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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 232719

Do you agree?

Anonymous 232725

No, this is bullshit.
>If you look ugly is because you're a shitty person with "ugly thoughts".
>If you have "good thoughts" you'll look beautiful no matter how "ugly" you are.
This feels both like a cope for the ugly to feel better and at the same time blaming the ugly for being ugly because they did something to deserve it.
It is true that confidence and positivity are attractive qualities but they won't make you more physically appealing.

Anonymous 232735

It makes perfect sense to me.

Anonymous 232736

newfag theres already threads for this. this didnt deserve its own thread

nvm youre a scrote. desu this is the worst attempt at psyoping ive seen

Anonymous 232740

Yeah that doesn't explain attractive people with shit personalities op.

Anonymous 232752

As long as they're not fugly men.

Anonymous 232754

Typical Pollyanna bullshit.
I was pure-hearted and ugly as a kid, the more hateful I became the prettier I got.
Just commuting, all I think about is stabbing people who don't walk straight nowadays.

Anonymous 232757

I'm a bitch with anger about so many things, and I'm maybe 2 things going wrong in my life max from releasing it on the world and I'm also a babe.
So no it's bot true.

Anonymous 232758

I feel like it is trying to say that eventually, everyone will be "ugly," even the pretty people. This is true with age– nobody will be conventionally pretty forever. So if you have a bad personality, eventually you will be ugly on the inside and out.
But if you are pleasant, even if you are ugly, people will look at you in a nicer light (or at least the people who know you).

But I've seen ugly people with bad personalities before and pretty people with bad personalities so shrugs

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