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Adult friend groups Anonymous 224914

Is it possible to find a group of friends as an adult? I can find individual friends, but I really want to congregate in a group with them. Is it possible to form a friend group outside of schooling / college? Sorry for how autistic this sounds

Anonymous 224922

I found an adult friend group, but have the advantage of being part of a minority and being in university.
Otherwise, joining interest groups (eg. Art, particular crafts, music, book clubs, cosplay, etc.) may help you.

Anonymous 224924

I tried a few meet up / hobby
groups, unfortunately I stuck out like a sore thumb because all of the other women who attended were in their 40s and I'm 23.
I might try some crafting / art groups. I've looked at facebook photos of some group meetups I want to go to to see whether the people are actually in my age range but it does make me feel like a bit of a creep ngl

Anonymous 302008


Anonymous 302060

My mom made friends joining an adult women's soccer league.

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