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Anonymous 231471

Why do strangers smile at me? Whenever I'm in public, other people, when they notice that I see them, give me a smile. Does this happen to everyone or just me? What does it mean? Am I supposed to smile back at them?
Pic unrel.

Anonymous 231474

They're just acknowledging that your eyes met, in a friendly way. I think it's mostly instinctual.
You can smile back or just look away, it doesn't really mean anything. It happens to everyone, unless you're a visible weirdo I guess.

Anonymous 231477


>It happens to everyone, unless you're a visible weirdo I guess.

Anonymous 231496


The fuck? I have to awkwardly force it every single time. It only comes naturally when I see my friends. Y'know, because I like them and enjoy spending time with them.

Anonymous 231502

You're probably just not super extroverted? The type of person who smiles at strangers probably is, and it comes naturally for them.

Anonymous 262096

Its called being polite

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