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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 227955

More than 5 years on since the cafe officially opened, how has your life evolved since January 2018?

Anonymous 227994

I hated 2018, still I want to go back. I realise the past isn't better, I just like the idea of being younger. You don't know you're young til you aren't.

Anonymous 227999

I finally started taking risks, got my Masters, met a guy who could overlook my physical appearance, lost everything, found a job I actually like, went out on a limb and made the first real commitment to another person ever, had a baby and built a home I finally feel at ease in.

Anonymous 228000

with kids? how's that going

Anonymous 228002

Got on psychiatric meds that have helped me a lot.

Started taking my job seriously and I've advanced my career.

Lost the one friend that I had and haven't made any new ones.

Got closer with my family because I'm scared my parents will die soon.

Anonymous 228007

In 2018-19 I made some incredibly stupid life decisions that I'm finally starting to bounce back from. I've cut out toxic people from my life and don't have many friends left, but the few I've got are pretty great.
I had my first full time job after being a NEET for the majority of my adult life! And am now on my second. It's not super well paying but I can afford more than rent and food for the first time in my life.
Generally I've just matured and grown a lot as a person. I've still got a long way to go, but it finally feels like I'm on the right track.

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