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Anonymous 230490

It's incredible how disgustingly cruel and aggressive males are. They call women over emotional but then they'll commit a mass shooting because they couldn't get laid and call those mass shooters "chads" l. They want women as their eye candy and sex object, they barely view is as humans with our own thoughts and when women fight for the most basic rights and human decency they whine and complain endlessly. They call women whiny when they're sexualized (lately with ai) and they're obviously uncomfortable with it yet they will throw a tantrum upon the slightest discomfort and change of strays quo in their lives. All those "I hate my wife" comics from decades ago perfectly showcases how men views women, just bunch of objects that they can posses. Kind of like a trophy but when they realize their spouses have personal problems and have to went their emotions they start to get frustrated. And after all of that. they have audacity to ask why women these days are so "out of control" ,by which they mean they now stand up for themselves.

Anonymous 230491

shit I used the wrong picture

Anonymous 230498

Eh I hear that is the right one

Anonymous 230500

>They want women as their eye candy and sex object, they barely view us as humans with our own thoughts
This is literally my attitude towards men. The only people I can truly love and respect are women, hence why I think all misogynistic men are faggots in denial.

Anonymous 231191

why would men be aggressive towards women if they're competing against men for women? wouldn't it make sense for them to react like women in response to being told they're undesirable (i.e. internalizing their faults and working to be more attractive), rather than taking it out on women?

Anonymous 231245

>They call women whiny when they're sexualized (lately with ai)
Some of the ai stuff looks like borderline child porn it’s extremely odd

Anonymous 231273


Retaliation is more effective than concessions from a military standpoint.

Anonymous 231280

>military standpoint

Anonymous 231394

Does anybody also believe that the majority of men are followers? Bro culture is gross.

Men are hilariously stupid when it comes to friendships. They can have a friend who is so obviously a hater and so jealous of them, but they will think that friend has their best interest at heart. Men will literally leave a woman if their bros don’t like her. Women are so much smarter and will recognize when a friend is a hater.

I also agree that men are bigger drama queens. Women also tend to be forgiving. Men seem to keep grudges.

Anonymous 231395

the way men are so into internet fathers like Tate and Jordan Peterson also adds to my argument about men being followers. most of their online comments just serve to fuel echo chambers.

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