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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Larpers & trannies Anonymous 231811

Why is it so common to hear that cc is filled with larpers and trannies? Does this hold any truth? Do some of you have penis?

Anonymous 231813

60% of posters here are women.
20% are troons.
20% are shitstirring incels.
10% are shyguy spergs.

Anonymous 231832

Why chimpken break widow

Anonymous 231833

Most posters here are women, you can occasionally find males here and there though, because they are obsessed with us, but they make themselves pretty obvious by the way they write.

Anonymous 231834

Why chimken break widow…

Anonymous 231839

that's 110%

Anonymous 231846

why the groose break the winder

Anonymous 231849

Anonymous 231873

We need to compile a list of red flags someone is male. Things like racism and such.

Anonymous 231880

>Jew obsession, especially in otherwise serious political discussion.
>shilling of groups that only get the TE part of TERFdom right. (Daily Liar, Kiwifarms, etc.)
>Soyjak posters
>posts resembling common radfem strawmen attempting to pass as genuine opinions.

Anonymous 231882

10% are both troons and incels

Anonymous 231895


seething, impotent rage when a miner talks about a past abusive relationship because she's stupid for being deceived when she should have been fucking a "nice guy" instead = XY malding cause he isn't self-aware enough to manipulate any woman

Anonymous 231930

Earlier in this site's history, troons flocked here in droves to feel more "valid", and there were far too many women that were sympathetic at the time.

On both counts, this is no longer the case, but it's still not a legacy that's easily shed.

Anonymous 231984

At least it happens somewhere on this rotten fucking earth.

Anonymous 231985

What years abouts ?

Anonymous 231987

I don't think anyone mentioned dating preferences

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