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Anonymous 225417

good morning i hate norwoods

Anonymous 225419

what's a norwood?

Anonymous 225420


Anonymous 225426

what happened to the poor kitty

Anonymous 225433

Imagine unironically being a man

Anonymous 225437


When males have such a balding problem that they go bald in seven patterns. Oh, and never trust a man bun. Not that it wasn't already stupid looking anyway.

Anonymous 225469

daily reminder that it's perfectly okay to dump your balding moid

Anonymous 225470

Normies would say you are a shallow, bad person but you're not. Men statistically are way more likely to leave their partners when they gain weight, or become ill. Leaving a man for baldness is nothing compared to what men always do to women.

Anonymous 225474

just do it, don't be tied down to a baldie

Anonymous 225492

Ok I do not endorse scrotes leaving women for gaining weight or for being ill but those two things do not belong in the same sentence.

Anonymous 225602

It's the same pattern, goes in chronological order

Anonymous 225622


Guess I didn't look too closely at the graph. Anyway, there are still different ways that men go bald in. All of which is sad, and prove their inferior genetics.

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