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Is anyone else really scared of getting hit in the vag? Anonymous 231763

I'm not kidding, I see a kid and I freak out that they might kick me since they are at a perfect height. I think it's because I was kicked pretty badly when I was small by some asshole.

It's just fucking scary to me

Anonymous 231773

Wear suit of armor undies

Anonymous 231783

the easiest way to get over this is to ask someone to kick you in the crotch repeatedly as exposure therapy

Anonymous 231816

how horrifying.png

>kick bf in balls as a joke
>says he'll get me back for it
i'm freaking out, what do?

Anonymous 231817

Did he laugh at your joke, Nona?

Anonymous 231821

Lol girl what? Even if you did it’ll be ok.

Anonymous 231826

we playfight sometimes, nothing serious, and i didn't mean to kick him that hard but he went down, like DOWN down. i mean i think he's taking it okay and maybe he was just joking and i said i was sorry, but i've spent the last few days just constantly freaking that he's gonna come up behind me and punt me.

Anonymous 231874

If he does its physical abuse.

Anonymous 231907

I get the context of this but like I never understand why other nonas can’t see how bad a move that is to men in general the most exposed internal organ is right there. And damage to any organ hurts like hell which is why our skeletons, muscles, and fat act as a biological function of protecting them. Yet their balls are right there just exposed to “keep cool”. It amazes me how they even manage to sit on them, except for the whole “spreading” thing.

Anonymous 231933

A light slap on their balls is all it takes to make them feel sick and like they just got full on punched in the stomach and kidneys. Don’t underestimate how vulnerable they are in that area

Anonymous 231934

Wear a plate over your crotch and get a friend to kick it until the idea of being kicked in the crotch no longer scares you, i.e. exposure therapy.

Yeah, I know like it sounds you'd still be afraid of it whenever you're not wearing the plate, but there is plenty of research that shows that exposure to one's fears in a controlled environment will still make a positive psychological impact regardless.

Anonymous 297031

i got kicked in the vagina

Anonymous 297034

and how was it

Anonymous 297043

Pretty cool ngl

Anonymous 297047

As long as they don't kick you on the bone is fine.

the bone hurts, A LOT.

Anonymous 297318


the worst is when you don't see it coming

Anonymous 302937

I have seen the nut punch go in two ways and only two ways.
1: obvious intense pain, possibly to the point of a long stun.
2: intense pain, transforming into incredible fury that people will be telling stories about.

I once saw a high school fight that was hideously one-sided turn around due to #2 there. You know that ancient boxing match video between Uwe Boll and Richard Lowtax Kyanka? It was that one-sided when the more obviously physically capable one decided to start on the nut shots on the wiry guy.

I would very strongly advise any nona who thinks striking the balls would be the great equalizer in a fight to instead invest in firearms and firearm training.

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