
Hobbies outside of media consumption? Anonymous 227482
I have a screen addiction.
I can’t stop looking at my laptop and my phone. It’s especially hard since I use my laptop in-class for most of my classes.
Anonymous 227495
>>227482I'd say gardening. Touching grass is actually so relaxing. But I do end up scrolling a lot for design ideas.
Anonymous 227496
>>227482I stare at pictures of eels (physical) for hours.
Anonymous 227500
What about cooking/baking? If you let yourself get distracted it all burns.
Anonymous 227507
>>227482Staring at a screen is not a good example of suffering builds character anon, its a symptom of depression from past suffering or malaise. Make peace with the fact it's there and find ways to coax yourself to what you want because you want to, not because you force yourself to. Forcing yourself to do what you love makes you hate it, especialy if you have a history of being forced to do things. So don't force hobbies drift into them gently. There is really no other solution to getting yourself to enjoy things. You should know though, getting on the internet is the complete opposite of enjoying things.
Anonymous 227513
I go out on hikes, I have a garden, baking, exercise on my treadmill/exercise with dumbbells, go out with my bf, listen to music and play instruments, play with my aging dog.
Anonymous 227514
I enjoy hiking, bushwalking, photography of these places, collecting rocks and fossils
You could try asking your neightbours with dogs if they want them walked for free as it will help encourage you to go walking? Thats what I do when i lack interst
Anonymous 227530
>>227508At least she is infinitely self aware and less obedient,
and disconnected than most delusional moids in complete denial n0na. Falling in line, doing what they're told, doing what they hate.. :)
Anonymous 227531

>>227495I second this! If you don't have space there's always community gardens. People there are always chill and super friendly.
Today I went to the botanical gardens and it was so lovely, just looking at the birds and butterflies and shit. I was literally going around touching all the leaves and grasses, they have a nice texture. Botany is super interesting once you get into it.
Also! Reading comics on my phone helped with my scrolling problem, since everything is tiktok these days. Even if it's just manga or webcomics.
Anonymous 227536

>>227482As some other anon mentioned gardening is very relaxing and getting in contact with nature can improve your mental health more than you could think at first
Anonymous 227584
>>227530I didn't know femeels were that based. Truly fascinating creatures.
Anonymous 227596
>>227482I also want to be free from the internet. There is actually some things I'm interested in doing, like drawing and gardening, but I just don't have the motivation to do it.
Anonymous 227612
Reading books and learning how to be a better wage slave/productivity.
Anonymous 227614
>>227482I really like drawing and story-writing, I used to lift and I wanna get back on it
Anonymous 227700
Media making. Anyone can draw and write for free now.
>>227612Reading is media consumption though
Anonymous 227759
>>227482Playing musical instruments
Doing maths. Making scientific demonstrations. I'm glad I get paid to do my hobbies>>227700>Reading is media consumption thoughWhat if you write critical analyses about what you read? Or if you're otherwise reading a text to study a field so that you can create/contribute in that area?
Anonymous 227760
>>227482>Make yourself boredTake your phone and your laptop and put it away, or at least have some willpower and don't use it for say a week except for work or when you actually need to do something with it.
You'll become so fucking bored after the first day that you are going to have to find something to do, as crazy as it sounds a literal walk around your local park will seem the most fun you've had in years after not using your phone for a day.
And then just take it from there no one here knows what you like so deprive yourself. It's a lot easier to find something to do when you're not glued 24/7 to your phone.
Anonymous 227780
>>227760i want this so bad n0na but it’s so hard. i thought i was making a lot of progress when i deleted tiktok a year or so ago but i’m now just as addicted to tumblr. i need to quit but it’s so hard…. i’ve had to quit drugs before and the only way to do it is to get rid of every temptation in your life, but for some reason i just can’t do it with social media. i won’t deactivate my accounts… though that’s the only way i’ll quit. i miss creating art… i miss walking in the woods…. i want to be free!
Anonymous 231784

I started trying to find new hobbies to get me outside as COVID restrictions started getting lifted to get me outside the house.
I like to practice archery. It's really relaxing, and an easy way to spend an entire day. As far as hobbies goes, in my experience, target shooting has a slightly wider margin of women to men if you want to find someone to practice with in peace.
Rock climbing has been really fun. A gym opened up within walking distance to me. There's a LOT of gymbros, though.
Anonymous 231788
Craft stuff and reading
Anonymous 231801
Bracelet making and cross-stitching are good and you get a little thing out of it once its finished.
I also like listening to albums back to front while walking (this isn't really a hobby though I guess. Just realised it's also media consumption).
Playing music is fun too, especially getting down a part of a song that's particularly difficult or just noodling around making funny tunes.
I like to stare at my lava lamp.
Anonymous 231825
poetry and olympic lifting
Anonymous 232086
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I like to read complicated books and then think about them but that's media consumption I realize
Lifting is fun, I started getting back into it and can't wait to regain my muscle mass
I love to draw, especially characters
I really really love love storymaking, fantasizing and constructing worlds for hours and maybe writing or drawing them. It's fun because I get to create systems(!!!) but also add angsty character drama.
I started getting into writing lately, short stories and pseudo poems
I have a project in mind for a website that looks like a dark academia library with a 2000's internet and ps2 game aesthetic(it's hard to explain) so I'm learning html
Nona, if you have screen addiction the look for hobbies that are digital
Anonymous 232109
>>231784anon i do archery as well! do you use compound or recurve?
Anonymous 232123
Baking is really satisfying. I just wish there was a way to bake sweet stuff without having to eat it all.
Anonymous 232125
>>231822What do you knit? I tried to get into it, but once I made a scarf, I ran out of things to make.
Anonymous 232129

>>232128I don't understand how more women aren't into this hobby.
Anonymous 232131
>>232109I use a traditional recurve riser with 20 and 40lb arms. My first experience with a sighted recurve didn't go well. My shots went everywhere. So, I started going with intuition aiming which has landed me way better results. It feels nice putting shots inside the yellow by feel, but it can make it a drag to wait for everyone else to carefully zero in shots.
Anonymous 232162
I have this problem too and it doesn't help I'm getting a degree in computer science so I end up spending way too much time online.
learning a new language feels like a productive way to spend time and you can use a physical textbook too so you aren't staring at a screen (I'm learning japanese using genki and tobira books). drawing, gardening, pattern drafting and sewing, embroidery/cross stitch, working out, birdwatching, journaling, cooking/baking are my hobbies that aren't media consumption.
Anonymous 232163
Foraging for wild edible plants. Turns out dandelions can be made into tea and salads. Also cactus pads and cactus fruit are edible.
Anonymous 232176
>>232163Have you ever found asparagus in the wild ?
Anonymous 258604
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Cooking, especially preserves. I've been doing it for a few years; now I'm teaching friends how to do it.
>>227700>>227612I read books too, but afterwards I write a short summary and my opinion, then share it with friends (the ones who like to read). It has changed the way I read things.
>>232163This is next for me. I want to go hiking and come back with food.
Anonymous 260257

>>232163not foraging but u can snack on those if u see them and know its safe (not covered in anti-pest gas or smth)
Anonymous 263968
>>260257No offense Nona, but I take wild plant advice elsewhere.
Anonymous 264279

>>227500There is great pleasure in refining a recipe. It takes days/weeks/months, but you end up with the perfect meal, adapted to your palate. It's a very unique kind of knowledge that is developed for your own pleasure. It's a bit gratuitous.
Anonymous 264760
>>260257i love wood sorrel !! so yummy :3