Anonymous 226639

of course dude. she realizes her worth and anyone who has a fucking brain cell can tell she is perfect.
Anonymous 226643
The author tried too try hard to make her relatable and fuck all you here are just proving that he was right, embarrassing!
I just view her as the female version of the typical self insert boring ass anime mc
Anonymous 226645
>>226643So what? Most manga and anime characters have always had some exaggerated characteristics, it can be fun, if i wanted to be bored i can just step outside.
Anonymous 226650
from what ive seen posted of her on social media she just seems like a scrotes caricature of a femcel
>>226642why do so many of you want to be femfeels so badly? YWNBRG you will never be real goblina
Anonymous 226692

No, picrel is. Kuroki Tomoko will always be the queen of female losers and /ourgirl/.
Anonymous 226694
>>226692Outdated info. She is not a loser anymore.
Anonymous 226715
>>226643Since you obviously have "better" taste. what's peak /ourgirl/?
Anonymous 226719
>>226694Women are the likely sex to come out on top when it comes to overcoming social issues. I also heard it becomes yuri very late in the manga, so it seems pretty fitting
Anonymous 227971
>>226694I stopped reading when people just started approaching her on their own wanting to be friends with her(nothing like that would ever happen in real life, especially when you're "the weird one" in a group).
I wouldn't be surprised if at this point in the manga she has a completely normal life.
Anonymous 228003
Shes an accurate depiction of lots of girls who are ugly, socially inept and have weird complexes, i think only the people who grew up as these types of girls relate to her, she reminds me of how i acted when i was younger.
Anonymous 228034
when the cringe is…

>>228003>she reminds me of how i acted when i was younger.same, although for me, most of the time it was not really something I had done in the past but rather something I could very much see myself do if I didn't know aby better. In a way I could understand her reasoning behind many of the things she did.
I just remembered the part where she played that card game against kids. And I remember that I did something similar at her age… I though I managed to wipe that memory out of my mind already. I sweat profousely everytime I think about it.
Anonymous 228035
>>228003>she reminds me of how i acted when i was younger.So you fondled your girl friends breasts and looked up their skirt? She always is thinking about sexually harassing her female friends if not doing it.
Anonymous 228090

Asa is fun to watch but Kobeni is the true relatable girl. Then again I am a wagie.
Anonymous 228102
>>226627She was writen by man. Can a male masculine man full of testosterone trully understand the teenage girl condition?
Anonymous 228283
>>228213Of course not. That is why people should only be allowed to write autobiographies about recent happenings in their lifes.
Anonymous 228284
>>228283Stop lowkey psyopping for men and their filth though anon kek
Anonymous 228536
asa is literally perfect, im gatekeeping her from the anime onlys (petty yes I know)
Anonymous 228590
>>228035No, but i did other things she did before, i was really weird too. If you're talking about the new chapters in the manga i haven't read it.
Anonymous 228595
>>228590>If you're talking about the new chapters in the manga i haven't read it.No, she does it since the beginning in the anime and manga.
Anonymous 228812
>>228213I don't think like I could write about anyone. I feel so disconnected from normal people they seem like a different species sometimes.
228035 228979
>>228035You know that's obviously not what they meant… tomoko is basically the face of ugly awkward girls with interests that are seen as weird to the general public. Overall she just doesn't fit in no matter how hard she tries due to her awkwardness, social anxiety, low self esteem, superiority/inferiority complex, etc. She's obviously not perfect and has some abnormal aspects to her character but if you really knew her character and were in a similar boat as her then you'd know what they meant.
Anonymous 229076

I really hope she makes it out of this part and doesn't die with Yoru. The author doesn't have a good track record with keeping women alive bar Kobeni
Anonymous 229080

>>229076The only reason he didn't kill Kobeni was because he wanted to piss off his editor by killing Angel and allowing Kobeni to live since he was really popular and she wasn't at all. Anonymous 229081
>>228979Then you're retarded because most of stuff she likes is normal for a young adult( anime, manga, video games). And her being perverted is a huge part of her personality, it's why scrotes love her because she's literally scroteish brained.
228035 229092
>>229081how exactly am I retarded? I just said that some of her interests may be seen as weird to the general public, like playing dating sims and listening to yandere drama cds. But please by all means explain how my accurate description of a character makes me dumb.
(stop using the name field) Anonymous 229093
>>229092did you even read the rules? You arent supposed to identify yourself. For the love of god lurk more
Anonymous 229128
If there's like a AMA or anything where someone needs to be identified. Using it otherwise looks like you're looking for attention.
Anonymous 229131
That's what's called a newfag trap.
Anonymous 229135
I think she fits in just right. And extremely flawed and insecure person who does awful things, but deep down is a good and kind person.
Anonymous 229162
>>229156Nta but according to google it's Misaki Nakahara
Anonymous 229167
>>229156The Patron Saint of the socially inept.
Anonymous 229191
>>229189Catholic, since it's the only church the Japanese seem to be aware of.
Anonymous 229271
>>229156She's a high school dropout who tries to help a hikikomori to reform his ways. At first it seems like it's typical manic pixie dream girl wish fulfilment but then you find out she does because she feels so depressed that she needs to find someone more pathetic than her to feel better than.
Anonymous 229275
>>229270I think they're both dumb and cringe so they fit together. It's kinda wholesome.
Anonymous 229326
>>229270Denji is in a weird place where he's your typical sex obsessed shonen protagonist but he won't steal panties, try to cop a feel or other creep shite. His motives are pure moid but he generally acts decent around women. I think Asa and him could bond well over earlier trauma but until Denji matures a bit more I think Asa is too good for him.
Anonymous 229329
>>228102has nothing to do with 'understanding' or 'relating'. it's fiction and it's about your skill and experience in that. that's all that counts. because otherwise it's just any lame shit everyone's seen. aestheticisation is more important than anything else. it is depth as far as human beings are concerned. naturally someone doing it as a job, a rather competitive job, is better at it than a teenager on social media.
Anonymous 229342
>>229326NTA but
>typical sex obsessed shonen protagonistAren't most shonen battle manga protagonists non-perverted? Most of them are either "soft boys", complete tards, straight up asexual or a mix of these. The "pervert" is always a secondary character like Roshi, Mineta or Zenitsu.
>he generally acts decent around womenIt's honestly surprising that he's not a raging incel considering literally every woman he's ever met in his entire life has tried to manipulate and kill him at least once.
Given his background it's a miracle that he can trust anyone at all.
>until Denji matures a bit more I think Asa is too good for him.Sorry, but I genuinely think it's the opposite.
Anonymous 229371

>>229329>naturally someone doing it as a job, a rather competitive job, is better at it than a teenager on social media.There’s a very little correlation between quality of a product and how well it sells (pic related). Another example, Linux offers way better bang to buck ratio than Windows and to managed to become reasonably user friendly too but every office rat still uses Windows anyway.
Anonymous 229529
>>229509I haven't read the new online-only manga but I love Power because I identify
with her so much. Ironically my favorite character is probably Makima.
Anonymous 229604
>>229547I shower every day because I understand I'm not an anime character lol.
Anonymous 229635
>>229529>I identify with her so muchYou have negative IQ and exceptionally poor hygine?
Jokes aside, I do like Power a lot. And especially her relationship with Denji. They really do share a single braincell.
Anonymous 229647
Imagine if characters in this manga look like their personality and intelligence suggest they should look. Slouched, unkept and wearing uglyass hoodie. Power would suffer the worst being a feral child she would look like ugly preteen child uncertain gender.
Nobody would read that.
Anonymous 229674
>>229647Imagine if people in real life look like their personality and intelligence suggest they should look.
Anonymous 229693
>>229647This is a problem I face as a writer. I keep wanting to be "the one" who makes that down to earth comic with average to ugly characters…and it would flop. but at least I intentionally make everyone not beautiful.
(tho this already was made, it was called kuragehime, and it rocked.)
Anonymous 229713
>>229693Yeah, making genuine "ugly" people to be main character doesn't stick because you need people to keep their eyes on the screen and to buy into these characters at first glance, which is why in movies and TV shows all the "ugly" characters are "hollywood ugly" aka "good-looking but not in a conventional hyper-normalfag way".
This topic kind of makes everyone look like a hypocrite since almost nobody wants to make a legit ugly main cast unless they're all incredibly cartoonish to the point they're not even people anymore.
Anonymous 229724

>>229713It can work as long as the character isn’t fat.
Anonymous 229725
>>229647Do you think all good and/or smart people are hot and all bad and/or stupid people are ugly irl? Wtf
Anonymous 230495

>>227973I love Moriko! The anime Net-juu no Susume is so underrated.
Anonymous 231869

Catching up on this unironically made me depressed as shit reading the pic related panels.
Anonymous 231870
>>226692No. She's just an autist, she has friends.
Anonymous 232231

I've watched the episode linked in that other thread, seems like the dutch version of Watamote
Anonymous 256669
it sucks that the author basically made her disappear from her own manga for the last 5 months
Anonymous 256672
>>256669I tried to read this and gave up when she started to develop feelings for Denji. I'm pretty sure that's when everything lost track and it really became Chainsaw man 2 and not a story about Asa and Yoru.
Anonymous 256685
>>226692>>226719>>256682This is why Tomoko will always be /mygirl/ (overcame my social issues without altering my inherent traits, realized I like women more, and now have a cute girlfriend)
Her problems were shown so honestly in the early manga. Media is often afraid to depict shy women being shitty gross judgemental assholes but I know I sure as fuck was.
I love Asa too but Tomoko is sentimental.
Anonymous 257491
>>229724left hand side: does not register as human being in the brain, does not cause "ugly guy" response for me.
It's probably pretty hard to make a comic book main character who genuinely hits the "ugly" the way real people do. Even television is a little difficult, I think you really need to have the face and body in motion in natural real life with full depth perception showing the contours of their face as they move to really get the full ugly experience.
Anonymous 257630
>>226627I actually find yoru more interesting and relatable than asa. I feel like I used to be asa as a teenager but as I got older and the bpd rage intensified I turned into yoru
Anonymous 257686
>>257630I thought bpd gets milder as you get older?
Anonymous 257692
>>257686I think it depends on life experiences that you incur over time. The most bpd person I know is my ex's mom who's like in her late 50s - substance abuse over time makes it considerably worse for some people.
Anonymous 257693
>>257686Doesn't seem to be the case for me, the ride never ends.
Although, I've read that not only BPD but a lot of mental illnesses disappear with old age somehow, probably in 60s, although cognitive functions get impaired in the process.
Anonymous 258451
>>229371I can't believe I liked that dork at some point. Thank you Isayama
Anonymous 259173
One of the best written characters in manga. I like that despite being a loser, having issues, even flaws, and being really unlucky, she's also smart and brave despite everything.
Anonymous 259210
>>257630I thought Reze was supposed to be the BPD girl. Yoru doesn't think or act like a person, how can you relate to the literal embodiment of War?
Anonymous 259212

>>259210BPD when calm = socially awkward, self-loathing and anxious.
BPD when rage = War.
I don't know how Reze is BPD. She doesn't experience rapid mood swings.
Anonymous 259214
>>259212Are you sure? Because she literally goes from trying to kill Denji at the phone booth to spending time with him because she think's he's cute and relatable, to kiss him before trying to kill him in a horrible way. Then she makes fun of him for not killing her at the beach and the next day she tries to meet him again. I thought her whole character was a pun on lovebombing.
Anonymous 259215
>>259212>>259214On the other hand Yoru doesn't really experience mood swings, she's just… War.
Anonymous 259216
>>259214I suppose.
Wasn't it all just an act to trap him to kill him first?
>pun on lovebombingThat's a nice one. I never thought of her character like that.
>>259215I just conceptualize Asa and Yoru switching personalities and controlling their body as mood swings. A BPD episode makes someone turn into a psychopath until they calm down.
Talking about her makes me so pissed. The recent chapters are so boring and annoying to read. I don't care about a boring one-dimensional narcissist like Denji.
Anonymous 259219
>>259216>I just conceptualize Asa and Yoru switching personalities and controlling their body as mood swings. A BPD episode makes someone turn into a psychopath until they calm down.Oh yeah in that case it makes a lot of sense. I go even further and imagine Asa as being a devil with DID.
Anonymous 259220…

>>259219Yes, it's basically split personality but in case of DID the personalities do not share memories and are conscious I think?
Not sure.
Anonymous 259221
>>259220Usually there og personality doesn't have all the memories, while the protectors/persecutors can access to every memory of the person
Anonymous 259224
>>259216Denji is fun to read about because of how dumb he is
Anonymous 259233

>>228090Kobeni is super unlucky and is very relatable in that.
Asa has that nice genuinely self loathing yet narcisist touch to her. Here's her omake
Anonymous 259246
>>259233>Yoru be like: "I can't fucking believe what I'm hearing."