com/45517-how-corkscrew-vaginas-evolved.html).
You say that's not how evolution or how sexual reproduction works, yet the sexual defense of female ducks to fend off aggressive males seems to be a designed feature with a clear purpose.

Anonymous 226954

Why do people hate monke anyways? Is it the uncanny valley effect as in "they look like humans but not quite"?
>smell bad and are unsanitary
that's most of animals
>are ugly and they make loud noises and are violent
But aren't orangutans the least violent of all the great apes?

The only primate that I hate are chimpanzees.

Anonymous 226955

Orcas suffer from the same problem all other mammalian "matriarchies" have. They're boymoms. You know how bonobo matriarchs work to get their sons to have sex with as many members of their band as possible? Orcas are about as bad. Unlike bonobos at least orcas don't "resolve all their disputes through sex rather than violence!" as though that were a good thing (hint, hint, would you actually want to have sex with some upperclass bitch's failson to get her to stop bullying you and driving you away from food or other resources?), but that also means that orcas do engage in violence.

There are two unrelated concepts being conflated here; the counterscrew shaped vagina successfully fending off duck males, and that fending off actually preventing the most aggressive from sexually succeeding while the suggestion implies that the least-bad males will then be more sexually successful. The more likely case is that the filter effect promotes the most aggressive males rather than the least, because we can see and know that male ducks are some of the most sexually aggressive males in the entire animal kingdom.

Anonymous 226957

I think in this case, being uninvited can be different from being aggressive, so I suppose two things can be right at the same time. Yes, aggressive males can and do succeed in reproducing with female ducks, but the female duck has and still seems to be evolving a corkscrew vagina to keep out the males she does not want. Still, the concept of the female duck growing a vaginal structure to prevent unwanted pregnancies from ducks she does not like seems to poke a hole in this idea that rape is always normal for animals.

Anonymous 226961

evolution is not a conscious process. The corckscrew vagina has got to have some other function that makes the ducks better at reproducing or surviving.
Evolution is basically
>a random mutation occurs in a species
>the mutation causes a member of the species to either produce more offspring or to have a higher chance of survival
>the gene containing that mutation gets passed down
>it causes the offspring to produce more offspring of its own
>the gene gets propagated throughout the species.
Evolution is all about "what makes you have more kids" or "what makes those kids better at surviving". Its a cumulative process.
Evolution is completely reliant on reproduction or survival (which is still the same, if you're the only one alive you're the only one that reproduces), so puzzles me how something that would make you reproduce less, could evolve. Yet somehow corckscrew viginas exist.
It makes sense for how male duck's penises evolved, afterall, a male who can push his semen the farthest will be the one who's genes have the highest chance of being passed to the next generation of ducks. But for females, it just doesn't make sense. How can the most difficult to penetrate vagina keep evolving if it should produces less offspring?

Duck genitalia are really bizzare.

Anonymous 226965

It does make sense that after duck penises began to be larger than the female genital tract, there would be survival pressure to develop a larger tract. It also makes sense that this then provides a disadvantage to males who aren't able to go the distance. The problem you are having is probably aligned with the idea that the duck vagina exists to prevent rapine fertilization rather than that it exists to prevent physically inadequate fertilization. A physically inadequate male is most likely to have had sex in a more consentual manner given that negative traits including physical feebleness are likely to cluster, especially when it comes to the relationship between strength and genitals via testosterone production and absorption. The vagina might exist to prevent this consentual act from passing on his physically inadequate genes to a next generation regardless of the mistake the female duck has made, a genetic safeguard rather than a personal protection. As long as the supply of healthy and aggressive drakes is not an effective limiting factor, a filter against inadequate drakes makes sense.

Anonymous 226969

It does make sense

Anonymous 226970


Well, you have conducted a pretty good argument. It seems that ducks really do just have a complicated, and violent means of reproduction. You won me on that. However like how this chicken-loving nona explained about hens and roosters reproducing
Rape doesn't seem to be entirely "natural" in the animal kingdom, as there are females who do dislike aggressive mates and do attempt to fight them off. There's also an interesting snippet about females avoiding males to prevent harsh treatment in picrel. I also once read information about a species of crab. Males crabs can immediately trap female crabs right after inviting them to their burrow to blackmail the female into mating with him, when the female otherwise wouldn't. Though, as you explained, ducks seem to be rather different.

Anonymous 226972

The female ducks can die during rape and also the corkscrew tract can trap unwanted semen

Anonymous 226973

Sexual conflict is one of the more interesting areas of study in evolutionary biology.
I'll admit that I'm really heavily biased with regards to the duck question. I really loathe the way certain bloggers, youtubers and the like present female ducks as having evolved "anti-rape" defenses in their vaginas because that presents genital response as indicative of consent. That borders on chud science. "If the female duck is fertilized then it wasn't rape bro, if it was rape then she couldn't physically orgasm or get pregnant or become aroused, women are in complete control of their vaginal responses at all times bro it's just science, if she had an orgasm when a stranger 'forced' her she's a slut and if she doesn't cum for you then you need to leave her or beat her." Skin-crawling.

Anonymous 226974

It's okay to have some biases. There are a lot of passionate researchers on this board, and there is a lot of debate in science. I'm glad this small debate existed, because there's a lot to learn from things like biology.

Anonymous 227499


These evil dumb fuckers

Anonymous 228207


holy shit he is atrocious. I would kill myself if I looked like that

Anonymous 228264


Anonymous 228907


I just meant primates in general in regards to violence. I don't know about other people but I don't think it's uncanny valley for me, I don't really get uncanny valley that much. >>226948 stresses me out much how primates do, so I guess the eyes have something to do with my personal monkey hate.
>that's most of animals
yeah, I'm not really an animal person in general but at least birds/dogs/cats look clean, primates have weird fur so they always have stuff stuck in it. Same goes for things like sloths, the furrier the animal is in an unclean environment, the more stressed out it makes me. Anyway aside from the unsanitariness, I hate monkeys because of their fur and skin, much like how I hate emus for their scruffy feathers and skin. Maybe I just don't like seeing exposed animal skin? Camel fur (the different colored fur on bactrian camel humps) also squicks me out. I think other people might get uncanny valley for monkeys but for me at least it's purely hatred for what I find to be a specific, unsanitary imo, texture of animal fur found on monkeys/sloths/bactrian camels/american bison (yaks are okay though but they're on thin ice).

Anonymous 228927

Mice and rats give me the same feeling cockroaches do.

Anonymous 228952

Started giggling out loud when I read this

Anonymous 228967


The hatred is real.

Anonymous 229205

#schizoposting #microplastics

Anonymous 229592


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