
Anonymous 226463
I hate working. Humans did not evolve for this. We're trapped in a kafkaesque nightmare and the only escape is death.
Anonymous 226484
I'd be okay with working if inflation didn't keep devaluing my work and making life harder to live. I sleep poorly knowing there's rich people who sit on their wealth and just do fucking nothing with it when it could help with so many problems.
Anonymous 227316
I think I'll kill myself when my mom dies and I can't leech off of her anymore
Anonymous 227331
>>226463Just find a man, that's literally what they're made for.
Anonymous 227333
>>227331Early grave sounds better than dealing with these imposters and abusers in a marriage situation.
Anonymous 227335
>>227331Agreed. My mother's marriage was entirely pragmatic and I followed her example.
Anonymous 227342
I don't mind working. I just hate the idea of working just to line someone else's or a large corporation's pockets. You end up being a cog in a machine that will be discarded like trash the moment you're deemed not useful. I want to work for myself, not partake in the globohomo agenda that people are baited with. On a fundamental level, I think everyone wants to contribute to society in some way. We've just created a system that has lulled people into thinking they are, when they're not.
Anonymous 227367
>>227342Exactly, I want to work but in something that has meaning.
Anonymous 227380
Neets are based, imagine slaving away when you can easily make someone provide for you.
Anonymous 227433
>>226463I don't think humans are adapted for working in tiny cubicles for 8 hours a day, but we're certainly not adapted for leisure either. If your ancestors hadn't experienced any negative emotion in the form of overwhelming hunger or fear, they might've starved to death or been eaten by a leopard. Suffering, trepidation and even boredom are powerful motivators.
The real question is why we evolved consciousness to the degree that we did in the first place, given that we probably spent a long time as prey animals. What benefit is it for a prey animal to be self aware? That seems like a cruel fate. Maybe it just coincides with higher intelligence. Maybe it's an unforeseen side effect of our heightened ability to process data for long term planning. I think a big part of the answer is so that we experience suffering and anxiety. The more self aware and anxious a prey animal is, the less likely it is to be eaten. When you feel like shit, your brain is probably doing its job in some sense, if you want to talk about what we're "evolved for".
Anyway, I'm not sure what my point is. We're all in this together or something like that. If you want to completely mitigate suffering you'll probably need to go all the way and overdose on morphine or something.
>>226466There can be no negative outcomes, either. You're one of many animals floating on one of many rocks in one of many galaxies somewhere in a big fat nothing. Feeling content with that is just as delusional and arbitrary as feeling discontent with it.
>>227331Now imagine what a man who's willing to entertain this idea thinks you're "made for".
Anonymous 227455
Have you ever stopped thinking about how fucking stupid and insane is the fact that we have to waste 8+ hours of our day, six days a week, so we can pay for food and a roof, when we could just be building our own houses and growing our own food, like humanity used to do before?
Anonymous 227498
>>227455People just… living in small communities? Trading tangible goods and services without money, just on an i.o.u. basis? B… but then who will analyse market trends? Who will become social media influencers? W… who will manage the investment funds? I don't know nona, sounds pretty shifty, I think people will be happier if everyone just spends every waking moment packing frozen pizzas into boxes. Very fulfilling work!
Anonymous 227969
>Humans did not evolve for this
there's plenty of things we didn't evolve to do, and yet we do them anyway. Creation of society itself kind of goes against evolution.
Anonymous 227970
>>227498>>227455I don't know whether "living like we used to" would be as great as you assume. Tending to your crops and cattle all day long everyday until an easily curable illness (from modernday perspective) takes you doesn't sound all that great to me. Although it does have the benefit of "you're working for yourself and not on someone else's behalf"
Anonymous 227974
>>226463>Humans did not evolve for this.weren't they evolved to do more work than in the 21st century? like backbreaking labor?
Anonymous 227981

grimes was right when she said ai would genuinely help a communist society. instead of forcing people to work in factories n stuff we can just have da robots do it. same with grocery stores and other service work.
im so tired of people working their asses of just to make a dime work sux
Anonymous 227982
>>227981too bad we live in a capitalist hellscape where AI doing the work means most of us are going to be exterminated by the rich so they don't have to see us starve
Anonymous 227983
>>227982Real, capitalism is getting worse and worse by the year. As long as they get to keep their dollar they do not care if we die
Anonymous 228138
no ones going to pay you to just sit around at home
Anonymous 228140
>>227981>same with grocery stores and other service work. All the desirable jobs from illustration to programming are being taken over by mindless NNTs trained on hard work of millions without paying them. When Alphafold came for strucural biologists nobody complained because that was the purpose of the whole field form the day one, but I doubt any illustrator asked for being replaced by Midjourney. Grocery stores and service stuff is the only future we have. That or revolution but I am afraid the rich would rather let nukes fly than give up their power.
Anonymous 228148
>>226463Humans didn't "evolve" for this because evolution is complete bullshit propped up by a materialist society to keep people down and have them act impulsive, give into their worst vices and cultivate expert worship. Our current world is diseased and the mentalities produced from it are just some of the side effects. You're not supposed to even be in a cubicle or in a rat race chasing all of this bullshit that doesn't really matter but our culture wants us to think it matters because otherwise we wouldn't do it. The way out of this is to get a man that's worthwhile or raise animals. I started keeping chickens a couple weeks ago and now I use eggs in whatever I can.
Anonymous 228151
>>226463I think part of why work sucks in the modern day is because all of it is effectively meaningless. You can be replaced at the drop of a hat, none of your actual work goes into something that benefits you but rather the higher ups and it's not something that makes people's lives better but rather inconveniences them and you have to convince them of its value to begin with. The hours you have to put in for bog standard corporate jobs is also absurd considering the direct benefit you're getting from it. My grandma was a workaholic and she made textiles and things related to that for the local community she was a part of, she made all of it by hand and it was really high quality stuff for the time. I look at that and compare it to how these days no one really knows how to make clothing and we just buy it from whichever company has it and how it's kind of dystopian how there's no actual community around making these products and it's made from essentially slave labor because of globalism. No one interacts with each other or knows where their stuff comes from it's just whatever the company was able to get for cheap. There's no community or spirit in any of this.
Anonymous 228164
I feel this in my bones every time I have a 3 day weekend.
45 minute breaks spent constantly checking the time are also awful and offer little real rest.
Anonymous 228165
>>228138There are plenty jobs that can pay you for sitting at home. Not to mention if you prove you have autism or a mental illness, good countries will pay you so you don't have to work.
Anonymous 228167
>>227331This. Good men that only want you to be happy exist and if he's a good bf/husband he will provide for you.
Anonymous 228193
>>228167Yeah, I'd just add that it's better if he's a husband, just in case he goes full moid and cheats on you
Anonymous 228315
>>227331that's an option for what, 5% of the female population, at best? Most people can barely pay for their own upkeep, paying for two is a pipe dream for the vast majority. Most of you will just have to accept the fact that this is all there is to life and you most likely won't even be able to retire. And I'm not saying that to upset you, I'm saying that to temper your expectations.
Anonymous 228316

may I interest everyone here in Cockshottist-terfist thought?
Anonymous 228317
>>228316cockshott is a larp and a cope. terfs are better off avoiding larps.
Anonymous 228318
>>228317>cockshott is a larp and a copeelaborat
Anonymous 228322
>>228320Thats good though, theyll never be able to troon anyone out that way.
Anonymous 228329
Why do men make these images
Anonymous 228330
>"Women were unfairly enslaved in meaningless office jobs"
>proceeds to suggest limit their voting rights which would make their lives like 300 times more miserable
why do moids think women having rights is the issue and not capitalism? Like moids had miserable office jobs when women didn't have the right to vote? Its capitalism thats the issue here
Anonymous 228332
>>228330>women were robbed of motherhood and familyOr maybe its just not important to us kek
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202102/why-many-single-women-without-children-are-so-happylike 50% of here are gay and/or anti natalists we could care less
Anonymous 228566
>>228320They'll have to move and be a financial drain on another state
Anonymous 229224
>>226463>coddle children up until the oldest unimaginable ages in the history of the West>almost no person starts working before 18, most only after they're in 20s.>all those works are urban and detached from the coddled infantile environment you grew up in, as opposed to a medieval peasant who was born in a house by the fields he knew from the beginning would be his workground from the moment he had the means to use a sickle until his death.Basically, humans were made to be part of 2 groups: those who needed to work to survive and would do so from the earliest ages and those who were born in wealth and only performed some administrative or acadmic works out of their own pleasure. Now everyone has a mix of a burgher upbringing with the wageslaving conditions of a peasant or lowly city dweller.
Anonymous 229361
>>228332>>women were robbed of motherhood and familyIdk why people say we were "robbed" of it. Before, there was just no other option??? Now, there's tons of options…
Anonymous 229367
>>228332>>women were robbed of motherhood and familyFuck motherhood and double-fuck family. After growing up in one I want nothing to do with the nuclear slave model. Families only benefit men and their stupid dicks. I'll never live with one. You couldn't pay me to, even if he made a million dollars. I'd still just end up gouging his eyes out eventually for weaponizing his household incompetance. Its not my job to teach a manchild what he should have learned as a child. Anyone who willingly does, or picks up after a moid is fucking desperate and dumb as hell.
What in CHRIST could a guy bring to my existence that I don't already have without the huge lumbering burden attached??
Anonymous 229370
>>229367>the nuclear slave modelfor real, that shit sucks ass. we're meant to live in large groups/clans. nuclear family is unnatural. multiple generations are supposed to share the same house(s) and help each other maintain the family.
Anonymous 229373
>>229367You probably were not expecting a genuine answer, but my hudsband
>Works a full time job and earns more than me, contributing greatly to my comfort and allowing me more expendable income.>Does 2/3-3/4 of the housework as he works from home. All I do is empty/load the dishwasher some nights. He cooks 99% of the time because we eat at 6:30pm and I like to relax for an hour when I get in from work.>Handles all of the house finances transparently. We have a googledocs spreadsheet and he basically just updates it when the bills come in and asks for half of the total of the previous month the next month.>Gives good advice and is always on my side>Acts as my second brain when I forget things>Can we go back to the disproportionate amount of housework for a moment? Bedsheets changed every week. Laundry clean and folded every week, decent cooking, floors are always swept/vaccumed/mopped/buffed, dusting is done every 2-3 weeks. He's a clean freak who hates clutter and can't stand unfinished tasks. I also can't cook for beans and he makes fantastic stuff. Last night was baked seasoned salmon with seasoned potato slices, mint and chilli peas and baked asparagus!>DIY>Heavy lifting>Yardwork>Making sure we don't get screwed by contractors and mechanicsHe honestly does so much it makes me feel bad. I constantly question how I'm breaking equal effort to the table. When I ask him he just says "You do plenty" and honks my ass. That's a small (and welcome) price to pay. A decade in and no signs of slowing.
Anonymous 229374

>>229373I am happy for you I hope it stays that way forever and ever
Anonymous 229412
I know OP, I just wanna be a neet and play games all day but all we can do is dream
Anonymous 231598

Kaczynski was a mentally ill idealist and coper, the idiot thought that people would voluntarily leave the comfort of their homes to autistically larp as primate. He had some good ideas so take that and toss the rest
Anonymous 231603

>>227982Something can always be done
>>228317Even if he wasn’t, what good do communists gain from having NEET lumpenproles on their side
Anonymous 231614
>>231598>the idiot thought that people would voluntarily leave the comfort of their homesif you had actually read ISAIF you would know he did not expect this at all and said society would crash and people would be forced to return to a primitive lifestyle. Infact he encourages expediting this process.
Anonymous 231616
>>231598so many fucking retards that i placed on a pedestal years ago.
jesus was i retarded
Anonymous 231635

>>231614>society would crash and people would be forced to return to a primitive lifestyle.My point still stands, why would the people go and live a primitive lifestyle instead of building a better and stronger society instead?
Anonymous 231636
>>231616he’s a botched CIA project idk why people like him so much
Anonymous 231640
>>231635sure, building a stronger or 'better' society could be an option, it would just have to not have industrial influence as it's a virus that cannot be tamed or controlled. reading ISAIF would give better perspective
Anonymous 231647
I don't think working in itself is harmful. I think humans do need a sense of purpose or accomplishment in their day-to-day life. It doesn't have to be anything huge, but feeling like you're accomplishing something each day that has impact on either yourself or others can be beneficial to your mental health. That being said, the current system of work is fucked and I hate it. It's a broken system. You're expected to toil 40 hours per week and you have no idea if what you're doing is contributing to anything. There's no support, most people don't get paid enough, and most people probably end up working more than 40 hours anyway. I hate it. I hate it. Someone strike me from this earth.
Anonymous 231652

I've never had to work a day in my life and am NEET but tbh that can be its own kind of hell. I'd like to work but I lack qualifications and no company would take me other than as a stupid diversity hire.
Anonymous 231674
>>231652if it makes you feel better nona I've had a job since I was 15 and literally nobody is hired based on actual merit. It's all a matter of your "network" (usually family-based nepotism), so being a diversity hire isn't any more shameful than how every other person is hired.
Anonymous 231728
I dunno. I'd rather work and enjoy the comforts of modern society. Than live in the woods and scavenge for food everyday.
Anonymous 231732
>>227316Buy a van and live off welfare. Get free internet from the public library's Wi-Fi. I used to pirate tons movies and watch them in my van. Ate peanut butter sandwiches everyday, cleaned myself with a washcloth and use the coin laundromat. Until I got a job at a gas station.
Anonymous 231877
>>231598The guy was a genius, everyone knows of course, whatever. But people always leave out that the dude had his brain fried by LSD… His unibomber stunt was probably done by whatever was left of a great mind.
Anonymous 231878
The biggest indicator of a pseud is reading that mk ultra acid fried lunatic's garbage manifesto and thinking "woah this is actually right"
Anonymous 231884
I'm seriously considering killing myself so I don't have to work
Anonymous 231902
I don't know what Ted wrote, but water pollution is like the issue. If all phytoplankton and leafy greens died we'd still have thousands of years worth of oxygen to fix the issue. Meanwhile, we may have already poisoned ourselves in a perpetuating cycle beyond fixing via chemicals, hormones, plastics, and other toxins.
Anonymous 231911
We're getting ready to move to another state and I'm now pregnant; so, I've been training my successor for a little bit of time each week, and that's about to finish up entirely.
After so many 60 hour work weeks for years, this is fucking weird.
I don't know how anyone can stand to be doing so little all day; I've been very uncomfortable, especially since my husband freaks out every time I try to do a little bit of housework.
Anonymous 231916
>>231635>why would the people go and live a primitive lifestyle instead of building a better and stronger society instead?Your point is moot. This is all hypothetical but if people weren't able to stop the decline and fall of this society how would they make a better one? It would take centuries to build back from the ground up, its a gradual process and people don't go "hey lets build a society that was better than the last" and meet in conferences to brianstorm ideas. It just happens based on what people think fits the needs of the people and circumstances in the moment. People are incredibly short sighted. People don't learn from mistakes because most of anything to be learned spans long before they were born and long after they die.
Personally, I believe mankind will become extinct from nuclear warfare before the technological society has a chance to crumble, but you still completely miss the point of what he believed in and the point he was trying to make. He stated SEVERAL times that he never believed people would voluntarily leave the comfort modern day society brings us.
Anonymous 231920
>>231916Nuclear warfare is not ever going to happen. I don't say that out of optimism. Anyone with the authority to make that call got into that position because a cabal of internationally powerful corporate entities and intelligence agents allowed them to. They would never tolerate the obliteration of the dystopian society that they comfortably sit atop of.
Anonymous 231927
We're a "resource" to them too, you know. Our society is past the point of being able to stage a revolution, so their ability to maintain power is not in any danger. In fact, it's easier for them than ever.
I assure you, we're completely safe in the monotonous clown world we're forever trapped in. Welcome to hell.
Anonymous 231936
So it's a net loss on the balance sheet of a currency that, as stated, isn't really going to be worth much in the long term anyway …
But I digress, our real value to them is how such an overwhelming amount of the populace is willing to cooperate with whatever they demand.
Making us complacent is a far more effective strategy for long-term control than all the threats, fear, and violence in the world. In other words, thinning the herds would only endanger that security.
Anonymous 231939
>What, precisely could be the endpoint of the trajectory our civilization is on, if not eventual collapse?
We are going to be the longest lasting and most stagnant civilization in human history so far. We will fade out so gradually that whatever replaces us will just be "post-" of what we currently are.
The arguments are that what he wrote is just platitudinous appeals to nature and completely delusional analysis based on his own poorly thought out perspective.
The guy's big idea is that we are all becoming "oversocialized" in a time of accelerated atomization. That's completely disconnected from reality on every level.
Anonymous 231942
>>231939Yeah, people seem more socially disconnected than ever before. It's to the point where many don't view each other as actual human beings anymore, just ideas of what "other" people are like. Imo that's why people hate on whites or other races so much. They stop seeing people in real life as individuals and generalize based on stuff they saw online, on the news, etc.
Anonymous 231951
The amish are a giant group of fucking larpers. I live somewhere with a large amish population and they actually are very dependant on machinery and society. They just refuse to operate machinery but have no problem paying people to chauffeur them to walmart where they buy great value cookie mix and peddle it as "homemade amish cookies". Yes, really.
As for nukes, the impact of nukes can be felt hundreds of miles away from the site it was actually dropped.
Anonymous 231976
>>231939>They don't view us a resource. In fact they view people as a net loss.Noticed something about the rich? They breed like rats. Musk has like dozen brats, same with Putin. Thier ultimate goal likely is to exterminate everyone but thier direct descendants so their genes get to dominate the universe.
Anonymous 232205
>>231976Poor people tend to actually have more children than rich people.
However ultra rich people like Musk can afford to have a giant brood because they can just hire a team of nannies to do all the real parenting.
Anonymous 232289
>>231976>forgetting India and China existoh americans
Anonymous 232290
After working a corporate job for several years, I honestly don't understand how most people keep going. It feels soul draining and I miss the free time.
Anonymous 232295
>>2322904chan taught me that corporate jobs were easy
Anonymous 232516
>>227331If I was told the only other option outside of working a job I didn't like was to become a breeding stay-at-home NPC to a man, I would just become a mass shooter.
Fortunately there are better jobs out there, but the grind to get there is miserable. Hang in there OP.
Anonymous 232519
>>227455>>227970Your work means you get to live to 70 years of age instead of 40, that's the only red pill
Anonymous 232544
Every Sunday I want to die
Anonymous 232550
>>227970Who said anything about forgetting about modern medicine
Anonymous 236834
>>228319the redditor is right, the government shouldn't have that much power
being able to take away someone's right to self-expression due to "mental illness" and moralist hyperreligiousity is a very slippery slope
i hate trannies but that doesn't mean i think the government should persecute them
once they have the power to eradicate the undesirables, what makes you think you'll be spared?
no smart person would ever be on the side of the oppressor
Anonymous 236852
>>236834You don't think people getting surgeries at whim because of being mentally ill and wanting them isn't a slipperier slope?
Anonymous 236854
>>236852nta but I am 100% with mentally ill men castrating themselves. They should do it without restriction it's a self solving issue. My problem is when the government tries to force us to "accept them" and trying to call it child abuse if you don't want them to push that on your underage kids. Like, you do you pal, but leave me and mine out of your psychotic lifestyle.
Anonymous 236858
Yeah lol at least not where I live. But I'm glad defective men are castrating themselves though. Hope they keep it up.
Anonymous 236904
>>236834I plan on being the one doing the opressing and you’ll go straight to the uranium mines.
Anonymous 236920
>>236854If I was a politician and could create any policy or whatever that I want it would be to pay guys $10,000 to get a vasectomy. It's the right amount of money that only dumbest, most reckless idiots would go for it. But also there would be hardly any left over after getting it reversed, if they blew even half of the money they would have to start paying out of their own pocket for reversal surgery. I imagine the men that take the offer would probably take years before they decide to, or are able to get it reversed. It would prevent so many unwanted pregnancies and slow the spread of trash tier genes. It would probably be better to just fully sterilize them but that wouldn't fly with the general public, this is a good halfway solution that could realistically happen. Eugenics is such a powerful tool that even in a small dose like this it could still have huge benefits, especially in a generation or two