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"NoFap" and celibacy benefits Anonymous 229295

What is your onion on what the scrotes call "nofap"? Is it pseudoscience but useful anyway since it makes moids quit watching porn?
Aside from esoteric practices like tantra and kundalini yoga there seems to be no measurable advantage through some praise it as the holy grail for productivity and so on.
I am quite satisfied sexually with only masturbation and don't see a reason to change my habits, I just lack the emotional fulfillment and becomming a nun won't spawn me a bf, right?

Anonymous 229298

I don't know the science or broscience behind it but I'm not gonna complain. I don't want men to watch porn or excessively jack off. But it was always generally excepted that men masturbating lowers aggression and and drive up until recently when masturbation became normalized. That's what men who believe in "no fap" seem to believe also. So if that is true it could be a negative and a positive. Assuming that the claim is true, it would mean you might see more abusive women beaters. But it also could mean that men would have a higher drive to do things so less NEETs and also society would be much less sexualized and men would be more faithful and interested in their partner because they are not watching porn. If they are not watching porn and masturbating, and saving themselves for you then that's a sign of good impulse control so they probably won't be abusive, maybe. IDK, there needs to be studies on this to really know the effects. To me it seems like a good thing

Anonymous 229304

Jerking off in moderation is actually good for men. The men who see not jerking off as a divine revelation are the addicts who never before imagined a lifestyle without cooming 7 times per day. They assume all other men are like them when that is not the case at all.

Anonymous 229305

Men's balls are constantly producing semen so if they don't masturbate it comes out in a wet dream or something. Literal biological slaves to coom. I was flabbergasted when a guy explained this to me because for women it's so easy to go without sex and even masturbation if they choose to.

Anonymous 229306

I don't want a bf who faps regularly/is a coomer. I basically only get along with males with low sex drives.

Anonymous 229308

Well, watching porn ruins your brain and most moids jack off with a death grip so they end up not like actual sex. So no fap(outside the weird cult aspect of it) can be helpful for moids who are porn sick.

Anonymous 229309

What does a death grip entail?

Anonymous 229327

Moids get used to fapping with their hand and gradually increase the speed and grip over time that it's impossible to replicate with a real person. It's why porn sick moids are obsessed with tightness.

Anonymous 229328

I was on a 20 hour flight down to Australia with some friends. The men were joking about having to have a wank in the plane toilets. Not about how funny it would be to have one but how awkward it was to do it inside. Fucking disgusting.

Anonymous 229339

Ehh. Dicklets are obsessed with tightness, while big pp daddy will gift you an XL dildo to practice with, so he can fit all the way next time.

Death grip is when they enjoy the sex but can't come from fucking and have to use their hand to finish off.

Anonymous 229348

>All poisoned by bad advice and worse quality. And the people pushing it know that very well. If we're smart we'll encourage it in any way we can.
You're right. We can't let them brainwash our moids any longer with dopamine driven feedback loops on porn sites. They should be cut off from the internet completely and sent to reeducation camps

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