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Anonymous 230624

thoughts on kigurumi/animegao? and yes this is a person

Anonymous 230626

Much better than cosplayers, who just use the medium to show off how pretty/hot they are.

Anybody can be on a level playing ground with Kigs!

Anonymous 230634

moost times it's just use for AGPs, right?

Anonymous 230636

tranny thread

Anonymous 230637

yeah. there’s no way in hell that the primary buyers of these masks are actual female cosplayers (if you can call it that). it’s gotta be men who want to skinwalk as their waifu.

and even with agps aside, i still find them fairly freaky. it sets off the uncanny valley for me.

Anonymous 230638

idk, not OP but i like them. i think i'm ugly as shit tho

Anonymous 230673

If it wasn't so fetishized i think it could've been fun. There's a horror element to it that I enjoy.

Anonymous 230675

I only know about kigurumi from old /jp/ threads and I was never really interested in them.

Anonymous 230698

Triggers my fight or flight response, to be honest

Anonymous 230724


I love it, it's cute and creepy at the same time. I wish women dressed in these instead of creepy agp men though.

Anonymous 230735

dead women or living?

Anonymous 230864


Anonymous 231433

Very creepy. I think a movie about an anime obsessed weirdo waking up in a world full of this things and being scared of his wishes would be a hilarious horror/comedy

Anonymous 231436

The pics are okay, the motive behind it is weird, see a lot of them on twitter when going down rabbithole searches, they just seem creepy and fetish-y, esp when they got leather etc. stuff going on

Anonymous 231469

Anonymous 231583

i feel fantastic.j…

>it's cute and creepy
More creepy than cute. Like 99.9% creepy and 0.1% cute.

Anonymous 236977

I find it very cute, maybe i'm just deranged. Tara from your pic is creepy though.

Anonymous 236980

Its not creepy or cute, just distasteful and ugly.

Anonymous 236981

tbh i also think we should think about the societal implications of this
we all know many people (99% men) want an anime girlfriend or to be an anime girlfriend
will this change beauty standards for women to where we will all have to dress this way?
Will men begin to demand anime gfs?
Worse of all, will women become obsolete and men will instead just fuck eachother as anime girls?

Anonymous 236994

I have seen those being a thing for so long, yet I can't ever get used to how uncanny this is.

Anonymous 237678

It's the most accurate way to bring an anime character into the real world, so I gotta like it

Anonymous 237973

I've always wondered what anime girls would look like irl since i was a kid so part of me thinks it's really cool, however the other part of me that knows there's most likely a creepy moid with a fetish under there thinks its weird
>Worse of all, will women become obsolete and men will instead just fuck eachother as anime girls?
God I wish they would leave us alone and just fuck each other instead

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