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Budgeting & Savings Anonymous 229498

40/30/30? 50/30/30? How do you budget?

Anonymous 229499

By investing and saving money. Try to get into a good bank with good returns, open up a Roth IRA, maybe invest in the stock market in general S&P500, not in specific companies. I guess find every way possible to save money for the future. As for the present, look/wait for sales and always read the fine print

Anonymous 229501

Only spend money on food and provisions and don't cooonsume shit

Anonymous 229628

Live with parents and work on not pissing them off. I can quietly fuck my bf at home and they don't really care. Max out 401k (22k a year?), and put the rest of the money in certificate of deposits. The rate on cds has exploded in the last year, i'm getting around 3-4% but they all have different lengths of 3 months to 5 years. I buy little things on amazon to keep me sane like stationary, korean skincare, ect. Then keep a buffer of a few thousand if you ever have an emergency.

if you're paycheck to paycheck, this.

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