
Anonymous 230007
Is being goth cringe after 20? I still wear all black and metal band shirts. Although I stopped using piercing and black makeup. I also stopped dyeing my hair.
Anonymous 230009
I was goth till last year too. I'm 24 now and I just don't feel the need to look edgy anymore, also for me, surrounding myself with dark stuff didn't really help my depression. But if you want to change because you're worried people are gonna judge you, then don't, fuck them
Anonymous 230011
If you care so much about what others think then you only seek validation and weren't sincere from the beginning.
Anonymous 230014
am 22 and im alt n dont dress goth all the time but sometimes i do if i feel like going for that look. i just mix it up with other stuff
Anonymous 230015
>>230011This. The people I know who were goths 20 years ago remain goths today at 40 because goth is their identity and culture and they don't care what others think, it's just what they like and their tastes haven't changed.
Anonymous 230017

It is expected to be, 20+ is still young. It depends on your appearance, type of figure and the style you prefer. I even would think it’s acceptable to look cringe-goth up to 40 if you are slim and not very obnoxious about it? But I don’t understand people who see renaissance fair core elderly on wgt and go awww, that’s just…
Besides, one can look goth in a normie way, people often wear total black, platform boots are still trendy, plus metal accessories, belts/harnesses are also still in, leather clothes - big in
Anonymous 230020
20 still baby
Wearing gothic clothes is cool
I remember when i turned 20, i felt so old.
I thought i should let go of vidya, manga and anime even though it kept me alive and creative lmao… now 3 years later i couldn’t care less.
Anonymous 230023
>>230011I think it can also be interpreted as the opposite, the need to want to stick out that badly is also a form of seeking validation.
Anonymous 230025
>>230007i couldn't afford to be alt as a teen and now i can afford it as an adult… cringe or not i just want to have fun
Anonymous 230026
>>230025It's not really that expensive. Just some black hair dye and black nail polish will do. Also a black sweater or jacket. Maybe a piercing or two.
Anonymous 230028
>>230026No no i didn't want to make it seem like it was expensive, but as a teen I literally had no money but dreamed of dressing alt. See it that way. If it makes you happy, go for it. It's not worth stressing over what others think.
Anonymous 230089
it's cool at any age. don't worry about being "cringe" or people who say you're too old to do it (especially when you're not old to begin with!) and just have fun. i only started wearing egl fashion very recently after wanting to for 10 years. i feel self-conscious sometimes especially since i'm unattractive. but it'd be a huge waste to stop wearing the clothes i spent money on just cause someone might think i'm getting too old for it when it's what makes me happy. so do what makes you happy nona
Anonymous 230118
>Everyone else
That means you and other cookie cutter lemmings.
Anonymous 230127
"Everyone" goes straight to their death after marriage and an office job anon. Stop pretending you don't know
Anonymous 230133
If it was people would care a lot more but they don't. Only boring milk-toast people try to suggest otherwise.
Anonymous 230137
>>230118Do you honestly think you are special for dressing goth/emo/alt/scene/egirl when its insanely mainstream now? Goths are all cookie cutter at this point, predictable music, style, taste, but whats worse about them than other people is usually they are raging pickmes and nlogs just trying too hard to be special.
Anonymous 230139
>>230007Be yourself, Nona! Do and wear what feels right, don't worry what other people think.
People who consider stuff "cringe" are less happy than those expressing themselves.
Anonymous 230141
But honestly who is really and truly cringe in the situation?? The nauseating placeholder with the miserable opinion or the goth. Can we even really know? The cringiest thing of all to top both would be not deciding on your own terms because you live to please people waiting in line at walmart
Anonymous 230152
It depends on where you live I think. If it's a big city, no one really cares. If it's a smaller city/town, it's kinda cringe.
Anonymous 230156
>>230152oh no you can't wear band shirts because elise who lives down the block might tell barbara at the grocery store, the horrors
Anonymous 230434
No way. Personally, I find older goths (including grandmas, or especially grandmas) much cooler. Older people had more time to experiment and find their style, don't care as much about following trends, and their music taste is probably amazing as well.
I find that most people under 20 who cling onto the label "goth" are not even really goths.
Anonymous 230435
imo that's not goth that's just internethoochiecore
i guess it's better to ask op what she means by goth in the first place. if she thinks that is goth she needs to reconsider her life choices
Anonymous 230692
When I was in high school it was so bad I wore black lipstick regularly.
I look back at my fashion sense back then and cringe immensely.
I looked half like a lesbian who repairs her own harley and half like Siouxsie Sioux but without any of the swag she had to actually pull it off.
I guess it's fine up until you are married and have a kid.
Addams family wannabes are cringe.
Anonymous 230728
YOLO! cringe outdated saying right? and it still rings true. Have fun nona.
Anonymous 230740
>>230728It does not ring true at all and didn't back then either. People with no sense of shame or self awareness are a plague.
Anonymous 230750
I still dress in completely dark clothing because it's my favorite color, you can still be goth without looking like a teenager that listens to mca
Anonymous 230755

if you look mall goth, egirl "goth" or like any instagram ethot goth, then it's cringe. but using all black outfits isn't cringe or teen-like, you can look mature or your age while still using silvery jewerly, a bit of edgy makeup and black clothes.