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Any nonas here own land ? Anonymous 229883

I am genuinely interested in owning a parcel of land one day. I'm 27, make $60k/yr working in tech, and live in BC. I can't seem to figure out the crown land rules regarding land. Any farmer nonas here can chip in with some advice ?

Anonymous 229886

Hmm I'm from the US. If you make 60K a year, that's pretty good. Save as much as you can and work on your credit score. The way my family did it was saved for the down payment, got a loan for the rest, and rented an acre to tenants (essentially, the loan paying itself off). Not sure how it works where you are from. Good luck with your dreams, nona.

Anonymous 230006

Plenty of cheap land in Oregon

Anonymous 230041

oooh great plan

Anonymous 232048

How do you make 67k a year, live in bc, and afford anything ? I would genuinely like to know is that really possible ?

Anonymous 232049

Also what job do you perform working in tech anon?

Anonymous 232377

You can camp on Crown Land for 14 days and then you have to move on.
If B.C is anything like Ontario they have literal bylaw officers they send out to kick you out.

Anonymous 232471

move to alberta

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