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Backyard owl discussion zone Anonymous 230256

You can also role play as owls if you want:)

Anonymous 230260


Seeing this thread just reignited my love for owls. I hear owls almost every night but I've never gotten a chance to spot them unfortunately. also WHOOO WHOOOOOO

Anonymous 230268


I used to hear owls outside my window every night. But also heard them fight or mate and get into huge territorial wars. Owls make wierd af noises sometimse. I feel like people hardly ever discuss the truth !!

Anonymous 230273

I also used to see / hear screech owls swooping through my yard at my older house, but they dont hoot they trill like this

Anonymous 230888


My favorite owls are burrowing owls. They are very unique.

Anonymous 230900

Hoot hoot

Anonymous 230904

My dad has a "pet" burrowing owl, as in he hand feeds the one that hangs out where he works.

Anonymous 230911

*fyoooosh between trees
glinty eyes you spot from your driveaway getting home from work
Hoooo hooooooo

Anonymous 231792

They hoot and scream too. Sometimes they hiss like snakes when they are scared

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