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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 230653

I read tons of yaoi manga. My favorite author is Mishima Kazuhiko.

Anonymous 230654


Same, currently looking forward to picrel. Even though the comments on mrm are cringefail about it. Why read yaoi if a little manipulation pisses you off? That's yaoi culture.

Anonymous 230656


I love FAKE!

Anonymous 230657


Anonymous 230658


Anonymous 230660


I read tons of yaoi books.

Anonymous 230661


Antique Bakery and Gravitation are also enjoyable!

Anonymous 230662

Oh yeah? Name some then.

Anonymous 230663


I've never heard of this author before, but the cover reminds me of Princess Ai.

Anonymous 230666


I like yaoi mangas about stalkers

Anonymous 230668


Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Heaven Official's Blessing

OK that's about it

Anonymous 230669

Beautiful cover art!

Anonymous 230672

Anonymous 230699


Yeah how about not imposing it on the rest of us who love yaoi and lead pretty blissed out lives op. Not everyone who loves bl/yaoi has these problems.

Pretty sick of this stereotype. Most women ive known have enjoyed some version of it. This thread comes across like self imposed misogyny on steroids.

Anonymous 230701

I don't get where in OP you got the idea that she has problems

Anonymous 230703

if the shoe fits

Anonymous 230706

Picrel is misogynistic and snipey as hell.

Anonymous 230707

Anonymous 230709

What? Lol

Anonymous 230710

You're telling me you're samefagging now?

Anonymous 230711

Why are you making so many assumptions from thin air??

Anonymous 230712

I, too, find orange drinks misogynistic
, sister. Stay strong.
I think she means the butthole / ball sunning.

Anonymous 230713


>Yeah how about not imposing it on the rest of us who love yaoi and lead pretty blissed out lives op. Not everyone who loves bl/yaoi has these problems.

>Pretty sick of this stereotype. Most women ive known have enjoyed some version of it. This thread comes across like self imposed misogyny on steroids.

Please send links to similar artists anon

Anonymous 230714

Ops picrel sounds like pretty common moid harrassment, she's right tho.

Anonymous 230715

It's a meme

Anonymous 230717

Yeah it sounds like it was made for scrote humor.

Anonymous 230719

Have you never seen those hat memes before? It's not really scrotey at all in my opinion. Is it the 'women fear me' part? Read the whole hat, it's clearly exaggerated. The original irl hat says "fish fear me women love me" or something. This is just a dramatic version where everyone fears you. I mean look at how exaggeratedly large the hat is.

Anonymous 230720

Want a consolation…

You're mentally ill
Seek help

Anonymous 230721

Shouldn't this thread get moved to /media/?

Anonymous 230725

Thank you for giving me a big laugh

Anonymous 230726

That's just how her head is. Rude.

Anonymous 230733


Anonymous 230737

hey fujononas. use /media/

Anonymous 230742

fishing hat.jpg

I love the fishing hats meme, and I love that they are an actual thing that you can buy.
Sometimes I wish I could go fishing with this hat on.

Anonymous 230743


Anonymous 230744

Anonymous 230749

I thought it was kinda boring but there are only 2 chapters out

Anonymous 230775

i bought one for my father in law and he loves it
not the long bill one which i think would be better for fishing but the super tall head one lol

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