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parasocial relationship Anonymous 230070

Have you ever had someone develop a parasocial relationship with you?
Someone has developed something similar to me and I dont know how to deal with it.

Anonymous 230072

Never happened to me but I have had that for other people (mostly semi-famous though so not that weird). Can you tell your story OP? It seems interesting.

Anonymous 230083

I really can't get into specifics but due to my online presence an individual knows much more than me than I do them and they developed a persistent crush on me.

Anonymous 230224

i would ignore it and go nc if you want

some girl became obsessed with me years ago, she's since then: stalked me, my friends, loved ones, work place, threatened to kill me, torture me, burn me alive, i don't even know how many death threats.

started pretty harmless, and we even became friends at one point but the crazy came out quick once that happened. fyi i'm doing alright, she's fucking nuts but causes more harm to herself than others.

Anonymous 230316

I do that to other person

Anonymous 232501


Leave us fucking birds alone op.

Anonymous 232502


No, I'm the one who is parasocial.

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