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Femininity is domesticating yourself like a dog Anonymous 227890

It's hard to respect femininity the way its plastered all over social media now in the desperate way it is, for likes.

If men aren't peacocking for you, you shouldn't be peacocking for them. Women should be really vocally critical of men's looks all the time. The same way men are critical of women. It is downright gross to see the uggo males plastered all over creation, while only plasterd women are pretty

Ugly men are disgusting. No matter how nice they pretend to be it always feels like ignorantly getting in your car, to ride with you everywhere and just laugh while he sucks your fucking blood or destroy your mind. How can we discuss this better? Stress the blood sucking part? It doesn't matter what they bring to the table men are always doing everything ten times lazier, with the intent to only do whats not a chore, to steal from SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW with their insufferable destructive and parasitic capitalism…."advancing society". These motherfuckers need to look good or get the hell out of my life. :l

How can we discuss this better??

Anonymous 227893

In general, people who make their whole personality revolve around their gender are kind of cringe. I think that about the "alpha male" types as well. Why can't people just be normal about being a man or a woman?

Anonymous 227897

>Why can't people just be normal about being a man or woman?

Trannies and heteros turn gender into a something to abuse. Femininity is treating yourself like a dog mentally & physically.

There is no normal, around other people. They're unpredictable and pretty gnarly in their abuse when they decide to destroy (the mind especially) by weaponizing femininity or masculinity. Get rid of gender completely and there's nothing to weaponize.

Anonymous 227953


holy based take ! I try my best to make the ugly moids i study with super insecure, i would love to openly mock them but i don't want to get punched in the face by these violent baboons.

my comments usually go like "wow your jaw is recessed, did you get braces in past ?" or "You have the same nose as my uncle , he got a nose job for it, it was too bumpy"

Anonymous 228014


Usually it's nothing like that though. And it's easy to brutally sear them if you stick to the cold hard truth. It's always more of a burden to be with a moid, than a woman. ALWAYS. We're better off single than with them. So when they try to nitpick something about your appearance you let them know that exactly x10. Entitled men aren't competing against each other for our attention they're competing with OURSELVES, with our bliss in solitude. How fucking easy it is to just turn them down 99% of the time. If any entitled filthwad guy ever had the audacity to criticize my looks or weight I would wipe his face clean off for it. I wouldn't care if I got punched or beaten up or was put in the hospital. To me its better than letting entitled UGLY filth mongers continue to think they're worth an ounce of shit. They ABSOLUTELY ought reel over it and cry over it and we should be daggers to them. I think its infinitely better than letting then continue to believe they deserve anything for looking/ acting like they do. That is the absolute worst to me because of the years I've known having my mind destroyed by shitty predatory men in the past. They should think theyre worthless if theyre ugly or entitled. Period.

Lol by some miracle I've never actually gotten punched for this though. Probably because I bore it through their soul like a knife and pretty adament about how much i dont give a shit what happens. They couldn't pay me a million dollars to be with their disgusting asses, even when im attracted to them something in my head pulls it back. I will carry a gun for moments exactly like this though. If they give me a reason to holy shit. It's better than living around their ridiculous disgusting entitlement. It makes me hurl.

Anonymous 228032

I hate this line of thought as it just reflects the issues of our society on a subconscious level

Anonymous 228036

Wait until you discover what the Sx3 is

Anonymous 228051

I agree, femininity literally feels like prison to me. The moment i stopped caring was the moment I actually got to focus on the stuff that actually matter to me

Anonymous 228057


Anonymous 228266

Feminity has many dimensions to it and you can choose which aspects of it you like. If you dislike being feminine than you probably have a malformed understanding of what it is to be a woman. I don't blame you for it considering the current state of society.

Anonymous 228272

All ugly people are humble and cool and interesting and resilient, but all beautiful people are stuck-up cunts that deserve to have acid splashed on their faces.

Lower the standards, don't try to make them unreachably high. We can make the world a better place!

Anonymous 228274

Accept men pray on femininity itself, the peacocking, the emotional laboring, the whole performance no matter what kind of femininity we're talking about. It's like wearing a sign on your back that says "yes I'm easily bullied into doing whatever you want" (even if youre not) Because if you give some of your mind away to the performance emotional laboring, THEY KNOW you give all of it away. You can't prioritize the performance and know how to be a complete asshole when you need to be. Most women would chicken out. That is not true for men, they use every kind of nastiness, /just/ to intimidate or lie. And it is not just due to size. But think about it. Did they pursue sexual dimorphism and breed women to be small so they could intimidate and use women this way?

Emotional laboring/ peace keeping pretty much sets you up to burn so you don't know how to use cruel indifferent aggression when you need it. Even worse you try to keep a happy perspective that isn't true half the time, so you pretend not to notice when you're getting screwed over. No matter how much you say you're not getting screwed, you definitely are if you don't know how to be an asshole from hell when you need to be. Society sets you up to not know how and pretend you don't have to be. It even punishes you for knowing.

So why do you think its surprising when men see performance femininity like a target on your back? Why do you think they treat you like someone easy to bully and intimidate into doing what they want?

They know on some level before you do, you'll try to be agreeable, try to be the one thats peaceful. They will ALWAYS manipulate your preference to be peaceful and bully you into some kind of lesser/crappier corner with aggression. Even if you dont immediately see the aggression. They'll trap you there with a lie that can last years and know you wont really be able to do anything about it after they've screwed you over.

Youre not expected to even KNOW HOW to use aggression and cruel indifference, especially by society. You never can if you make emotional laboring your priority. Again you cant because society punishes you for it. (Which is why you should NEVER care what society thinks as a women btw.) But even then they'll leave you a thousand miles behind, holding shit for all you did.. in a corner you were stupid enough to believe shouldnt exist, and now you can't get out of.

It's even worse that males will never return the favor and peacock, for us. How fucking ugly they are is more than just an insult, it leaves women numb and pretending all their lives. You just forget what real attraction even is. Forever, while men do not. Men dont bother and then entitle themselves to young women, who mostly reject them. But the harrassment continues. And that is just disgusting.

Theyll try to brainwash you that men are the ones that are visual but really theyre just feral pigs who dont know how to live with what they've always gotten for free. Of course theyll fucking throw a tantrum. Gee why do you think that is?? Gee why wont men ever return performance femininity and only shun it?? Because they think vioence, is the only truth, not love. If they lose to women theyll be "dead" (wow another tantrum and another lie). So it was a manipilation tactic from the start? Hurdur you think?? Its just stupid as hell to accept men the way they are. Just assuming and taking advantage of all these "anti-femininity" psychological powers you're taught to avoid. Which you're not only punished for, you even become biased against like a dumbass pickme who never gave one second of thought to how she got to where she is.

It doesn't matter if there are some okay men, if you have to live with the filth they spread in the rest of the world. I dont want a descent guy … if i also have to live without abortion, in the same society that has human sex trafficking.

That "descent" guy is just as easily a mofo liar using you while he can.

Before you even get to Mr. decent though, you had to weed through tons of rotten ones to find him. a
Another reason it's just depraved, dangerous, demented, and insulting af to signal to other women this is the ideal way to exist when its a towering joke on you.

No matter how you look at it you always lose with feminity because men never return it, when they're encouraged too be ugly parasitic, opportunistic assholes. It doesn't matter how pretty you are, you still get treated like garbage and are semi-paraded through life like a clown. Especially by men. Gee why do you think? What is the true reason men treat women like a joke? Because the joke is on them. They're performing femininity while men are not. That is the be all end all truth of it, that goes down to the bone. It's the source of all problems women have ever had. Femininity is for clowns and men know it.

I'll accept femininity in a world where men return it in equal measures and take what they dish out sexually. But until then they're just extremly indulgent, extremely spoiled liars

Anonymous 228276

Or just normal good looks instead of unreachable ones ?? What you're implying would NEVER happen. It also sounds incredibly gross. Humble isn't necessarily good, at all.

Anonymous 228277

Also fuck letting ugly predatory fucker men get away with how they've treated women for thousands of years. They get what's coming 100,000%.

Anonymous 228297

Holy bas-ed fuck you're not totally wrong

Anonymous 228302

>All ugly people are humble and cool and interesting and resilient, but all beautiful people are stuck-up cunts that deserve to have acid splashed on their faces.

A bit too radical. The issue is that suffering builds character and they usually can avoid the worst of it. Mandatory latrine duty for everyone!

Anonymous 228303

>All ugly people are humble and cool and interesting and resilient
How delusional can one be?
While it is true that beautiful people aren't bound to have equally beautiful personality, it doesn't mean that ugly people are all good by nature. Ugly people can be just as awful as anyone. I'd say it has little to do with how someone looks.

Anonymous 228304

People, especially dating age people, like confidence in their partners because it relieves their own anxiety and makes them feel better. But most confidence stems from ignorance of your own flaws, and people with confident partners start realising it when their partner believes they're perfect and doesn't change the way they act. Everything from not doing the dishes to even cheating on them.

Anonymous 228306

Ugly people are usually incredibly bitter. Look at incels. Thats hollywood propaganda

Anonymous 228308

>suffering builds character
No it doesn't, at least not positive one.
Are you masochist?

Anonymous 228311

It definitely does, everyone should be a little insecure about something. Learn to be through trial and failure/ suffering at least a little. It makes you more empathetic / understanding of others suffering. That's not to say you shouldn't have confidence from learning either. It's about at least a bit of both. The male ego is a plague and a disaster,

Anonymous 228799


Yep, so tired of the movement that says the only way to combat gender progressivism is to be a domesticated house ornament. It's gross and regresses right back to the Feminine Mystique pathology of the 50s.

Question for nonas who actually like being feminine: are there any real benefits? All I hear is cope like "receptivity is our strength" which just sounds like glamorizing helplessness and passivity.

Anonymous 228919

>Trannies and heteros
Just say men, women are conditioned to wear makeup and perform femininity from birth because of men, it's literally just them

Anonymous 228922

(NTA but) it's true, people who haven't faced any adversity lack self-awareness, they're often condescending, superficial and unempathetic. However, there is such a thing as too much suffering and the ones who deny this fact are mostly fragile, raving stoics who haven't even been through much in the first place and overestimate their own fortitude. Suffering can make you a better person. Depending on conditions, it can also make you an asshole or ruin you with unsolvable trauma.

Anonymous 229486


based take, I wish someone told me about this before I had to learn the hard way.

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