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Moral relativism is the scourge of our time Anonymous 226192

Some things are objectively better than others and pretending they are not is detrimental to civilization as a whole.

Anonymous 226200

women are objectively better than men

Anonymous 226204


"women drinks" are better than "man drinks"

Anonymous 226206


Anonymous 226208


autumn is objectively the best season
>comfy clothes
>cool, clear weather
>the colors. THE COLORS.

Anonymous 226287

It looks like this for 2 weeks before everything is shriveled and brown.

Anonymous 226288

Giving alcohol to animals is abuse.
Its not funny.

Anonymous 226291


It's a "wine" drink that is specifically made for cats. I dont think it's dangerous, if it was made for cats

Anonymous 226298

it's liquid catnip

Anonymous 226333

What is the blue drink in the OP image?

Anonymous 226341

No moral relativism is a fucking godsend. Puritans and evangelicals are absolute neurotic fucks. You do not want ro have to live permanently hounded by these types or let their extremes poison things. They make everyone and everything they touch go permanently insane. Although hear me out I think intelligence/ common sense are different from morals. Half the time when people are talking of morals, they're just describing common fucking sense. I think the two should be potently and vigorously distinguished in the wide open for the world to see. Because holy fuck bible thumpers and their kind are the ultimate ignorant scourge They can't live without ignorance, they breathe it. They go and hide in it en masse, while rallying around patriarchal horse manure.

Anonymous 226355

something with blue curacao, probably a martini or margarita

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