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Opinions on Lil Peep? Anonymous 232339

IMO, he is partially to blame for the Xandemic that occurred amongst youth between 2016 and 2019. He heavily glamorized drug use in his music marketed to impressionable teenage girls, although he was likely an industry plant and this was the intention of his management.

In the Netflix documentary about his life, his sob story seemed completely contrived for the documentary with a purpose of portraying him as a tortured soul softboi. It seems like he was a total psychopath who had way too much fun and suffered the consequences.

Anonymous 232340

Dumb junkie who made mediocre music.
Just like every rapper who's gotten to mainstream popularity in the last 10 years.
I wouldn't blame him for the xandemic though. Bartards were already a thing before his music came along.

Anonymous 232341

God, just viewed images of his old tweets and they were embarrassing to say the least. He barely knew how to type in English. Obviously a low-IQ individual.

Anonymous 232387

His music was amazing and a staple in the subgenre, obviously very inspired by Bladee as he himself recognized, but still original nonetheless. I don't think he contributed much to the xandemic, if you knew about Lil Peep and enjoyed his music while he was still alive chances are you already knew about benzos/used them to some extent.
His modern fanbase is extremely cringe though.

As for his death, I'd rather say that he was surrounded by psychopaths who didn't care that their friend OD'd and didn't bother to call help.

Anonymous 232391

Zoomers really are racing to the bottom for their cultural icons. Prob 15 years out from everyone wanting to be Shitstain, famous for wearing white shirts and pants covered in stains from him wiping his ass with or sex icon Vomchug, whos big booty 2nd to her love of chugging vomit. 200 million records sold pop icons. kids will beg to be Vomchug and Shitstain

Anonymous 232405

emo rap fans need to die

Anonymous 232406

I'm too old to know who he is.

Anonymous 232420

Then just say nothing at all.
I swear to god, why do old people look for any opportunity to bitch about how old they are? No one cares.
And for the record, he died 7 or 8 years ago so unless you are 35+ you aren't really too old.

Anonymous 232422

the iick

Anonymous 232430

His music is very cool, yes it is a little cringe at points but most music can be cringe if not viewed through the right lens.
His music is great to listen to late at night in your room with just a candle on, its very immersive for some reason, especially his unreleased stuff.

As usual his label exploited him and didn't care if he died, since it is beneficial to them if he dies so they can continue to peddle his music and branding without his input.

His mom is suing his label right now

Anonymous 232431

I like some of his songs because they remind me of good times

I heard that one his exes lol gave him an overdose


dont be mean,

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