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Zardoz Speaks-YORO…

Anonymous 232096

what does CC think about guns?

Anonymous 232097


on the same theme

Anonymous 232107

"Any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary"

Anonymous 232130

Get one.

Anonymous 232145

I like it when things go boom. I like being able to inflict instant karma. Unfortunately, handguns are illegal in my country, and the rifles I like is expensive. So I've been saving money and I go to the gun range to practice whenever I have some cash to burn. The long-term goal is to get into sniping, but the prices make my eyes water. I need a better job tbh.

Anonymous 232148

You're not going to snipe anything you ugly moidrot faggot.

Anonymous 232151

>moidrot faggot
Lmao what?

Anonymous 232155

Prove you're not ugly waste of space moid

Anonymous 232156

you might enjoy hunting. women hunters are on the rise, at least where I live

Anonymous 232157

Of course it's another round of "girls only like spinny skirts and barbie dolls". I won't be proving shit to you, sunshine. Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous 232158

Maybe. I don't like the thought of killing an animal unless it's for food, but I could totally see myself shooting rabbits and making some delicious stew and from what I see hunting trips are quite an experience. Thanks for the idea anon.

Anonymous 232159

More effective than pepper spray or a tazer. Although common sense is the best way to avoid a bad situation. Also having people and family in your life helps. Being alone is dangerous for a woman. Even a big dog can help protect you.

Anonymous 232160

yeah plus there's the wildlife care aspect. few people care as much about the game as hunters do. it is not uncommon to feed deer and moose during especially harsh winters where I live, and putting up salt licks

Anonymous 232167


I'm not overly found of what they did to Star Wars.

Anonymous 232172

Don't think it's the gun loving , it's the sniping. Such a scrote thing to declare to the world.

Anonymous 232173

This I could also do. Hunters stew.

Anonymous 232175

Wrong thread anon

Anonymous 232179

mae t-gewehr.jpg

>women can't have an interest in guns or gun sports

Anonymous 232184

i think its funny you're getting hated on for enjoying a sport/hobby (target shooting) that women in my local area consistently out perform the men lol

I'd love to get back into shooting because it's a more entertaining meditative alternative and because I miss the smell of gunpowder. Unfortunately my family barred me from my heirlooms/gifts from over the years for a mental health crisis…

Anonymous 232256


say that to her

Anonymous 232260


Anonymous 232296

My father has two shotguns and he let me go shooting with him years ago a handful of times. I shot a duck, about 4 woodcock, a snipe and I nearly shot a goose once. I find it very satisfying, I want to get back into it. My father doesn't go wildfowling anymore. When I was a child he used to make me and my brother pluck the birds he shot and I loved doing it for some reason. My brother is getting an air rifle. I hope he lets me practice shooting crows and rabbits. Yeah, I like guns. I don't know much about them but i like using them especially for hunting

It's still looked upon as odd, but men seem to really appreciate women taking interest in it which is good

Anonymous 232299

i make gun models irl

Anonymous 232308

I love the fact that Mae always smiles when firing machine guns

Anonymous 232346

100%, especially those lously pigeons and seagulls that skulk around

Anonymous 232363

I'm not being ironic or joking in the tiniest way when I say they should be illegal for males but not for females.
Men have already proven themselves to be irrational and emotional

Can't get sex? Kill 20 people
Annoying neighbor? Kill his entire family
Wife asked me to do the dishes? Kill her, out children and myself.

They go and murder wildlife just for fun, they're savages.
Every woman should carry a gun to be able to defend herself against men.

Anonymous 232369

Female Kurdish sni…

Anonymous 232370

wups actually meant to reply with the YPJ sniper to someone else. they give daesh moids the creeps because they believe if they die in battle to a woman then they don't go to heaven

Anonymous 232372

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