
What is your revenge fantasy? Anonymous 230164
My personal fantasy is a little different and curated per person. I want to stunt on my mom who abused me growing up and never believed in me or herself. I would like to buy her a home and retire her so she she has nothing to complain about and has to be left alone with her thoughts for the rest of her life.
I want to become really good and surpass any guy who treated me poorly in the field of his choice. For example, if he’s into sports, I’ll run a marathon and post a picture with his favorite athlete. I want to become completely inaccessible to my ex-friends. To have so many followers and be so busy that they don’t even bother to call me because they know they wouldn’t be able to reach me.
Can’t wait to read these responses. I am here to be inspired!
Anonymous 230189
I don't want to think up suitable ironic punishments. I just want them to suffer.
Anonymous 230216
I want my father to finally end his miserable life. Annoying alcoholic piece of shit. I fantasized about putting antifreeze in his drinks, but I always have the rational thinking to stop myself before I go grab it. I hope the liver failure or the lung cancer catches up to him first so the blood is not on my hands.
As for a non-familial related fantasy, I want to get back at a piece of shit that despite only being in my life for a little under a month, has caused me so much emotional pain and anguish that I would rather dive head first into a cow's ass than live through it again. The stupid… pathetic excuse for a female, that groomed me when I was emotionally a wreck and had very low self esteem or ability to even see the problem with it. I might be a fucking idiot, but I was inexperienced. I'm not sharing that background info to be laughed at. Garbage fire, female pedophile that also became a TRA. A sex-fiend, borderline rapist, and a vile piece of shit. I would laugh so hard, tears coming out of my eyes, as she gets arrested for the shit she did to herself, so she could get brutally raped in prison by a TIM, so she could finally get a taste of her own fetishistic perversions and realize how terrible it really is. I tried warning her, trying to make myself in control, I really did. She broke up with me, because she was a weak minded insecure pervert and there was nothing she could do to make me want whatever the fuck "girlcock" is. I probably will never have enough substance to get her arrested by my own vigilantism (was fairly close, but I hit a roadblock a few months back and haven't been able to bounce back since) but god do I pray she can slip up and get herself in trouble. I just want her friends and family to know how fucked she is. Her life was way too normal and untraumatized to turn out like that. And from when we last talked, she used to lurk here. Scram, you horrid fuck. If you ever dare to show up into my life even if its by accident, I will end you.
Anonymous 230222
>>230221well duh. TRA's tell you that estrogenized penis is something lesbians crave and shit glass for.
Anonymous 230998

this post made me check in on one of my old bullies, a scrote who was absolutely horrid to me throughout my entire childhood and teenage years.
found out
>hes in jail for shooting a woman (who lived)
>He got fat
>Balding at 23
LMAO. Sometimes there are happy endings I guess.
Anonymous 231003
>>230998My old bully is running an instagram page with her shitty photos of gross Indian food that clearly only her family follows. Her lack of success is not enough. I need to see her suffer.
Anonymous 231004
>>231003sorry you can't have your vengeance, nona. I know how it feels. even if my bully went to jail, I wish I could mess him up.
I hope she is miserable for the rest of her life for what she did to you, and I hope one day you can be happy/have a peace of mind.
Anonymous 231020

this guy
this fucking guy
I want to pull all the shit this guy did to Griffith on this narc who has DESTROYED my capability to trust others
And maybe even rape him with a strapon
Anonymous 231523

>>230164tbh I only want to beat the moid who sexually abused me into a pulp. Nothing else.
Anonymous 231541
>>231523praying for u nona, i know its hard but you got this
working out and being stronger than half the men around helped me start feeling safer but at some point that rage will tear your heart/soul apart
>>231524so true, dude died from a heart stress disorder cause he didnt relieve his closet homosex via yaoi gatsu/griffith
Anonymous 231558
>>231524>>231541While I do appreciate the contribution, thinking gay sex is the solution of anything is only something stinky fujos would say.
So stay stinky, fujos.
Anonymous 231585
Nice try FBI.
Jk, I’ve tried to let go of the hate and revenge fantasy but sometimes think about the most abusive moid i ever dated (which was like 13 years ago). He has basically zero internet presence (his insta is private) but he is basically homeless so whatever
Anonymous 231597
guts was raped as a prepubescent boy and griffith is traumatised by that time he gave himself to a pedophile. hnnnnnng hot gay sex is what they need
let me try my hand at some fujo fap fodder. apparently in the U.S. the majority of rape victims are male simply as a result of how oversized the prison system is.
>Griffith drops the soap
>guts appears looming over him
>prison tattoo visible on his pelvic girdle
>guts' big rough yaoi hand slides over griffiths slender yaoi hand as he freezes mid soap retrieval
>guts aggressively whispers in griffiths ear
>"you finna make me go Berserk on dat ass. Cup-cake."
>5 pages of sword euphemisms (ends in climax)
>they get out together many years later, now griffith is his full time prison bitch
"sorry casca, you're just going to have to accept it."
"fucking moids."
Anonymous 231602
>>231597Guts was willing to bet his ass to Griffith if he lost his duel. Griffith was willing to die for Guts when they fought Zodd. Sacrificing his dream of someday owning a kingdom to save his gay crush. While Guts left the Band of the Hawk just to be Griffith's equal and "friend". Even Casca was jealous of their gayness for each other. Griffith was literally thinking of Guts the entire time he had sex with the princess. You can't tell me there's at least not some gay shenanigans happening on Griffith's end.
Anonymous 231605

>>230164Sometimes i have flashbacks/dreams to my rape and when im lucid enough i give myself a knife and stab away
It feels good
Anonymous 231621
>>231558But you just sound like a bored to death pickme.
Anonymous 231628
>>231597griffith didnt just give himself to a pedophile. he gave himself to the pedophile he escaped from to pursue a kingdom of his own, which is why all the other concubines looked like him. he also got revenge
your stance implies that anyone who goes through childhood sa is incapable of also having a normal relationship with someone of the same sex later in life which is also wrong
sorry for being a stinky fujo but this is my one and only ship
gatsu's rough and tough no-homo lifestyle x griffith's bratty boytoy twink life = <33333
Anonymous 231630
>>230164>I want to become really good and surpass any guy who treated me poorly in the field of his choice. For example, if he’s into sports, I’ll run a marathon and post a picture with his favorite athletethis actually happened to me but the thing is they don't care since in their minds a woman only has value if shes hot. basically, they dont actually feel threatened when a woman beats them at something they value (unless they're dating her, which they'd only do if they found her hot)
Anonymous 231631
>>230998I only ever got bullied by tiny asian girls who are doing really well. One of my shitty exes is apparently addicted to meth now though so that thought consoles me. I've got just one other ex and I'm still waiting on adequate karmic justice. He's a balding coomer with AvPD and no friends and never dated anyone else afaik, but that's still not enough.
Anonymous 231632
>>230998>>231003>>231004Unfortunately unlike the movie idea of a bully, IRL bullies are more confident, self assertive, socially and sexually successful, both in school and in adult life.
https://parentingscience.com/pure-bullies/ Anonymous 231638
go 2 heaven.jpg

>>231621>u don't like the idea of men fondling each other? ur a pickme!1!christ, this line of thought is wayyy too common on the internet
Anonymous 231643
>>231638Kek and there literally should be no guys here, so who cares, along as u don’t follow the rhetoric. What a reach though lmfao
Anonymous 231741

Tracking down the person who stole my 3DS back in high school and deleting every single save file off of every single game they own. Bonus points if they have Animal Crossing, since I got my ACNL game that I brought through the e-shop stolen along with it. I will completely vandalize their entire fucking village.
Anonymous 231759
meeting a certain asshole back in highschool and kicking her in the vagina until she threw up… that's possibe, right?