
Josie Anonymous 229411
Josie from fishtank is literally me
Anonymous 229443
>>229424NTA but they're probably autistic
Anonymous 229562

>decide to watch this fishtank thing for a second to see what it's all about
>this person is sitting on an exercise ball chatting with the rest of the group
>all of the chat is doing suggestive comments because of her bouncing on it
fuck me, i know most men aren't like this but it ticks me off how 99.9% of them seem to be this way
Anonymous 229566
Fishtank is boring as shit.
Anonymous 229585
>>229566I'm trying to give it a chance but I see now why reality shows need editing. This might be more fun if we were just seeing condensed episodes.
Anonymous 229871

>>229585i kinda like having it on in the background while im working, and mister jason destroying the house little by little is fun to watch at dinner time
Anonymous 229874
stfu pornsick scrote
Anonymous 229902
someone showed me a video of her saying "literally you!" i didnt like it. i dont want to relate to/look like an autistic retard
Anonymous 230035
>>229871It was fine when it was just a livestream on youtube, but now that it's back on the site I just can't log into it.
For some reason I don't get the verification e-mail, i just want some "fake company" in the background
Anonymous 230040
>>230035Use a 10 minute disposable mail service. That's what I'm doing to avoid giving Sam and crew my real email. I don't trust them not to data breach
Anonymous 230062
>sam hyde hosts overrated insecam
Its kinda neat but why is this popular?
Anonymous 230065
>>230062Sam Hyde fans will support anything he does unconditionally.
Anonymous 230069
what the heck is fishtank!?
Anonymous 230077
I hate how gross people are in the chat to the girls…
Anonymous 230079
>>230068ESLtards I swear to got.
How about you learn the language instead of assuming everyone who uses "they" in a sentence is a gendie and meeting them with unnecessary hostility?
Anonymous 230081
>>230079There is zero reason to use "they" in this context since:
1. the person in question is clearly a woman
2. only women are allowed to post here, so it couldn't refer to the poster as well
So there is no ambiguity in regards to gender here.
Anonymous 230085

I signed up to the website and watched them sitting in a room for about 3 minutes before I got bored. It's not very interesting to me and I don't really get the hype over it but I might give it another chance later or watch highlight clips. I do like josie though (she's literally me) and I hope she wins
Anonymous 230264

I've always imagined that letty is secretly a miner or in miner-adjacent circles and apparently she used the word scrote on the show. Imagine if a discord nona is friends with her but doesn't know it, that'd be amazing (yes I know the odds of her using a small altchan are lower than nonexistent but let me dream okay)
Anonymous 230280
>>229562terminally online people are fucking weird no matter what they have in their pants.
go to church
Anonymous 230295
>>2295624chan is full of guys fantasizing about this girl too
Anonymous 230297
>>230264she called one of the boys a scrote yesterday so probably
they're all pretty terminally online except for maybe jon?
Anonymous 230307
>>230280Ew take your nasty hypocrite pedophile church and shove it
Anonymous 230398
Sylvia is from my hometown but I am a few years older than her and I have never heard of her. The way people make mean and creepy comments about her is such a blackpill it's not even funny.
She's kind of a random artsy type in a boomer and normie shithole, tbh. This place is full of Stacys that think they're better than everyone else, and mental health care for the state itself is terrible. The fact that people online call her "fat" of all things and make her out to be obese is really disturbing to me. There was also someone in the KF thread that pointed out that it's really fucking creepy that people keep insisting she's going to lay someone in the fishtank. It's like they want to jerk off to the idea of her actually banging someone, as a reminder of what worthless voyeur cuckolds they are.
Anonymous 230449
I used to ship Jon and Simmons but now I'm coming around to Jon and Letty. Vidrel is so adorable
Anonymous 230452
Screenshot 2023-04…

>>23039810 minutes of browsing fishtank's kiwifarms thread and I find this. Jfc! I remember even with Audrey Hale the TIF shooter they were saying that if she only had a boyfriend she'd be fine. I swear to god every single time I try visiting kiwifarms I'm reminded again and again exactly why I avoid that trashfire.
Anonymous 230468

I hate male fishtank fans so much. I hate the chat and the kiwifarms thread and the /tv/ generals
Anonymous 230469

Thank you for making me go back into the MDE fiasco that is their userbase, I want my braincells back.
Anonymous 230471
>>230469sam hyde isn't even that funny or interesting but his fans act like he's some sort of god. The MDE fanbase is just insufferable
Anonymous 230484
>>230473Sam Hyde is absolutely hideous
I think marky was a little older than 15, but idk because idgaf about his lore.
Anonymous 230506
Josiepilled as fuck she's so cute and anyone saying she's a troon is just a seething Becky or moid
Anonymous 230567
>>230068ayrt, are you that fucking retarded
Anonymous 230583
>>230473I thought he was at least 35 lol. And where are this girl's parents?
Anonymous 231432
>>230484Definitely lost on the genetic lottery
Anonymous 231461

I’m ashamed to say, I love fishtank. Some of the comments are really bad though, that part of the fan base is gross
Anonymous 231473
I have a thing for Jon. Jon has a cute voice although him being a Andrew Tate stan is kinda weird ngl but he's also kinda retarded so I find it endearing he's seeking validation from some e-celeb who probably doesn't know he exists lol
Anonymous 231485
>>230307she's right though. doesn't matter what someone believes if they're terminally online then they're weird creeps and antisocial. there aren't many normal social spaces left that have young people. all internet-based, all dominated by the mentally ill.
Anonymous 231500
>>231473Jon leaving was heart wrenching, I don’t find myself watching it as much anymore after
Anonymous 231505
The men worshipping Josie getting upset cause their waifu isn't actually a qt kawaii asian anime waifu, but Native American instead, will never not be funny lol.
Anonymous 231506
>>230473I don't know why people don't press Sam Hyde harder on his association with Marky and what happened there. Supposedly his mods delete any comments pertaining to Marky whenever he goes live.